ZJt T1IK DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 1007. Glims Sag OlttMS an i.vdrpe.si)i:st iinrn?f " "".'vsrAPEn PDDLriltED EVr.IlV IUY KXCFPTIXO MON DAY AMI AIM) U KLY BY The Coos IKy Times Publishing Co. FRED PA.sLEY, Emtoii. HEX LARGE, BiNmss Manager. The policy of Tho Coos Bay Timea will be Republican in politics, with the independence of which I'tesident Roose velt is the leading exponent. IUn'erctl at tlic postofllce nt Mnrslifleld. Ore gon, for traiiiiil"ioii tliroiiRli the malls at 8ccoml clas iuali;mattrr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Single copy, daily, - - 5 cents 1'or month, daily, - - 50 cents Three month, daily, -- $1 25 Sir months, daily - $2 50 One year, daily, - - $5 00 Weekly, pet year - $1 00 A'ldiess all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marslifirtd. Oregon. ..-Hill -...-...i 11 HOTEL QUESTION. If a hotel with 150 rooms were 'erected in Marshfield and conducted In modern style with the best of ser vice tho venture as a financial suc cess would bo better than any Invest ment that could be made at the present time on Coos Bay. The present hotels turn as many people away as are taken In. And at that about every available 100m in tho business section of the city is under lease by the hotels. Strangers com ing to the city seek first a good hos tlerj, and, suited in this respect, thej have an inclination to look into tho resources and advantages which aro advertised for the city. A sti anger coming In on a boat, how ever, and not biting able to find lodg ing is not in a 'humor to investigate much finther than the securing of a return boat passage. To build up a city tho first thins to do is to elim inate those features which act as a serious detriment to the city'5 growth. Nobody will deny that the hotel question Is an obstarl thr should be removed first in this city's onward progicss. ""RUNAWAYS.-' Several runaway has occurred in Marshfield of late because of the fact that teams have not been tied. That' nobody was injured was because. of tho fact that each time the runaways liavo occuied pedestrians have had ample warning of the approach of tho maddened beasts. If there is any ono thing that should be rigidly enforced it is thg matter of keeping horses tied when drivers leave them on tho streets. The only way In which the necessity of it can be shown is to impose a flnefon all who violate the ordinance, Human life is imperiled and property Is endan gered by runaway, horses going at wild speed down a thoroughfare. It Is understood that an ordinance Is In effect which would compel driv- ' 1 can furnish tho following Thoroughbred Bgg nt $2.00 Per. Setting t Rhode Island Reds Uarred Plymouth Rocks While Leghorns Pel; in Ducks JOHN W. FLANAGAN j Send in your oiders Now. Eggs Shipped anywheie in the county. immwisnrrm - -1 i.l.iwu Sign Writing Of all descriptions. House painting', pa per hanging, grain ing, carriage paint ing etc. Strictly pure stock sold on all jobs. J. B. Rohr Opposite Bear's Livery Stable crs to tie their horses. Ordinances are not worth the paper upon .hlch they aro written if they aro not en forced. Some day some little child will be trampled out of all semblance to a human being and too late we ""1 realize what ought to have been done. GRADUATING DAY. boon "graduating day" will be with us once more, and we will as semble to see tho white gow'ned girls 'and the embryo men taking their farewell from the protecting care of tho schoolhouse and enter ing Into the busy turmoil of life. There Is an Impressive solemnity about a graduating cay. It marks an epoch in the lire of the school boy and girl that stands out in after ears, for it means the taking up of life In all its seriousness. Tho transition is so gradual, however, that few realize until after years when the happy care-free days of youth became a memory of tho past. We never think of these things when we gather to receive the hard earnd diplomas and look down into the upturned smiling faces of friends and relatives. The spirit of the day 13 In harmony with the bright sun shine and verdant nature outside. I tlon to our freight service. We can feel assured that with this freighter 1 In service the congestion of freight that acted as such a serious conveni ence last winter will not bo repeated. Tho following tablo shows the high and low tides at Empire for each day during tho coining week: High Water. A. M. P. M. h. m. Feet h. m. Feet. STEAMSHIP SERVICE. Coos Bay peoplo will appreciate the additional steamship service be tween this port and Portland. It Is well known that the great portion of both the passenger and freight traf fic comes via the Rose City. In the past we have found occasion to pro test strongly because of the fact that Coos Bay had been slighted by the big steamship companies. The placing of the Breakwater and Czar ina on the run clearly Illustrates the fact that Coos Bay as a port of im portance is coming to be recognlzod by the big steamship companies. The Czarina will be a valuable addi- Gasoline Boat BiSPATCH Leaves Marshfield FOR East Marshfield Bay City asad Bay Park Daily Except Sundny Lvs Marshfield n. m. 7 p. m. . 1 " ."KWSSSW 4:45 Lv Hay City Jlny Park n 111. 8 10 11:46 p. m. 2 4 5:15 0 ,. G:d0 , SATURDAY ONLY p.ni.sw V - p.m. 9 9:,50 SUNDAY n.'m. ft. m. 8 9 10 11:45 p.. 111. 2 G .7 ' 7:30 FA&E IO cents Robert Knsger Leaves Marshfield at Smithes Dock p.' in. 1:30' 4 SKATING H An n ouncements: V ! I J I - Open afternoon and evenings-, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10, week days 'only. Prices: 25 contP for us-o of Ivink pkutcs. 15 cents for those using their own bkiUis. 10 cents ndinifc&ion to Gentlemen evenings. Special attention given to beginners eveiy after noon. 15est of oulei always main tiiiiied, D. L, Avery, Manager May, Frl., 31 3:13 June. Sat., 1 Sun., 2 4:49 7:5 4:10 8:14 Mon., 3 0:53 Tues., 4. . . . 2 -OS Wed., 5 3.10 Thur., G 4:11 Frl., 7 5:03 8:5 7:9 2:9 ?-4 1.3 1:3 0:7 Low Water. 5:57 G:46 1:08 2-08 3:07 4:03 7:5 7:7 0:0 1:1 1:5 1:9 '2: i A.M. P.M. May. Fri., 31... June. Sat., 1 Sun., 2 Mon., 3 Tues., 4 . . , Wed., 5 . . , Thur., C. , h. m. Feet h. m. Feet. .10:17 -1:1 10:31 3:1 0:G 0:0 7:3 11:13 12:09 G:28 7:46 9:00 10:05 Fri., 7 11:02 To find the tide hours at other Coos Bay points, figure as folows: At the bar, -0.43; at North Bend, add 0.40; at Marshfield, add 1.51; at Millington, add 2.15 11:40 0:0 7:43 7:0 10:37 G:0 11:27 7:0 10:11 7:0 10:55 3:1 0:0 7:9 8:2 S:4 8:5 8:7 R. L". Edmonston et al., to Es tella Wood, lots 25 and 2G, block 7, lots 1 and 2, block 10, Edmonston's First Add, Marshfield Con. n. L. Edmonston et al, to Den nis Nichols, lot 24, block 7, Edmonston's First Add, Marsh field Fred. Nosier et , to Charles L. Trabort, timber on E. Ms of NEyt, N of SE, sec tion 11, township 29, It 11, Con., J. S. Lawrence et ux, to Loo Cul bertson, lots 17, IS, 19 and 20, block 5, Portland Add., Bandon Con., R. L Edmonston et al, to Mar tha Iljar , lot ?3, block 7, Edmonston's First Add, Marsh flshl Con., 250 50 50 Flanagan &. Bennett Bank MARSIIFIKI.D, OHKOON Cnpitnl Subscribed fW.OOO rnpltnl I'ald Up ?IO,00 Undhlded l'ro Ills flo.OOO Pocsn Roncrnl banking business ami draws ou tho Hank ol California. San Friuicli.o Call!., K.rst NatlonnlJlank l'ortland Or., Mrsl National Hank, Ilooburg, Or., Hiinoer Na tlonal Itank, New York, N. M. Uotlichlld & Son, London, Knglnnd. Also sell change on ncarl nil the principal cities of Kuropc Accounts kept fciibject to check, Kate deposit lock botes for rent at 5 cents a month or ,-. a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS The Steamer M I 9 PLANT Sails for San Francisco Tuesday June 4 F. S DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : OREGON 55g3l:bbfiaaa3aKBg5BBIggaBZE3 California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company, Steamer Alliance KELLY, Commanding. SAILING FROM COOS BAY to Portland and Return GEO. I). GRAY a CO., Geneial agents, 421 Market St.. San Fiancisco. I,. W. SUAW, Agent, Marshfield. Phono 441 flawi.iinuimil.iiii....liL.j I wnitiMrnfT Hank af Gterjmt (Stouitul aliult fitlljj pnluup 51I.UU1I. Cramuirlii a urnrral Jltmltlttn JUuolitrnn. JJnrilj IlrtuX (Drrgau 7(S$0s&sc&ie V s y Kem Estate $$ Residence and Farming Properly A snap 40 acres on Catching Inlet 4 miles from f city 15 acres bottom land under dyke. Q, 40 acres on County Road 4 miles from city iJ8 per acre. . S For further particulars call on g ML Rummell Jr. & Co. Nasburg Mdg. &3$Zi0f&SlS t iFi toftfYTawsxnsmm jt t jrayiaatT-rfffcaacottM mnrpivgajavflygu THyWTr?g.in MTJy-ii-.'fl.feKjLVl OPENING OF NEW We have enlarged our store room and placed in stock a fine line of Dry Goods and Shoes. We are Agents for the Famous Packard. t PACKARD ; SHOES FOR' MEN Julia iHi Marlowe f A Shoes for fum Women lSLJ SH CO-OPERATIVE - - STORE - - - ILS0N & THOMAS Contractors and Builders Office fixtures a, specialty. Store Fronts, Counter?, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See us be fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street SS3U3K3f3S&SE23323E2SR22l PC3?ytzyjj. :. m.. l... n inmn www,. i.mn.i., i .l.i . ..f.F . 'i....i U'I..wwm.wm imi . -rrareir3rrTVT:'jjmTOgT.J-T-raTlllTS MA&SDEN'S COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS ROYAL SELECT GAMBRINUSJOTTLEP BEER BotL!ed in Quarts, Pints and One Half Pints. Phone Orders promptly attended to. Phone 401. ...,.,,. i.iHiriiy..Mjjitr.A.Tii''!.'!i-JW.-ilgaTiTTCTff'ityi-'..jiwi.wl.v. Banking Favors And courteous tieatinent are the undisputed right of every depositor in this bank there aro any number of them willing to testify to thess facts. Can you not add your name to our list? Informa tion cheerfully given by every officer and director of the bank. First National Bank of Coos Bay JOHNS. COKE, President O. B. HINSDALE, Vice,l'resldnt W. S. McKARLAND, Cashier Front Street SEE US FOR Front Street Business Property We Have Something That Will Interest You Sengstackens Addition offers the best Values for the money. Title Guarantee & Abstract Co., Honry Sengstacken, Manager inirm'.l 'r"tKaiaaiCa-""mmrmii,i iimtkt n"i''gtggggifr?syTg'nw7ri U ON EAST SHORE OF BAY I Level bench land, all cleared, for business blocks Qentel sloping, Aldercovered land, for residence lots. Reasonable Prices Easy Terms Also 550 acres Dairy Farm on Kentuck Inlet. ?V6 Call at our office opposite Central Hotel, Marshfield, Ore. or call us upoiTphone. Coos Bay Townsite Company O. C. SETHER, Pres, and Gen. Manager N. F. THRONE, Secretary titll'IMfaj ,.