'WVVJfi' W" THE DAILY OOOS BAY TIMES, MAUSirFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUXE 13, 1007. TIDE TABLE. FOIt SUKE AND QUICK KESULTS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A TIMES WANT AD. MARKETS S Tho following tablo shows tho high and low tides at Empire for each day during tho coming week: High Water. Apricots Basket, 75c. Cherries 25c. lb. jr.:''' -t3 M ; 3f Fill JUG sas?83$&fcai& I The Packard is a Solid Propostion. Money Worth Take all the superior qualities that are con fined in the PACKARD Shoe, as superior and reliable leathers, modern styles and good workman ship and you can say at the end of their long wear, I'l had my money's worth," All that other shoes can offer are contained in these shoes plus an amount of mental satisfaction and foot comfort that puts them in a class by them selves. For Sale By The INNISH CO-OPERATIVE 1 STORE I YOU'LL GET THE BEST There's quality about what we have to serve and excellence about the way we serve it. No doubt about any feature hgel No danger of an unpleasant meal for it's all up to the standard. . . .'. ' LA BON YIVANT North Front, Street Opposite City Hall R! Demand Increases Each Year Local Dealer Reason Hard to Explain Says PLANT IS SALVATION Good Ship Brings In Generous Sup ply of Green Stuffs and Fruits. "It's a peculiar thing," remarked a dealer the other day, "but the salo of jars for canning fruits increases eacli year. You wouldn't think that possible, and I must say that I can't explain it. The natural conclusion would be that once a good supply of jars is laid In there would only bo a slight demand to replenish tho stock. But the trade is increasing every year. This year I laid in three times tho amount of jars I had last year, sold every one, and could have sold three times as many If I had ordered them. It would make a pretty good puzzle question where do the glass jars go?" Tho coming of the Plant proved tho salvation for the lo.cal market in the way of green stuffs and some varieties of fruit. For tho last few days there has been a marked scar clty of these products on the market. It is said that the recent rains and the hail storm yesterday will cause a pronounced shortage of strawber ries for a while. The strawberries which were ready for picking' were bruised up, and it will bo necessary to await the ripening of more, which will require some days. Cherries are now commencing to come in gener ously and the stock is unusually good. LOCAL WHOLESALE MAKKET. Following Is a list of wholesale prices as seen on tho local market Oat and wheat hay $15 to $25 ueese Jl.OO Hens 10c Sheep $3.00 to $5.00 Veal calves $2.75 Beef, steers $2.50 Chickens, spring 12'c Ducks 50c to 75c Deef, cows $2.00 OLTSIDE .MARKETS. Liverpool, Juno 12. July wheat, Cs. ld. New York, June 12. Lead, 5.75 5.85; copper, 242-l.50; silver, 00. Chicago, June 12. July wheat, 02 92 , closed 92 ; flax, North western, 1.31. Portland, June 12. Wheat club, 80; blue stem, S9; red, SI; valley, 8G. Afler Traveling 3000 Miles Inlard Dr. J. W. Ingram Has Seen Nothing to Compare a. jr. p. m. Juno. h. m. Feet. h. m. Feet. Thurs., 13.. 1:41 8.5 3:05 C.7 I-'rl., 14 '.14 8.3 3:42 C.7 Sat., 15 2:31 7.9 4:10 C.9 Sat., 1G 3:32 7.C 4:57 7.1 Sun., 10.... 3:32 7.G 4:57 7.1 Mon., 17. ... 4:20 7.2 5:43 7.3 Tues., 18.... 5:17 G.S G:30 7.G Wed., 19.... 0:40 2.9 12:38 1.0 Low Water. A. M. P. M. Juno. h. m. Feet. h. in. Feet. Wed., 19.... G:2G G.5 7:22 7.9 Thurs., 13... 8:43 0.2 8:35 3.7 Fri 14 9:13 0.0 9:13 3.7 Sat., 15 9:4G 0.2 9:57 3.7 Sat., 1G 10:22 0.4 10:47 3.G Sun., 1G 10:22 0.4 10:47 3.G Mon., 17.... 11:02 0.8 11:41 3.3 Tues., IS 11:47 1.2 0:00 0.0 To find the tide hours at other Coos Day points, figure as folows: At tho bar, -0.43; at North Bend, add 0.40; at Marshfield, add 1.51; at MllUngton, add 2.15. residents of SoutSi Marshfield are offering odds that the Council lacks the nerve to rebuild the 4th street bridge. CHICAGO BALL GAME 'Twns Immense, but Failed to Arouse the Enthusiasm of n Home Game. Retail. Quotations are as follows: Bacon Per lb., 10 to 25o. Flour Per sack, $1.30 to $1.G0 Potatoes Per lb., 2 to 3c. New Potatoes, 8c. Cabbage Per lb., 5 to Cc. Cauliflower Per head, 10 and 15c Honey Per box, 20; 3 for 60c. Onions Per lb., 5c. Butter Per square, 35c. to 40c. . Boiled cider, per quart, 30c. Asparagus 15c. lb. Rhubarb 3 lbs. for 25c. Beets Per lb., 3c. Country eggs Per dozen, 25c. Hens Dressed, 22c lb. Chickens Frys, dressed, 26c lb. String Beans 15c. lb. Fresh Peas 8 l-3c. Fish. Crabs $1 per dozen. Halibut 12 c. Red Fish 5 c. lb. Ling 8c. lb. Flounders, Per lb., 6c. Cleaned clams Per quart, 20c. Empire Clams Per bucket, 6&c. Meats. Sirloin Bteak Per lb., 12 to 15c Boiling Per lb., 5c to 8c. Veal Stew, per lb., 8c; cutlets, 10c to 12. Porterhouse steak Per lb., 12 c Mutton Roasts, per lb 12 c to 15c; chops, 12 c to 15c; stow, 10c. Pork Per pound, 12 to Chuck steak Per lb 10c. 15c. Rcund steak Per lb., 16c. Hamburger steak Per lb., 10c. Sausago Per lb., 10c. Bologna Per lb., 10c; 3 for 25c. Salmon (salt) Per lb., 6c. Brains Per lb., 15c; 2 for 25c. Pickled pork Per lb., 12 c Corned beef Per lb 7c. Wienerwurst Por lb., 12 c. Lamb's tongues 6 for 25c. Fruits nnd Nuts. Apples 10c. lb. Cocoanuts Each, 10c. Walnuts Por lb., 25c. Almonds Por lb., 20c to 30c. Lemons Per dozen, 20c to 30c. Bananas Per dozen, 40c. Oranges Perdozen, 30 to GOc, ac cording to size. Dried Fruits. ' Raisins London layers, pet lb., 20c to 30c; seeded, per 12-oz. pkg., 12 c; 16-oz. pkg., 15c. Currants Clean, per 12-oz 1.2; lG-oz. pkg., 15c. Citron Por lb 35c. Orango peel per lb., 25c. Lemon peol Por lb., 26c. Strawberries 15c. t'ooseberrk'S 2 boxes for 25c. 16c. 7 If you are then order W. P. Fuller (Sb Co. PHOENIX BRAND PAINT For Sale by the Coos Bay Paint & Wall Paper Co. Chicago 111., Editor Coos Bay Times:- I wrote you from St. Paul, Minn., last night and trusted the mailing to a depot attachee, now I wonder whether or not It has as yet found Its way Into the hands of Uncle Sam's mall boys. I arrived In Chicago this morning, after a most pleasant and comfort able fourteen hours ride over the lines of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway. Their accom odations are all one can expect and their employes are always on the look out for your comfort. On the whole It has helped to melt away the long and tiresome trip of my first few days. Through the state of Illinois every thing happy of its own existence, the farmers appear prosperous and why not, when the years crops are so full of life and everything is growing as desired. Through your entire trip from St. 'Paul to Chicago it is one farm after another with a first class prospect for good crops and fair prices. On reaching Chicago I was trans ferred to the Illinois Central depot on 12 th street and as I wrote this short note of my pleasant trip I am able to look out over the lake and see the countless number of small sail boats as well as a few larger vessels, however, It only compares in a small degree, in the respect with Marshfield with her many pleasure launches. I much prefer Coos Bay and a trip up Coos River for an interview with nature to a sail on the lake with art ificial beauties. Marshfield should be proud of her natural parks of pleas ure and streams of enjoyment and past time. A balloon' ascension, an air ship flight and a base ball game are some of the amusements I witnessed dur ing the afternoon while waiting for my train. Tho balloon ascension was attract ive nevertheless successful, tho arlal flight of the ship was a failure, but the base ball game was immense I thought of our boys and their games and it is all Just base ball game and I must confess a home game arouses more enthusiasm In mo than a Chi cago gamo among strangers. I expect to leave this evening for another all night's rido nnd then for a few days rest if one can call convention Hfo rest. Give my regards to friends and associates, Yours, J. W. Ingram. litB n ft fc3.ft ?t MiimShm M Made with leather soles Pa hut canvas uppers. 4 "Fits like your footprint." f$ $ 13 :WiSZJ&kixmS55S3s rTairiimMaaaaMfctiHmancnmaaH If you want a shoe which is fashionable and yet not freakish, which is com fortable and yet not clumsy, wears well and yet is not too heavy, call for the shoe which your Footprints THem2iiainSMi Made in St. Paul since pkg., AT Finell's Made in St. Paul since 1 "Fits like your foot- I lr TWO AUK KILLED. Indlanpolls, Juno 13 Two wo mon wore Willed ,and throe othor persons seriously hurt in an auto niobllo accident hero yostorday when a Broad Ripplo traction car struck and wreokod tho autlmoblje of J. F. Hliiias at 38th and Colloge avenuo. ASK FOR GOLDEN SHEAF. Liquor. Sold at leading bars. Pure A Business Suit For a man who likes to go well dressed, but look ing quietly, for a man who doesn't care for a coat with skirts, we have a line of suits that are ularly well adapted. BAZAAR sj 1 nJir I maB5rcy -J-O.H.J'.' . 'UW, A 7'IT rrr zv;r,';&tx'?"xzsi-, Tf