-jMu.u.j-.w-wBHamlHgilff ' - i n. -u.il W iTt,-, iuin iWgpK:1?. THE DAIM? OOOS BAY TIMES, MAHSIIFIEIiP, OKEGOX, SUNDAY, JUNE 0, 1007. -wvXStflgl lM" T 'fmmm j. A Pi r-7 M pi f I PACKARD SHOES 1 I FOR. MEN1 I In these days of frenzied advertising any old stylo is represented as the latest out, up-to-date, etc., and so wise people are booming more and more careful in selecting their shoe store. Well dressed people will do well to look to our new shoe department for the correct thing on shoes The name "PACKARD" or "JULIA MARLOWE" on a shoe is a guarantee of quality and an endorse ment of a style that is absolutely unquestioned. Finnish Co-Operative Store Othewious If xJjEf I ill trihrf)rygirl8teAitri Tr Julia Marlowe Shoes For Women mmmmmmm i ji ii mm in m mm m WHBKsmsgasmtmm OPENING WSfiMmMM OF THE La Bon Vivant Cafe will be, held TODAY. There will be a concert by the Coos Bay Orchestra during the day. Everybody invited. Come early and get your tables. North Front Street opposite City Hall r MARKETS "-"aaoa GOOD THINGS AGE IN STORE Past Week Was Slightly Strenuous But Next Few Days Promise Amends COOS RIVER FRUITS Cherries nml Ilcrrics Will Soon lie Coming In From Those Fa mous Gardens. LOCAL MARKET DELICACIES. Coos River green peas. Carrots, turnips and beets. Logan berries and raspberries. Coos River strawberries. First Coos River cabbage. Fresh California cherries. New potatoes. California plums. California potatoes. Coos Bay potatoes. New cauliflower. Rhubarb. Ups and downs have hit the local market hard at times the past week, but from indications the coining week will make up in a large meas ure for any ill effects of tho last few days. Many promising features are In store to gladden the heart of the thrifty housewife. Tho famous Coos River Logan berries and rasp berries will make their summer de but in a few days, and ranchers say tho crop is unusually heavy. At the start they will probably bring 10 cents a box and 50 cents a gallon. The first Coos River cabbage Is now on sale for 5 cents a head and is finding a ready sale. Every one will receive with delight the news that Coos River cherries will be on tho market in the course of two weeks. It Is predicted they will sell on the start for 10 cents a pound. There has been a marked shortage of California cherries on the mar ket, which the coming of the steamer Plant is expected to relieve. These cherries are now retailing for 20 cents, and are expected to drop to 15 cents. There is now a scarcity of local eggs, and those on sale are bringing 30 cents a dozen. It Is possible to buy a fair quality of eggs at 25 cents. , Naval oranges are about cleaned up, and those on the market are bringing from 40 to 00 cents. With tho exhausting of tho supply tho Mediterranean Sweets and Valencias will go on sale. They are of In ferior quality. Retail. Quotations are as follows: Bacon Per lb 1C to 25a. Flour Per sack, ?1.30 to ?l.Gl). Potatoes Per lb 2 to 3c. New Potatoes, 8c. Cabbage Per lb 5 to 6c. Cauliflower Per head, 10 and 15c Honey Per box, 20; 3 for 50c. Onions Per lb., 5c. Butter Per square, 35c. to 40c. Boiled cider, per quart, 30c. Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAKSHFIE D, OllEQON. Capital Huhcn bed J5O,000 CHpitnl l'aid Up $40,000 Undivided I'roflU 35,000 Does n general baukliiK business and draws cm the ilank ol California. San Kruncltco Calif,, First National Hank Portland Or., Klrsl National Hank, Roseburg, Or., Hanover Na llonal ilank, New York, N. M. itotlicliild i Son, London, England. Also bell change on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounfs kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for rent at 5 cents a month or $5. a) car, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Dr. Bancroft FOR. VISUAL DEFECTS NER.VOUS CHR.ONIC ILLS Office opp. Central Hotel 1 Asparagus 15c. lb. Rhubarb 3 lbs. for 25c. Beets Per lb., 3c. Country eggs Per dozen, 2Gc. Hens Dressed, 22c lb. Chickens FryB, dressed, 25c lb. String Beans 15c. lb. Fresh Peas 8 l-3c. Fish. Crabs $1 per dozen. Halibut 12 c. Rod Fish 5c. lb. Ling 8c. lb. Flounders, Por lb., 5c. Cleaned clams Per quart, 20c. Empire Clams Per bucket, 50c. Meats. Sirloin steak Per lb., 12 to 15c Boiling Per lb., 5c to 8c. Veal Stew, per lb., 8c; cutlets, 10c. to 12 c. Porterhouse steak Per lb., 12 c Mutton RoaatB, per lb., 12 c to 15c; chops, 12V6c to 15c; stew, 10c. Pork per pound, 12 to 15c. Chuck steak Per lb., 10c. 1 15c. Round steak Por lb., 10c. Hamburger steak Per lb., 10c. Sausage Ber lb., 10c. Bologna Per lb., 10c; 3 for 25c Salmon (salt) Per lb., Gc. Brains Per lb., 15c; 2 for 25c. Pickled pork Per lb., 12 c. Corned beef Per lb., 7c. Wienerwurst Por lb., 12 c. Lamb's tongues 6 for 25c. Fruits nuil Nuts. Apples 10c. lb. Cocoanuts Each, 10c. Walnuts Per lb., 25c. Almonds Per lb., 20c to 30c. Lemons Per dozen, 20c to 30c. Bananas Per dozen, 40c. Oranges Perdozen, 30 to COc, ac cording to size. Dried Fruits. Raisins London layers, per lb., 20c to 30c; seeded, per 12-oz. pkg., 12 c; 16-oz. pkg., 15c. Currants Clean, per 12-oz. pkg., 1.2; lG-oz. pkg., 15c. Citron Per lb., 35c. Orange peel per lb., 25c. Lemon peel Per lb 25c. Strawberries 1 5 c. Gooseberries 2 boxes for 25c. Apricots Basket, 75c. Cherries 25 c. lb. Coos Bay Paint & Wallpaper Co. Carry a full line of lastcst styles in Wallpaper also best paints Varnishes, Stains Enamels Brushes Lining, Tacks etc. Don't forget, the place 2nd near C. st. LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. Following is a list of wholesale prices as seen on the local market Oat and wheat hay $15 to $25 ueese $1.00 Hens 10c Sheep $3.00 to $5.00 Veal calves $2.75 Beef, steers $2.50 Chickens, spring 12 c Ducks 50c to 75c Beef, cows $2.00 EGGS I can furnish the following Thoroughbred Eggs at $2.00 Per Setting Rhode Island Reds Barred Plymouth Rocks White Leghorns Pekin Ducks JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in the county. IzianShoe I MT110 Wlr ununttiit. Made with leather soles hut canvas uppers. Made with leather soles I hut canvas uppers. 1 I "Fits like your footprint." 1 m Aw? " If you want a shoe which is fashionable and yet not freakish, which is com fortablc and yet not clumsy, wears well and yet is not too heavy, call for the shn which Fits Like your Footprints neGotzlan'Slitfe AT inell s I Made in St. Paul since -i I 1855. ( I "Fits like your foot I print." I llSf MZm A nice line of Souvenir Postals of Marshfield NORTON & HANSEN Oakley & Arnold CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS North Bend, Ore. PLonc 1021 Office in Meyers Bid;. 'jFHVj. F. J. HAYES Optometrist Latest, scientific methods for correcting defective vision. Testing and fit ting childrens eyes our speciality. All the latest novelitics in op tidal goods. Stauffbldg. North Front St. Consider These and Let Us Give You Fell Particulars. Brand new 5 room cottaee- beautiful location large lot J 500 New modern cottage-ten minutes walk from business-good residence district J 700 Unimproved lots 100 by 100 close to business center 2000 Fine sightly residence lots Railroad addition each j 50 Residence lots in Railroad addition-fine view sure to be in big demand each 50 We offer the best bargains in platting acreage, business property, water front and farms, i I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. OVER TELEPHONE OFFICE. JJito, rga & H 9 i ' 1 . J ' i ,.ss: I -.. . ttWT'jntrwW'