TUB DAILY OOOS BAY TIMES, MAR8IIFIELW, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1007. 4 a MARINE NEWS & & 1 r A i In 3 r . '. J. . HV)5.li I I J3MTJJSie !3r ssOipffirQgicBg s&iji &aasgaaar V' Wm tfBC3SlK The Packard isjja LX Solid Propos.tion. a -i Your ftw nirt h J I I VI i I ' I For Sale By The g ! FINNISH CO-OPERATtVE 1 I STORE 8 -- i k mw mn II II i I 111 II r I I I I II I TT'I II III I II I I 1111 Till TV"TW BlilMHBHUL'Wl .L, J 1 UIVIUKKUrYY m ffER I rch ! I You'l hardly want to go home, doft RS m 'our jood clothes and cooWm kfe m Wl U d?r ner. We can save vou all tnatirouble, ff m I anc we'll guarantee that you pill be cr.- a j& E tirely satisfied. Just induce yfaur husband j 11 I $ I to t r ing you here fori your Sunday dinner, j 1 I We are going to have in season and rjght j up o style; 1 P I I I 1 I W I III'! LA BON WANT I North Front Street g Opposite City Hall g Take all the superior qualities that are con tained in the KACKARD Shoe as Superior and reliable' leathers! modern stvles ana eood workman- ,, -, . . ,, . ship arid you can say at the end df their long wear, "I had my money's worth." J All that other shoes can offer are contained in these shoes plus an amount of mental satisfaction nnd fbnt comfort that outs themin a class by them selves. NEW ORDER JULY 1 Scnmi'ii Must duty Copies TIicic- after of "Pilot Itnlos For Inland Witters-. Masters and mates of ocean-going vessels, masters and mates of rlvor steamers, operators and owners of motor boats, whether licensed or not licensed, must provides themselves kkiwith and carry on board their res pective vessels copies of the "Pilot Rules for the inland waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Coast," and the rules for lights for ferryboats. This order is effective July 1 1007, and was received yesterday by local inspectors Edwards and Puller, from the office of Supervising Inspector General George Uhler. It was In the form of a circular lotter and applies to all waters on both sides of the continent. The order is in keeping with the change made and new rules adopted by the board of Supervising Inspectors at the January meeting. There are a number of important changes. The letter to local inspectors follows: An initial supply of forms S02 (placard) and S04 (pamphlet), "Pilot Rules for the Inland Waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts," and of new form 804a, entitled "Rules for Lights for Ferryboats, and for Barge and Canal Boats When in tow o Steam Vessels on the inland Waters of the Atlantic and the Pacific Copnts will bo sent to you within a few days by the division of printing All baid rules were adopted by the Board of Supervising Inspector's at the meeting of January, 1007, and shall bo effective on and after July Upon receipt of the forms referred to, ou will please furnish as far as practicable, in your respective dist ricts, a copy of the new edition of form 804, pamphlet pilot rules to each master, mate of ocean going steamers, pilot and joint pilot, and engineer of steam' vessels and to each operator of motor vessels, now hold ing license or hereafter receiving llc- enso (original or ranewal), and to ownrs of motor vessels, masters of barges, canal boats and scows, and to other persons entitled to same, and you wll also please furnish two .copies of form S03 placard rules and two copies of form S04a to each inspected steam or motor vessel; and as far as practicable, to each motor vebsel not inspected. Local inspectors shall, when prac ticable, when on official trips, ascer tain the names and addresses of owners of .motor vessels and send the form to them. On and after July 1, 1907, the new placard rules shall be kept on board or posted up in the vessels, as re quired by the rules for posting; and inspectors, when inspecting or visit ing vessels, shall be careful to see that the latest edition of the rules are on board, or posted as reqired. It will be noted that these rules contain several important changes from the old rules. RACE AROUND HORN. Captains Discuss Merits of Ilcpoctho Ci aft anil Race Results. BERWICK'S HARD TiUCK. Suffers Mariners all over the world are dis cussing tho great 15,000-milo ocean race of the throe square riggers, tho Invernesshire, the Stronsa and La Porouso, which left Portland In De cember for a voyage around tho horn and across the Atlantic to England, where they arrived enrly in May. Tho three wind-jammers were in the Williametto river loading lor the Mersey, when tho captains began a discussion of the relative merits of their respective ciaft, which resulted in arrangements for a race. On December 27 tho three vessels wcr towed out of Astoria. A few hours later they had lost sight of one another. The Invenosshlre made the run to Capo Horn in 5G days,' and there spoke the British ship Robert Duncan, which had left Astoria 14 days earlier. On March 15 she sig naled and passed tho French ship Emperor Menelik, also from this port. On April 9 the Menelik over hauled her again, and for six days tho two vessels sailed bow to bow. Then the Scotsch ship 'drew ahead and was heard of no more until she reached the Mersey on May 2, having made the voyage in 12G days. Two days later La Perousc dropped anchor be sldo her, and on May 15 the Stronsa made her appearance. I A1 ft F 8 n i 1 BUSINESS SUIT i PLANT LEAVES. The steamer M. F. Plant sailed yesterday afternoon for San Fran cisco with a heavy cargo of coal and general freight. TIDETARLE. M following table shows tho high and low tides at Empire for each day during tho coming week: High Water. A. M. P. M. June. h. m. reot. h. mi Feet. Sat., 15 2:31 7.9 4:1C G.9 Sun., 1G 3:32 7.G 4:57 7.1 Mon., 17 4:20 7.2 5:43 7.3 Tues., IS 5:17 G.8 G:30 7.G Wed., 19 0:40 2.9 12:38 l.G Thurs., 20... 1:47 2.3 1:18 2.0 Frl., 21 2:55 l.G 2:40 2.3 Low Water. A. M. P. M. June. h. m. Feet. h. m. Feet. Sat., 15 9:4G 0.2 9:57 3.7 Sun., 1G 10:22 0.4 10:47 3.G Mon., 17 11:02 0'.8 11:41 3.3 Tues., IS 11:47 1.2 0:00 0.0 Thurs., 20... 7:44 G. 1 10:12 S.2 Fri., 21 8:58 G. 1 11:11 8.7 To find the tide hours at other Coos Bay points, figure as folows: At the bar, -0.43; at North Bend, add 0.40; at Marshfield, add 1.51; at Mlllington. add 2.15. B0UGLAS-C00S ROAD Meeting Held In CoquUIc and Slogan Adopted, "The Road AVill Bo Built." Unusual Delay at Portland Because of No Crew. Twenty thoroughbred Shropshire rams will be taken to Rogue River on the gasoline schooner Berwick, which will sail from Portland soon as sho can get a crew together. Tho sheep are consigned to R. D. Hume, tho sal mon king of Southern Oregon. About all that appears to bother Cantain Jacobson, master of tho craft, just now, is to get a crew. On every trip of the Berwick to Portland tho most of hor tars and engineers go ashore and refuse to roturn. Last time his cook was among tho ab sentees. Sea cooks aro scarce. Tho skipper had acquaintances find him a man to look after the galley. Ho employed a cook last night hlmsolf and his friends also succeeded In getting ono. As a consequence he had two rooks on board this morning. But he does not caro to discharge either for fear tho other will leave, and ho has about decided to keop both. Tho skipper says ho has been unable thus far to fill tho vacancy in the englno room. or a man who likeslto go welf dressed, but looking quicth t for la man who doesn't careuor a n . conn wim sKirts, we nave a lime X .. of suits mat arc particularly well t - ' 7 ft daprcd. THE BAZAAR. I ? ARE'YOlfGOING TO PAIlff? If you are then order W. P. Fuller HOENIX BRAND PAINT For Sale by the ay Coosfey Paint & VMC0. IfapeV Co. : R7-&5iSIZ3CXZ3.3 Front Street SEE US FOR 1 Front Street Business Pronerty We Have Something Th'at Will Interest You y Sengstackens Addition offers the besi Values for the nioney. j TODAY ' V Title Guarantee & Abstract Co.,v ' .' Henry Sengstacken, Manager wnKtmnKMm20KnMmuwiauxnnaM inu&na HEDOXDO ARRIVES. Tho steam schooner Itodondo ar rived at tho Porter dock yostorday from San Frnncigco. Sho will be loaded with ties from the Porter and Old Mill docks, for San Francisco. ALLIANCE SAILS. The steamer Allianco will arrive from Portland early this morning, lmving sailed from Astoria yester day forenoon at 10:30. A mass meeting was held in the Masonic Hall Monday evening for tho purpose of ascertaining tho opin ion of the people in regard to tho proposed electric road from Roseburg to Coos Bay, via Myrtle Point and Coquille, and to receive subscrip tion for stock to promote tho enter prise, says tho Coquille Valley Senti nel. W. T. Kerr called tho meet ing to order and slated Its object, after which Mayor J. J. Stanley, being called upon, took tho lloor and made a spirited appeal to tho people to support the proposition. Hon. W. C. Chase, A. J. Sherwood, At torney Hammond, J. A. Lamb, John Leneve, J. M. Nye and tho Sentinel publisher were called and nil re- spondd In favor of supporting the project. Mr Sherwood, however, asked to bo excused, as ho had not had tlmo to look into the mattPr. A 'motion was made and carried that tho chair appoint a committee of three to solicit funds for tho purpose of sending a man to interview farm oi s and offer them an opportunity to show tholr dosiro for an electric lino by subscribing stock. Attorney Ham mond discussed tho matter in de tail, stating that steam roads usually went to tho wall in tho beginning of tholr careor, but it was probablo that tho contemplated road would bo a self-supporting affair and ho hoped It would bo built. Others took tho position that if an Investment thero ln did not become a dividend paying venture that roal ostato would bo como much more valuable, thoroforo men of property should encourago tho enterprise. Wo think this Is a rea sonable conclusion, and It was sug gestd by Mr. Kerr that our slogan ho "The road will be built." At 10 30 the nifdlng adjourned ',. .'ttJ"TWK,,'' "Huvanco uuu in. nanajgi ladies' cleaning aWpressin k m w tb tfr k V . . . is a specialty at tnis place, aj iaay at- tendanoin charge. Goods called for V? t and delivered. i.i. f UNIQ J" tt tfc tIt iUE PANTAOfUUM Clifford Bayhss, Prop. Over Walter's Art Store ' ' Phone 1444 BSWWgArijfeTireCT v W tii HWtV3,tWHWH.a.'j IAY CITY Mmm!!nvwhmmiTwzmiS!&nTW,v?m!M!wz&ihji wmMW onIeast shoreofbay Level bench land, all cleared, fonbuiiness blocks Gentel sloping, Alder covered lancLfor residence 1 f IUL&. jL . - spaMe Prices iasy acres Dairy Farm on Kentluck Inlet. Laimch from Marshfield and ftlflit they were given i yancesf JJ Expense money throu; Plnkerton agenda. ; Reass . i ! Also 550 I Fre8 i i 1 I Gall at i Marsli I Coos B 0. C. I j N. F. our office opposite Central Hotel, field, Ore. or call us uponphope. ay Townsite Company SETHER, Pres, and Gen. Manager THRONE, Secretary 5aHKWIKgMH3BMfflHynjg m J aaanyatMimnWiiiim iU i J fhUi$iVJ "j ff&& .- . iWHWHSiWWJ" xjgfSL " "JLtethi " ,u r a " ' "IMMIWH.lllWllW"H"'iMl 4 m -. v tAiA t