THE DAILY O003 AY TIMES, MARSIIFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUXE 11, 1007, -w mm" j (M Mtasas&ja m '"' PACKARD SHOES flj FOR. MEN Til flncr noiTt! rY -Firt- r rA t r trrnf i ci 11 re nnir rlfl .W All UlllOU llll O WL LkKJlljlKL UUl llOlllu. Clll WiVl -J.4 stylo is represented as the etc., and so wise people arc booming more and more careful in selecting their shoe store. Well dressed people will do well to look to our new shoe department for the correct thing on shoes The name "PACKARD" or "JULIA MARLOWE" on a shoe is a guarantee of quality and an endorse ment of a stylo that is absolutely unquestioned. Finnish Co-Operative Store -. Julia Marlowe Shoes For Women YOU'LL THE BEST There's quality about what we have to serve and excellence about the way we serve it. about any feature here. No danger of an unpleasant meal for ii's all up to hfoe standard. .'. .'. .. .. U BON YIVANT North Front. Street Opposite City Hall &t&&$stewit&i?& latest out, up-to-dato, SJ .. - .- THrAM5Us H Wn 1 1 hs GET I No doubt N 1 ? COOS BAY BRIEFS TIMES' TELEPHONES Editorial Rooms - - - - 1 33 1 Business Office - - - - 1331 AT Til 15 HOTELS. The following persons were yester day reglsterd at tho Marshfleld ho tels: lilanco Hotel. J. S. Gray, North Bend; JIablo Gray, North Bend; S. It. Beloate, North Bond; F. B. Waite, Portland; George Flnley, Portland; F. I. Nichols, Grand Rapids, Mich.; J. J. Watt, Houston; D. S. Gardner and wife, Bandon; M. Coevl and wife, Bandon; airs. M. McDonald, Coqulllo; Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Harriman, North Bend; L. F. Williams, Los Angeles; G. Biggins, Los Angeles. Central Hotel. Walter Boak, Gardiner; W. W. Gage, CoQitllle; N. L. Mast, Myrtle Point; W. H. Gallner, Florence; Harvey Premo, Warren, Wis.; W. E. Dletz, Myrtle Point. Likes Coos Bay. Roy Illldehrand, of San Francisco, a graduate of Ber keley University, made tho round trip from San Francisco on the last trip of the Kilburn as the guest of Chief Steward Sidney Aston. Mr. Hildebrand was more than favorably impressed with Coos Bay, and said he intended to boost for it at every opportunity. "Writes Good Article. Frank Cam eron, tho well known advertising man for the Coos Bay Monthly, has a for cible and extremely well written ar ticle in tho May number of the Port land Trade Journal. In the article he sets forth why the wonderful Coos Bay country must eventually attain the foremost rank as the garden spot of Oregon. Ho also cites the advan tages which our harbor possesses and at what small cost it can bo made into ar superior deep water harbor. Good Luck Fishing M. A, Sweet man, J. H. Linden, Mr. McMahon and Charles Lohman went up Ten Mile Sunday on a fishing expedition and report a catch of over a hundred fish, running in length from eight to ten inches. They were about eight hiurs in making the catch. An ex citing experience was had with a bob cat. While walking over tho coun try the animal spring up before them and surprised Mr. McMahin, who was in the lead, into forgetting to pull the trigger of his shooting Iron. Mr. Linden was equal to the emergency, killing the animal with a well aimed shot. Hosc-burg Husy. Henry Sengstack en received word from Roseburg last night that the citizens of that city had raised their portion of the $260,- 000 for the building of the Coos Bay Roseburg electric railroad. The amount raised was about $125,000. Skating Rink Conceits. D. L. Avery has made arrangements to have the Acme band play at the rink Friday evening, which Is society night. This is the second of a series of concerts planned by the manager and will no doubt bo the means of drawing an enormous crowd. Tho band played at the rink two weeks ago Friday night, at which time the rink was filled to capacity, all the skates being out the entire evening. In a short time Mr. Avery intends to close the rink in the afternoons, having it open only during tho even ing. Friday evening it will bo open the usual hours from 7:30 until 10. Clininiimtlc Club Meets. Tho Chaminado Club held a business meeting last evening at tho home of Mrs. W. Horsfall, at which It was decided to prolong tho club year a few weeks. Rehearsals will be held very Wednesday evening until tho close of tho season, at which time a suitable ending for the club's sea Flanagan & Bennett Bank JIARSIIFIE D, OREGON. Capital Suhscrlbert $50,000 Capital J'atd Up $10,000 Undivided Profits $.55,000 Does n ncneral bnnkinpr business nnd draws ou tho Jiank ot California, Ban Kranoltco Calif., Flint National Dank Portland Or., l'lrel National Hank, Uoseburg,.Or., Hanover Na tlonal Hank, New York, N. M. itutlichUd & Son, London, England. Also sell rhnngo on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for ront at 6 cents a month or $5. a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS I . 1 gp Dr. Bancroft I FOR ricsiAi rv?tMrrkTC v.- H i NER.VOUS CHR.ONIC ILLS Office opp. Central Hotel son will bo arranged. The only other business transacted was tho ordering the treasurer to pay bills Incurred at the concert held recently. Kelly Has Homing. .1. Kelly, who fatally cut tho late William Wearn, had a hearing before Justice C. L. Pennock yesterday and was bound to await tho action of the September term of court. Ills bail was fixed at $2,000. This not being produced ho duced he was committed to jail. Hotel Olllce Moved. Tho office of the Central Hotel was moved yester day into tho room just fitted with a new front which has been the parlor of tho hotel for a number of years. The change is only temporary. The office will be moved Into its perma nent location on A street.just as soon as tho room can be fitted up. LOCAL WKATHEIl. Maximum G7 Minimum 52 6 o'clock 54 Wind S. W., Cloudy O Precipitation 15-100 inch TIDE TABLE. The following table shows tho high anil low tides at Empire for each day during tho coming week: High Water. A.M. P.M. h. m. Feet. 1:54 G.7 Juno. Tues., 11. Wed., 12. h. m. Feet 0:38 S.S 1:00 1:41 2-14 8.7 S.5 8.3 7.9 7.G 7.G 7.2 2:30 3:05 3:42 4:1G 4:57. 4:57 5:43 G.7 G.7 G.7 G.9 7.1 7.1 7.3 Thurs 13. Fri., 14. Sat., 15...,. . 2:31 Sat., 1G 3:32 Sun., 16.... 3:32 Mon., 17 4:20 Ijow Water. A. M. P. M. June. Tues., 11 h. m. ' Feet. h. m. Feet. 7:43 -0.4 7:30 3.4 Wed., 12 8:15 -0.4 8:02 Thurs., 13... 8:43 0.2 8:35 Fri., 14...... S;13 p,Q ?;J3 Sat., IS 9:4G 6.2 6:5? Sat., 16 10:22 0.4 10:47 3.G 3.7 8.7 3.7 3.G 3.6 3.3 Sun., 16 10:22 0.4 10:47 Mon., 17.... 11:02 0.8 11:41 to una the tide hours at other Coos Bay points, figure as folows: At tho bar, -0.43; at North Bend, add 0.40; at Marshfleld, add 1.51; at Mlllington. add 2.15. LARSEN ARRIVES. Tho schooner Annie Larsen arrived from San Francisco yesterday, after being at sea' twelve days. Sho will be loaded with a cargo of lumber at the railroad wharf. FOR SURE AND QUICK RESULTS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A TIMES AVAXT AD. can furnish the following Thoroughbred Eggs at $2.00 Per Setting Rhode Island Reds Barred Plymouth Rocks White Leghorns Pelcin Ducks JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped any whero in tho county. Oakley & Arnold CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS North Bend, Ore. Phone 1021 Office in Meyers B!dg, "m&wfiM. F. J. HAYES gjjpl-, iM8Jr?5S' Latest, scientific "methods for correcting dofectiVe vision. Testing and fit ting childrens eyes our speciality. All the latest novelitios in optlcial goods. Stauff bldg. North Front St. i- im m ,.mssa Coos Bay Paint Carry a full line of Iastest styles in Wallpaper also best paints Varnishes, Stains Lining, Don't forget the place 2nd near C. st.v a&SSESE ilteCMziiiiSioe I Made with leather soles r linf.rnnvnQ linnnnc. m u. vua v k tm 'i "Fits like your footprint. -- AT ell's i-tftfi 11 No better " . urjttz. s I 'i "Fits like your footprint." 1 IP H FOUNTAIN f I an ..- ;Mf 1 market than the Parfeer" Fountain Pen as ex perience evidences A large line E 0 & Wallpapel Enamels Bnl Tacks etc. nnty1 ryrsrJffrre' rj'lnaa (& .- 1 ' ,.. .itlc '..' fJtlZ If you'wanfc.'--which is fashibnafFi ' not freakish, whidL : for table and yet n&&:- W&cua WCii qiius&KaJi UM nnl I j4 too heavy, calif for theV: which ' -; "Jv Footprints ', pen on tfaef in stock. I Made in St.Mice jf I "Fits likcWjl, 1 print." & PiflHKHfflPP ffffffV r&' ffiJt- r - . ( -JH SB '. 1 J ILJi rBti, m na . fm& ? '' m !.M jfe' A3 JH 1 I 1 T