r Til DAILY COOS II VY TIMKS. MAnSIlMEM), OnEUUN, THUKSDAY, Jt'Nn 0, 1007, BUILDING PROGRESS fBricf Summary of a Portion of the Construction Work lit. A Johnson is building a two "t first of three houses Sam Gllroy la 6"i"B iu uri-ci in Houtn Jiarsntieid. The building activity up Coos j Kiver is astonishing, being much inoro more noticeable than at any time heretofore. Scow load after scow load Is being shipped up tho rlvor by tho C. A. Smith Lumber and Manufacturing company, to say noth ing of tho lnrge amount that Is being sent out by tho other mills on the! bay. Among thoso who arc building' arc C. A. Itodlnc. a loslilonne. attkmit ox nrunvs lifij. St. Petersburg, Juno 5. There has boon so many alleged attempts lately upon th lives of the imperial house hold that hardly a day passes with out adding ui Hie number. Tho lat est, according to tho Novoc Vremya, was n dellbprnte attempt on the llfo of Grand Duke Michael Alexandre. i .. ,sl1mlrn 111 Wnaf TYTnrallflnM n . . ' ' " ""..-." unnries Stcmmorman, lesidenco and ich will bo modern in every re-.several largo barns and other out ect, The building will be finished , "minings. - , the near future. Tho Nelson Iron Works shop has active work on the additions to ' JU" reco,v1c ,a new roof ,r.,..,i i , , " T'ic nddltlon to tho Holland H bo commenced lnabout a week or nthe boat shop for a machine Diiun ia cumpieieu anu occupied. The improvement, while not large, is one mat lias been much needed. i Qeorgc Coleman has tho residence TwniiVu Ann coxDi-nixnn. Mexico City, Juno u. According to a telegram received hero twelve of nineteen men condemned to death for alleged attempt on tho llfo of President Cabrera will bo executed. The dispatch characterizes the con demned men as honorable and inno cent victims. i:invAiti) to visit micraxo. London, Juno 5. Official an nouncement is given tonight that King Udwaid and Queen Alexandria, will visit Ireland early In July. News has caused great surprise, as news of Ir'sh discontent Is common property. XOTICI3. jfUiMU UniA small vay mare, 1 which ownen cni haveil' paying for this noticli And costYlf not re leased v itlilnlthi-ee daAtho samo will bo soldAo tho igVcst bid der. City Marshall, Kortfl Bend. fjpSJSSsmsisfKi'axwLasassasBasEi m days Tho buildings will have to st bo moved over on tho lot to al- w for tho improvements. TIiId mflr 111 llOfrlll 111 n fnw ilnVfl Tlio nstructlon of four rooms on tho ,B B"01 n l ront Slreet rsonage and tho addition to tho r" , co,n "eieu, nnu wlu De uv,ng urch represents an expenditure of rn " iiiu residence ueing unlit uy Georgo Thomason 'is almost com pleted ready for occupancy. It is a two story house, modern in every re spect. P. D. Fcrcuson has a lilc'limiRn In ' siuciiuu win uu lor rent. , - " , i Mrs. J. M. Butler is having a two I Fe,r,nda about completed. This Is auiu io uu one oi tno linest- resiliences in this section. , Work has beeij s'tarted on a fine barn for F. A. Golden in Ferndale. ' everal hundred dollars. Mrs, C. W. Tower is having a cot- ttgo erected at tho corner of Sherl- fian and Queen avenues which will loon be ready for the painters. Tho fesldenco will "bo for rent tory rosldenco erected in South larshfleld, for renting purposes. The construction work on the TniinGll lilltlfllncr nt t.lio onrnnr nf( and Second streets is progressing! ino ua W1U ,e constructed on tiuj, apldly. The framo will soon bo up, " ..... .vo. uum;u ruueuuy imisneu uy iur. uoiu.' en. EXPLOSION KILLS THREE Gasoline Car IJhms Up mid Men Standing Xear Are Blown to Atoms. for the first story. ' Tho addition to T. ' Howard's Jowelry store has been almost com-1 ;pleted. Just as soon as tho place is ' finished Mr. Howard will rearrange , much to the improvement of Its ap-' ipearanco. It. B. Wooley is having a two story fliouso built In South Marshfleld. F. C. Birch has his new residence i in South Marshfleld well under way. , This Is to bo ono of the best con- Beddick, 111., Juno 6. Three were structed residences being built this killed In the explos'lon of a carload of season. The building will bo plast- gasoline. Three men were watching ered, which Is a aew feature for three cars burn which had bcome'j buildings in this territory. I Ignited by a hot box on one of them Carl Hackman has his two story and had gone into tho ditch. Right residence in West Marshfleld well j next to these cars was a car of gaso- under way. This will bo a modern ' line which caught fire from the ' building in every respect. sparks from the burning cars. A The first of the threo residences frightful explosion followed which being built on Sheridan avenue by , broke all the windows in the town James BaHs is completed and the . and demolished chimneys for miles rest will bo well along In a short around. The three men were stand time. I Ing close to the car. They were Mat Anderson has the first of threo j blown to pieces and fragments of buildings he is going to erect at tho their bodies scattered for yards corner of Broadway and Washington around. No ono else was injured as ; "well under way. These residences i tho trainmen who knew of the con tents of gasoline in tho car had fled Consider Tnese Give Ybn Foil et Us culars. Brand new 5 1 large lot cottage- beautify location New modern cottage-ten minuteswalk from business-good residence district Unimprovedlots 1 00 by 100 clos to business CCntC f I I Fine sightly residence lots Rilroad addition each ; will be for rent. Lumber is on the ground for the to a safe distance. Residencelots in Railroad adc sure to bein big demand eacl offdr fitionf inel vie w- We property, J 500 1700 2000 150 50 1 II HUllI l,fL irx Itri"VW w :"i-n?nnv!i , .iiiL.ui...jinT.'ji;jiM;iv..iiui..Mitl.Mljiinniii.nnmTFmri 'Sfl'2? "$7 T?. 'K' SS'S'V mnv m nmin Kj jn JjiJ B Baisana M 1. J Sg U 6 gj r&irnii'tf&'Ti 7 i i jbr. ft aiicroft 1 FOR. I VISUAL DEMLCTS WER.VOWS or CHJLQNIC IHL5? Office opp. .Central Hotel i 9 taBtsB3aggiimsntK!ay-.w.T7giy the best bargains in platting acreage, business 1 Iwater front and farms X I. S: KAUFM m OVER TELEPHONE OFFICE. You Take (lie Cake ojPie I'loin the oen ylCli delightaf- ter jlsiiW andf Pastry ' Plniir ix itspuepai(atiox. Sold only in pealed4-pounpa ages. Our dainty illustrated booklet containing lcipos, Xfrco for Vostal giving tlie name ofyour groceft and your uw the be name oyyi n addlehs. Portlarfd i Mills Co. Flourinl PORTLAND OREGON. Oakley & Arnold CIVILlAfND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ii A i NnW-hR end, Ore. Pboni 1021 Office in Meyers Bid;. 'Smtkcf dhttgmt (Caplttjl ntnrh fully' sn.nW. (TrnitqaVta a nrnrral tlanUIno SluBtttCBfl. iXorilt llruJi, Cvrrgntt X NOTICE f at s Insured t servico Flanagan & Bennett Bank ARSIiriE D. o'ltEOON. iapitaiatibcnbel JW.tXX) (fcpital 1'ald Up U40.000 Uiidlvlded Prodts 133,000 Doeb n Rcnlral bnnkiiiR business and draws mi tho IJanli (ft California. Kan Francisco Calif., Flist National Hank l'ortltnd Or., Firsl National Banis, Hoseburg, Or., Iliinovcr Na tlonal IianU Kew York, N. M. otbchlld A Son, London, Kngland. Also self change on nearly all itha principal cities of yuropa. Accouuts kept BUbJcct to cheqk, m! deposit lock boxes for rent at 5 cents a month or ?5. a chr. I . INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS I Will make a stand in Coos county, Oregon, to breed my bay stallion Dentist, in Marsh Jim nijtne iair grounas. Fees for servico $10 thn rp son, nioney In advance with r turn privilege Mares kept at reasonliblo rates. Fees with foal ?ao, S5.00 Dentist 16 out of Uma C Dentlsrl was sired bjr Bania Vidus,l2:l,8, ho by Bliesign, 2:07, fliof by Bonnio 2:14, ltofby Guy Wllk first dain, Uma 0., 2: dam, (Jenofla Johnson sho bjtflQuiclc Step, 2:i by Qosch, 2:05; sho i bj ino Eletqher, 2:09. Dontist, 2:20, Is a bright bay staUlon, Istar In face, Black mane and tail, foaled Mnrch 27t,h , 10D2, at Columbus Stock farm, Saw Antonio, Texas. I Ho stands 1C1 hands in height nnd . ... ... f 1 is a styiisw trotter. Also onp liorso for sale I or trade for as marel JOHN (2HRIST R1E5 Marshfield, Coos Co,t Oregon A Talk y aBtWk. H (Hk ttv 0690 (I h Hi H emen HMNHHHHHHB l i 5 W t f i I : We e have just received the long looked for snpe that haw en delayed on account of the congestion of Keight Those knowing that we were to receive the Celebrated BannisterShoes will now have an opportunity of buyingVight here in Marshfield the best shoe made in the world Bannistfer Shoes are conceeded to be thebest shoe W on the markerioday the workmanship is of the highest standard and not a pair turned out of the factory before, going through thk stringent inspection, the stock in these shoes is all selected by experts and when you receive a calf , kid or box-calf leather you can rest assuredhat it isn't COW HIDE as you have been in the habit of buying - carry by far the largest stoNck of shoes in the County and we are sure we can pieaseane most rK i iulhr. i MERCHANT that BROS. A - f f iftiPiJiriPii'a'iiiPJ(Miiil l '. .R-' i. r,UT5Jrt,UJSl.'X- -; "JJJ "" Vfwwr4fiimmmxnw99 C3 U t ii r'i Jl "I t 0 V U