TITO DAILT COOB BAT CIMC& MARBniHELP; OK1W0N, SATL11DAV. .TUNE 22, J007 THE REFUGEES Bg A. CONAN DOYLE, Anllior of "The. Return of Sherlock Holmes" v t COPVRIGnT. 1803. BY nAHPER tusn or joy snot over no catinni s fingers closed round the pistol, (vas Indeed a key to unlock the of pence. Adclo Liad lnld her ( against his shoulder nnd laughed Measure. ju will forgive me, dear?" he Icred. tglve youl I bless you nnd love Mth my wiiolo heart nud soul." t had Bunk on their knees togcth- n three warriors entered the hut Lid a few abrupt words to their woman. She rose with a y are waiting for mo," said she. BROTHERS ana comaors or Versailles. As to Captain Ephralm Savage, ho returned safely to his beloved Boston, where ho fulfilled his ambition by build ing himself a fair brick house upon the rising ground in the northern part of the city, whence ho could look down both upon tho shipping In thot river nnd the bay. The manor house of La Ste. Mario was soon restored to Kb former pros perity, but Its seigneur was from the day that ho had lost hlstwlfo and son n changed man. Ho growl leaner, fiercer, less humVin, forever heading parties which mode their wayinto tho Iroquois woods nnd which outrivaled tho sav- shall see, White Lily, and you J ages themselves In the terrible naturo konsleur, how well I know what to my position. Farewell, and ber Onega 1" k-, Amory," wnispereu aucio, ) her eyes and nestling still clos- lim. hlsed tho pistol, nnd then, with a 'sudden lntnklng of the breath, Eipcd It and knelt with glaring oklng up at n tree which faced n door of the hut is a beech tree, exceedingly old mrled, with Its bark hanging of their deeds. A day came nt last when he sallied out upon one of these expeditions from which neither ho nor any of his men ever returned. THE END. Petty Crltlclam. , Cyrus Small's time was largely spent In 'discovering tho faults and shortcom ings of things nnlmato and Inanimate, while Mrs. Small, as It seemed, was equally vigilant In attempting to bring forward fiomothliiD- of tvlilrh Rlin pnnlil In strips nnd Its whole trunk sny "Thero, you can't pick any flaws . with moss and mold. Soma t above the ground the main divided Into two, and In the fork trmed a hand had suddenly np- a large reddish hand, which Frantically from side to sldo in ate dissuasion. The next in- .s tho two captives still stared sement the hand disappeared be lie trunk again, and a face np- ln Its place, which still shook pde to side as resolutely us Its ner. It was Captain Ephralm of Boston. pven as they stared and won- sudden shrill whistle burst out e depths of the forest, and in a f every bush and thicket and bf brushwood was sprouting I smoke, while tho snarl of the ry ran round the whole glade, storm of bullets whizzed and mong the yelling savages. The sentinels had been drawn In In that!" Once she thought this happiness would be hers. A certain man In the town Inherited largo wealth under pe culiar circumstances. It was his un der the law, but whenthe court award ed It to him he stood up and said that, In view of all the facts in the case, ho believed that tho property belonged of right to another heir. His action wns generally looked upon as a noblo one. Mrs. Small was loud in her expres sions of praise. "Yes, I know," said her husband, "'twas a flno thing. Few men would have done It, and that's why he felt so awkward to stand up there and say .what he did. He showed that he felt embarrassed by tho way ho stood." "Cyrus Small, I should hope you would not And fault with his attitude when ho was doing such a grand thing!" "Oh, no; I have no wish to criticise," said Cyrus, "but If I had been on tho platform, facing nil thoso people, I should havo tried to too out a llttlo more." Ella llood, N. O.; Mrs. Llzzio But ler, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. KNIGHTS OK I'VTHIAS. Myrtle Lodge, No. 3, K. P. Chas. Nordstrom, C. C; John Hall, Keep er of Records, Meets first and third Mondays, K. I. Hall. WOODMEN OF THE WOULD. Camp No. 100, W. O. W. A. B. Campbell, C. C; W. U. Douglas, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Coos liny Circle, No. 104, Women of Woodcraft. Mrs. Kato Lando, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Odd Fellows Hall. MODERN' AVOODMEN OF AMERICA. Coos liny Camp, No. 8408. T. H. NIcols, V. C; W. J. Butler, Secre tary. Meets second and fourth Saturdays, Old Masonic Hall. RED MEN. Coos Tribe, No. 33, Improved Order of Redmen. S. B. Cathcart, Sa chem; Sam. Marsden, Keeper of Records. Meets Thursdays, Red Men's Hall. FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA. T. Nicols, F. M.; Mrs. Nelllo Owen, Secretary. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Old Masonic Hall. GRAND AltMV OF THE REPUBLIC. linker Post, No. 8, Department of Oregon. W. E. Thorpe, Com mander; I. S. Kaufman, Adjutant; C. W. Tower, Q. M. Meets second Tuesday each month, Longshore men's Hall. SUOMI SOCIETY. W. M. Hagquist, President; John Backman, Secretary. Meets first and third Wednesdays, hall over Times Offlce. EAGLES. Mnrshflc,ld Aeire, No. 538, Fra ternal Order of Eagles. T. J. Lewis, W. P., Georgo Stolz, secretary. Meets every Wednesday evening in Eagle's Hall on Front Stroet, at 8 p. m. T "J PATAUCieiJOO, ) Fitting Glasses is no side line with ' us we devote our whole time to it t OUR MOTTO BEST SERVICE BEST GpODS I We oreequtpedto furnish both ' F. J. HAYES TheCB.,R.&R.R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. 2. w - -- .a In Effect Jnnuary 1, 1007. All previous schedules aro void. Subject to change without noUco. W. S. Chandler, manager: F. A. Lalso, frblght agent; general offices, Matrshfleld, Oregon. Business Directory Doctors. No. 1. Trains. EGGS I can furnish the following Thoroughbred Egga at $2.00 Per Setting Itjiodo Island Reds BarVed PlyinautlARocka While Leghorns I'ckin Duck JOHN W. FLANAGAN (Send in your orders Iow Eggs Shipped Anywhere in tho county. I Dally Except Sunday. Stations. Lavo 9:00 a. m.Marshfleld. 9:30 a. m.B. H. Junction. 9:45 a. m.Coqullle. Arrive 10:30 a.m.jMyrtlo Point. No. 2. Dally Except Sunday. E. E. SiritAW, M. D. rilVSICIAN .AND 8UKOEON Disease1 of the Eye, Ear Nose and' Threat a specialty. Office in Lonkhnrt'a Rtu'M.'..,. Marshfield, orefon; DR. HAYDON ?0?o0ffi?iMion Furn'tu" Store. JXu ?&vSen9r1v,?jlr,e8 ihk" u. o.-i-ensjon cxamlnet Marshfield, Oregon DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Surgeon,, n Offlc? over Sengstaoken'a Drug Store. Phones Office 1621; residence 783. Leave 10:45 a. m.Myrtlo Point. 10:30N; m.CoguiHe. 12:00 rdB. K. Junction. Arrive 12:80 p.rtf.JMarshfiQld. Dr. Bancroft for Extra trains will run on dally special orders. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. i f B. M. RICHARDSON, , Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. 'Offlce In Eldorado Block. I r h W. A. HAVING ' Dealer in Pure Cream Milk and Buttermilk. Freo" do livory to all parts of flie city. North Bend, Oregon WANT AD: lie fired both barrels. bloodthirsty craving to see loners die, and now the Cana pro upon them, and they wore in by a ring of fire. First one I then another they rushed, to always by the same blast of ntil, finding at last souio gap ittack, they streamed off like rough a broken fence and rush 7 away Into tho forest icro was ono savage who had ork to do before he fled. Tho Bastard had preferred his co to his safety. Bushing nt io burled his tomahawk in her ad then, yelling his war cry, ho he blrpd stained weapon above ana rusned into the hut where oners Btill knelt De Catlnat i coming, and a mad Joy glls- his eyes. Ho rose to meet him, he rushed la ho fired both bar-' lis pistol into the Bastard's face, jint later a swarm of Canadians) aed over the writhing body, tho felt warm friendly hands rasped their own, and, looking e smiling well known faces of reen, Savage and Du thut, tw that peace had como te them Tlie Wrong IVny. Tho late John C. Palgo had at one timo ns a protege the son of a very particular friend, a pleasant, gentle manly young fellow, but always ready to make a bet or to take a hand In a quiet game, nnd on this account it was thought best by his parents to' send him to Boston on a limited Income with tho hopo of breaking away from old associates and of getting some business energy Into him. Mr. Palgo gavo him some good, whole some advice and started him along In business, particularly Instructing him to "get his namo before tho public to let tho people know he was living," etc. Not very long after this Boston de but Mr. Palgo very lato ono evening was requested to call at a nearby po llco station. The young man, It ap peared, had got Into n very noisy gamo and wns arrested, but not before ho had been cleaned out of everything ho possessed. "Woll, young man," said Mr. Paige, "this is .nice, Isn't It?" "Woll, sir, you told mo to got my namo before, tho public." "Oh, yes," Mr. Paige replied, "but I didn't tell you to have a judge and Jury go with it to fix the advertising rates." Boston Herald. FOR SAE-yHouseholdV aSods for sale anQliouso for reny Address Mrs. J.F. Bowman, MaPshfleld. 5-16 VISUAL DEFECTS NERVOUS x CHRONIC ILLS Office opp. Central Hotel Now Ready HOTEL OREGON r. New and Modern Sample Iooms in Connection NORTH BENaOE. Lawyers. E. L.fO. FABRIN. t r ' Attorney-ni-Law. City Attorney. Deputy Dlst. Att'y. Lockhart Building.' Ma'rshfleldr Oro. Phono-44. v ""' FOR SALE-A farru ofS0acres on Daniels' Jefeek. Addrass E. R Jones-ffloxvllO, Marshfield. 5-2 C-l ; .. I T-TTTV FOR SAKE AifTrSti, For MrtlculatB inqUV M I ."Class rflikicow. Ajfo. Swops. L-29-5 FOR SALE tAmiall imprayedfarm. This is a btfrgaln. Applet Hall & Hall'sfefflco. jT 6-1-1 i " 1 WANTED Boy or-girl, 16 yearsold or over, Pp learn the clgarlmfiklng trade; wa Apply ovi uay cigar paid while Times Build: to. niff, rning. Coos WANTED Menib work ir sawmill, (wages ?2pcr day andyfpward. Simpson Lflbiber Co. 8-241tf. SKATING RINK An n ountements: Open every (evening from 7 to 10,' and Saturday afternoons! from 2 to 5, week days'only. Prices: 25 conts for use of Rink skates. 15 cent for thoso using their itownpkates. 10 coAls admission to Gentlemenj evenings. Special attention given to children Saturday after- ttk A jiifnl utnr Mlt iff ton vmnn (Stuiifnt flfnrlt fulht lmibun 50.nnn: y CJrtmjwpa n 0tralVankhtn Suauinw. t Nnrjtlj tfrtto, (bmuitt j L, A. LIWEQVIST LAWYER, ,(I,,J,, "United States Pommlssloner, iU.k S. -Lnud. Betters. Entries, Proofs, Contests,' ctei . J. U. UPTON, ' Attornoy-af.Law. Marshflejd, ... Oregon. FOR SAIjB-t Four acres Tkl land In South Mirshfleld for the JJfat sixty days.yAddress B. A. ll413i)12m, LODGE DIRECTORY Meeting Nights and Officers Of Coos Bay Orders WANTEDVKOOO Necktfts .to cfean m and presJC C cents eaclv Unique Pantoyl FOR SALE A feasolino-launch 28 feet long, B-horso-uerwer union engine, 7. scow, be Marshfield jr seguhm and 28 feet 8 feet. Jno. Emgren, noon, Best of majntair always ined. D L Avery; Manager T Pull the BELL CORD WetVpur Whistle Then Blow J.R, HERRON, Prop. Fropt Street, i : Alarslifleld.Oreeon J. V. BENNETT, .-i - - . . : i Offlco (over Flanagan &' Bonnett" Bank. '' '"", ' Marshflold,, . . . .Oregon. O. F. McnNIGHT, ' " " " (Attorney-at-Law. -'' ''' "' Upstairs, ' Bennett & Walter' block, Marshflnl'rt. . . 'i-A.U-"'' ' Marshflold, Oregpi t VS6 KKT f ' FOR REN(T Cor. Broadv 6t ven room house. and Washington. C. H. Mfirqh. MASONIC. Blanco Lodge, No. 48, A. F. & A. M. Richard Walters, W. M.; Nor rla Jensen, Secretary. Meets Sat urday on or before full moon. Ma sonic Templo. Arngo Chapter, No. 22, R. A. M. H. Lockhart, High Priest; Albert Beo lig, Secretary. Meets last Wednes day each month, Masonic Temple. Pacific Commandery. C. W, Tower, Eminent Commander; Albert See . llg, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Mondays each month, Ma sonic Templo. Doric Chapter, No. 53, O. E. S. Mrs. J. R. Rochon, W. M.; Mrs. O. Ma carty, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Masonic Tem ple. ODD FELLOWS. Sunset Lodge, No. 61, I. O. O. F. Chas. Jackson, N. G.; Is. Lando, Secretary.. Meets In Odd Fellows Hall. imon dangers that they soon Sunset Encampment, I. O. O. F. Is. p the refugees came to tho end olIs of their Journey, for that vas Bpent by them In peace at I L "u "i"'"B, w- ivjug carried tho war to tho jf. Lawrence, the travelers were I descend into tho English prov d so to mako their wnv down Json to New York, where a .ciL-omo awaitea them from tho Amos Green. Tho friendship i tho tWO men wns now nn nn. together by common memories NOTICE-Pure Jersey mllkCdelhrdred. at ymir idoor. East PortDairy. Etoi Merlin, dellverymanV ' W. CJldic. FOR RENT. Offlce roomgln Rogers Building IontlnsrA street. Ap ply to a i If you don't seeVur fun in Marshfield drop arod to the shootinpfallery on ffpnt St. Prices ffered lobe$t shots Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAKSIipiE D. OnEQON. uapuniHiihscnbort IW.ooo Capital I'ald Up ,000 unuirioca rronis tta.uuu Nelson Iron Works P. B. NELSON, Prop ... J Injjli work .x-v f e Wo repair aXXf kinds o! Machinery, oieiun nini ima iinjjine?, uuns ana ui cyclcs. Bost oi work our Specialty. : : Wo manufacture Castings in Iron and Ilronzo .for Saw Mills a,nd Logging Camps We make tho beat Sheaves ud Koad Spools for.Loggers : : : I I ; ri r TELEPHONE 92t MARSHFIELD, ! - OREGON J. W. SN&VER 4Attornoy-at-Low Offlde: Rogorf building " Marshflold; twm Oregon COKE & COKE, Attornoy-nfLaw. Marshfield, Oregon. PIXLEY & BIAYBKE, Atto; Offlco ovi Phono 701 racys-nt-Law. r. Myers Store. North Bend, Ore. V DIER T Real Estate Affents. Doeii a general banking business and draws ) Jfl.-Jto'gerB. Ct WAI'DRESS (exporTenfced) w&nted at th 'Java Coffee Aouso.Owagea lwpr week. V partners in fur trading, and tho mo rreaenman camo at last familiar In tho mountains of IM on tho slopes of tho Allegha Lando, C. P.; Geo. Farrln, Scribe. Meets first and second Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. WANTED' TOEXCHANGE North Bond' and Marshflold property for Mllllngton' 'proerty. VAodresa P. O. BtJx 329. WANTEfV-A woman to dofrfmIly washlnVT Address . O. J&x 31, Norty BjOndl f ( ou tho Hanlf ot Oallfornla San KrancIco Calif., First National Dank Portland Or., Kirsl National Bank, RosebUVg.jOr., Hanover Na. tional Bank, New YorkJN. M. Ilotbchild S oun, Lonuop, i.ngiana. Also sell (jhange on nearly all tho principal cities of uropc. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for rout atv6 cents a month or ?5, a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS FOR SALE Farm wojjdlf and spring wagon, chejv.yvhaB. Doane, Marshfield, Oter FOR SALK CHEAP J flno crfhdltlon. Call Wadr s vnachlno sho jrcyclo, In jam FOR nENT-T-A 7-room m v SouthUfarshfiold. Peter VUt Will npfiiQ in jXaussen. t had pnc.0 been In tho,Balpns Western Star Lodge, Rcbekalts. Mrs. GEM RESTAURANT, NQRTI Open yWay and night oveaTHlng tho market j6end. Y Serves I ailprds. Oakley & Arnold 5? CIVIL ND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS North Bend, Ore. Phonel210 Office In M;en Bldj. R H. BRrGHAM ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT Plans and specifications made for all classes of buildings. ' . North Bend, , Oregon LAND" COMPANY Real Estate Brokers North Bend, - . . Oregon. MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Tainhi; of all kinds. Phono 1884. -'J tT-' McPherson Ginser Co. PHONE 541 STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pcndcrgrass, Master mi,lE TABLET LeavesMarshfleld 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 a. m and,l:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. m. Loaves Siorth ,Bend at B:1B, 9:4pfand 11:15 a, m and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 pm. Makes dally trips except Ppn. days. Faro; One way, 16 conts; round trip, 25 con's. Wljolosalo liquor dealers OigarB and saloon sup plies. J i California Winex a Specialty Front. St., Marshflold ,- '.V Steam Dye Wo;ks C Street. UuJIon oiiiUients' guru rule clean el or dywlf Philip BecRcr, ProprU'Iw. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Of- MARSIIFIp..ndoptH)pD AH jvofk po clne'aJt the North Bend; Plant Cdgai 'Vflauzey . Agent, Marshfield ' I North Bend Ph 1031 Marshfield P. '.flU mi t