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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1907)
THK DAILY OOOS BAT TIMES, lAlWHFtETai, OREGON, "" c ttCfignA? inttnB i'8T ftfftlT ?tt r m ? - 'i (t"mi i'- iaj -j'w i j&jj jjfje,jjmjjj&j0u& m jj JUNE iJ WEDDING This isY the month of weddingp Rings on the best varieties .h i f 4 1 j' I I RUBIES Iffliad tlaer 1 PRECIOUS STONES l J 1 I 1 wwtliwwwHMwmwi" fonrworas. MARSH BE IHHH ' SkTP B l tte day fi re vivaiu I b Quiet, 1 1 aiidymoder- I 1 is told in 1 1 est? 1 i i i mm a m B REA&Y TO SERVE Any Hour i at the La -Bo lunch counter. quick clean ate. The story LUNCH LA BON WANT North Front. Street Opposite City Hall SPORT GOSSIP l ! j $$$$ j j $$$ j j COOS COUNTY LEAGUE. Sunday's Results. Coquille, 7; North Bend, 0. Marshfield, 15; Bandon, 1. How Tlicy Stnml. Marshfield 1,000 North Bend 000 Coquille 500 Bandon 000 Next Sunday. North Bend at Marshfield. Bandon at Coquille. .j. $ $ $ .j. $ $ l ! 1 $ $ J $ $ l hlh bill if ainrsJiflcld Scalps lliimlonifcs by Score of 15 to 1 Attendance Siunll. Sunday afternoon Marshfield placed herself at the head of the percentage column by winning the game from Bandon at the same time North Bfcnd dropped from her 1,000 percentage basis by letting Coquille take her Into camp to the tune of 7 to 0, thus rais ing Coqullle's percentage from three ciphers to 5b 0. The crowd that went over on the excursion was not as big as had been expected, which fact is charged to the Eagle picnic. The Bandon-Marshfield game was a good article of ball and was pulled off In good shape, with the exception of a bad accident which happened in the seventh inning, when Claude Nas burg, Marshfleld's left fielder, suf fered a severely sprained ankle when ho slid to second. Marshfield secured 15 hits off Pratt, the Bandon pitcher, which net ted them as many runs, 'while Ban don secured but one run out of four hits registered oy of Wright. Wright was in exceptionally good shape, as the hit column shows, while Pratt was not up to his usual standard. The fielding of the Marshfield team was much better than for tho pre vious games played this season. The local boys were well pleased with the decisions rendered by the umpires Sneddon and Bedlllon, and state' they were well pleased with tho way they were received , and treated by tho members of the Bandon team. Next Sunday nfternoon North Bend and Marshfield will cross bats and Coquille and Bandon will come to gether for their first gamo this sea son. Tho teams are well matched as they will play Sunday, and two good games are expected. Bandon will play at Coquille and North Bend will meet Marshfield on tho local grounds. School Board Meets. The annual meeting of tho school board was held la3t evening In the high school build ing. Dr. McCormac was re-elected director to serve threo years and Judge J. F. Hall was re-elected to act j as clerk for one year. Besides tho j election of officers mentioned, tho reading of the annual report of tho clerk was the only business. Sat., 15 2:31 Sun'., 1G.. Mon., 17.. Tuo3., 18.. Wed., 19 . . Thurs., 20. Frl., 21... Flanagan & Bennett Bank J .VBSHFIE D, OHKGO I ipital Subscribes $50, u ipu&i raid upi an. Uidivlded Profit m 1 Pooh a central tanking bulinees and draws ou tho Uanli oy California. an Kranclsco Calif., First Natfcnal Bank PoVtland Or., Klrsl National Banfc; Roseblfrg, OrA Hanover Ma. tfonal Bank, JNcw York, nm. Kothchlld & Son, LondonEngland. Also sell ybarlge on nearly all the principal cities of Etfropcl Accounts kept subject Ip check? safe deposit lock boxs for rant at5 cents V month or $5. a ye INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS TIDE TABLE. The following table shows tho high and low tides at Empire for each day during tho coming week: High Wntcr. A.M. June. h. m. Feet. P.M. m. Feet. :1G C.9 . 3:32 7.C 4:57 7.1 . 4:20 7.2 5:43 7.3 . 5:17 C.8 C:30 7.C . 0:40 2.9 12:38 l.G . 1:47 2.3 1:4S 2.0 . 2:55 1.6 2:40 2.3 Low Water. A. M. P. M. June. h. m. Feet. h. m. Feet. Sat., 15 9:46 0.2 9:57 3.7 Sun., 16 10:22 0.4 10:47 3.0 Mon., 17 11:02 0.8 11:41 3.3 Tues., 18 11:47 1.2 0:00 0.0 Thurs., 20... 7:44 G.4 10:12 8.2 Frl., 21 8:58 G.4 11:11 8.7 To find tho tide hours at other Coos Bay points, figure as folows: At the bar, -0.43; at North Bend, add 0.40; at Marshfield, add 1.51; at Mlllington, add 2.15. $jR.VOU; pHKor Office opp, ;fcts 1 7 TLS 1 Cptran Hotel V T)r Kanrrnft Mjm. m M.wjk - FC VISUAL : i i .... ' skAiiNG Annpimctoents: j a i . Open evjejy ovefaing ilrom 7 to 10," and Saturday j. l m afternoons week da-s only. I Prices: 25ontS for use Bkates. 4 15 cefits for tneir ow. 10 fcentB ft adrrfissio Gentlemen eicnini Special att children noon. nict of irfaintained to 5, uuuii ur Af Rink i6se using n HKitiua. h to rtntjpn givan to Skuirday alter-nl-der alwavs A L t LJ Avery; Manager LINE- Hats , Shoesl Men's Furnish! Trunks. Valise f PLExk 1 V w s excx & izaar i The Bazaar CLOTHE 1 mt t r & Yoi s will agree with us whan wo say Uet aualitv bv An meansits vital; but tlon't oer look style. You can iust asf well the newest d'esigiu- tho v lencth coat, tlue latest lapols, tho ri $h propor l shoulders, and X)u should at you get thes ) essentials, ro matter whore you live, or rour calling may bo, you .'tain in buying VAdler gar- menta that you ard nronerlv L-esseVl. Tliro's niwlitv and' in an Adler Jarment a supply of both.l they are dipin cuished Ifor their apyearance. wp aro sole for David Adlerl & Sons loyed clothing. have i prop shao tiouet seyth F wnan; Are cfe di style I liberal a w va refined agents fine ta j 1. 2nd Street In Sacchi New Building , II I JiJLi IA MARLOW R WOMENi dsonl In tile graceful lines and perfect finish 'pi "Julia MhrIowe'shoes there'3 a oeculiar charm that appeals to -women. These shoes are made of specially selected hides, tanned by the latest proces' ses and made intoshoes by the best of skilled workmen I The Finnish Co- Operatiye Co. MARSHFIELD, ORE. i a 5W m t C. Street i mjyttifnffittf4 t iwrpw mw cwwwwiwi MPltiHWwhl bsUAAAiiktfltJii&jtfWltfttdNRPMV