THE DAILY COOS DAY TJMES, MARSnFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 190?. -3fet THE REFUGEES ; ;t Bg A. CONAN DOYLE, i Author of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" COPYRIGHT. 1503. BY HAHPER & BROTHERS (Continued from Tuesday.) biiilson and Amos Green cut ' the lashings with their knives Iwered tho corner of the sail. Cap- $phrahn and tlie senmnn seized It ragged It across tho mouth of tho Raping leak. "How much In tho 1 ho asked. e and a half feet." In the ship Is lost I could put ger between her planks ns far jan see back. Keep tho pumps there! Have you the food and (Mr. Tomllnson?" 'e, sir." rcr them over the bows. This lnnot ltvo more than an hour or iCan you see anything of the list had thinned away suddenly, moon glimmered through onco pon the great lonely sea and eken ship. There, like a huge is tho monster pleco of Ice upon (hey hnd shattered themselves. 1 must mako for her," said Cap- jhrnlm. "There Is no other Lower tho gal over the bows. len, her father first, If she likes K Tell them to sit still, Amos, it the Lord w'lll bear us up If p dear of foolishnoss. So! 'a brave lass for all your nlm plny Hugo. Now tho keg and pel and nil the wraps and cloaks 1 find; now the other man, the (nan. Aye, nye, pas'scngcrs first, i have got to come! Now Amos, b seamen, and you last, friend Jon." a well that they had not very bo, for the boat was weighted Jmost to the edge, and It took ling of two men to keep In ho water which leaked In uc jho shattered planks. When all hfely In their places Captain p Savage swung himself aboard vhlch was but too easy now cry minute brought tho bows to the water. lie came back 1 bundle of clothing, which ho fcto tho boat "Push off!" ho j In, then." Jnlin Savage goes down with his laid he quietly. "Friend Tom- it is noc my way to give my Push off, I n slope by tho bow of tho brigantlne, so that tho boat was run up easily on to the Ice. Captain Bphralm seized his dry clothes and vanished into the back of the cave, to return presently warmer In body and nioro contented In mind. The longboat had been turned upside down for a seat, the gratings and thwarts taken out and covered with wraps to mako a couch for the lady, and the head knocked out of the keg of biscuits. "Wo were much frightened for you, Eplualm," said Amos Green. "I hnd n heavy heart tills night when I thought that I should never see you more." ' "Tut, Amos; you should have known mo better." "Hut how enmo you here, captain?" asked Tomllnson. "I thought that may bo you had been taken down by the suck of the ship." "And so I was. It Is the third ship In which I have gone down, but they have never kept mo down yet. I went more than once, ate thrust her out wltli n boat Amos Green and De Cntlnnt cry of dismay, but the stolid (glanders settled down to their J pulled off. boat leaks like a sieve," said p. "I -will take her to the berg, u all there If wo can find foot go back for tho enptuin." oy had not taken fifty strokes )ldelo gave n sudden scream. 11" sho cried. "Tho ship Is go al" Id settled lower and lower In r, and suddenly, -with a sound ng planks, sho thrust down llko a diving wnterfowl, her 7 up into tho air, and with n king nolso she shot down nd swifter, until tho leaping aged over her high poop Inn th one impulse tho boat swept 'nlu and made backward as illlng arms could pull It. But julet at tho scene of tho dls pt even a fragment of wreck (eft upon the surfnee to show Golden Rod had found her )r. For a long quarter of an ' pulled round and round In Jlght, but no glimpse could t tho Puritan seaman, and at ? In spite of the bailers the 'as wnsL'ng round their ankles, her he. 1 about once more their way in silence and jry hearts to their dreary efuge. J as It was, it was their only 'for tho lead was Increasing, evident that tho boat could t afloat long, which faced them was pre- jnd it glimmered and spar er where tho silver light fell (lousand facets of Ice. Right (or, however, on n level with a edgo, thero was what ap bo ft hugo hollowed out cave, rked tho spot whero tho i had, in shattering hcrsolf, a hugo bowlder, and so, twn ruin, prepared a refuge pho had trusted themselves Ms envcru was of tho rich 1 green, light and clear at but toning nway Into the plea and blues at tho back, s not tho beauty of this was It tho assurance of Jch brought a cry of Joy der from overy lip, but It eated upon an lco bowlder y smoking a Ujng corncob was perched In frout of as a portion thuu Captain tvago of Boston, "omllnson," said ho, "when row for an Iceberg I mean right away thero, d'yo see, o philiUHlerliig about over It's not your fault that to, and so I would linvo 3 n't some diy tobacco nnd x to keep myself wunu." opplng to nnswor hU com- )ronchM tho ninto bonded i, which hnd tevii cut Into J A gRTV JL, MWTCTjyv4 t?V far enty feet above tho seo. Amos Green looked about him with startled eyes. "I cannot understand It," said he. "I could have sworn by the eternal, listen to that!" Tho clear call of a military bugle rang out In the morning nlr. With n cry of amazement they all three craned forward and peered over the edgo. A largo ship was lying under tho very shadow of tho iceberg. They looked straight down upon her snow wnite decks, fringed with shining brass cannon nnd dotted with seamen. A little clump of soldiers stood upon tho poop, going through tho mnnunl ex ercise, nnd It wns from them that tho call hnd come which had sounded so unexpectedly in tho cars of the cast aways. Standing back from tho edgo, they had not only looked over the top masts of this welcome neighbor, but they had themselves been Invlslblo from her decks. Now the discovery wns mutual, as was shown by a cho rus of shouts and cries from beneath them. Rut the threo did not wait nn in stant. Sliding nnd scrambling down tho slippery incline, they rushed, shout ing, through tho crack and Into tho cave, whero their comrndes had just been startled by tho bugle call while In the middle of their cheerless break fast. A few hurried words and tho leaky longboat had been launched, their few possessions hod been bun dled In and they wore afloat onco more. Pulling round a promontory of tho berg, they found themselves under tho stern of a line corvet, tho sides of which weie lined with friendly faces, while from the peak there drooped a hugo white banner mottled over with tho golden lilies of Franco. In a very few minutes their boat had been haul ed up. and they found themselves on board of the St. Chrlstophe, mnn-of-wnr, conveying Marquis do Denon vllle, the governor general of Canada, to take over his new duties. WANT ADS FOR SA salo ai Mrs. J. E JI lii jF1. fontSi MarsOMl I fVlG ouseholu Voois for ouso for rcntAAVddross Bowman.iMnrsnNleld FOR SALE Daniels' Jones. B rrnmn or 8 a acres on reek. Address E. R, LlO.fMarshflca. 5-26-1 I V 'iVpi FOR RENT. Roomj in Ur Rogers building; suites of ajdgly. Apply S. C. Rogers, sffcimrer C003 River, or E. O. Hall, A-ratreet. TheC.B., R. R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN S CIEET MHHB JLE NO. 2. FOR SALEV-iTWo Lots MarshfleldJf Both for quiro I. Siipfman & r ObX IbT West 26. In tern SAL;fAl first class nilw cow. For partlaJilafs Inquire J. 0j5toops 29-5 FOR SALE! This is a & Hall'si A small imprtove1 farm bargain. ApplVat Hall lco. f 6-1-1 fa In Effect January 1, 1007. All previousschedules are void. Subject to chaneo without notice. W. S. Chandler, mnnatrer: F. A. Lalso, freightagent; general "offices, Marshficld, Marshfield, Oregon. B usiness Direc Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURCJEOr Diseases of the Eye. Ear." and Throat a specialty. ' vm r . ..' -- -j uiuco in Looknart's JBuildl 0 No. 1. Dally Except Sum Trains. I clay. Stations. Leavo 9:00 A. m.Marshflold. 9:30 A. m.B. H. Junction. 9:45 m.lCoquIllo. Arrive 10:30 k.m.lMyrtle Point WANTEDJr-Ioy or girl, ,11V years old or over, of learn tho clgil making trade; witges paid whilelearning, Apply oveft Times BuIlJihg, Coos Bay Cigar Co A Seated upon an ice bowlder and placid ly moldng a toiiy corncob pipe. deeper tonight than when the Speed well sank, Lut "not so deep as In the Governor Wlutbrop. When I came up I swam to tho berg, found this nook and crawled In. Glad I was to see you, for I feared that you had foundered." "We put back to pick you up, and wo passed you In the darkness. And what should we do now?" "Rig up that boat sail and make quarters for the gal, then got our sup per nnd such rest ns wo can, for there is nothing to be done tonight." In the morning Amos Green wns aroused by a hand upon ills shoulder aud, springing to his feet, found Do Catinat standing beside him. The lat tcr's face was grave, aud his friend read danger in his eyes. "What Is It, then?" "Tho berg. It Is coming to pieces. I have been watching it. You seo that crack which extends backward from the end of our grotto? Two hours ago I could scarce put my hand Into It. Now I can slip through It with case." Amos Green walked to the end of the funnel shaped recess and found, as his friend had said, that n green sinuous crack extended away backward Into tho Iceberg, caused cither by tho toss ing of tho waves or by the terrific Im pact of their vessel. Ho roused Captain Ephralm and pointed out tho danger to him. "Well, if sho springs a leak we nro gone," said he. "She's been thawing pretty fast as it Is." They could seo now that tho wholo hugo mass was brittle and honey combed and rotten. "Hello!" cried Amos Green. "What's that? I could have sworn that I heard a voice." "Impossible. Wo aro all here." "It must havo been my fancy, then." Captain Ephralm walked to tho sea ward face of tho cave and swept tho ocean with his eyes. "Wo should Ho in tho track of some ships," said he. "There's tho codders and tho herrlug busses. Wo'ro overfnr south for them, I reckon. But wo can't bo moro'n 200 mllo from Port Royal, In Acadia, and wo'ro lu tho lino of tho St. Lawrenco trade. What Is it, Amos?" Tho young hunter was standing with his enr slanting, his head bent forward, and his oyes glancing sldowlso, llko a man who listens Intently. Ho was about to answer when Do Catluat gavo a cry and pointed to tho back of tho cavo. "Look at tho crack now!" It had widened by a foot Blnco tlioy had noticed It last until It wns now uo longer a crack. It was a pass. "Lot us go through," suld tho captain. Ho Jed tho way. and tho other two followed him. 1: i very dark as thoy advanced, with high dripping lco walls on either stdo ami uuo littlo tig sngglng silt of bluo sky obovo tholr heads. Tripping and Krojdug their way, thoy stumblod along until sud denly tho passago grow wider and opoued out Into a largo square of flat lco. Tho berjr was lovol In tho couteri nnd sloped upward from that point toj liUU cliff - It W Mi - CHAPTER XIX. SINGULAR colony It was of which the shipwrecked party found themselves now to bo members. Tho St Chrlstopho had left Rochclle threo weeks before with four small consorts conveying 500 soldiers to help the straggling colony on tho St. Lawrence. The squadron had bocomo separated, however, and tho governor was pursuing his way alone in the hope of picking up the others in the river. Aboard he had a company of tho regiment of Quercy, the stnff of his own household, St. Val uer, the new bishop of Cnnnda, with several of his attendants; three Recol let frlnrs, five Jesuits bound for the fatal Iroquois mission, half n dozen ladies on the way to Join their hus bands, two TJrsullno nuns nnd ten or twelve gallants whom love of adven ture and tho hope of bettering their fortunes had drawn across tho seas. Thero wns peace between England aud France at present, though feeling ran high between Canada and New York, tho French believing, and with some Justice, that tho English colo nists were whooping on tho demons who attacked them. Ephralm and his men were therefore received hospita bly on board, though the ship was so" crowded that thoy had to sleep wher ever they could find cover and space for their bodies. The Catlnats, too, hod been treated In an even more kindly fashion, tho weak old man nnd tho beauty of his daughter arousing tho Interest of tho governor himself. De Catinat had during tho voyage ex changed his uniform for a plain som ber suit, so that, except for his mili tary bearing, thco was nothing to show that ho was a fugitive from tho army. Old Catinat was now so weak that ho was past tho answering of questions, his daughter was forever at his side, and the soldier wns diploma tist enough, after a training at Ver sailles, to say much without saying anything, and ,"io their secret wns still preserved. On the day after tho rcscuo they sighted Capo Bfeton In the south, and soon, runnlcg swiftly before nn east erly wind, saw. tho loom of tho east end of ALtlcostl. Thou they sailed up tho mighty rjver, though from mld chnnnel tho banks on either sido wero hardly to be seen. As tho shores nar rowed in they saw the wild gorge of tho Sagucnny river upon tho right, with tho smoke from tho littlo fishing nnd trading station of Tndousac streaming up nbovo the plno trees. Thence tho ship tacked on up tho river past Mai Bale. Amos Green, leaning on the bulwarks, stared with longing eyes at tho vast expanses of virgin woodland, hardly traversed save by nn occasional wandering savago or hardy coureur do bols. Then tho bold out Huo of Capo Tourineijte loomed up In front of them, thoy passed tho rich, placid meadows of Laval's slegneury of Beaupre, and, skirting tho settle ments of tho Island of Orleans, they saw tho broad pool stretched out In front of them tho falls of Montmo rcncl, tho high palisades of Point Levi, the cluster of vessels, aud upon tho right that wonderful rock, with Its dia dem of towers, and Us township hud dled round Its base, tho ccutcr nnd stronghold of French powor iu Amer ica. Tho old merchant had pined nway since ho had left French soil, llko a plant which has been plucked from Its roots. Tho shock of tho shipwreck nnd the night spent In their bleak refugo upon th Iceberg had been too much for his years and strougtu. Since they had becu picked up ho had lain ninld tho scurvy stricken soldiers, with hardly a sign of life savo for his thlu breathing nnd tho twitching of hlu scraggy throat Now, however, ho qtwiuxl his oyci) and raised himself mltiwlr uwl uulurnUi uiton lila allum-. (To Do ConttnuoB.y i.i ,i 'i r ,.s WANTE chambe. North FOR RENT.j Two furnfcrfied rooms, Third ana Chestnut!; across from tho Chlnesfe Laiytm-y. Mrs. Acron. dlshwasherv and a Id at Hotel Oregon, LADY wants family sewing. Ad dress Box S2, North Bend. WANTED, and Bfcirt sen. J 'Irst class wal hand. Mrs. A ht yuand . Vhann- NOTICE. I Jwlll not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Vlolrt Ferrey. Jos. L. Fer- roy, Jr. No. 2. Dally Except Sundaj j. Ifi'V.iftlSiM'i'. DR. HAYDON. Offloo opposite Union Furniture Store. 10 to lZunrt 2 t a BpeeUl mention paid to rtiseaici ot the tu urinary ana aigeitire organ U. 8Pcnslon examine! Marshfield, Oregoxj Leavo 10:45 a. m.MyrtIo Point. 10:30 a. nljcoqulllo. 12:00m. IB. H. Junction. Arrive 12:30 pvm.Marshfleld. Extra special orders. Beaver Hill dally. trains u) rders. Tra): I run on dally ns to and from Vr A HARINid eniji ! , i Dealer, in Puro Crea: nnd Buttermilk. livory Jo Milk Free do- North y to nil parts obtlle city, f s Bend, - Ooeg negon Samp NO Nc I HOPE i v KcaC ,dy L OREGON iv nnrl Mnrinrn Rooms inXJopncction TjH BEND, ORE. NECKTIES WEANED and Wssed, Gc. each, atVlnlque Pnntawirlum. WANTEBv-JEhreo or fonj carpen ters to vk on J. E. Oven's barn. Apply WAH. Bohlen. I FOR RENT-f-Threo rooms for light housekeeping for man and wife. Next to Catholic church. WANTED cd housek 57, or Ph rent. 2 orXJ lurnlsh- ilng rooms. V O. Box le Main 1241. E-l POT? SAT.R-iWnonn nml -1nillilr linr. ness. Address LJWfH., Coos Bay Times. WANTED A Joh asvflfeman or sta- jnl tlonary onglnep: P. O. Box 97, Marsimcld. Sattfeuf tfrj&an (Hauttal fltorhfuUtj taiutui 50,000. Cransarta a nrnrrol Sankutrt Sttulitrnu), BfarJif ifeua, vtQtm Full the l BiEXL COfet) Wet Your Whistle Thte Blow jr. HERRON, JPro'p. Fronstrect, : I Manfi h field, Oregon WANTED M6n to work in Samlll, (wages $2Yner day and iViward Simpson LftAber Co. i241tf, i FOR SAUEV-Fdur acres ofXlarid in South JVfrfrshfilld for tho naa sixty days. AUdresslB. A. 11. 4T8012m i SaWl lV)W A' ROR RENT Three orffcur rooms for housekeeping, yftli water, near band stand, j&fs. Chas. Murr, North Bend. M 6t. FomisHomriAE Vurta SMs Prevent PrmmnmIb POSITION man wants po engineer, flro man. P, O. B fsAI i yi -v-w WANTED- gtlhrfY mi if or) Vx FOR 'RENT SunftSWont room for a gentleman. Mrs. Hougard. 2t NOTICENiAnyonp $fcJhIng room for phone 157' Competent as stationary night watch- 432. 6t. MAIISIIFIELU RACES, First Race.! iireo-yeaiVolds. Half Loo. Entry feo, pond Rnco. For ftpur-wear-olds anil upf urse ?100. lEntri Forwo and t mile. iPuise ti Sei Aour-jy TTnlf .I1A VI ?20. i'or twoyear of a mile. A $20. A V fcA-all Entry os tor time 1: 0 tho Vt nurses i ion . . Freo $100. Entrl with th which Juno 2 Third Race. -olds. Thtreoi Purso $100, ourth Race. ages. Half milV fee, $20. tho above rac secretary Juno 22, 0 Is payabloJ ilanco, $10, is 'eights y fee, Purso divided as iro guaranti ows: 70 pel edl ht tho wlnnor anu 30 per eel: secoid horso. Four or md to onter and threo or morf Ownor'B colors liust bo nad time of tho second ontryJ nnd horses must' bo run colprs. Catch weights rules. F. P. Norton, Secretary. iro 11 to Jicd Jund Indor 111 bo If yu flon't see an Marshntya drop arau shootlnorrallcrv on Prlzos offered for fun in to the t St. t shots. Nslson Iron Wonks P. E. NELSON, Prop We reiwlrall kinds of Machinery, Steam anfl Oas Kuglnes, Guns and Bi cycles. Heat of work our Specialty. We manufacture Castlnes in Iron and nrnno forlsaw Mills and Loeefnir Camfx. Wo make tho beatBhcaJesmd Roa'd Spools lor Loggers, j i : : f TELEPHONE 921 MARSHFIELD, OREGON R H. BRIQhAm ENDENT t ARCHITECT AND SUPEB Plansi and snecincations V A made .for all clasfieB of buildings. North Bendi Oregon PHONE 541 STEApR. FQYER n, f. f enqergrass, macisr l TABLE. iVflold 7:30,19:00, mi, and 1:00,',2:30 TWIE Leaves Mars' and 10:30 a and 4:00 p.mA Leaves North) Bend av 8:16. 9:45 and 11:15 a. m and 1:45, 3:15 andyi:00 p. m. j Makosdally trips exeopt Ban dayB. Faro: Ono Way, IS conts; tound trip, 25 cent. Stcim Dyc'Worfes C Street f LadIeo'id Gents' garmoMs clean f edordyodj rlMM tMCKSTf r PMrwilH DR. J. W. INGHAM, Physician and Shtkcob. Offlco oror Songstackon's Drug 8tor Phonos Office 1621; resident 781 B. M. RICHARDSON, Physician and Surgeon. Diseases ot eyo, ear, noee and throM' a spoclnlty. Office In Eldorado BI0C&.1 Lawyers. E. L. O. FARIUN. Attorney-at-Law. City Attorney. Deputy Dlst, A Lockhart Building. Marshfleld, Phono 44. L. A. LILJEQVI8T, LAAVYEB, United States Commissioner, U. S. Land Blatters. Filings, Entries, Proofs, Contests, et J. M. UPTON, Attoraey-aNLflw. Marshfield, om J. W. BENNETT, Offlco over Flanagan & Bonnet Bank. Marshfleld, ... OrefoaH o. f. Mcknight, Attorney-at-Law. Upstairs, Bennett & Walter block. Marshfleld, ... Oregon J. W. SNOVEB Attorney-at-Law Offlco: Rogers building Marshfleld, Ocegoa.l COKE & COKE, Attornor-atlAW. fi Marshfleld, ... Oregon.; PIXLEY & MAYBEE, Attorn cys-at-Law. Office over Myers' Store. Phone 701 . . . North Bend, Ore. Real Estate Agents, DIER LANB COMPANY Real Estate Brokers North Bend, ... OregoaJ MR. ALBERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phono 1884. 4 . I LiJiU H mm Tk aT jm Mcniersofl umser to. Wnolesalo liquorVdealers Cigars and saloon sup- Pua. A P K ifenia wex a snem . Front St.. M((rahfieldL"t i r ' " " nl' rrf 1 ., '. j.. -,.. CoosBay team Laundrw or- HARSIUSfJDNOBTIIIEND. All work now ikme at thfe Ndrth Benfl Plant tdgai mum htLH4skru Narth Bern! fhmt 1031 MarslifleM Mm 1804 , j: .z.n "-J-i ""JIBP .! ri