SiijILMIIIJJW fTV THE DAILY COOS HAY TIMES, MARSXIVIELD, OREUjN, SUNDAY", JUNE 0, 1007. f $jJ&J&J&J&i&J&JJ&J&J&0&0& J& J&J& & SFUKi GOSSIP A J& J&J&i&J&J&J&i&JJil)&J&J I Snyder, r. f. Felter. r. f Wright, n. U2?l? LEAGUE SEASON TODAY Coquillc Conies To Play Marshfield While Bandon Will Meet North Bend DEEPJ INTEREST TAKEN linndou. Pratt, p. Buckman, c. FIcgor, lb. Swift, 2b. Rosa, 3b. Leo, s. s. Gavin, r. f. Holton, c. f. Longo, r.- f. Coqillllc. J. Collier, p. Peralto, c. Hartley, lb. Drown, 2b. llowel, 3b. Lorcnz, s. s. A. Collier, r. Call, c. f. Nosier, 1. f. will bo followed out. In case of postponed games the managers of the teams "will decide when such games are to be played. Signed: ARTHUR McKEOWN, Marshfield. L. .1. SIMPSON, North Dend. P. PERALTA, Coqullle. DEN SCHILLER, Dandon. COOS COUNTY LEAGUE. Standing of (lie Clubs. Won. Lost. P. C. I Itotli Games Will Call Foitli Heavy j Patronage Coquillc Urlngs Rand. COOS COUNTY LEAGUE. The following agreements were en tered into by representatives from th baseball clubs of Marshfield, North Dend, Coqullle and Dandon on thp fourth day of June, 1907: 1. That a league shall be formed consisting of four teams Marsh field, North Dend, Coquillc and Dan don. 2. That this league shall bo known as tho Coos County Daseball League. 3. That these teams shall not play any outside teams upon dates set forth In the schedule. 4. All teams shall be composed of home talent, and under no circum- The official schedule of the Coos County League opens today, when at the word "play ball" Marshfield will cross bats with the baseball ag gregation from Coqullle, and North noiwl will inoet. Hnndnn on tho local grounds. Deep interest Is manifest- stances shall any manager or team ed in tho outcome of today's game, be allowed to import an outside for the fans can get a general line- player or players; further, that tho up on the strong and weak points of homo talent composing tho teams the different teams. Bandon and shall have to be living within the Coqullle will como up with a band limits of Coos county prior to June and It Is expected with over two nun- '4, 1907. I -jiml enthusiastic supporters. It is j 5. All visiting teams shall pay L,dp to the local fans to get out and their own expenses. Further, that help the home team. Tho games the home team shall receive all the will be called at 2:30 o'clock. Fol-' gate receipts and shall supply all lowing Is tho line-up of tho different balls and compensate tho umpire. League teams. Cut out the line-ups 6. That all protests shall be set and you will be able to distinguish tied by a board consisting of Dr. C. Marshfield 0 0 .000 North Dend... 0 0 .000 Coqullle 0 0 .000 Dandon 0 0 .000 MARSHFIELD RACES Event Will Conic Off on July 3 Entries Are Now Open. to enter and three or more to start. Owner's colors must bo named at tho time of tho second entry, Juno 29, and horses must bo run under such colors. Catch weights will bo tho rules. F. P. Norton, Secretary. STATE PAIR PROGRESS Racing Stocks Exhibited nt Lewis And CInrk Fair Will Participate At Salem. the players. Mar.slifleld. Merchant, p. Cowan, c. Dimmick, lb. McKeown, 2 b. Liljeqvist, 3b. Tower, s. s. Nasburg, 1. f. Lamberton, c. f , North Bona. Graham, p. Lyons, c. Wells, lb. Gale, 2b. Keane, 3b. Gaffney, s. s. McLeod, 1. f. Gardiner, c. f. W. Tower, president, and a repre sentatlvo from each of the four teams. I 6. That fifty dollars shall be put up irThe hands of tho president of the league before tho 10th day 'of June, 1907, by each team, and ! this purse to go to the winner of tho 1 pennant. 7. That tho following schedule I Bi mamm The date of tho opening of the Marshfield races will bo on July 3. Entries are now open with Secretary F. P. Norton, of tho Racing Associa tion, and will remain open until June 22. Four purses of $100 each are up and it Is believed that all of the different classes will be filled. The purses and rules governing the race meet follow: First Race. For two and three-year-olds. Half mile. Purse $100. Entry fee, $20. Second Race. For four-year-olds and upward. Half mile. Purse $100. Entry fee, $20. Third Race. For two-year-olds. Three-eights of a mile. Purse $100. Entry fee, $20. Fourth Race. . .Free for all ages. Half mile. Purse $100. Entry fee, $20. Entries for tho above races close with the secretary June 22, 1907, at which time $10 is payable, and on June 29 the balance, $10, Is payable. All purses are guaranteed and divided as follows: 70 per cent to the winner and 30 per cent to the second horse. Four or more horses Salem, Ore., June 8. Professor E. R. Lake, of the Oregon Agricultural College was in Salem yesterday look ing over tho state fair grounds and making tho final arrangements for tho display and exhibit to bo niado by tho college at the fair this fall. Not only is the college to make one of the finest exhibits on the grounds, but plans are being talked of for tho erection of an agricultural college pavilion for permanent headquarters of the college at the Oregon state fair. Connected with tho exhibit of tho Oregon Agricultural College will bo tho display of the state experiment station at Union, which has called for 500 feet of wall space. To the lovers of horse flesh the coming to tho Oregon state fair of tho McLaughlin Dros., of St. Paul, Minnesota, the well-known horso breeders, who exhibited at tho Lewis and Clark fair, will be hailed with joy. There is a great demand for camp ing space at "Toziervlllo," and dur ing the visit of "Mayor Albert" To zier to Norfolk, Virginia, where he Is attending the National Editorial Association, Secretary Frank Welch is being flooded with reservations for space. All tho space along the main way, extending between tho depot grounds and tho main entrance gates on both sides, has been re served, and tho back lots are being taken up with more than common alacrity. Two new cottages have been built and more will bo erected. At a recent meeting of the board of agriculture it was decided to have a uniform admission fee of 50 cents for men and women, but the latter will bo admitted free to the grand stand- - sJSSl i s Strawberry Ice Cream Chocolate Ice Cream Vanilla Ice Cream Pineapple Sherbet Strawberries and Cream Home Made Candies TH AL M wiffwraai Enmrnmrnssm It will make all the difference between a good impression and a bad one. Our tailors (Stein Bloch) have been studying your needs, and know your requirements, and we HAVE THE CLOTHES Sack suits, with long roll lapels, and military backs; double-breasted ones with two buttons and lots of shape, besides some a little quieter. Being all-wool and high-grade in make these clothes will fit and wear and keep their shape. Try a try-on Anybody can make clothes; it takes brains to make our Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes Talent, with needle and shears, directed by intelligence ripened by 52 years of knowing how, has given these clothes the style and distinction which has won them fame and following among judicious dressers A new lot of fancy vests have just arrived. Some In teresting styles and patterns for the season's wear. SEE THEM M AGNES MATSON lot 4 n fego c-a