The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 06, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 2

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I J1 ' "VW
(Unos ctij Sfmas
runuqiEii KvniiY hay nxcr.nixo Mon
Tub Coos Bay Timbi Ptfiii.isiiixa Co.
REX LARGE, JUim.m Manaokh.
sions of some sort will be obtained
by the first road which will place It
In an advantageous position over
other roads. Harriman is ready and
willing to build his lines now com
ing In from Drain down the main
land on the east side. Better let him
do It.
Tho policy of The Coos Bay Times
will bo Kcpublii'iui in jolitirs, with the
Independence of which I'u-wlent Roose
velt is the leading exponent.
Unlcrud nt tlie prwtofllrc at MnrMillelil. Ore
gon, for tran.niit-ioii through tlie innlU ft"!
.' eceoiul clnss iniillfmuttcr.
Singlo copy, daily, 5 cents
Tor month, daily, CO cents
Three months, daily, - - $1 25
Six months, daily - - ?2 50
One year, daily, - - - ?5 00
s Weekly, per year - - ?1 00
Address all communications to
Marshfield. Oregon.
Tho Times stands opposed to the
liridglng of Coos Day. On this pen
insula where tho cities of North
Bend, Marshfield, and Empire are
situated the firm belief exists that
ultimately th'is will bo the site for
Oregon's metropolis. That belief Is
based on the harbor. Nowhere
could a more desirable haven be
.found for ships than at Coos Bay.
.Fourteen miles of wharfage He along
tho water front on the peiflnsula sldo
and seven miles of it are as securely
protected from the sea as though
they were inland that many miles.
3t 13 understood that the proposed
bridge will be a common user. It Is
also cited that It can be built in such
a manner that it will not impede
navigation. Tho term "not impede
navigation" is an extremely broad
ono. There is no question but that
with a draw bridge a steamer could
pass by when tho draw , was open.
They do it now In the canal at Chi
cago. The canal that connects Chi
.cago with tho lakes is about 100 feet
"wide. , l'!'!
The Southern Pacific bridge would
cross tho bay somewhere near Pony
Inlet, which is a little over a half
Tnllo around old North Bend point.
The bay at that place is not much
over a half mile wldo at any ono
place. Tho channol runs very deep.
Can tho citizens of Coos Bay coun
tenance tho placing of a bridge over
a body of water but a half mile wide
and at the same time presume to
speak of Coos Bay as ultimately
ranking with Puget Sound and Gol
don Gate. It must be borne In mind
always that Nature was not as gen
erous In the laying out of the bay
as she was with tho two sister ports.
Golden Gate and Puget Sound wore
originally mado natural deep water
harbors. Before Coos Bay can com
pete with them deeping of tho har
bor will bo required. Thus a duty
devolves on every citizen of this bay.
Each individual must work toward
those ends which will allow for tho
expansion of tho harbor and not tho
retrogression. And there is no
question but that a bridge over any
navigable portion of Coos Bay would
act as an irremediable evil.
Coos Bay citizens liavo a sacred
trust upon them In tho harbor. Ac-
tion taken now will bo felt scores of
years hence moro keenly possibly
than at present. Too much caution
cannot bo exercised in the handling
of tho water front propositions. Do
tho citizens of this peninsula realizo
that they are building hopes for a
groat city and that the slto on which
tho city Is to bo is measured by a
trifle less tlmn sovonteen square
miles? At tho north point of tho
peninsula where tho Southern Pacific
would outer tho width of tho land is
something less than two miles. Tho
widest part of tho peninsula meas
ures not quite flvo miles. In St.
.Louis, Missouri, tho total area of ter
minal trackage Is a little over sev-onty-llvo
squaro miles. The South
ern Pacific and other trans-Continental
linos will not build Into Coos
Day because of philanthropic mo
tlvos; Coos Bay means a futuro
deop-water tormlnus to them. If a
road entors hero Assuredly It must
Jiavo yaids to switch Its cars. Where
will tho yards bo?
There Is no question but that tho
ono lino of tho Southern Pacific now
building into Coos Bay will ulti
mately call for at least four squaro
miles of trackago for yards. It Is a
qtiOMtlon that must bo met, and the
propor way to meet It Is boforo It
.gets boyond control. It Is now n
ljioitIon of whothor tho rosldenta
on Coos Bay want to let tho ji 'iila
uula bo cut up by railroad lima or
whether they profer to lot then i in
down on tho mainland on tho st
Hide of tho bay nnd lot tho f- i ,'.
earn be handled on tho terminal
tracks. If ono railroad Is allowed
o.u the peninsula of Cooa Bay it will
act nualnBt other linos coming In, for
there- is no question but that couces-
Under the caption, "Advertising
Towns and Communities," tho Ore
gonion prints a timely and pointed
editorial on tho valiiu of consistent
publicity work, in the isauo of June
2. Citing instances of judicious ad
vertising the article dwells on tho
excellency of the action ot the T.'orth
Bend Commercial Club in presenting
to Governor Chamberlain a set of
office furniture "made In North
Bend from Coos Bay lumber."
"Originality," says thu Oregonlan,
"Is a very strong feature In advertis
ing Tlie merchant who continual..'
lollo'-s (ho idea? and policies of his
rivals wl'l never make a roputatlon
for him&elf. The imitator but pays a
compliment to tho originator. So
tho town that hopes to make Itself
known to tho world must strike out
on new lines or excel all other towns
In some one particular. One Oregon
community has raT3ed A fund for
the purpose of making a set of fur
niture for the Governor's office at
the Capitol, the furniture to be mado
in that community from lumber pro
duced there. This, project is of
value as an advertiser, for nearly
every stranger who visits the Gov
ernor's office will bo told where that
furniture camo from."
"Why don't they get hotel accom
modation in Marshfield," is an oft
repeated query. It Is a deplorable
feature, and one that should bo recti
fied by the business men of this com
munity before any other work is at
tempted. All the money that can
bo put In publicity work will be wast
ed if a hotel i3 not erected In Marsh
field that will meet, at least to some
extent, the demands which are now
daily going unsatisfied. In the three
hotels in Marshfield there Is a total
of about 220 rooms. For the past
several months there has been on an
average of two applicants for every
room In the city, and some time tho
demand has exceeded that. Coos
Bay's superior advantages as a resort
tho year around ate attracting many
people, and numberless cases have
been cited where prospective visitors,
hecomlng discouraged because of lack
of hotel accommodations, have left
the Bay on the first boat. With a
hotel of adequate appointments
Marshfield will advance with wonder
ful rapidity.
' E MM !
Editor Coos Bay Times:
Forty-eight yeaVs ago today, June
1st, tho first settlers, consisting of
CS persons, arrived at tho South
Fork of Coquille. Of those, only
eight are left and living on tho river.
Mrs. Nellie Bender, Cora Hermann,
Hon. Briger Hermann, Manuel Her
mann, M. G. Pohl, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Stault and Messrs. August and Fred
Schroeder. Not many who at this
day gave us a weicouie are living
Does any ono of tho readers know
I. S. Itose, tho Myrtle Point Record
er? .Please don't all sing out at once
"I do, what with him?" You all
know that he sported a long, gray
beard, which ho was very prone to
stroko with both his hands. That
ornament of his face fell under tho
shears of tho tonsorial artist. What
a metamorphosis, a racoon will de-
("lopelnto a butterfly, but Boso had
develoued Into something entirely
An n ouncements:
! ""j
Opeil afternoon nnd oven
ings,2 to 5 and 7 to' 10,
week l days only.
In ite&i.
s for us-o of Rink
skates. jj
15 corns for those uising
their own skntesl
10 jconts admission to
Gentlemen ovonlngB.
Special attention jjiven to
beginners overyj after
noon. I
"! ff order always main
t tilled. j
D L. Avery;
different than a beauty. With a
change of colthes the transformation
was complete. Darwin himself
would have found it wonderful. No
doubt, since you know Rdse, you
ono has a little of the Old Nick In
them. So Deoye had to get tho town
marshall to arrest a vagrant.
The marshal did his duty and tho
prisoner followed him to tho re
corder's office. However on tho way
there tho prisoner was trying to hang
behind and was hustled to walk right
along. ,
.Arriving at tho ofiice the recorder
could not be found. By and by tho
prisoner left his seat, walked over to
tho safe and began to turn the com
bination. The marshall 'pulled him
back and told him to let that alone or
he would teach htm something. This
was too much for Rose, ho broke out
in a loud Ha, Ha, Ha. Such a laugh
as only our recorder can produce.
The marshall, knowing .this laugh,
nearly fainted. Was this not an act
of cruelty to an officer of the law?
This job finished, Roso went to the
bank to have a check cashed. Mr.
Benson, not knowing this face, re
quested tho bearer to Identify him
self, and is was done. Our banker
was the most completely taken in
man' at tho Point. P.
Anyone wn.ling rooms for yonfine
ment, evdjfy convenience. APhone
1 V The Steamer j
n T5 3F wit II n B V v ' 1 I i H
! m. Vr. KJUAII
I Sails forSVin Francisco Tuesday flune 4 S
F. S' DOW Agent
San Francisco, June 5. An
earthquake shock lasting about
ton seconds was felt 'hero at v(
12:27 yesterday morning. D-v (
dilation from north to south.
No damage Is reported.
All tho buidInU on tlie0.K. lot
situated on tliv northwest Icyrncr of , r , ,
Front and a Meets. BuMings to! California a.i& Oregon Coast Steamship, Company,
lm moved off Alio nremisU? imme
diately after Jutio 15.
lhanagan'& Bennett.
cai furnish tYe following
Thorough bro(l Egg at
$2.0oPer Sttiiig
RhodVlsland ItW
RarreA Plymouth Rocks
Whit Leghorns A
PekiA Bucks
Snnil Jm vour orders Now
Eggs Slapped anywhere in the
1 j
I Coqs Bay R.eal, Rstate I
m K1
jsidence and Farminir Pronertv
a j
A snapVtO acres on Catching; Inlety4 miles from
city 15 acres fcot'tom land under dyke. A
40 acres on County Road 4 miles from city $18
per acre. X
For uirther particulars .call on
i i - ;
F. PL Rummell Jn 8c Co.
Nasburg bldg.
We have enlareed our store room and olaced
4 i I
stock a fine line-of Dry Goods and Shoes. We are
Agents for the Famous Packard.
Shoes for
- - MUKii - - -
er Alii
H. D. OLSON, Master.
COOS BAY to Portland arid Return
GEO. 1). GRAY a 00., GcnJral agents, h. WSIIaV, Agent,
421 Market St.. Sa Francisco. Marshflold. Phone 441
Contractors and Builders
Ofiice fixtures YsiK'cinltv. Store Fronts, Qnunters,
Shelving. Lotuis work out your plans. Se us he-
fore building
Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, Njftli Front Street
Bottled in
uarts, Pints and One Half Pints.
Phone Orders promptly attanded to. , Phone 481.
Banking" Favors
And courteous treatment are tho undisputed light
of every depositor in this bank there aVcuny
number of then! willing to testify to thesaincts.
Can you not adjl your name to our list? Informa
tion cheerfully given by every oflicer and director
of the bank. j
First National Bank of CposBay
JOHN S. COKE, ITuililent
V. S. McFAKLAND, Cashier
0. II, IIIKSI)ALK, VlcclTesIdont
Frni; Strepfc
Front Street Business Property
We Have SoVnething; ThaV Will
interest You A
Sengstackens Addition offers the
jk. t ct.iiv.o iui Liat; iiiyiiY'i
Title Guarantee & Abstract Co.,
Henry Sengstacken, Manager
on east shore of bay
Level bench land, all cleared ,or business blocks
Gentel sloping, Alder covered lXnd, f6r residence
I ,ots'
Reasonable Prices Esy Terms
Also 550 dcres Dairy Farm on Kentuck' Inlet.
FreeLaunch from fylakhfield
d North BendA
Callat our office opposite CentraHotel,
Marshfielcj, Ore. or call us upn0hone.
Coos Bay Townsite Company
0'TC'r?1?JI1ER, Pres ancI Qen- Manager
" . inKuiNti, Secretary