The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 28, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 6, Image 6

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The Bandon Excursion, Baseball
Ganeand Fight Were all
Heavily Patronized'
Six Cars and Tuu Steamers Requited
to Handle Trnilic to Clty-by-
The excursion given Sunday by the
local trainmen and Coqullle River
boat captains was a decided success,
both from a financial standpoint and
as a day of pleasure to the 2G0 peo
ple -who went from this city. The
Acme Band rendeied excellent selec
tions both on the way to Bandon and
at the open air concert given after
arriving In that city. The band boys
received ten per cent of the receipts,
their share amounting to about $35.
The special train of six cars carry
ing the Marshfield crowd left the
station at about 8 o'clock. When
they arrived In Coqullle the crowd
was taken aboard the steamers Lib
erty and Dispatch, the Dispatch
being reserved for the Marshfield and
the Liberty for the Coqullle contin
gent. The boats arrived at Bandon
about noon, and after lunch the ex
cursionists spent the rest of the day
In seeing the many pretty places
around Bandon. Quite a few went
to the Bandon Life Saving Station,
where they were shown around by
tho life savers. The people were
well Impressed with the way the
station is kept and with the men in
The Bandon Band assisted the
Acme Band in the open air concert
given during the afternoon. A re
ception had been planned by the
Bandon Band for the members of
Acme Band, but owing to the illness
of the leader It was postponed. The
excursionists left Bandon about 4:30,
arriving home at 8:25, a very jolly,
tired crowd.
In ablut three or four weeks the
railroad men Intend to run an excur
sion from Myrtle Point to Marshfield,
and the same day the boat men on
the Coqullle will run an excursion
from Bandon to Coqullle to connect
with the special train.
The Williams-Ross fight which was
pulled off Sunday In tho pavilion at
old North Bend was won by Ross in
tho fifth round when he gained a de
cision over Williams by a knock-out.
Tho abrupt ending of the fight came
as a complete surprise to the 300
spectators who crowded tho ringside.
It was generally believed that Will
iams would give tho North Bend
lighter a close contest, as he appears
to bo much stockier and ablo to de
liver a more effective blow. The pre
liminary by Paddy Coyne and Bert
eterson was declared a draw. The
men went six rounds, and It was the
general opinion that Peterson had
tho best of it.
Car of Granite. Stewart and MJt
chell hav6 just received a shipment
of a car of granite to add to their
alroai- large stock of this clM3 of
i '. This Arm has one of tho
largest stocks of monumental ma
terial in Coos and Curry counties.
Tho firm has a force of men busy
taking out dimension and base sand
stone from tho McKnight quarry, for
the immediate use in some work to
bo done at Florence.
I. E. Oren's Barn. J. E. Oren's
fine new barn was started yester
day. This will be one of the best
constructed barns in Marshfield. The
p.iine --'vie Is being carried out in
. i.' .i --t ruction of the barn that will
hold true In building the residence,
the plans of which are now in the
hands of Architect C. M. Himebaugh.
The residence will not be built until
after the house is finished, as Mr.
Oren wishes to wait until ho can
secure good seasoned lumber.
Dispatch on New Run. William
Kruger, who bought themotor boat
Dispatch a few days ago, is going
to make regular runs between Marsh
field and points up Isthmus Inlet,
and after his boat Is put on this run
the C. A. Smith Lumber & Manu
facturing Company boat Mabel H.
will not carry passengers, excepting
those men who are employed by the
company. Billy Chapman is run
ning the Mabel H.
Will Have Picnic. P. S. Dow has
declared a full holiday Decoration
Day, and will take his family and all
employees and their families for a
launch ride and picnic to Charleston
Bay. Mr. Dow believes In the adage
that "All work and no play makes
Jack a dull boy."
Eire Department Meets. The
members of the fire department will
meet for fire practice tonight at 7:30
for the first time in several months.
Mr. Colgan makes an urgent request
that all members be out at this drill.
Recovers From Injury. George
Martin, who was injured pretty badly
a few days ago at Frank Boutin's
eamp, is getting along nicely at
Mercy Hospital. Mr. Martin's back
was badly bruised by the falling of a
Improve Establishment. Merchant
Brothers have made a decided im
provement in their store by the ad
dition of several new plate glass
show cases which ad materially to
the already citified appearance of the
P. Williams Better. F. Williams,
wro was Injured a few days ago by a
log striking his back rind legs, Is get
ting along as well as can be expect
ed. He is In the Mercy Hospital at
North Bend.
I rnna Tlnv ra!f1nnts. wlm nrp sn for-
tunatc, are beginning to plan for the
annual summer visits to the many
delightful retreats around the Coos
Bay country. While a great many
will take snatches of vacations by
going to the beach and up the Inlets
on Sundays, there are several fami
lies who have bungalows up Coos
river, and thither will they steal
away when summer in its full bloom
Is upon us. Life on the banks of
Coos river in tho summer months Is
nothing more than one long dream
of fragrant flowers and velvety
breezes tempered to a delightful
pitch by mellow sunshine.
As Is customary, the boat Tioga
will run on its summer schedule up
Coos river, making two round trips
daily. This is for the accommoda
tion of those who for business or
other reasons wish to come to the
is In Marshfield shaking hands with
' Miss Clnra Walker, of Bandon, is
in tho city visiting with her sister
for a faw days.
1 Mrs. P. B. Breen, of Llbby, will
, leave for San Francisco today on the
steamer M. F. Plant.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Blake will leave
on the Plant 'today for a sojourn of
a few weeks in San Francisco.
W. C. Bradley left yesterday for a
short business trip to the Coqullle
F. E. Hague, representing Baker
Hamilton Company of San Francisco,
will leave this morning for a busi
ness trip to Bandon and Langlols.
Roll of Honor. Following Is a
list of subscribers to the Marshfield
Publicity Fund, whoso names have
not yet appeared In print. The
amount opposite, the names is tho
monthly Installment for the period of
one year:
J. L. Ferry $10
W. S. Chandler 10
Finnish Co-operative Co 5
Charles Stauff 5
Improving Mill. Tho C. A. Smith
Lumber and Manufacturing Company
Is doing a great deal of work in and
around both tho old mill and tho
ono In course of construction, for
which thoy have novcr been nble to
get enough men to answer their
noeds without importing from Minne
apolis. Recently A. Mercon, general
superintendent for tho company,
brought fifty mon from tho East and
twenty-four moro men, besides four
families of men already hero cr ex
pected on tho next trip of tho Alli
ance from Portland,
Band at Rink. D. L. Avery hns
secured tho services of tho Acmo
Band to play at tho rink Friday ovon
lng, which is society night. This Is
n now departure for Mr. Avery, it
being tho first time ho has had music
to skato by. A largo shipment of
new 8kat03 has arrived, and no ono
who can got on tho floor will lack
for skates,
Report of the condition of
of Coos Bay, at Marshfield, in the
State of Oregon, at the close of busi
ness, May 20, 1907:
Loans and discounts ?G9,752.42
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured 5.00
U. S. bonds to secure
circulation 25,000.00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 874.92
Bonds, securities, etc. . . 120,707. GO
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures
Duo from National banks
(not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks
and Bankers
Due from approved re-
. servo agents 104,953.10
Checks and other cash
Notes of other National
Fractional paper cur
rency, nickels and
Lawful Money Reserve
in Bank, viz.:
Specie $29,081.45
Legal tender
notes .... 120.00
Redemption fund with U.
S. Treasurer (5 per
cent, circulation)
Mr. and Mrs. Mathewson, accom
panied by their son, were guests of
Captain Nelson on the last trip of
the Plant to Coos Bay, when It ar
rived in Sunday.
F. S. Dow and family entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Mathewson yesterday
afternoon by giving a launch ride and
picnic up Coos river. Quite a pleas
ant afternoon was spent by the
The members of tho Eagle Lodge
'hae decided on Sunday, June 1G,
as the date for their launch ride and
free picnic to friends. The picnick
ers will be taken to Charleston Bay,
where a fine feast in the shape of a
clam bake and barbecue will be
spread. Everybody attending this
picnic Is promised a fine time and at
no expense whatever, as the Eagles
pay the bill. Ono pleasing feature
will be the fact that ladles can feel
free to go to the picnic, as liquor will
be tabooed.
A party composed of Mrs. S. E.
Painter, Miss Maud Painter, Mrs. E.
M. Farrlnger and daughter, F. and
H. Tremain, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Painter and family, Mrs. M. A. Sweet
man and daughter, Miss Eleanor
Helm, F. Painter and W. H. Painter,
spent an enjoyable day at the beach
Sunday. The party was delight
fully entertained by Captain and Mrs
Nelson, of the Life Saving Station.
(Times Special Service.)
Allegany, May 27. Emmlt Pierce
has closed his camp on West Fork.
This is the camp where C. O. Rob
ison was killed some three months
ago. There have been numerous ac
cidents since.
Alex. Sawyer and wife, of Scotts
burg, have returned home, after a
week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gage,
of Allegany Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Robbin3on re
turned home after several days' visit
In Marshfield.
Misses Myra and Ella Camp, of
Marshfield, returned Sunday, after a
few days' visit with the Allegany
E. Bergerson, of Coleadj, was in school mistress, Miss Irma Camp.
Mrs. M. D. Poyntz returned Sun
day from a five weeks' visit in Poi t-land.
Total $373,962.84
Capital stock paid In. . . . $25,000.00
Surplus fund 500.00
Undivided profits, less ,
expenses and taxes paid 2,834.62
National Bank notes out
standing 25,000.00
Duo to State banks and
bankers , 902.99
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 319,725.23
Totol $373,962.84
Stato of Oregon, County of Coos,
May 20, ss:
I. W. S. McFarland. cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that tho above statement Is
true to tho best of my knowledge and
W. S. McFarland, Cashier.
Subscribed and Bworn to before
me this 24th day of May, 1907.
C. J. MAHONEY, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
The articles of Incorporation for
the Douglas and Coos Electric Rail
say Company Litve been druv.M up
and forwarded to the Secretary of
State and the County Clerk of Coos,
and have been returned. The Incor
porators are: Honorable A. C. Mar
sters, Roseburg; L. H. Hazard, Co
qullle; P. L. Phelan, Myrtle Point; L.
J. Simpson, North Bend, and E. L.
Wheeler and J. H. Flanagan, of
Marshfield. As previously stated,
the company Is Incorporated for
$500,000, of which $250,000 must
be subscribed before a meeting of the
stockholders can be called for the
purpose of electing officers. Follow
ing is a portion of the articles of
First. To construct or acquire,
and to equip, railway, telegraph and
telephone lines, with any and all
necessary or convenient spurs, sid
ings, branch lines, within the State
of Oregon, between some point on
Coos Bay, in Coos County, In the
State of Oregon, to a point at or near
the city of Roseburg, In Douglas
County, In the State of Oregon.
Second. To acquire in any lawful
manner, all or any parts of the rail
way, telegraph or telephone linos, or
other property of other companies,
or the stock, bonds, or other secu
rities of said companies.
Third. To maintain and operate
tho railway lines, telegraph, tele
phone lines so constructed or ac
quired, to carry freight or passengers
thereon, to transmit messages, and to
receive ions lor sucn carriage or
Fourth. To build or assist in
building, extending, equipping and
operating any railway lines or lino
connecting with, or intended to con
nect with, tho railway of this com
pany, fpr such purpose to subscribe
for, or purchase, to own and hold, to
sell, mortgngo, or otherwise dlsposo
of, the stock, bonds, or other secu
rities, of nny company or companies,
any such railway lino or lines, to
guarantee tho obligations of such
company or companies, In whole or
In part, nnd to consolidate with, or
to lease, or to construct for the oper
ation or maintenance of, and such
company or companies.
Fifth. To build, buy, own, lease,
sell, let, mortgage, or otherwlso dis
pose of, docks, wharves, jetties, ware
houses, or other facilities for trans
portation, in connection with the rail
way so acquired or constructed, as
far as may be necessary or desirable.
Sixth. To acquire by grant, pur
chase, lease, option, condemnation,
contract, agreement, or otherwise,
lands, real or personal property,
whether adjacent or contiguous to
Its said railways, feeders, wharves,
docks, or warehouses, or not so ad
jacent or contiguous, and to hold,
possess, Improve, lease, sell, let,
mortgage, or otherwise dispose of,
any or all of said property in such
manner as may be deemed fit.
Seventh. To construct and to ac
quire by purchase, lease, option, pos
session, agreement, or otherwise, any
and all proporty, real or personal,
which may bo deemed necessary or
convenient for the urse or benefit of
tho company.
Eighth. To borrow money on
notes, bonds, or In any other man
ner as may be deemed fit.
Seventh. To construct and to ac
quire by purchase, lease, option, pos
session, agreement, or otherwise, any
and all property, real or personal,
which may bo deemed necessary or
convenient for the use or benefit of
the company.
Eighth. To borrow money on
notes, bonds, or In any other man
ner, for tho general uses and pur
poses of the corporation, and to se
cure the repayment of the same by
mortgage or pledgo of any and all
of its property.
Ninth. To do any or all other
things necessary, proper or expe
dient for the accomplishment of the
objects herein specified.
Tenth. The said railway and any
or all of Its feedors, extensions or
spurs, may be operated by electric,
steam or motor power or by all of
such powers.
Article- IV.
The principal offlco and place of
business of this corporation stall bo
in tho city of Marshflold, in tho
County of Coos, In tho State of Ore
gon. Article V.
Tho amount of tho capital stock of
this corporation shall bo five hun
dred thousand dollars ($500,000.00).
Article VI.
Tho capital stock of this corpora
tion shall be divided into fifty thou
sand (50,000) shares of tho par
value of ten ($10.00) dollars each.
A Model Cottage.
To Be Finished Outside In Brick Veneer and
Cost $2,400.
Copyright, 1007, by Henry Witteklnd, Chicago.
v- - w...
I Hl kitchen!
mau. living Roortrifc''
izHj h--ox .a- LJ
n dn
l-...r,.r.r:n BU Stow' M
v,nnnntK jU ygKli
miberI u
i,KtC-6'-l f
This cottage of one and a half stories and basement can bo constructs
under favorable conditions for $2,400. Its extorter Is of brick veneer and plat
ter. Tho hall, living room and diulug room should bo finished In oak, iriti
oak floors. Other rooms should be trimmed -with Georgia pine.
Residence and Farming Property
I Coos Bay
Real Estate
A snap 40 acres on Catching Inlet 4 miles from I
city id acres bottom land under dyke.
40 acres on County Road 4 miles from city $J8
per acre.
For further particulars call on
F. M. Rummell Jr. & Cp.
Nasburg bldg.
ittinimw hw
U'l' I I
We do not claim to cure all the ills that flesh is
heir to with glasses, but we do claim to be expert in
fitting glasses to the eye, to get the best results, all head
aches, pains and nerve reflexes arising from eye strains
we can promise relief, if from a disordered liver we can
not. Come in and we will treat you right. Eyes tested
frames and eye glass straightened and adjusted free,
foged bifacals recemented, Broken lens replaced. All
work guaranteed.
N. and Front Street
Marshfield, Oregon
..t.-rt. rft.
rfjIffW-fht- tun wit mb i