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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1907)
THE DAILT OOOS DAY TIMES, MARBRFIELD, OhKUON) SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 1007. LODGE DIRECTORY Meeting Nights and Officers Of Coos Bay Orders tu MASONIC. Jtlnnco Lodge, No. 48, A. F. & A. M. Richard Walters, W. M.; Nor ris Jensen, Secretary. Meets Sat urday on or before full moou. Ma sonic Tomple. Arago Cliniitcr, No. 22, II. A. M. H. Lockhart, High- Priest; Albert See- Hg, Secretary. Meets last Wednes- day each month, Masonic Temple. Pacific Cominantlcry. C. W. Tower, Eminent Commander; Albert Seo llg, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Mondays each month, Ma sonic Temple. Doric Chapter, No. 53, O. E. S. Mrs. C. Marsh, W. M.; Mrs. O. Ma carty, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Masonic Tem ple. ODD FELLOWS. Sunset Lodge, No. 51, I. O. O. P. L. Plauz, N. G.; Is. Lando, Secre tary. Meets In Odd Fellows Hall. Sunset Encampment, I. O. O. F. A. Hngenmeister, C. P.; I. Landon, Scribe. Meets first and second Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Western Stnr Lodge, Itcbckulis. Mrs. Tom Coke, N. G.; Mrs. Lizzie But ler, Seqrotary. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Myrtle Lodge, No. 3, K. P. Chas. Nordstrom, C. C; Tom Hall, Keep er of Records. Meets first and third Mondays, K. P. Hall. WOODMEN OF THE AVORLD. Camp No. 100, W. O. W. W. P. Murphy, C. C; W. U. Douglas, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Coos liny Circle, No. 1C4, Women of lgOBnnBniKBBDBBHBSBBHHHHHHEBDHanHaHBHDBBBHHnBnBUflBBBBB EEI3BlVnBSSEinMUBEMEMMHU0nBIMHanonFHnaHI ilVJ The now Famous Palace Restrurant is going to give to its worthy competitor a new lead by announcing, that on Sunday next, June 24th, and every Sunday thereafter, it will serve a FRENCH DINNER. In this new feature the managemens will spare neither pains nor expense. The culinary department is in charge of the popular French Chef, A. Chartier, lately of the "Poodle Dog" Rest., San Francisco, and "Sea Beach" Hotel, Santa Cruz. Telephone for your seats. Best of service assured to all. The following is the Menue for Sunday, July 24th. I ' I Raddishes Olives tH . H u Consomme St. Julien H I ' Vr, I Lamb Cutlets a la Villerol Pineapple Fritters , "-, jr . ? - ' . H Roaat Spring Chicken, Oyster Dressing I i 4 i t : " r K l H Prime Ribs of Beef, au Jus B Waldorf Salad New PeaaF jb H ni,.0. Assorted Fruit I &' M Charlotte uiusa uaicu Woodcraft. Mrs. Nora Daly, G. N. Mrs. M. Cowan, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Odd Fellows Hall. RED MEN. Cooi Tribe, No. 33, Imp'roved Order of Rodmen. F. A. SacchI, Sa chez; George Farrln, Keeper of Record. Meets Thursdays, Red "T-r'n iivix FRax-CTAIi CNION OF AMERICA. T. NIcols, F. M.; Mrs. Nelllo Owen, Secretary. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Old Masonic Hall. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUHLIC. linker Post, No. 8, Department of Oregon. W. E. Thorpe, Com mander; I. S. Kaufman, Adjutant; C. W. Tower, Q. M. Meets second Tuesday each month, Longshore men's Hall. SUOMI SOCIETY. W. M. Hagqulst, President; John Backman, Secretary. Meets first and third Wednesdays, hall over Times Office. EAGLES. Mnrsliflclil Aerie, No. 538, Fraternal Order of Eagles. T. J. Lewis, W. P.; H. McLain, secretary. Meets every Wednesday evening in Ea gle's Hal on Front street, at 8 p. m. Degree of Pocnliontns. Sacajawea Council, No. 9. Meets first and third Thursdays. Maggie Welder, Pocahontas; Ora McCarty, Keeper of Records. Note. The Times would like to print tho name and meting nights of every lodge on Coos Bay. This Directory is for the general Infor mation of tho public and no charge is made. If North Bend organiza tions will send their names in tho same will be appreciated. Editor. FOR SALE Household goods for sale and house for rent. Address Mrs. J. F. Bowman, Marshfield. NT A Notice to Epicureans Sfottrfj Itmtr Chicken Salmon Cutlet, boiled, Oyster Sauce" ., Duchesso Potatoes Braized Tenderloin of Beef a la Hussard Chicken Sauto a la Marengo .- -. New iPotatoea in Cream . $, Strawberry' .s.Sflr 5 r. - 7 . WANTED. A woman to do family washing. Address . O. Box 31, North Bend. FOR RENT A 7-room house in South Marshfield. Peter Claussen. GEM RESTAURANT, NORTH BEND. Open day and night. Serves everything tho market affords. FOR SALE A farn, of 80 acres on Daniels' Creek. Address E. R. Jones. Box 110, Marshflold. 5-26-1 FOR SALE A small improved farm. This is a bargain. Apply at Hall & Hall's office. 6-1-1 WANTED Boy or girl, 16 years old or over, to learn the cigar making trade; wages paid while learning. App'y over Times Building, Coos Bay Cigar Co. WANTED Men to work in sawmill, iwages ?2 per day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. 8-241tf. FOR SALE Four acres of land in South Marshfield for the next sixty days. Address B. A. 11. 413012m. WANTED 1,000 Neckties to clean and press, 5 cents each. Unique Pantorium. FOR SALE A gasoline launch 2S feet long, 5-horso-power union engine, 7 feet beam and 28 feet scow, beam 8 feet. Jno. Emgren, Marshfield. FOR RENT Seven room house. Cor. Broadway and Washington. Ct C. H. Marsh. NOTICE Pure Jersey milk delivered at your door. East Port Dairy. Eton Metlin, deliverymau. W. C. Music. FOR RENT Offlco rooms in Rogers Building fronting on A street. Ap ply to A. O. Rogers. 6t Salted Almonds a la Reine , 5 ' ,.' - , v , Curaco glaco Nuts '? Ico Creanof M ' rATAU&28l90a V Fitting Glasses is no side line with us we devote our "whole time I- to it OUR MOTTO BEST SERVICE EST GOODS We are equiped to furnish both F. J. HAYES EGGS can furnish the following Thoroughbred Eggs at $2.00 Per Setting lUiode Island Reds Uarred Ptymouth Rocks White Leghorns Pekin Ducks JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in tho county. 15S2SaE!S222SEK2a? fc Dr. Bancroft FOR. ra visktai. iwwirrvrs NERVOUS CHR.ONIC ILLS Office opp. Central Hotel SKATING RINK An n ouncements: Open every evening from 7 to 10, and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 5, week days only. Prices: 25 cents for use of Rink skates. 15 cents for those using their own skates. . 10 cents admission to Gentlemen evenings. Special attention given to children Saturday after noon. Best of order always maintained. D L Avery, Manager If you don't see any fun in Marshfield drop around to the shooting gallery on Front St. Prizes offered for best shots Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSIIFIE D, OREGON. Capua! Bubscrlbed J50.000 Capital raid Up $40,000 Undivided Prodis 35,000 Doe a general banking business and draws ou the Dank ol California. Ban Francisco Calll., First National Bank Portland Or., Flrsl National Bank, RosebUVg, Or., Hanover Na tional Bank, New York, N. M. Itotbchtld & Bon, London, England. Also sell change on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for ront at 6 cents a month or 13. a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Oakley & Arnold I CIVIL ND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS North Bend, Ore. Phoael210 Offic la Mjtri BIJf. TheC.B.,R.&E.R.R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. 2. In EfTcct January 1, 1007. All previous schedules are void. Subject to change without notice. W. S. Chandler, manager; P. A. Lalse, freight agent; general offices, Marshfield, Oregon. No. 1. Trains. Dally Except Sunday. I Stations. Leave 9:00 a. m.Marshfleld. 9:30 a. m.B. II. Junction. 9:45 n. m.jcoqulllc. Arrive 10:30 a.m. Myrtlo Point. No. 2. Dally Except Sunday. Leave 10:45 a. m.Myrtle Point 10:30 r m.Coqulli. 12:00 m. B. L.. Junction. Arrive 12:80 p.m.MarshQeld. Extra trains will run on dally special orders. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. rzgacigHsgaMUifldtagaKaJiJiJMMJiggCT W. A. HARING Dealer in Puro Cream Milk and Buttermilk. Fieo de livery to all parts of fhe city. North Bend, Ocegon Now Ready HOTEL OREGON New and Modern Sample Rooms in Connection NORTH BEND, ORE lank of ffirwjmt (Sauital ntarU fully uattnji sn.nnn. (Erattnarta a unttral Hanhtun Buolittnn. Jfartlj iBntii, (Drenmt Pull the BELL CORD Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop. Front Street, : : MorsMleld, Oregon Nelson Iron Works P. E. NELSON, Prop We repair all kinds of Machinery, Steam and Gas Engines, Guns and Bi cycles. Best of work our Specialty. : : We manufacture Castings in Iron and Bronze for Baw Mills and Loggfng Camps. Wo make the best Bheavcs end Road Spools for Loggers. : : : TELEPHONE DM MARSHFIELD. - - OREGON F. H. BRIGHAM ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT Plana and specifications made for all classes of buildings. North Bend, Oregon PHONE 541 STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergrass, Master TIMXJ TABLE. Loaves Marshfield 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:4C and 11:15 a. m., and 1:45, 8:15 and 6:00 p. m. Makes daily trips oxcept Sun days. Fare: due way, IB cents; xound trip, 25 e'en' p. Steam" Dye Works J. ,C'tTMt. 1 4dlwaiatfi&'a4ricinaolin. " edordytftl, PWlip Becker, froprielw. Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. FHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat a specialty. Office- in Lockhart's Building. Marshfield, Oregon DR. HAYDON Ofligc opposlto Union Furniture Store. Houia 10 to 1nnd 2 to S Special attcntfon paid to diseases of the ckln urinary and digestive organs U. S'. Pension examtnci Marshfield, Oregon DR. J. W. INGRAM. Pliyslclnn nnC Burgeon. Oinc over Sengstacken's Drug Store Phouea Offlco 1G21; residence 783. U. SI. IUCIIAIinSON, Pliyslclnn ntul Surgeon. DIsenses of eye, ear, nose and Ihroat a specialty. Ofllce In Eldorado Block. Lawyers. E. Ij. O. FAIIRIN. At torncy- -n t-Lnw. City Attorney. Doputy DIst. Att'y. Lockhart Building. Marshfield, Oro Phone 44. L. A. LILJEQV1ST, IiAAVVER, United States Commissioner, U. S. Land Mutters. Filings, Entries, Proofs, Contests, etc. J. M. UPTON, Attorricy-nNLnw. Marshfield. ... Oregon. J. W. BENNETT, Ofllce over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshfield, Oregon. 0. f. Mcknight, Attorney-ut-Lnw. Upstairs, Bennett & Walter block. Marshflold, ... Oregon. J. W. SNOVEB Attoniey-nt-Law Ofllce: Roger j building Marshflold, Orogon COKE & COICE, Attorncy-at-Law. Marshfield, ... Oregon. PIXLEY & MAYBEE, A.orneys-at-Ijaw. Ofllce over Myers' Store. Phono 701 . . . North Bend, Ore. Real Estate Agents. DIEIt LANtt COMPANY Heal Estate Brokers North Bend, ... Oregon. MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phone 1884. I. - I Mcl'herson umser Co. Wholesale liquor doaler Cigars and saloon sup plies. California Winex a Specialty Front St., Marshfield Coos Bay Steam Laundry 0f- MARSHFIEID and NORTH BEND All work now done at the North Bend Plant Edgar 1auzey Agent, Marshfkkl North Beml Plr 1031 Htrshnekl Pju- Irt m -WfeU I " lu,' m"J w m" ww v if r i wfcwuw a' am jihi i-wraww