MB DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MAHSHFIELW. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8. 'j&j8fjxmjjjjtifj&j&j& & && SPORT 'j : jSf JJ&x&&JBl&&0!St&sl& &&& JSf jgr H SCHOOL or liiuepenaenis vraiu uame From That Team Benefit Public Schoo! Library ST CONTEST ASSURED ntt'iir AKgregntion snows nuiica- lions of Putting Up Speedy Article of Hull. iTlio "Junior Independents" chal- tge the- Marshfleld High School ielmll team to a game tho time Id grounds to bo arranged later. he" Junior Independents are In the j-ycar-old limit class and arc will- to meet any teams in that clas3, Iter the gamo Is arranged with the nrslifiold High School team. They Ish to let all money realized over ie expenses go to the Public School Ibrary. Such thoughtful action 111 be heartily commended by ovory- ody. The material thai is now trying at for tho team shows promising ndleatlons, and there is no qucs- ou but that it will put up a stiff ght for diamond honors. The lino- ip of the team will probably bo licked in the course of the next fow a3 and the boys will then got down hard routine practice. GE S01E 'aptaiit jMcKcown Makes Arrange ments for League Gaines for Present Season. Captain McKeown and B. Dlm- mlck drove over to Coqullle yester day for the purpose of arranging a season schedule between tho baseball teams of the valley and tho two at North Bend and Marshfleld. The plan is to have games with both Co quille and Bandon. "If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, though he build his- ... house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door'RALPH WALDO EMERSON Just now empire builders are building iron-shod paths to" the commercial door of North Bend because its factories have the freight to ship, and their payroll talks Like seeks like. Its an eternal law of nature. Although but imperfectly recognized, is absolute. This same law holds good in building of factories. A factory is built always at that point where there are fewest obstacles to be overcome, where tributary raw materials are unlim ited and markets unrestricted. If this, holds good in one case it will hold good in severala dozen or a hundred. North Bend but a few years ago had one factory, soon it had several, now there are a dozen, and the raw materials are here for a hundred more. Factories make payrolls, these in turn create business houses which invite banks, jobbers, traders and trans portation facilities, and all go to the making of a city because "Its Payroll Talks," which creates a demand for real estate. There is a beaten path to our door because we have the best bargains in North Bend real estate DIER.S LAND COMPANY NORTH BEND, OREGON GOSSIP & Automobile Dealer's Association Of Oregon Will Put Machines To Severe Tests June 7 MANY CARS ENTERED Unique Contest Has Excited Deep In. terest mid Keen Competition Is Promised. Portland. Tho Automobllo Deal ers' Association of Oregon will hold its first annual hill climbing, contest on Friday, June 7. The contest will bo held on the hill leading from the Shoals Valley road up to tho Mount Zion Church. Tho course will start at the bridge just beyond the schoolhouso at the foot of the hill and finish In front of the church. This is an ideal hill for &uch a contest, as the road is hard, there arc no dangerous turns, and very nearly the entiro progress of tho cars can bo watched from the south side of Council Croat. It is expected that there wJll be about 30 cars in tho contest, 21 al ready having been entered. List of Cura Entered. Following are tho cars entered, and their respective classes: Runabout, $1,500 and under: Roo, Fred. A. Bennett; Buick, II. L. Keats Auto Company; Auto Car, Cook Motor Car Company; Ford, Fred. A. Bennett. Runabout, $2,S0O and under: Stevens Duryea, Cook Motor Car Company; White Steamer, Pullman Auto Car Company; Thomas, 40, II. L. ICeats Auto Company; Stoddard Dayton, II. A. Burgess. Touring Car, $2,000 and under: Mitchell, Miners & Cohen; Cadillac, H. M. Covoy; Buick, II. L. Keats Auto Company. Touring cars, $3,000 and under: Cadillac, H. M. Covey; Ford, G-40, Fred. A. Bennett; Stoddard Dayton, II. A. Burgess; Pope-Hartford, H. L. Keats Auto Company; Auto Car, Cook Motor Car Company. Touring cars, $3,001 and over: Big Six Stevens, Cook Motor Car Company; White Steamer, J. B. Kelly; Little Six Stevens, Cook Mo tor Car Company; Thomas CO, II. L. Keats Auto Company; Royal Tourist, Cook Motor Car Company. On Friday Afternoon. The dealers intended to hold their contest on Saturday, June 8, but on account of that being the date of the Hunt Club races ttie dealers, at the request of tho members of the Hunt Club, agreed to hold their contest Juno 7. There arc a num ber of high-power cars entered, and some very fast time should bo made over tho two-mile course. As this is the first contest of this kind held by the dealers, thoy are all entering their cars, and this guar antees that, it will bo a successful and exciting contest. The climb will begin at 1 o'clock in tho afternoon. FOR RENT Throe or four rooms for housekeeping, with wator, near Band stand. Mrs.' Chas. Murr, North Bond. WOMAN GOLF CHAMPION. Mrs. W. 15. Ayer Is (lie Woman Champion of Oregon. Roderick Macle.sy, of Portland, 13 the golf champion of Oregon. Mrs. W. B. Ayer is the woman champion at the same fascinating game. When tho finals In the annual State tournament wore played on tho Wavcrly links, Macleay - defeated Gordon Voorhies and Mrs. Ayer beat ing Miss Flanders. Tho men's handicap was won by G. R. Andrews, of Seattle, and tho women's handi cap by Mrs. J. C. Alnsworth. Tho men's long driving contest was won by Voorhies, who knocked the little round ball 2 IS feet. Mrs. Dewitt Connell won the women's driving' coiitest, making 1C2 feet. The tournament ended with a dinner and dance at the clubhouse last night, at which more than 100 golf enthu siasts were present. ' MAY LOSE FRANCHISE. Vancouvor, B. C. It was reported hero tiday that the Vancouver fran chise in tho Northwest league will be given to Portland. Officials of the local club deny 'the story, al though it is hinted that negotiatlins for a transfer of the franchise have been going on for some time. BATTLING NELSON VS JIMMY BRITT Reported That Former Lightweight Will Be Matched In San Francisco. For several days past there have been rumors to the effect that Bat tling Nelson, who hasn't "turned a wheel" in nearly two years, Is to be brought to San Francisco in a hurry from Hot Springs and signed up with Jimmy Brltt so that the enemies of' Promoter Coffroth, who has ar ranged a Fourth of July contest be tween Squires, the Australian cham pion, and Tommy Burns, may bo able to "stage" an opposition pugilistic event on tho national holiday. The report has been denied weakly, but It crops up again. Tho story goes that tho desire to spoil the Colma attraction as far as possiblo lias its well-spring animosi ties engendered among the members of that turbulent organization known as the fight trust and, that Billy No lan, who manages Nelson and de tests Coffroth on account of a wran gle over moving picture money, has lined up with tho antl-Coffroth forces in' the attempt to bring con fusion to the plans of tho Colma promoter. 1JASEBALL RESULTS. Portland, Juno 4. Portland, 1; San Francisco, 4. Seattle, June 4. Seattle, 5; 4 O Aberdeen, 8. Spokane, Juno 4. Spokane, O 4; Tacoma, 5. 3 O INDEPENDENTS WORK Cnsididntes for Team Practicing Every Night Will Soon Choose Line-Up. The candidates for tho Independ ent ball team are practicing dili gently every evening this week and hope to soon be able to meet tho teams on the bay. Plans are being mado to get a game with North Bend, and it may be arranged for next Sunday afternoon, though noth ing definite Is known. Tho members of the team have not all been picked, but it is thought tho line-up will be decided on in a few days. There is a wealth of promising material from which to select players, and it is hoped to have one of the best or ganized tennis on the bay. SEE Dr. Bancroft FOR VISUAL DEFCTS ' NERVOUS or CHRONIC ILLS Office opp. Central Hotel sE2ES5HED35:SS&' Yoti Take t! lO IV Cake or Pie From the ovon with delight af ter using IN ITS PREPARATION. Sold only in sealrd 4-poun pa k nges. Our dainty illustiated booklot containing locipca, free for 'postal giving the name of your grocer and your own address. The Portland Flouring Mills Co. PORTLAND OltKGON. Flanagan &. Bennett Bank MAttSltFlE n, OREGON. Capital Hubtcribeit J6O.000 Capital 1'alU Up ?10,000 Undrtldcd fronts 3d,U00 ocsn (jonornl bunking business nml draws oil the Jlank ol California. Han b'nuiolsco Calif., First National Ilimk Portland Or., Klrsl National Bank, Roeburg, Or., Hanover Na tional Hank, New 'York, N. JI. Itotbchlld & Bon, London, England. Also sell change on nearly all tho principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, fciifc deposit lock boxes for rent at 6 cents a month or ?5. a j ear. I INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS: Olympic Cake Flour Oakley & Arnold CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS North Bend, Ore. Phcnt 1021 Office in Meyeri BMj. Sauk of vwjmt uiatmai nwcuiMiy ptuiutp 5lT.limi. Ernuiiiictu a nrucnil Bmihttiij imtimtttia. fcrjnnlj Nm-tit !lcu;, (Or T I will make a Gtand in Coos county, Oregon, to breed my bay Btalllon Dentist in Marsh flld at tho fair grounds. Fees for servlco ?10 the sea son, money in advanco with re turn privilege. Mnros kept at reasonable rates. Foes Insured with foal $20, at first servlco ?5.00. Dentist Is out of Uma C. Dentist, was sired by Dania Vidua, 2:18, ho by Blue Sign, 2:07, ho by Bonnie Wilks, 2:14, ho by duy Wilks, 2:07; J first dam, Uma C, 2:20; 2nd dam, Genofia Johnson, 2:10; sho by Quick Stop, 2:11; she by Gasca, 2:05; she by Paul ino 'Fletcher, 2:00. Dentist, 2:20, Is a bright bay stallion, star in face, black mane and tall, foaled March 27th , 1902, at Columbus Stock farm, San Antonio, Texas. Ho stands 10 hands in height and is a stylish trotter. Also one horso for salo or trade for a mare. JOHN CHRIST RIES Marshfield, Coos Co., Oregon HPH fl