)V"ijff?yr- "vw'saBftl i a 5i THE DAILY COOS IJAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 1. 17. (Hans Hay UJtmea AMIVDRl'ESDKSTnCP. . """VAPfirt rnnt.i'irLn i.vkrv iy kxcittixo mox- OAY AVH Al HOI TV IlV -J. ', Tn Coos Hay Timks Vcnusiuxc Co. i ual settTer'r and append the repTy hereto. "Whether the courts will fol low this ruling In their opinion re mains to be seen, as they are usually independent In the expression of opinion and in the construction of the law. "W. C. HAWLEY. FRED PASLEY, Emtoii. REX LARGE, HrsiNiss Managkh. The policy of The Cooa Bay Times will be Republican in politics, with the independence of which President Roose velt is the leading exponent. Entered at the iwstofllce at Mnnhfleld. Ore gon, for tranml!on through the wails as second cl malllmattcr. SUBSCniPllON RATES: Single copy, daily, - - f cents Pnr month, daily, - - 50 cents Three month", daily, - ?1 25 Six months, daily - - 2 50 One year, daily, - - $5 00 Weekly, per year - ?1 00 Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marshfidd, Oregon. STEEL POSTAL CARS. Prom designs of Its own motive power engineers, the Southern Pa cific Company's Sacramento shops have just turned out the most ad vanced type of all-steel postal car. There is not a scrap of wood any where in the car except the window frames. From wheels to roof the car Is of steel frame, door, sides and fittings. Besides cutting down the danger of telescoping and reducing deterio ration to a minimum, the value of the all-steel postal car, the railroad officials say, is that it protects the entire train from the fire danger by interposing an unburnable barrier between the locomotive and the coaches. The additional safety se cured td postal employes and. the contents of the car is another Im portant advantage. In the new Southern Pacific postal car the main feature of the lower frame are two massive twelve-inch I-beams that weigh SHd pounds per foot. It Is mainly due to theseJ beams that the steel car can with stand over 200 per cent, more shock than an ordinary car with wooden sills. Monolith laid over two courses of corrugated steel forms the lloors. Inside the car Is lined with as bestos, while the celling, like the outside and the roof, Is of steel plates. In every direction the car is strongly braced, and to take up heavy shocks on the end frame a Bteel plate twenty inches wide Is rlv oted across the top framing. The whole car is so completely bound together that the most severe shock might possibly buckle the entire framing, but could not telescope the car. Electric lighting and steam heat ing automatically regulated add still further to the fireproof qualities or the car. All the fittings, racks and apparatus used In handling the malls are of steel or brass. Department of the Interior, Gen eral Land Office, Washington, D. C, Mny 15, 1907 Hon. W. C. Hawloy, M. C., Salem, Ore.: Sir. In the case of the United States vs. Jones 10 L. D., 23 the Department has under consideration the act of May 28, 1880 (21 stat. 143), which gives certain actual set tlers the rldght to purchase lands In the Osage Indian reservation, in Kan sas. It was held In said decision that the term "actual settler" refers to one who had made settlement on the land and followed same by resi dence. This has been the ruling of the office in regard to the meaning of the term "actual settler," and the same ruling would hold good in re gard to the construction of the term 'actual settler," when used In a grant to a railroad company. (Signed) FRED. DENNETT, Assistant Commissioner. KXKOKI'S VISIT. General Kurokl, the doughty Jap anese commander who led the little brown men through the seige of blood and rampage in the late Russo Japan war, with a bravery that has called forth world comment, met his Waterloo when the v:3lted the Chi cago stockyards recently and wit nessed the killing of a porker. The adroit matter of fact manner In which the butcher plunged the long shining blade into the hog's throat produced a marked effect upon the dauntless Jap. Reports say that he quailed and shrank back involun tarily. It was probably not so much a feeling of pity for the hog as the fact that it was probably his first look Into the mysteries of the great est stockyards In the world. Any one who has witnessed the lightning manner In which live stock is trans formed into canned beef and meat in the stockyards will make allow ances for the General's temporary weakness. CUT RATE CLOTHING. Over Pendleton way Ike Kahn and Mr. Moses, competing clothiers, are entangled in a cut-price fight on overalls. From G5 cents that ar ticle of male apparel has dropped to several degrees below the zeromark. Neither firm will "give quarter," and In tho meantime all Pendleton is stocking up with an over abundant supply of overalls. It is apparent? that both Mr. Kahn and Mr. Moses aro going to lose sevetal dollars in order to demonstrate what? OUR PRODUCTS. Ono of the Portland papers com mented tho other day on tho largo amount of Coos Hay cream that Is being shipped Into the Rose City of late. A few days lator the Morning Oregonian, Astoria, printed an ar ticle on the Baino subject. There is no question but that our products aro slowly but suieiy attaining a position of prominence along tho Pa cific coast. Tho iiiimo Coos'Day is becoming synoninious of lumber, coal and dairy products. Though tho fact that this country has had these re sources has nlways been more-or lobfl known, it has remained for the growth an doxpanslon of tho coast to accentuate and place thorn forcibly beforo the people. AN "ACTUAL" SETTLER. Saloni, Oro. Many inquiries aro being made concerning tho meaning of the torm "actual settlor," as used iu tho land grant to the California & Orogan Railroad. Company. Ac cording to Judge ltalllngur's opinion the construction of that torm will devolve upon tho courts, sltico tho matter has passed out of tho hands of tho administrative department of tho Government, unloss a forfeiture is declarod. Up to this time I had found no opinion of tho courts made upon a similar enso. I wrote to tho General Laud Office to find what au thoritative construction that Depart ment had made upon the term "act- LAND HOLDINGS. Senator Bourne Is now using his Influence at Washington to break the grip of the land monopoly in Oregon. The Department of Justice has been Investigating for some time the mat ter of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company's land holdings In Oregon, TX!XS&8UXiSSe&'K3Z3SX&BSZ SKATING An n ouncements: - Open afternoon and even- 3 inys, 2 to 5 ami 7 to 10, week days only. Prices: 25 cents for use of Rink skates. 15 cents for those using their own skati s. 10 cents admission to Gentlemen evenings. Special attention given to beginners every after noon. Rest of order always maintained. D L. Avery, Manager and the work will soon be taken up again. Three million acres of land are held by that company. Much of It Is In Oregon and should be opened up for settlement. It will bo a won derful boon to the State of Oregon when the land trust Is compelled to disgorge its superfluity of holdings and the acres thus secured are turned over to the axe and the plow. Every citizen In Coos county is in terested In tho outcome of tho pres ent land suits. The Oregon & Cali fornia Railroad Company holds some of the best timber lands in this county, and under existing con ditions the land only acts as a detri ment to retard its growth. ARVJ.rrisrn) :avi:. List of unclaimed letters remain ing in the Marshfleld, Oregou, Posi Office June 1, 1907. Persons ci:.ir.0 foiTtno same will please say adver tised and pay one cent for each ad vertised letter called for. Brown, W. L. Baker, Jess, Bradley, Earl V., J i . Bell, Mrs. S. H., 2d. Bowman, Mrs. J. F., Cams, Archie, Chisholm, Earl, Fors, Aug., HaH, J. A., Haggett, John, Hansen, Miss Sylvia, Ingle, Mr3. E. Q. Jokey, Mrs. Mary, Lawler, Frank, McDerby, F. E., McDaniel, R. L., Marten, Mrs. Geo., Marsh, Mrs. Amy, Mlllr, Mrs. R. H., Mitchell, C. C, Mobile, Mrs. Hattle, Munsch & Co., Murchlson, Cant., Olson, Martin, Ostrom, N. G., 2d, Powley, Joseph, Ray, Mrs. Albert, Rice, O. C, Safin, Mrs. Anna, Scroggin, Charley, Schuyler, Mrs. C. F., ScoH, Hlorcdo W., Stn y .' MPclieJ, Smith, R. C, Ui'dcrTVjd, Charles, Vi'-sil.W. H Ward, William, Wilklson, Marlon, Wilson, C. D. W. B. CURTIS, Postmaster. Mr-M.MfcM 1 mSWSM "'" IWIW- W U - The Steamer F PLANT M. Sails for San Francisco Saturday, Alay li F. S? DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, OREGON B e3gSSHTOBBBg3Ki;SgM53 Dogs and Musical Tones. The capacity of dogs to distinguish musical tones has been made the sub ject of elaborate experiments by Dr. Otto Kalischer, of Berlin, and tho re sults have just been published In the proceedings of the Berlin Academy of , Sciences. Dr. Kalischer trained his j dogs to pick up and eat morelss of meat set before them only when a certain note was sounded. j California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company, Steamer Alliance KELLY, Commanding. SAILING FROM COOS BAY to Portland and Return L. W. SHAW, Agent, Maishfield. Phone 44 GEO. IX GRAY a CO., General agents, 421 Market St.. San Francisco. ngTrrm'ii,i'"l"JJ'""am:;:!g:f WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders - eSSzXSiSSg sS WE SELL lay R.eaS BssusKnass Residence and Farming Property A snap 40 acres on Catching Inlet 4 miles from city 15 acres bottom land under dyke. 40 acres on County Road 4 miles from city $18 per acre. For further particulars call on F. M. Remind! Jr. & Co. Nasburg bldg. OPENING OF NEW DEP ART m in mi mum hiiii n m n i iii i mi twmi jiii i A 'ffTTTTCT MENT . Office fixtuies a specialty. Store Fionts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. Sco us be fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North front Street 2S23KE5SKIESEHE330aiE3S3SS32ES t-sam7f9rTrrmt'J'svj.iJtmjau.B.iLBxmujn9MJW9tvmsarr tJAfcjiiwrr?y?7cyTr xrrfv:vrrzx-xr. : rtr?.mXRllLAS ' ft "'- 7 TT ' M CTTTftTWE-' MARSDEN'S COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS ROYAL SELECT GAMBRINUS BOTTLED BEER Bottled m 0,uarts, Pints and One Half Pints. Phono Orders promptly attended to. Phone 481. .,iiviiiriraigiM.!ii.'m n '.'iin. ""TrTWTM We have enlarged our store room and placed in stock a fine line of Dry Goods and Shoes. We are Agents for the Famous Packard. inuaitwj? Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSIIFIKM). OREGON Capital Sutionbcl iv.ono Capital 1'aiil Up J40.0UO Undivided l'rollts Jtt.uw) Doefcn general bankim business and draw oil tho Hank ol California. San J'ratieiseo Call(.,'F.it .National Hank 1'ortland Or., Kirsl National llanklRoeburgi Or., Uanoer Nft UonaA'Uank, New York, N. M. Kutliehlld A Son, i)'nloii.EnKlpnd. Alfo'CM change on nearly all the principal cities orKuropo. Accounts Vept subject lo check, tafe deposit lock boxes (or rent at 5 cents a month or 15. a)enr. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Uji & o " can furnish the following Thoroughbred Eggs at $2.00 Per Setting lihode Island Reds Barred Plymouth Rocks White Leghorns Pekin Ducka JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in the county. PACKARD SHOES FOR Banking Favors And courteous treatment are the undisputed right of every depositor in this bank there arc any number of them willing to testify to these facts. Can you not add your name to our list? Informa tion cheerfully given by every officer and director of.the bank. V First National Bank of Coos Bay JOHNS. COKE, President W. S. McFAItLAND, Cashier 0. 11. HIN3DAI.K, Vicc-1'resident Front S treet SEE US FOR Front Street Business Property We Have Something That Will Interest You Sengstackens Addition offers the best" Values for the money. MEN Title Guarantee & Abstract Co., Henry Sengstacken, Manager '" '"- wmmjff Julia Marlowe Shoes for Women ir& y f bsssV 1 1 ssaxsKsxsBzmsEzaa H - 51 LJ Y CITY FINNISH CO-OPERATIVE - - - STORE - - - ON EAST SHORE OF BAY Level bench land, all cleared, for business blocks Qentel sloping, Aldercovered land, for residence lots. Reasonable Prices--Easy Terms Also 550 acres Dairy Farm on Kentuck Inlet. Free Launch from Marshf ield and North Bend. Call at our office opposite Central Hotel, Marshfleld, Ore. or call us upon phone. Coos Bay Townsite Company 0,wC,cSEJJER' Pres and Gen- Manager " ' "KviNt;, Secretary r f U 4 ----w ""Wrir.TK-Tfta.t.KTn.ntrHi flmmUir,tTtrrtr.,tmmm tT -iiti'p '!