i-'l LI '--4 - "" MASn,FIELU, OREGON, .TUB DAILY GOOS HAY TIMES. SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1007. PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT ON AND A m'snMlMML.mMm'imsrrfSa J f : ' I H PHARMACY AT NORTH BEND Will Be Established in Building Occupied by Coos Bay Reality & Investment Company HANDSOME FIXTURES Sash and Door Factory Company Will Do Work Other IJuild- lug Ventures. North Bend Is to have a new drug store. It will be on Sherman avenue In the room now occupied by the Qreenleaf and Dressier real estate firm. The drug store fixtures will be of handsome appearance, and will be made by the North Bend sash and door factory. They will be of fir stained to a dark finish. The new drug store will make two In North Bend. Mr. Greenleaf Is an old drug gist, and will have active charge of the business It Is also the intention to install a soda fountain, making two which are now on Coos Bay, the Palm at Marshfleld having the other. The real estate firm of Greenleaf & Dress Ir, known as the Coos Bay Realty & Investment Company, will occupy the large room in the rear of the present establishment. A great deal of building is under way in North Bend. Many hand some cottages and residences are being erected. The construction work which is going forward on the Brewery adds greatly to the appear ance of activity along the water front. C. E. Wlnsor's elven room house on Sherman avenue is about ready for occupancy, and when com pleted will be one of the prettiest houses In the city. The house is on th Colonial style. Among the other houses going up are: J. A. Heath, cottage; Ward & Ward, four cot tages; Dr. It.. G. Gale, ten room resi dence; E. L. Wood, cottage; U. B. Bell, cottage; J. T. Olsen, cottage; A. E. Maybeo, cottage; Dan McAu loy, cottage; A. O. KJelland, cottage. ACTIVITY IN COQUILLE Many Iloiif.es Are Under AVny and Indications Are That Summer Will Witness Increase. (Times Special Service.) Coquille, Juno 1. Building in Co quille never presented the busy ac tivity which marks that city's prog ress at the present time. It Is ap parently entering on an era of un paralleld constructive development, and the feeling , prevails that the coming summer will witness won derful forward strides in every line of business. Chief among the new buildings which are going up Is the one which will house the opera house and skat ing rink. This structure will be two stories in height and will be con structed of the best material procur able. The skating rink will be on the first floor and the opera house will occupy the second. The residence to be occupied by Dr. Albert Klrshman will when fin ished bo one of the handsomest in the city. This will be completed In th near future. D. D. Pierce, man ager of the Coquille mill, Is contem plating the building of a home on the lots near the Nye property. MYRTLE POINT BANK Flannagan & Bennett Will Install Branch of Marshfleld Institu tion In CoquiU llivcr City. (Times Special Service.) Myrtle Point, June 1. Flanagan & Bennett will soon have a branch of the Marshfleld Bank In Myrtle Point, to which place all the fix tures of the local bank are to be moved as soon as the new building for the bank in Marshfleld is com pleted at the corner of Front and A streets. L. N. ftuplee will have charge of the Myrtle Point bank. He is now making arrangements for the opening if that institution. For number of years Mr. Supiee -was cashier of the bank at Drain, from which place he came to Coos Bay. The bank In Myrtle Point will be lo cated across from the Guerin Hotel said to be one of the best locations for a bank in that city. PUSHIHG 11 AT SMITH MILL Piles Are Driven and Planks For New Bridge Over Mud Flats Laid MAMMOTH RESERVOIR Will Have Capacity of 00,000 Gal lons of Water Specially Built for Establishment. lit NlrublNb New Home For Flannagan Bennett Bank Will Be of Brick and Stone and INSTALL STEAM HEAT C. A. Smith Co-operntcs With Build ing Progress by Discontinuing to Ship Lumber. The improvements for" the C. A. Smith 250,000 sawmill are going for ward at tremendous pace. The past week saw the pile3 driv en and the planks laid for a bridge over the flats, from the wharf of the new mill on Isthmus Slough to the high ground on which the three story boarding house stands. This bridge will be used as .a wagon road on the start to haul the lumber for the new office building, the excavation for which is now being made. When the mill will be com pleted, tracks will be laid and It will be converted Into a railroad bridge. This will be connected with the street that the city will lay out and grade to the bridge that is to cross Coal Bank Slough and be utilized by C. A. Smith to bring the lumber to his retail yard on the electric railway. Superintendent Stack not only has directed the construction of the new boarding house and the bridge. be-J sides looking after the erection of the office building, has found time to superintend the building of an 80 foot scow and a new pile-driver. But one of the big Improvements, of which little has been said, is the large reservoir that Is being con structed on the east side of Isthmus Slough, between East Marshfield'-and the old Dean Mill. An engineer from San Francisco came here and "made the surveys and plans for this great reservoir that will have a ca- i pacity of 90,000,000 gallona of I water. Probably one of the largest under takings in the building lino in Marshfleld will be the new Flanagan & Bennett Bank building. " The buildings at the corner of Front and A street will be torn away about the 15th of this month, immediately after which the construction of the new brick and stone building will be commenced. Mr. Bennett states the building will bo one of the best In its appoint ments that will ge up in this city for som time to come. It is to be three stories with a large basement undr the entire structure, will have three pressed brick front, on Front, A and ine streets, and will be thor oughly up-to-date In every feature. In the basement a large steam or hot water heating plant will be in stalled. Another pleasing feature to the structure will be the stone finish of the first story. Masters & McLaln will furnish stone for the first story fronts from the Coos River blue sandstone, which is known to be one of the best building stones procur able. The upper two stories may be of concrete, but this 1 not a settled fact. It all depends upon the ability of Mr. Bennett to get good brick. The bank firtures will be of the newest up-to-date class, and will give the Interior of the structure an Im posing appearance. The entire first floor will be devoted to the bank alone, while the second and third floors will be divided Into finely ap pointed office rooms, eltlier In suites or singly. Steam heat, electric lights and all moiler nannllances will bo used In the fitting of the two second stories, the Bame as on the first. A bow win dow at the corner of the second and third floors will add materially to the outward appearance of these two stories. The erection of now buildings in Marshfleld Is becoming commonplace in the many happenings which go to show that the city 'is growing much faster now than at any time In its history. In order that local trade might be supplied with plenty of lumber the C. A. Smith Company has discontinued loading schooners for San Francisco, diverting all the lumber now being sawed to the local retail yard recently installed by the concrn in this city. In a short time with good weather to favor the w'ork the company hopes to have a thor oughly equipped lumber yard. COOS BAY BRIEFS TIMES' TELEPHONES Editorial Rooms - - - - 1 33 1 Business Office - 1331 The follqwlng is a list of those who registered at the hotels Blanco and Central yesterday: Central Hotel. N. S. Kendall, Billiards; H. A. Ellis, Portland; Fred. Hundsen, Denmark; P. Morln, Bandon; R. J. Kerrigan, Coquille; S. A. Armlstead, Portland; G. W. Becht and wife, Seattle; Tom Tennl son, Coquille; G. A. Weston, Portal N. D.; R. H. Fields, Gardiner. Blanco Hotel. Frank A. Stew art, Port Orford; F. C. Beyerle, Ban don; W. A. Kinney, Portland; R. E. Bohn, Coquille; C. W. Embody, Portland; Wm. Anderson, South Fork; Miss B. 3. Koons, Myrtle Point; C. H. Chandler, Bandon. Candy Export. Stafford & Mont gomery, proprietors of the Palm, have secured the services of a Fred. Blundell, an expert candy and Ice cream maker, from Chicago. This firm will have Its new wholesale manufacturing department opened up for business in about another week or ten days, at which time Mr. Blundell will take charge of this de partment of the work. It is the intention to make all kinds of fancy Ices and sherberts In their new establishment, as well as all fine candles. Mr. Blundell is a SMALL DAIRY PARMS W. O. Harris Sells HOO-Am- l.'m in Vi Catching Slouh to KuivKu Firm. W. C. Harris, the well known post master at Sumner, recent Bold his ranch of 300 acred to a firm of. Investors' from near Eurekka The ranch will be cut Into flve-aeio tracts and placed on the market It ia thought a ready sale will bo found for the tracts, as many visitors to this country have expressed a wish to do farming on a small scale. Sum ner Is about ten miles up Catching Slough, and Is the overland terminus for the Roseburg-Coos Bay stage route. It Is an ideal location for farming. Mr. Harris has ranched for a num. her of years, and Is one of the pio neer residents of Coos country. He was for many years engaged in the making of dairy cheese, for which a ready market was found on the Bay. On his ranch he had thirty cows. confection expert, having been en gaged In making candy In large cities for a number of years. The manu facturing department of the Palm will be located at the Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Company plant. The steamer Alliance took the following passengers to Portland from Marshfleld: W. J. Freeman and wife, C. J. Freeman, Mattle J. T. Miller, Anna Robertson, A. Mereen, C. Tlmmlns, Alfred Matson and wife, F Matson, H. L. Darling, Mrs. G. Carkson, J. L. De Boise, E. Marsh, Mrs. E. Bar gelt, M. Everest, G. W. Collins, E. Foley, L. L. Howland, F. J. Hauer, Florence Thompson, Maud Clark, Miss Mabel Mauzy, Miss Kitty C. Wells, F. M. Olson, Jonn Olson Mrs. F. P. Burgan, Dr. F. Burgan, A. P. Hoover, W. H. Turpin, Mrs. L. Tur pin, Geo. Lowe, D. A. Ames, B. S. Allen, Wm. Boeys, J. A. Trauberg, C. S. Hampton, E. J. Masters, Mrs. J. Marsh, C. W. Embody, T. V. Car ney, C. E. Holyster, F. P. Drlnke, Mrs. I. Tanner, Miss I. Tanner, Miss E. Poley, Miss M. Yoe, Miss C. Davis, Miss M. Ikela, W. A. Kinney, P. A. Daley, R. S. Knowlton, wife and daughter, R. A. James, Alice Dud ley, Grace Dudley, Mrs. Dudley, Lindsay Dudley, Minnie Yeo, HHMaHiHHiiHSiHHmiiHHHKHHHBHMHHHNHHKHHH mmEJtrsxmM YOU The 94' (. t We have received and placed in stock an entire new line of elegant wall papers. We think this season's productions are more artistic and adaptable to all the various houses and residences than ever before. However, don't take our word for it; see the patterns yourself. You be the judge. The Real Thin Paint that is paint every bit of it. Pure white lead, pure linseed oil, pure coloring pigments and nothing else excepting a thoroughly scientific grinding and mixing of the parts together so that they will cover more surface! cover it better, cost less and Inst longer than any other paint. That's the Fuller Kind. Everything in our store is up to the highest point in qualiV The only exclusive paint and wall paper store on Coos Hay. Our object is to please our customers, give them the best of materials and service-and at a reasonable price. Coos Bay Paint & Wall Papei " -.t.-,'-i.cHfl)llltMlli,T- '