TUB DAILY COOS DAY TIMES, ttARSHFIEID, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1007. , . MARINE NEWS o CARINA BRINGS CARS Steam I-u-lKhtcr Also Cnrrlcs Ship, jncnt of Snn l'Vnnclsco Mill Ma chinery for Smith Mill. strom, Mrs. G. C. Derkstrom, A. B. Morgan, R. D. Thorn, F. Jcsson, E. F. Skcrlngln, E. Frelnon and II. Knowl-on. The steamer Czarina arrived yes terday from San Francisco with a shipment of seven flat cars for the Coos Bay-Koseburg and Eastern Rail road. This Is the second shipment received by the railroad In tho past few days, making a total of 21 cars received. In addition to the cars tho Czarina carried a large shipment of heavy saw mill machinery for the C. A. Smith Lumber and Manufactur ing Company. The Czarina Is not rigged for hand ling heavy machinery, and as a result of these shipments new neavy gear had to be arranged. Captain Dug- C"fc l Wednesday, after taking afctt,f3fiu tons of fuel coal for the trip to Tacoma and back to Port Los Angeles. The Czarina will take a cargo of ties from Tacoma. , KIMIUIIN DUE. Tho steamer Kllburn Is duo to ar rive from Portland today. 100 PLANT SAILS TODAY. The steamer M. F. Plant is billed to sail for San Francisco today. She will carry a cargo of coal. DEIITIE MINOR LEAVES. Tho schooner Bertie Minor has gono down the bay with a cargo of lumber for San Francisco. ALLIANCK COMING. The steamer Alliance will arrive here Thursday from Portland. 300 PLANT COMES IN Carries Largest Cargo niul Passenger List Drought by Her to Coos Dny for Months. The steamer M. F. Plant arrived in tfiis port yesterday from San Fran- cit "vith one of tho largest cargoes she Eas brought hero for several months. This is probably due to the fact that the Breakwater Is laid up for improvement in San Francisco. Tho cargo consisted of about 240 tons of miscellaneous freight. She carried 35 passengers. Following Is the list: Mrs. F Nedrlou, C. K. Barklow, lEtta Barklow, Miss R. Barklow, N. iWise. E J. Michael. W. Sommerville. IW. J. Wilcox, Mrs. W. J. Wilcox, F. I Herrln, Mrs. F. G. Herrin, A. Courtney, A. A. Courtney, F. W. Saunders, Mrs. F. W. Saunders, Chas. hVilcox, H. Underbill, Miss J. Yale, C. Yale, J. R. Dibble, W. Sander- Bon, C. D. Miner, Mrs. F. Lockhart, C. Stratford, F. W. Zlttle, Mrs. F. RV. Zlttle, G. A. Murray. G. K. Berk- DAILY TRANSFERS. May 21, 1907. C. II. Hall et ux, to Jennie Reed, lots 5 nnd C, block 3, Schetters Add., Marshfield, ' Deed Con., Elbert Dyer et ux, to J. T. Mil ler, lots 14 and 15, block 12, Woolen Mill Add., Bandon, Deed Con., Henry Sengstackekn et ux, to Patrick Kiernan, lot 3, block 2, Songstackens Add., Marsh Deed Con., John Golden et ux, to Coqulllo Mill & Mercantile Co., part of lot 5, block 1, Coqulllo, Deed Con., M. J. McDonald et ux, to Dell Bellonl et al, parcel of land adjoining Elliott's Add., Co qullle, Deed Con., M. J. McDonald et ux, to W. V. Cope, parcel of land ad joining Elliott's Add., Co quille, Deed Con., Jos. E. Fisher to Wm. M. Hite, parcel of land In Sec. 25, Twp. 28, R. 15, Deed. .Con., John S. Cokek et us, et al, to Thos. Molony, lots 14, 15 and 10, block 46, Coos Bay Plat B, Deed Con., J. S. Lawrence et ux, to Chas. W. Dye, lots 5 to 11 and IS to 34, block 35, lots 13 and 14, block 23, Portland Add., Bandon, Deed Con., Geo. Rockwell et ux, to Chas. McCuo, lots 1 nnd- 2, block COO 140 150 15, Woolen Mill Add., Ban don, Deed Con., 1,050 Chas. F. Lorenz et ux, to Sarah J. Baggs, lot 14 and WV6 of lot 13, block 5, Woolen Mill Add., Bandon, Deed. . .Con., United States to Joseph Lar sen, NBi of NW4, NV of Sec. 8, and W of SE& of Sec. 5, Twp. 24, R. 10, Patent L. D. Kinney et ux, to .las. A. Hauchett, lot 13, block 31, Coos Bay Plat C, Deed. Con., L. F. Denning, et ux, et al, to L. P. Kleldsen, lot 4, block 12, Original town of Marsh field, Deed Con., l Victor Fredcrlckson et ux, to J. G. Horn, lots ID, 1C and 17, block 18, North Bend, Deed Con., 2,500 Geo. W. Beale et ux, to M. B. Zimmer, lot 7, block 7, Orig inal Town of Marshfield, Deed Con., Merchant Land Co., to M. B. Zlmnicr, lots 0, 10 and 11, block 25, Railroad Add., Marshfield, Deed Con., Collls, lots 14 and 15, block 17, Idaho Add., North Bend Deed Con., Orvll Dodge, to Dinger Her mann, lots 1 nnd 2, and SV4 of NE, section U, town ship 29, R. 12, Deed.. Con., $200 10 12 May 22, 19 07. M. B. Zimmer et ux, to G. G. MEMORIAL DAY (Times Special Service.) Templeton, Juno " 3. Memorial Day was fittingly celebrated at Ten-j mile. Song, "Over and Over" All. Reading, "Decorating the Graves ' of our Heroic Dead" Hilda Mon- son. Recitation, "Memorial Day" Lola Adams. Recitation, "When I am Kept In" Jack Raymond. Recitation, "We'll Fling the Starry Banner Out" Ruby Davis. Recitation By Earl Markham. Song, "Jaunita" All. Recitation, "After the Battle" Delbert Benson. Recitation, "Camp Calls" Milton Markham. Recitation, "Decoraton Day" Violet Lighthall. 5 I HfetflH jrf3TWT EJ COOS BAY MONUMENTAL WORKS We guarantee better work at lower prices, than can be had elsewhere. Do not order monumental work until you liavo SEEN US Stewart & Mitchell Corner 3d & D Sts. Phone, Main 1731 450 450 200 TS and SHOE; n him I iii win iwiiiwii " tn MsmmBmmtmmKmmtmmmmmmmmmBEm HATSNew shades in men's hats. With the coming of warmer days light shades'will be in evidence. In this store you will see some exceedingly smart styles in all the latest shades SHOES All the latest shapes in men's shoes. Style and quality go hand in hand at this store. Come and investigate. Hawks Cut-Glass---Gorhames Sterlins a beautiful line of clocks and novelties. C. STREET Jewler. lower I tXri1 ' na ORJ GOMES AROUND WOULDN'T YOU DO M&NY THINGS to make tibnU - .- . 'able, more comfortable if it was really your own? WOULDN'T THE PLANNING and the doing be a de- iil themselves il the result was a home of your own? H "V .J WOULDN'T YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE if you had a me m i .j&a u c v BAY PARK ..v ,, r i I Will Build. For You and allow you to pay for your home in small monthly payments the same as you are paying for rent OUR SELF -WHAT A SNAP winx, -tw m.w -Jifflk irz -ar -utfi h jxz. v -v mi si tarn, a heeler . fc I s .trxxzeto, . If Ht t ,-ii . A Jt " fl?tmjrrm:TM:'lBia -, .- Jtt. wrl ege -?. f ii