.''-' jti,j'i j'xgsfm' THE DAILY COOS BAY TDIE8, MARSRTIKLD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE S. THE REFUGEES i Bn A. CONAN DOYLE, ' Author of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" k COPYRIGHT. 1595, BY (Continued from Monday.) "Well, but even if wo could get out Into tho courtyard where could wo turn to then?" "One thing nt a time, friend. Any- I war, there Is more air In tho yard I than In here, and when tho window Is clear wo Bhall soon plan out the rest." TUo two eomrnaes cna not uarc 10 I d any woric aunng we uny lor rear tr 1 sprang down at him in an instant with his bar. thoy should bo surprised by tho Jailer or observed from without The Instant j that night fell they were both up upon the pegs, grinding away "at tho hard ' stone and tugging at the bars. It was a rainy night, and there was a sharp thunderstorm, but they could sco very well, whlJo tho shadow of 'the arched window prevented their being seen. Boforo mldnleht tlrnv hnd Ionsnpr1 nun f bar, and the other was Just beginning fto givo when soma slight noise made them turn their heads, and there was r their Jailer standing, open mouthed. In xuo iniuuio 01 xne cen, staring up at them. It was Do Gatlnat who observed him first and ho snranc down nt him In fan Instant with his bar, but at his movemont tbo man rushed for tho door and drew it nfter him Just as tho American's tool whizzed past his ear nnd down tho passage "It la Bcarco worth while to go on," Lr"Vfn may as well bo doing that bb nnytmng eiso. If my picker had been inn inch lower I'd have had him. Well, maybe ho'll get a stroke or break his neck down those stairs. I've nothing to work with now, but a few rubs with your bar will finish the Job. Ah, dear, you are right, and we are fairly treed!" A great bell had begun to ring in tho chateau, and there was a loud buzz of voices and a clatter of feet upon tho stones. Hoarse orders were shouted, and there wns the sound of turning keys. Five minutes passed, however, and yet another five minutes, without , any one appearing. "Well, III have that bar out, after nil," said tho American at last rising and stepping over to tho window. ' "Anyhow we'll see what all this cater- Wauling is about" lie climbed up on his pegs ns ho spoko and peeped out "Come up!" ho cried excitedly to his , comrade. "They've got somo other . gamo going on here, and they are all . a deal too busy to bother their heads about us." Do Catinat clambered up beside him, and tho two stood staring down Into the courtyard. A brazier had been lit f at each corner, and the placo was i thronged with men, many of whom Varrlcd torches. Tho main gate was Ojjen, and a carriage, which had appar ently Just driven In, was standing at a small door immediately In front of their window. A man wearing a plumed bat and enveloped in a riding t coat stepped from tho carriage and then, turning round, dragged a second person out after him. Thero was a scuffle, a cry, a push, and tho two fig ures vanished through tho door. As It closed tho carriage drovo away, tho torches and braziers were extinguished, . the main goto was closed once more, and all was as quiet 'as beforo this f sudden Interruption. "Weill" gasped Do Catinat "Is this another king's .messenger they've got?" "Thero will bo lodgings for two moro here In a short time," said Amos Green. "Givo mo your bar again. This thing vis giving. It won't take us long to ' have It out." Ho set to work furious ly, trying to deepen the groove In tho stone, through which ho hoped to drag tho staple. Suddenly ho ceased and Btn trained bis ears. 'By thunderl" said be. "There's some ono working on tho other side!" They both stood listening. Thero were tho thud of hammers, the rasping of a saw and tho clatter of wood from the other sldo of the wall. "What can they bo doing? Can yon IIBIIII I' 'feiBSfe&l aft W N HAHPER & BROTHERS see mem r "They are too near the wall." "I think I can manage," said Do Cati nat "I am llghtcr than you." Ho pushed his head and neck and half, of ono shouldor through the gap between tho bars, and there he remained until his friend thought that perhaps he had stuck and pulled his legs to extricate him. He writhed back, however, with out any difficulty. "They aro building something," ho whispered. "Building!" "Yes. Thero are four of them, with a lantern." "What can they bo building, then?" "It's a shed, I think. I can sec four sockets In the ground, and they nro fixing four uprights into them." "Well, we can't get away as long as there aro four men Just under our win dow." "Impossible!" "But we may as wall finish our work for all that." The gentle scrapings of his Iron wcro drowned amid tho noise which swelled ever louder from without. Tho bar loosened at the end, and he drew It in. The steady hammering and sawing went forward. It was early morning, and the first cold light was beginning to steal over the courtyard boforo tho work was at last finished nnd the, work men had left Then at last the prison ers dared to climb up and to see what it was which hnd been constructed dur ing the night. It gave them a catch of the breath as they looked at It It was n scaffold. It was buttressed up against their wall, and in the center stood a headsman's block. "I think It Is time that we left" said Amos Green. "The window is clear. Let us make a rush for It." "It Is useless. I can see a lino of armed men along the farther side of the yard. And hero come more. See, at the center gate!" As he spoke the door which faced them opened, and a singular procession Died out. First came two dozen foot men, walking in pairs, all carrying halberds and clad In the same maroon colored liveries. After them a huge bearded man, with his tunic off nnd tho sleeves of his coarse shirt rolled up over his elbows, strode along with a groat ax over his left shoulder. Be hind him, a priest with an open missal pattered forth prayers, and in his shadow was a woman, clad in black, her neck bared, and a black shawl cast over her head and drooping In front of her bowed face. Within grip of her walked a tall, fhln, fierce faced man, with harsh red features and a great Jutting nose. Ho wore a flat velvet cap with a single eagle feather fastened Into It by n diamond clasp, which gleamed In tho morning light. But bright as -was his gem his dark eyes were brighter still and sparkled from under his bushy brows with a mad brilliancy which bore with It something of menace and of terror. Tho woman bad faltered nt the foot of the scaffold, but tho man thrust her on, and two of tho followers caught her by either wrist and dragged her forward. "Oh, Maurice! Maurice!" sho screamed. "I am not fit to dlel Oh, forgivo me, Maurice, as you hope for forgiveness yourself! Maurice! Mau rlco!" Sho strove to get toward him, to clutch at his wrist, at his sleeve, but he stood with his hand on his sword, gazing nt her with a faco wlilch was all wreathed and contorted with merriment Sho turned away and threw back the mantle which had shrouded her features. "Ah, sire!" she cried. "Sire! If yon could see mo now!" And at the cry and at tho sight of that fair palo face De Catinat, looking down from tho window, wns stricken ns though by a dagger, for thero, stand ing besldo the headsman's block, was she who had been tho most powerful, as well as tho wittiest and the fairest, of the womon of France none other than Frnncolso do Montespan, so lately the favorlto of tho king. CHAPTER XIII. 0 N tho night upon which such strango chances hnd befallen his messengers tho king sat In his cabluot attended only by Louvols, his minister. Thero was a tap nt tho door, and Bontems peeped in. "Tho archbishop has arrived, sire." "Very well, Bontems. Ask madamo to bo so good as to step this way. And order tho witnesses to assemble in tho anteroom." As tho valet hastened away Louis turned to his minister. "I wish you to bo ono of the witnesses, Louvols." "To what, slro?" "To my marriage." Tho mlnlstor started. "What, elrol Alroudy?" "Now, Louvols; within flvo minutes." "Very good, slro." Thero had meanwhile been busy go ings on in tho small room where tho red lamp burned in front of the Virgin. Frnncolso do Malntenon stood in the center, n Httlo flush of excitement on her cheeks and an unwonted light in her placid gray eyes. Sho was clad in a dress of shining wblto brocade, trim med and slashed with silver sorgo and fringed ot the throat opd arms with costly point lace. There camo a dis creet tap at the door. "It Is Bontems, madame," said Mile. Nauou. "He says that tho king Is ready." "Then wo shall not keep him waiting. Come, mademoiselle, and mav Hn shed his blessing upon what we are about to do!" Tho little party assembled In tho king's anteroom nnd started from there to the private chapel. In front walked the portly bishop, clad in a green vest ment, puffed out with the importance of the function, his missal In his hand and his fingers between the page at tho service de matrlmonlls. The king and Mine, de Malntenon walked side by side, sho quiet and composed, with gentle bearing nud downcast eyes, ho with a flush on his dark cheeks and a nervous, furtive look In his eyes, like a man who knows that ho Is In tho midst of ono of tho great crises of h!3 life. Behind them In solemn silence followed n little group of chosen wit nesses, the lean, silent Tore la Chaise, Louvols scowling heavily at the bride, tho Marquis de Charinaranto, Bontems and Mile. Nanon. The torches shed a strong yellow light upon this small band as they ad vanced slowly through tho corridors and salons which led to tho chapel. A minute later thoy were beforo the al tar, and the woi"ds were being read which should bind thcin forever to gether. As they turned away ngaln. her new ring blazing upon her finger, there wns n buzz of congratulation around her. The king only said noth ing, but he looked nt her, and she had no wish that he should say more. Sho was still calm nnd pale, but the blood throbbed In her temples. But a sudden shadow hnd fallen across her, and a low voice was In her car. "Remember your promise to the church," It whispered. She start ed nnd turned to see the pale, eager face of the Jesuit beside her. "Your hand has turned cold. Fran colse," said Louis. "Lot us go, dear est. Wo have boon too long In this dismal church." Mme. do Montespan hnd retired to rest, easy in her mind, after receiving tho message from her brother. She know Louis as few others knew him. and sho was well nwaro of that ob stinacy in trifles which was one of h!s characteristics. If he had said that he would bo married by tho archbish op, then tho archbishop It must be. Tonight at least thero should bo no marriage. Sho dressed herself with care In the morning. No news had come to her of the great event of the previous night, although the court already rang with It, for her haughtiness and her bitter tongue had left her without a friend or Intimate. She rose, therefore, In the best of spirits. Sho was still In her boudoir putting tho last touches to her toilet when her page announced to her that tho king was waiting In her salon. Mme. de Montespan could hardly believe in such good fortune. Sho had racked her brain all morning ns to how sho should win her way to him, and hero he was waiting for her. Ho had como with every intention of beginning the Interview by telling her bluntly of his marriage, but now, as ho looked upon her beauty and her love, he felt that It would have been less brutal to strike her down at his feet. Let somo ono else tell her, then. She would know soon enough. All this ran swiftly through his mind, and she as swiftly read it off In his brown eyes. "You have something you came to say, and now you have not the heart to say It God bless tho kindly heart which checks tho cruel tongue!" "No, no, madame," said Louis. "I would not be cruel. I cannot forget that my life has been brightened nnd my court made brilliant during all these years by your wit and your beau ty. But times change, madame, and for every reason I think that It Is best that wo should arrango In tho way which we discussed tho other day and that you should withdraw yourself from tho court." "Withdraw, sire! For how long?" "It must bo a permanent withdraw al, madame. I need not say that I shall mnko your retirement n happy ono as far as In mo lies. Your allow ance shall bo fixed by yourself. A pal aco shall bo erected for you In what ever part of Franco you may prefer, provided that It Is twenty miles from Paris. An estate also" "Oh, sire, how can you think that such things as theso would compensato mo for the loss of your lovo?" Her heart had turned to lend within her breast. Had he spoken hotly nnd an grily she might have hoped to turn him ns she had done beforo, but this gen tle nnd yet firm bearing was new to him, and she felt that all her arts were vain against It "Madame," said he, "I havo thought well over this matter, and it must bo ns I say. There is no other way at all. I havo ordered your brother to havo his carrlago at the postern at 0 o'clock, for I thought that perhaps you would wish to retire after nightfall." "To hldo my shnmo from n laughing courtl It was thoughtful of you, sire. And yet perhaps this, too, was n duty, since wo hear so much of duties now adays, for who was It but you" "I know, madamo, I know. I con fess It. I have wronged you deeply. Bellevo mo that every atonement which Is in my power shall bo made. Nay, do not look so angrily nt me, I beg. Let our last sight of each other bo ono which may leavo n pleasant memory behind it" "A pleasant memory!" All tho gen tleness and humility had fallen from her now, nnd her voice had tho hard ring of contempt nnd of anger. "A pleusant memory! It may well bo pleasant to you, who aro released from tho woman whom you ruined, who can turn now to another without nny palp faco to bo seen within tho salons (To Bo Continued.) WANT ad: WANTED. Good family horse; bay maro preferred. F. A. Golden. FOR SALE Household goods for sale and house for rent. Address Mrs. J. F. Bowman, Marshfiold. 6-1G FOR RENT. Rooms In tho Rogers building; suites or singly. Apply S. C. Rogers, steamer Coos Rtvor, or E. O. Hall, A street FOR SALE. 62 acres for farming land, 25 acres already burnt and 2 ncres good bottom land, 25 per acre. Jackob Mattson, North Inlet. Half cash and remainder on time. FOR SALE A farm of 80 acres on Daniels' Creek. Address E. R. Jones. Box 110, Marshfleld. G-2C-1 WANTED A girl for general house work; good wages. Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. 5-2 C-l FOR SALE Two Lots In West Mnrshfield. Both -for $425. In quire I. S. Kaufman & Co. WANTED Position as cook In boarding house or camp. Dora A. Barber, Plat B. 5-29-3 WANTED First class waist hand and skirt hand. Mrs. A. ohann scn. 5-29-3 FOR SALE A first class milk cow. For particulars inquire J. O. Stoops. 6-29-5 FOR SALE A small Improved farm. This is a bargain. Apply at Hall & Hall's ofllco. G-l-1 FOR SALE RIGHT A ?5,000 stock merchandise, good live town. Pa cific Real Estate Co., Coqullle, Ore. FOR SALE A paying Restaurant; clears $200 a month. Pacific Real Estate Co., Coqullle, Ore. G-l-1' LOST Between county bridge over Pony Slough and North Bend Laundry, ladles' purse with largo monogram "M" on outside, con taining money, gold watch and other things; reward for return to Everett's Drug Store, North Bond. FOR SALE Household Furniture. W. L. Spear, corner Virginia and Meade street? WANTED Boy or girl, 1G years old or over, to learn the cigar making trade; wages paid while learning. Apply over Times Building, Coos Bay Cigar Co. FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms, Third and Chestnut, across from tho Chinese Laundry. Mrs. Acron. WANTED Girl for general house work. Good wages. Apply Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. If you don't see any fun in Marshfield drop around to the shooting gallery on Front St. Prizes offered for best shots. STEAMER GARLAND Leaves Marshfield every Morning at 5 a. m. run ning up Coos River to Daniel Creek. Pull the BELL CORD Wet Your Whistle Then Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop. Front Street, : I Marshfleld, Orezon W. A. HARING Dualor in Puro Cream Milk and Buttermilk. Freo do llvory to all parta of tllio city. North Bend, Ocefjon Now Ready HOTEL OREGON Now nnd Modern Samplo Rooms in Connection NORTH BEND, ORE. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Wo aro pleased to announce that Foley's Honoy and Tar for Coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not affect ed by tho National Puro Food and Drug law as it contains no oplatos or other harmful drugs, and wo rec commend it as a safe romedy for children and adults Red Cross Pharmacy, TlieC.B.,R.&E.R.R. and Navigation Co, TRAIN SCHEI) LE NO. 2. In Effect .Tnnunry 1, 1007. All previous schedules nro void. Subject to change without notice W. S. Chandler, manager; F. A. Lalse, freight agent; general offices, Mnrshfield, Oregon. No. 1. Trains. Dally Except Sunday. Stations. Leave 9:00 a. m.Marshnold. 9:30 a. m.B. II. Junction. 9:45 a. m.CoqullIo. Arrive 10:30 n.m.Myrtlo Tolnt. No. 2. Dally Except Sunday. i wll y v-1 1 Leave 10:45 a. m.Myrtlo Point. 10:30 a. m.jcoqulllc. 12:00 m. B. H. Junction. Arrive 12:50 p.m.JMarshfleld. Extra trains will run on dally special orders. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. UPHOLSTERY Our increasing trade de mand that we secure more help. It has cost us money but we have sccurcdthe mosrskilled workmen on the coast.We are now pre pared tcTtake in all 'Lkinds of repair work and insure dur ability and beauty of finish. We carry the Largest line of Covers in Coos County. Coos Bay Bedding & Upholstery Co. North Front Street MARSHFIELD, OREGON Nslsoia Iron Works P. G. NELSON. Prop Wo repair nil kinds of Machinery, Steam and Gas KiiRlnes, Ciiins and Ill cycles. Ucst of work our Specialty. : : Wc mannfactuio Castings In Iron and , llronzo for Saw Mills and I-oggtn;: Camps. Wo maka tho bekt Sheaves ml Uoad Spools for loggers. : : : TELEPHONE 921 MARSHFIELD, - - OREGON R H. BRIGHAM ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT Plans nnd specifications mado for nil classes? of buildings. ' " North Bend, Oregon PHONE 541 STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendcrgrass, Master TIME TARLE. Leaves Marshfleld 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 a. m and 1:00, 2:30 nnd 4:00 p. m. Leaves North Bend at 8,: 15, 9:46 and 11:15 a. m nnd 1:45, 3:15 nnd 5:00 p. m. Malcos dally trips oxcept Sun days. Faro: Ono way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. Steam Dye Works C Street. Lndies'andGents'gnrn-ents clean ed or dyed. Philip Becker, Proprietor. Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D.- - PHYSICIAN AND SUIU1EON Diseases of the Eve. Ear. Nose and Throat a specialty. 1 Oilico in Locklmrt's Building. Marshfield, t Oregon DR. IIAYDON Offlaeoppolto Union Furnfture Storar Hourt 10 to laml 2 to fi Special attention paM to diseases ot tho kln urinary and digestive organs U. SM'cnsIon cxnmtnei Mnrshfield, Oregon DR. J. V. INGRAM, l'liyslclnn nnd Surgeon. Office over Sengstackon's Drug Store. Phones Ofllco 1621; resldenpo 783. IJ. M. RICHARDSON, Physician nnd Surgeon. Diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat a specialty. Ofllco in Eldorado Block. Lawyers. .? 10. L. C. FARRIN. Attorney nt-Lnw. i City Attorney. Deputy Dlst. Att'y". Lockhart Building. Marshfleld, Oro Phono 44. L. A. LILJEQVIST, LAWYER, United States Commissioner, U. S. Land Matters. ' Filings, Entries, Proofs, Contests, etc. J. M. UPTON, Attorr.cy-ni-Lnw. ' s Marshfleld. ... .Oregon. J. W. BENNETT, Ofllco over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. ' ' '' "' Marshfleld, - Oregon. -, o. f. Mcknight, ' i Attorncy-nt-Ijnw. Upstairs, Benn6tt & Walter' blocki Marshfleld, ... O'rogonl J. W. SNOVEtt Attorncy-nt-Lnw V i Mil'-. it- .i " Ofllco: Rogers building i l-i" Marshfleld, ; Oregon COKE & COKE, '- - Attorncy-'at-Law. ' ' " -' .".V Marshfleld, ... Oregon., vtu i r it ) PIXLEY & MAYBEE, i 1 fli Attorncys-nt-Law. Ofllco over Myers' Store ' Phono 701 North Bond, Ore. Real Estate Agents. DIER LANI COMPANY Real Estate Rrokcrs North Bond, - - - Oregon. MR. ALBERT All EL, Contractor for Training of nil kinds. Phono 1884. McPlierson Ginser Co. Wholesalo liquor dealers Cigars nnd saloon sup plies. ' California Wines a Specialty Front St., Marshfie'ld Coos Bay Steam Laundry or- i MARSHFIF'D and NORTH BEND-i All work now done at the North Bend Plant" Edgai Mauzey Agent, Marslfield F North Bend Phone 1031 Marshfield Phone 1804 xjg2x3g3ES3EnH9H j M '1 V ii 1 i tfitfiigiiaittaitfttetfti&tfiife ..friruMHnsnir, -r a . .il4 ,-.,, ij'mAtU "t, Jfc 4L &4.tt C4HU'lW( MJIlyzvAflMSHtfi