S " . DAILY COOS UVY IM- VnSW ""g. THURSDAY, JCTW 0, 1007, THE DAILT COOS BAY XIMB9, MARSIIFIKLD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 0, 100i. Mfc sTHE REFUGEE Bu A. CONAN DOYLE, Author of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" tfc.-. COPYRIGHT. 1803, BY JQ (Continued from Wednesday.) " u-nu Kiug-s eyes una cnugnr. Hie aagrj glenm which Bhot from hers, nnd yet ho strovo hard to set a curb upon bis temper, no felt that It wns for him to do so, nnd yet It did not corrio kindly to his imperious nnturc. "There Is nothing to bo gnlned, mn dnme," said ho, "by using words which arc neither seemly for your tongue nor for my enrs. You will do mo the Jus tlco to confess that where I might com mnnd I am now entreating." "Oh, you show too much considera tion, sire I Our relations of twenty years or bo can scarce suffice to ex plain such forbearance from you." "Your words nro bitter, madamc. Prancolso, bo reasonable, I implore you. Wo hnvo both left our youth behind." "The allusion to my years comes gracefully from your lips." "Ah, you distort my words. Then I slinll say no more. You mny not boo mo ngalu, madamc. Is there no ques tion which you would wish to ask me before I go?" "Good God," sho cried, "is this a mnn? lias it a heart? Arc these the lips which have told mo so often thnt ho loved me? Aro these tho eyes which hnvo looked so fondly Into mine? Can you then thrust away a woman whoso life hns been yours as you put away the St. Germain palace when n more showy one was ready for you? And this Is the end of nil those vows, those sweet whispers, those per suasions, those promises this!" "Nay, lnndnme, this Is painful to both of us." "Pain! Whero Is the pain In your face? I 6ee anger in It because I have dared to speak truth. I see Joy in It because you feel that your vilo task is done." "My patience can bear no more!" cried the king furiously. "I leave you, raadame, nnd forever!" But her fury had swept all fear and discretion from her mind. Sho step ped between tho door nnd him, her face flushed, her eyes blazing, her fnco thrust n little forward, ouo small white satin slipper tnpping upon the carpet. "You are In haste, sire? She is wait ing for you doubtless. But It was a disappointment last night, was it not, my poor Biro? Ah, and for tho govern ess, what n blow! Great heaven, what a blow! No archbishop, no marriage, nil tho pretty plan gone wrong! Was It not cruel?" Louis gazed at tho beautiful, furious faco In bewilderment, and It Hashed across his mind that perhaps her grief had turned her brain. What else could be the meaning of this wild talk of the archbishop nnd tho disappointment? It would bo unworthy of him to speak harshly to one who was so afflicted. Ho must soothe her, and, above all, ho must got awny from her. "You have had the keoping of a good ninny of roy fnmily Jewels," said he. "I bog thnt you will still rctnin them as a small sign of my regard." Ho had hoped to plenso her and to calm her, but in an Instant she wa? over at her treasure cupboard hurling doublo LunUfuls of precious stones down at his feet. They clinked and rattled, tho Uttlo pellets of red nnd yellow nnd green, rolling, glinting over tho floor nnd rapping up ngainst tho oak panels nt tho base of tho walls. "They will do for tho governess if tho archbishop comes at last!" sho cried. Ho was more convinced than over that sho hud lost her wits. A thought struck him by which ho might appeal to nil that was softer nnd more gentle in her nnture. He stepped swiftly to tho door, pushed It half open nnd gnve a whispered order. A youth with long golden hair waving down over his black velvet doublet entered the room. It was her youngest son, tho Count of Toulouse. "I thought thnt you would wish to bid him farewell," said Louis. Sho stood -staring as though unnblo to realtzo the significance of his words. Then It was borno suddenly in upon her that her children ns well ns her lov er wero to bo taken from her, that this other woman should sco them nnd spenk with them nnd win their lovo whllo sho was far away. All that was ovll and bitter In the woman flushed suddenly up in her until for tho instant sho was what tho king had thought her, If her son was not for her then ho should bo for none. A Jeweled knifo lay among her treasures ready to her hand. She caught ft up nnd rushed at tho cowering lad. Louis screamed nnd rnn forwnrd to stop her, but another had becu swifter than ho. A woman had dnrted through tho open door and had caught tho up raised wrist. There was" n moment's struggle, two queenly figures swnyed AHd Strained, nnd tho knifo dropped botween their feet. TJio frightened Louis caught it up, and, seizing liLs llttlo son by tho wrist, bo rushed from tho apartment. Prancolso do Montes pan Btaggered bnck ngnlnst tho otto mnn to find herself confronted by tho steady oyes nnd set fnco of that other Francolse, tho woman whoso presenco fell llko a shadow at every turn of her llfo. "I havo saved you, madame, from doing that which you would havo been ho firs tn hnwoll I tho first to bewail. " s B IIAHPER & BROTHERS am n ii in a mgiy uitvun luu 10 mis you, wi.um l iricnuu grggo V Bill EmIOU mMK MmSm A iconinn had darted through the open door. up when you wero hard pressed for a crust of bread or a cup of sour wine. What had you? You had nothing nothing except a name which was u laughingstock. And what did I give you? I gave you everything. You know that I gave you everything money, position, tho entrance to the court. You had them nil from me. And now you mock mo!" "Madame, I do not mock you. I pity you from tho bottom of my heart." "Pity? Ha, ha! A Mortomnrt Is pitied by the widow Scnrron! Your pity may go where your gratitudo Is, and where your character Is. Wo shall be troubled with it no longer then." "Your words do not pnln me. I hnvo never had an evil thought toward you." "None toward hie? Oh, woman, woman!" "What havo I done, then? Tho king came to my room to see tho children taught. Ho stayed. He talked, no asked my opinion on this and that Could I bo silent, or could I sny other than what I thought?" "And so, by your own confession, you stole tho king's lovo from me, most virtuous of widows!" "I had nil gratitude nnd kindly thought for you. You have, ns you have so often reminded me, been my benefactress. It was not necessary for you to say It, for I had never for an Instant forgotten it." "Pah! Your hypocrisy sickens me! If you pretend to bo a nun, why aro you not where tho nuns nre? I wns honest, nnd what I did I did before tho world. You, behind your pi-Jests nnd your directors nnd your prie-dious nnd your mlssnls do you think that you deceive me as you deceive others?" Her antagonist's gray eyes sparkled for the first time, and sho took a quick stop forward, with one white hand half lifted In rebuke. "You may speak as you will of me," she said. "To me it Is no more than tho foolish parrakeet that chatters in your anteroom. But do not touch up on things which are sacred. Ah, If you would but raise your own thoughts to such things If you would but turn them lnwnrd nnd see before it Is too lnte how vile nnd foul Is this llfo which you have lodl What might you not have done? His soul wns In your hands like clay for the potter. If you had raised him up, If you had led him on tho higher pnth, if you had brought out all that was noblo and good within him, how your name would havo been loved and blessed from the chateau to the cottage! But no. You dragged him down, you wasted his youth, you drew him from his wife, you marred his manhood. Take heed, madame, for God's sako take heed ero It bo too Jato! For all your beauty thero can bo for you, as for mo, n few short years of life. Then, when that brown hair Is white, when that white cheek Is sunk en, when that bright eye Is dimmed nh, ihen God pity tho sin stained soul of Francolso do Montospanl" Her rival had sunk her head for the moment before tho solemn words and tho beautiful oyes. For an Instant sho stood silent, cowed for tho first tlmo In all her life, but then tho mocking, de fiant spirit camo back to her, and sho glanced up with a curling lip. "I am already provided with a spir itual director, thank you," said Pho. "Ob, madame, you must not think to throw dust In my eyes! I know you nnd know you well!" "On the contrary, you seem to know less than I had expected. If you know mo so well, pray what am I?" All her rival's bitterness nnd hatred rang In tho tones of her answer, "You nre," said she, "the governess of my children and tho secret mistress of tho king." "You nro mistnken," nnswered Mme. do Mnlntenon serenely, i am the gov- Mnnnn nt sta sklilllinn nnd T ,"L ",.',. "" H " uo- am tho CHAPTER XIV. 0 FTEN hnd De Montcspan fclgn- eu n mint In the days when sho wished to dlsnnn tho nn ger of the kluir. But now sho knew whnt it wns to hnvo tho senses struck out of her by n word. Sho could not doubt the truth of whnt she heard. Thero was that in her rival's face, In her steady eye, in her quiet voice, which carried absolute convic tion with It. Sho stood stunned for an instant, panting, her outstretched hands feeling nt tho nir, her defiant eyes dull ing nnd glnzlng. Then with n short sharp cry, the wnll of ono who hns fought hnrd nnd yet knows thnt sho can light no more, her proud head drooped and sho fell forwnrd senseless. Mme. de Mnlntenon stooped jind raised her up In her stroua wiilto nras. There were true grief nnd pity In her eyes ns sho looked down nt the snow-pale faco which lay against her bosom, nil tho bitterness nnd pride gone out of it nnd nothing left snve tho tear which sparkled under tho dork lashes and tho petulant droop of tho lip, llko that of a child which hns wept Itself to sleep. Sho laid her on tho ottoman and placed a silken cushion under her head. Then sho gathered together and put back Into tho open cupboard nil the Jewels which wero scnttercd nbout tho enrpot. Hnving locked It and placed the key on n table whero its owner's eye would readily fall upon it, sho struck n gong which summoned tho page. "Your mistress Is Indisposed," said she. "Go nu;l bring her umids to her." And so, hnving done nil thnt lay with her to do, she turned away from the great silent room where, nmld the vel vet and the gliding, her beautiful rival lay llko a crushed flower, helpless and hopeless. Helpless enough, for what could sho do? And hopeless, too, for bow could fortune aid her? The instant thnt her senses had come bnck to her she had sent awny her waiting women mid lay with clasped hands nnd n drawn fnce planning out her own weary future. Sho must go, that was certain. Her spirit was broken nt last. She must accept defeat, nnd she must go. Sho rose from the couch feeling that she had aged ten years in an hour. Thero was much to be done nnd little tlmo In which to do It. Sho-had cast down her Jewels when the king had spoken as though they would ntone for tho loss of his love. But now that the lovo was gone there was no reason why the Jewels should be lost too. If she had ceased to bo tho most power ful, she might still be tho richest wo man In France. There wns 'her pen sion, of course. Thnt would bo a mu nificent one, for Louis wns nlways generous. And then thero was all the spoil which she hod collected during these long years, the Jewels, the pearls, the gold, the vases, the pictures, tho crucifixes, the watches, the trinkets together they represented many mil lions of llvres. With her own hands she packed awny the most precious nnd portnblo of them, while she nrranged with her brother for the safe keeping of tho others. By evening nil wns ready, and she had arranged thnt her property should be sent nfter her fo Petit Bourg, to which castlo she in tended to retire. It wnnted half nn hour of the time fixed for her depnrture when n young cnvaller whose faco was strange to her was u&hered Into her room. Ho came with n message from her brother. "M. do Vlvonne regrets, madame, that .the rumor of your departure has got abroad among the court." "Whnt do I care for that, monsieur?" she retorted. "He says, madamc, that tho courtiers may assemble nt the west gnto to seo you go; thnt Mme. de Neullly will be thero, nnd the Duchcsse do Chnmbord and" Tho Indy shrunk with horror nt tho thought of such an ordeal. To drive away from tho palace where she had been more than queen under the scorn ful eyes nnd blttor gibes of pcrsonnl enemies! "Tell my brother, monsieur, thnt I should bo obliged If ho would mako fresh arrangements." "Ho undo mo sny thnt ho had done so, madame." "Ah! At what hour, then?" "Now. As soon ns possible." "I nm ready. At the west gate, then?" "No. At tho east. Tho carrlago waits." "And whero Is my brother?" "We are to pick him up at tho park gate, no Is watched, and were ho seen beside tho carriage all would bo known." "Very good. Then, monsieur, If you will take my cloak nnd this ensket wo may start at onco." They made their way by n circuitous routo through tho less used corridors, sho hurrying on llko a guilty creature, n hood drawn over her face and her heart In n flutter at every 6tray foot fall. But fortune stood her friend. She mot no ono nnd soon found her self nt tho enstern postern gute. A couplo of phlegmatic Swiss guardsmen loaned upon their muskets upon cither side, and tho lamp abovu shouo upon the carrlago which awaited her. Tho door was open, and n tnll cavalier swathed (n n black clonk handed her Into It. He then took tho seat opposite to her, slammed tho door, nnd the cnlecho rattled nwny down tho main drive. It hnd not surprised her that this mnn should Join her Inside tho coach, for it was usual to havo n guard there, nnd ho wns doubtless tnklng the plnco which her brother would afterward oc cupy. That was all natural enough IJ out wncn ten minutes piisseu uy uu he hnd neither moved nor spoken she peered nt him through tho gloom wlt somo curiosity. At Inst tho sllenco Inv pressed her with a vaguo uneasiness, It wns tlmo to bring it to an end. (To Bo Continued.) WANT ADS WANTED. pod fnmily ' tartod fnmily yfso; bay feVred. F. A. JKolden.- mare preferred. F. A. FOR SALE-Vftousehold dffoda for sale nnd liYuso for rcntA Address Mrs. J. F.flJpwmnn, Maslmcld. 1 FOR RENT. Rooms ljrthc Rogers building; suites op'slngly. Apply S. C. RogCTS, Reamer Coos River, or E. O. Hall; A street, FOR SALE -G2 acres for farming land, 25 .acres nlrcad JllUUB UILUilUA LVUIIIl. uuu 2 acres pod bottom lA", ?25 per aero. Ja :kdb Mattsonv North Inlet. Hnif ensh am) rcmnlAderYn tlmo. FOR SALE 'fnrm of 801 Daniels' Crd 5k. Addre: Jones. Box Mnrshfle n WANTED girl for gonje work; gottd wngqs. m Kaufmnn FOR SALE 'N wo f Lots Mnrshfleld. totIf for $4 quire I. S. Kfi 'man & Co. WANTED Position ns cook in Dora A. 5-29-3 boarding house ilr ci camp, Barber, Pla lnt B. l t WANTED First .'class kV.iu.oa nam, 1 VUrsiT 1 V waist hand and skirt hand ohann-5-29-3 sen. FOR SALE lirst clnss milk cow. I - '.V. For pnrtlcuf s Inquire J. O. aoops. ! . V29-5 I FOR SALE small improxo(rarm. This is n rgaln. Apply Vit nan . t. .. & Hairs oi G-l-1 FOR SALE RIGHT A15-000 stock merchandise, M)odfve town. Pa cific Real EstatfcCo Coqulllo, Ore. FOR SALE A, pnylng -Restaurant; clenrs ?200 a mpnthr Pnciflc Real Estate Co., CoculTe, Ore, G-l-1 1 ween county over Bend PonV, SluU and LaundryVadjes' purs th large monograiA "M" on ou. lde, con- tainlngfymo.ney, gold other tlungst reward . . . ji i i i tch and ,8turn to EverettsDrig Storj f Bend. FOR SAL'S -Household FV niture. W. L. Sft aar, corner Virr la and Meade si 3t? WANTED toot orl girl, lGWeifrs old or over, torearnthe clgai making trade; wnms pnid while yearning. Apply over Virnoa BuildliiV, Coos Bay Cigar) C6. FOR RE lslidu rooms. Third nri nit, across from the Chi Mrs. Acron. GlpKfor tenotni house- Goo(l Vnges. Aijply Mrs. tCaufmari. v WANTFl A gitfl uj was Ishes at tho PS WANTED-! ED-Girl tbvWaMdff 'alnYlce Creahi PavBoi waah dishes at tho Pair or. WANTEdWtwo dining Joora girls nnd a dwhwasher, Hotel Oregon, North Bend T If you .don't se&ariy fun in Marshffldd drop aroOnd to the shootineVallery bnFrbnt St. STEAMER G. LeaveswMarshfie! Morning at 5 a. ning yup L.oos Daniel Cfeek. Pull the BBLL C Wet YVSuV Whistle Blow J.jH. HERRON Front Street, Mi Oregon H Q Dealel 'A- Puro CrVftm Milk nnd jiutteruiUk. ui'i-eo do liverto all pnrts)iflie city. Norh Bfend, ODcjjon w rteady HO L OREGON j JNQ-V and iuoam Samp 1 oniH in Connection NORT BEND, ORE. I E. R. m C-2G-1 infl house- Vs. I. S. A 5-2 C-l Vl West 2fi. In- vr s Iftrg o. jrldcfp NlLrttf A 17 J T for . NortJl NT.-At'no futn rqhestl n3eJuindry. Jf " J WANTEDV- worV. I I. 3. A r r Prizes offered for best shots. L S Z M every m, run- Tlfcn .fJpp. iffliflelY ti. CrWui A'' sAM TheCB.,R.& and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCIIED-1LE NO. 2. In Effcc January 1, 1007. All prevlou schedules nro Told. Subject tochnnge without notice W. S. Chnndlor, manager: F. A. Lalse, frelgfit ngent; general offlxes, Mnrshfleld, Oregon. No. Trains. Dalit Except Sunday. Stations. Leavo 9:d0 a. m.Marshflold. 9:30 a. m.B. II. Junction. 9:435 a. m.CoquilIo. Arrive 10:lo a.m.Myrtlo Point. No. 2 I Dally) i tet'i ii'- tii-Au Except Sunuay. Leave 10:45 tL m.Myrtlo Point. 1 0 : 3 Kn.V m.Cciiuillo. 12:00 M B. H. Junction. Arrive 12:S0 pin.Marshfleld. Extra trains Vvlll run on dally special orders. "Brains to and from Beaver Hill daily. au descriptor riouse pamtmpApa- oerihaneinc. erain- ing carriage paint- insfjetc. Strictly pure stoc foldlon all jobs. ! e Bearfs Livery Stable i N&lson Iron Work P. Ef NELSON, 3 We rejwli fr nil kinds of Steam iinif (las Engines, GunB cycles. Uftst of work our Spec! We manufacture Castings In Iron na llronzcJ for 8nw Hills aniv lagging Campsf Womyko tlio best Hlieavcsi til Road spools foe Loggers. TELEIUIONE ilUIONE SB! HF1ELD, OREGON T R Hi BRIOHAM ARCIHTEoriND SUPMENDENT PlansAtnd specifcations JllBACS ldings North Bend, OVegon PHONH 541 sfEAMEk FLYRR Mj P. Periaergras, Master 0, 9:00, ME TABLE. Leaves Alarshfleld and lOaoVi. m., and liOO, 2:30 nnd 4:w) p. m. Leaea North Bend tt 8:16. 9:45 11:15 a. rnf, and 1:45, 3 and! 5:00 p. nf. fakes ally trips excent Sun- days ro: One wax. 15 cents; round trip? 25 cent i 0 StcaitDye Vfyrks A C Street y Ladies' nnd Gents' garn.entH:lcnn- ol or uyeu. I Philip Becker, Prowietor. Sign y Writiiig I Of all descriotions. H I I M J- I OppOGI LL ProA Machinery afld HI r'Y : I 7 MARS ' hi iii mi -in fammtmm Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M.D. PHYSICIAN An SURGEON Diseases of the iEye, Ear, Nose, nnd Threat a specialty. Office in Lockhart'B Building. Murshficld, Oregon" DU. HAYDOI Offlao opposite Union Furniture Store. Houhri 10 to 12and 2 toM f Bpoclal attention paid to diseases of the (lain urinary anu digestive organs IT. ftPntiafnn nvamlnn. examli 1 Marshfield DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Surgeon. Office OTor Songstackcn's Drug Store. Phones OClco 1621; residence 783. Ofilc f- II. M. RICHARDSON, Physician nnd Surgeon. Diseases of eyo, ear, noe and throat a specialty. Oflfco in Eldorado Block. Lawyers. E. L. O. FARRIN. J Attorncy--at-Lnw. City Attornoy. Denuty DIsL Atfr. Lockhnit Building. Marshfield, Ore. 'I Phone 44. L. A. HILJEQVIST, LAWYER, United States Commissioner, tt a t n..i ir.unu Entries, Proofs, Contests, etc. JPTQN, Attori$jnt-LnT. Marsh! eld. ... Oregon. J. W. BENNETT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank, j Marsh'flbld, ... Oregon. o. f. Mcknight, Attorncy-nt-Lnw. Upstairs, Bennett & Walter bloclc Marshfield, ... Oregon. J. W. SNOVER T Attorncy-nt-Law Office: Rogers building MarshQoId, Oregon COICE &XIOKE, A t torn i v-nt-Tjn w. Marshfloldl ... Oregon. PIXLEY &WIAYBEE, Atorneys-nt-Law. Offlco pvor Myers' Store. Phono 701 A . . North Bend, Ore. Real Estate Agents. DIER LANI VCOMPANY Real Estate Brokers North Bond, - Oregon. MR. ALBERT ABJL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phono 1884. Mcnierson Ginser, Co. Wnolsalo liquor (lelera Cigjyrs and saloonXsup- plis. California Wine s Specialty Front St., Manjhfield I ooV Bay SteWtaundry -OH MARSHHPD.Bd NORTH BEND All work nowAdone at the, North Bend Plant '' I A Edgar 1auzey Agent, Marshfieitl North Bend Phone 1031 Marshfield Phone 1804 ulri lln r Oregon Filings : 3. M. Marsh! ' I -ft J I n vj.- is you who hnvo ill -- "i -!"- -"'"- 'ri-'T '"- 'r-Tllimiifli r ii'n i-' " '-j( i .1 i nimyLnuttmia .. .,, u,' M. 4.jmrtillB11!Ma "Saved me I It