;"sBWP E DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSBFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAr 28. WANT ADS WANTED Bids for clearing streets' MARKETS In Bay Park. See Alva Doll, ofj ep tho firm I. S. Kaufman & Co. m iaflfei'V - ': 4rrft&K&JL 3m,. UL ... "fc- a a I .7 t 3 Retail. Quotations aro as follows: Flour Per Back, $1.10 to $1.50. Potatoes Per lb., 2 to 3c. Cabbage Per lb., 5 to Ofc. Cauliflower Per head, 10 and lCc Uoney Per box, 20; 3 for 60c. Onions Per lb., 6c. Butter Creamery, 40o; dairy, 35c Boiled elder, per quart, 30c. Aasaragua l&lbs for 2Cc. Rhubarb 3 lbs. for 26c. Butter -Per 24 ounce square, 65c Country egga Per dozen, 25c. Mns Dressed, 22c lb. GUicfceoa Prya, dressed, 25c lb. tftett. Craba $1 per dozen. 8ttbe&4 salmon Per lb, 8, 9 and 1H. ElHB4e, Per lb., Ec. iBerrlac - Per 2-sallon bucket, 50c Gtattrod dams Per quart, 20c. Rsxptr Glome Per bucket, 50c. Meut. SMoia BteaJt Per lb., 12 to 16c BoJUn er lb., 6c to 8c. VesA fifcow, jier lb., 8c; cutlets, lc h lfie. yorterhonse steak Per lb., 12 c to Me, fcoand steak Per lb., 10c. Chuck steals Por lb., 10c. rrlmo rib roast Per lb., 12 c. Mutton Roftsta, per lb., 12 c to lie; ohopa. lfie to 16&; stew, 10c. Prk Pw pound, 12 to 16o. ll-rbt, 7fio; 10 lbs., 1.50 WcStVxl rW teot Per lb., 10c. Bocm Per lb., 16 to 25e. Ksbujr atak Per lb., 10c. Baaoas Per Ib, lOo. Btasa--Pr lb.. lOo; 3 for 25c Sfttaoa (ettlt) Per lb., 6c. Bratas Per lb.. 15c; 2 for 25c. Mold pork Per lb., 12 c. Crod beef Per lb., 7c. Tftnerwnrtri Per lb., 12 c. LaraV't tongues 6 for 25c. tfrmim And Nufci. Applea Por lb., lOo. QAeoonuto Bch, 10c. Tfelifete Per lb., 2So. AlataMs Per ltu, 29c to 30c. Lem8 Por dozen, 20c to 30c. Bbbsom Pr dozen, 308. Orange Pcrdozcn, 30 to COc, ac cortitas t size. Dried FrHitB. ltoteiaa- London layers, pot lb., 34c to S9oi seeded, per 12-oz. pkg . 12455 18-ozi. pkg., 15c. Currants Clean, per 12-oz. pkg., 1.2; 16-oz. plcg., 15c. Citron Por lb., 35c. Orange peel per lb., 25c. Lemon peel Per lb., 25c. LOGAIi WHOLHSALK MARK17T. Following Is a list of wholesale prices as seen on tho local market Oat and wheat hay 15 to $25 Chickens, Bprlng 12 c Ducks 50o to 76c ueese Jl.00 tiens 10c Sheep $3.00 to $5.00 Veal calves $2.75 Ueof, Bteers $2.60 Beef, cows $2.00 The Ruby. ' There arc four degrees of merit In tho ruby class. The first is tho deep blood red oriental ruby tho "cochineal red" pure, suggestive, without ad mixture of the brown or violet The second Is tho spinel, almost as beauti ful as tho oriental, but a shade less rich, less supremo In color. Tho third la the balas, a rose red ruby, valuablo In proportion to Its depth of tint and esteemed, perfect only when It attains a certain size and weight. A small palo balas rubf Is of very meager value. Tho fourth Is tho almandlne, or rublccle, of a yellowish red, oftentimes tinged wjth brown. Tho Brazilian to paz Is not Infrequently made to pass for balas ruby. It Is heated In a cruel bio filled with sand, which drives off tho yellow and fills In the roso red tint of the balas ruby. Garnets, too, havo often done duty for rubles, and many a writer has confounded garnets, ru bles and carbuncles all in a heap to gether. Sunday Dy.pepala. "Sunday dyspepsia that is what you have,1 said the doctor, smiling. "Sunday dyspepsia?" "Yes, and It Is not a rare complaint cither. It Is duo to this bad habit of eating foolishly and gluttonously on Sunday. Through the week you eat like a sensible man a moderate break fast early, a light luncheon nnd a good, substantial dinner at tho end of tho day. But on Sunday you cat a heavy breakfast at 10 or 11. At 1 you sit down to nn enormous dinner, stuff ing yourself without nppetlte, and at 8:30, when you ore really hungry, you eat light, unsatisfactory food, like Sar atoga chips nnd lettuce sandwiches In a word, a Sunday supper. The result of this change for the worse, made once n week by mllllous of men, is Buudny dyspepsia, an ailment for which I always prescribe a C o'clock Sunday dinner." New Tork Press. WANTED. Good family horse; bay marc preferred. F. A. Golden. WANTED. An apprentice to learn the trade. North Bend Cigar Man ufacturing Co. FOR SALE Household goodB for Bale and house for rent. AddroBS Mrs. J. F. Bowman, Marahfleld. 5-16 WANTED A no. 1 good farm and dairy hand with family to take charge of dairy. Good wages. Will also pay $40 per month and board for an assistant, married or single and furnish a good house for man with family. E. L. Bessoy, Coos River. Phono, Cooa 208. 6-16 WANTED Men to work In sawmill, wages $2 a day and upward. Simpson Lumber) Co. 8-24-tf. FOR SALE Four aeros of land In South Marshfield for the noxt sixty dayB. Addross B. A. 11. 4-30-am WANTED. To rent two or more rooms for housekeeping, furnished for man and wife. P. O. Box 8S8. NOTICE. Thoso having baggage stored at the Central hotel will pleas 'all for same by Juno 1 or It will be sold. 6-7-a2t FOR RENT. Rooms In the Rogers building; suites or singly. Apply S. C. Rogers, steamer Coos Rlvor, or E. O. Hall, A street FOR RENT. Two furnished house keeping rooms suitable for man and wife in Windsor block. Apply to Fred Johnson, Eagle saloon, North Bend. 4-28-tf FOR SALE. 62 acres for farming land, 25 acres already burnt and 2 acres good bottom land, $25 por acre. Jackob Mattson, North Inlet. Half cash and remainder on time. WANTED Position as cook In boarding house or camp. Dora H. Barber, Plat B. 5-26-1 Cures Colds Provonts Pnoumonla . 1 , REMEMBER the Chamlnade Club Concert, Wednesday, June 5th. 5-26-1 FOR SALE A farm of 80 acres on Daniels' Creek. Address E. R. Jones. Box 110, Marshfield. 5-26-1' 5-26-1 WANTED A girl to wash dishes at tho Palm. 5-2 G-l' .. - WANTED A girl for general house work; good wages. Mrs. I. S Kaufman. 5-26 Fred. W. Schaefer, a piano tune of 20 years experience, has decided to remain in Marshfield for a fe da)s. Mr. Schaefer comes highly recommended from the largest piano house of San Francisco, and word left at P. O. Box 249 Marshfield will receive prompt attention. All work guaranteed. trffBTMTlMlMMHMfflr' "drff- 2KE5E2E p--' 7 Hi BflK'llHiM.- JWms&t&H .,1'mt: &H. i, '" KvM0n3Vi'K - .. -v.-..'. X wmmajtjmBxvm vjhik uiii zfaM& I , hi. i iifc sn .iM&jjkM yrssiuifoimaimij,A i -,. -jg) laBlfct, - ?upl .4jni I MMMf ' "hK',..0 . agrafe.; f'vw? tSK.,-e"t Knmavi fU$&mr vttBS&& mr"'i fit. '-t NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Wo are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for Coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not affect ed by the Natlonnl Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opines or other harmful drugs, and we roc commend it as a safe remedy for children and adulta Red Cross Pharmacy. Choice Hay From California $1 )C Per ULD Bale See Dow Now Ready 1HOTEL OREGON New and Modern Sample Rooms in Connection .NORTH BEND, ORE. California and Oregon Coast S Steamer AK KELLY, CommaVilng. 'SAILING FROM- COOS BAY to Portland a GEO. D. GRAY a CO., Qeneral'agents, J,. V 421 Market St.. 8an Francisco. ?,'' V? X-.4 A nice line of Postal Cards and Bound 1 NORTON & HANSEN WILSON & TH0MA Contractors and Builders Office fixtuies a specialty. Store FrontB, ( Shelving. Let us work out your plans. Sc! fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, Norti? SyW ti.-m '..$' V " " rrv iwrHirr ss jKvib L. II W. A. HARINQ Dealer in Puro Cream Milk and Buttermilk. Free do livery to all parU of the city. North Bend, Oregon STEAMER Leaves Mars' Morning: at 5 ning up Coos ri-i CmooXt- rer xaiixwi. u.i.wn iMf 1 OiMir ,J. h v llilfMllllWilllUIMIlll 9 DO YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY And Look as Well as Your Friend Wj Has Just Paid the Tailor $35 to $4 ff '"- IbA j.if.3. jj SK Jfi ,f - W,' Then CaU At MERCHANT BROS., and Purcha ' Vj One of Those Hart schaffner and Marx's Fine Suits. Every suit is guaranteed in workmanship fit and material. Any suit not coming up to our guarantee can be returned and purchase price freely refunded. Big assortment of Monarch and Cluett shirts. College brand hats. Gautnerand Matterns also Coopers fine underwear for men. Neckwear. Banister, Nettleton ' Crossett shoes for men. Copyright 1907 by Hart Schaffner 6? Marx THE FAMOUS PACIFIC LOGGER. r&n s NwaiiiilT-itfiMU Ut -U ,1 1 "-f ,f