isss -prt TIIB DAILY COOS DAY TIMES, MARSnFIELD, OnECr.y..FIUDAV, JUNE 7, 1007- k i ft m i H 1 ; MARKETS e Retail. Quotations aro as follows: Bacon For lb., 16 to 2Ge. Flour Per sack, f 1.30 to J1.C0. Potatoes Per lb., 2 to 3c. Now Potatoes, 8c. Cabbage Per lb., D to 6c. Cauliflower Per head, 10 and 15c Honey Per box, 20; 3 for 50c. Onions Per lb Cc. Butter Per square, 35c. to 40c. Boiled cider, por quart, 30c. Asparagus 15c. lb. Rhubarb 3 lbs. for 25c. Beets Per lb., 3c. Country eggs Per dozen, 25c. Hens Dressed, 22c lb. Chickens Frys, dressed, 25c lb. String Beans 15c. lb. Fresh Peas 8 1-3 c. Flsli. Crabs ?1 per dozen. Halibut 12 c. Red Fish 5c. lb. Ling 8c. lb. Flounders, Per lb., 5c. Cleaned clama Per quart, 20c. Empire Clams Per bucket, 50c. Meats. Sirloin steak Per lb., 12 to 15c Boiling Per lb., 5c to 8c. Veal Stew, per lb., 8c; cutlets, 10c to 12c. Porterhouse steak Per lb., 12 c Mutton Roasts, per lb., 12 c to 15c; chops, 12 M:C to 15c; stew, 10c. Pork Per pound, 12 to 15c. Chuck steak Per lb., 10c. J") 15c. Round steak Per lb 16c. Hamburger steak Per lb., 10c. Sausage Per lb 10c. Bologna Per lb., 10c; 3 for 2Sc. Salmon (salt) Per lb., 6c. Brains Per lb., 16c; 2 for 25c. Pickled pork Per lb., 12 c. Corned beef Per lb., 7c. Wienerwurst Por lb., 12 c. Lamb's tongues 6 for 25c. Fruits and Nuts. Apples 10c. lb. Cocoanuts Each, 10c. Walnuts Per lb., 25c. Almonds Per lb., 20c to 30c. Lemons Per dozen, 20c to 30c. Bananas Per dozen, 40c. Oranges Pordozen, 30 to 60c, ac cording to size. Dried Fruits. Raisins London layers, pet lb., 20c to 30c; seeded, per 12-oz. pkg 12 c; 16-oz. pkg., 15c. Currants Clean, per 12-oz. pkg., 1.2; 16-oz. pkg., 15c. Citron Per 11., 35c. Orange peel per lb., 25c. Lemon peel Per lb., 25c. Strawberries 1 5 c. Gooseberries 2 boxes for 25c. Apricots Basket, 75 c. Cherries 25c. lb. LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. Following is a list . of wholesale prices as seen on the local market' Oat and wheat hay $16 to $26 ueese 91.00 Hens 10c Sheep $3.00 to $5.00 Veal calves , $2.75 Beef, steers $2.50 ChlckenB, spring 12 c Ducks 50c to 75c Beef, cows $2.0o NOTICE. FOUND One small bay mare, which owner can have by paying for this notice and cost; if not re leased within three days the same will bo sold to tho highest bid der. City Marshall, North Bend. F. J. HAYES Optometrist Latest, scientific methods for correcting defective vision. Testing and fit ting childrens eyes our speciality. All the latest r.ovelities in opticial goods. Stauffbldg. North Front St. E can furnish tho following Thoroughbred Eggs at $2.00 Per Setting Rhode Island Reds Barred Plymouth Rocks White Leghorns Pekin Ducks JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in tho county. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Wo aro pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for Coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law as It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we rec commend It as a safo remedy for children arid adults. Red Cross Pharmacy. Anyone wishing rooms for confine ment, every convenience. Phone 1575. Oakley & Arnold CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS North Bend, Ore. Phont 1021 Office in Meyen Bid;. SKATING RINK An n ouncements: Open afternoon and even ings, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10, week days only. Prices: 25 conts for use of Rink skates. 15 cents for those using their own skates. 10 cents admission to Gentlemen evenings. Special attention given to beginners every after noon. Best of order always maintained. D L Avery, Manager PfywLiiii.irjfi-im..Tr;ri't-;uL"jAAM1 A nice line of Souvenir Postals of Marshfi NORTON & HANSEN Sank of ffimjmt (Sttpitul ninth fully jtattmu arunio. QTrmtaarto a grnrrnl BanUitri Uitntitran. Nnrtlj Ikixh, rrgutt V - mm Give You Fill! Particulars, Brand new 5 room cottage- beautiful location large lot New modern 'cottage-ten minutes walk from business-good residence district Unimproved lots 100 by 100 close to business center Fine sightly residence lots Railroadjaddition each Residence lots in Railroad addition-fine view sure to be in big demand each 1500 1700 2000 150 50 HKEarciBraB&aGaasrangjas&ac Dr. Bancroft t ra 6w - w- n FOR VISUAL DEFECTS NER.VOUS CHRONIC ILLS Office opp. Central Hotel ZvmMl&?3BBitE?1KZ51ZnzzXI'Zrszv,rirr We offer the best bargains in platting acreage, business property, water front and farms. OVER TELEPHONE OFFICE. Yon Take the Cake or Pie Kioin tho oven with deliirlit af ter using F I K Cake JfflpSC and Pastry IN ITS PREPARATION. Sold only in scaled 4-joun')fi ages. Our dainty illitHtrnted booklet contiuning recipes, hoc iqr. nostnl giving the name of vourgr ftlAim(l your own address. ( H' The Portland Flouring Mills Co. PORTLAND OREGON. ii Flanagan &. Bennett BanKfe MARSHriE D, OREGON. H ws ; I m iMMiiwrnwmiB tn uiimwimiimhhiiii Capital Subscribed JW.OOO rapltnl Paid Up JIO.000 Undivided Prodis $35,000 Docs n general banking business and draws ou tho Hank ol California. San Francis Calif., First National llnnk Portland Or., Fl National Hank, Roseburg, Or., Hanover Na tlonal Bank, New York, N. M. Kotlichlld & Son, London, England. Also sell change on nearly all tho principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safo deposit lock boxes for rent at 5 cents a month or ?5 a sear. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Jt Talk x(A& 4HBt t We have just received the long looked for shoes that have been delayed on account of the congestion of freight. Those knowing that we were to receive the Celebrated Bannister Shoes will now have an opportunity of buying right here in Marshfield the best shoe made in the world. Bannister Shoes are conceeded to be the best shoe put on the market today the workmanship is of the highest standard and not a pair turned out of the factory before going through the stringent inspection, the stock in these shoes is all selected by experts and when you receive a calf, kid or box call leather you can rest assured that it isn't HIDE as you have been in the habit of buying. ." t. a x,li. t ' 1 1 I . sEaaaaan We carry by far the largest stock of shoes in the County and we are sure we can please the most PARTICULAR. if', t i n IV m f ' ? mtimmmitAbmttimtow0mmiwmtmmti t inmMmHimtmmm fci ifriPfrmMtrffJtttitijF 3 -rsf MERCHANT BR EWMifiirinifriig