sym&amsmaiB UMINrailHlttSltMlfcVaiMMMui iUMtAumt ICbbbbbbbbbbbbBHHbbbbbbbB lfcjjjS""'r''r5rMi sawn- ' i -" " . , B M '.iVmbb i? ",-K3r:cTjTr,Bps If ISI-X0AV, MAV SO. 100" TEB DAILY OO&S JUX TIKES, 3: IN SOCIETY WANT ADS MUSICAL. IQss Maud Fainter -will receive pupils lor vocal culture fit bar bene on Broadway la MarshSeld, begia Jng with Monday ol tie easalng weet Thongh Miss Palater lias bat recently become a resident of MarshOeid her maried vocal aocompTishmeets aare established for her in enviable re pntatioa and her success as a teacher "SVAXTED. Good famfly horse: bay T mare preferred. F. A. Goidea. FOR SALE Four acres of land In South Marshfleld for the next sixty days. Address B. A. SI. 4-30-Zm WATED. To real two or more 1 roov tor hossekeepfag. furatehed for maa and wife. P. O. Box ss r1" 1 THE CITY OF RETfKXS FROM STXXFORD. Join Mereen, mho has been at- tending Iceland Stanford University ! bas arrived on Cobs Bar to spend FOR. BEXT Six roBia hoase oa Piae && ! "T"v his stammer vacatkra with bis father A. Mereen, general seperiatendent MancfactBring company. makes loxg visit. Mrs. C E. Brews and Mrs. L. B. Pettyjohn wIU leave overland Mon day Jor Portland. Mrs. Drews is gteg to Tist la Oolfax "Washington for abmt six wests r tw months. ALTMXI BANQUET. Tbe members of the Alumni met Friday eveaing at the heme of Bss 1 Tower 3er the purpose of arranging i details regarding the annas! recept ' ten and banket im be given tbe graduating class of the Marshfield High scbooL miss maud painter. ot oice culture oa Ooos Bay seems ssired. Trained in the foremost censer "vatories of the east she is specially adapted for her vocation. The foBew Ing excerpt is from a IViafieid, Kan sas paper. It is safe to say .that of aH the mu sical recitals given in 'Wlnfiald this spring that of Miss Maud Painter xl the Sosthwest Kansas college chapel last Tuesdaj sigh was easBr the best in point of excellence. TBecanse of Miss Palmer's serial prominence and the recognised tal ent she possesses her grad anting re cital was attended by the largest crowd of 'WinfleJd's elite that bas as sembled in the college chapel ar two or three years. 'Whe the ca pacity of tbe .chapel was reached iriends crrwded in balls and parlors arnd alcoves, content w4th the echo of swet tones that drifted to them. Miss Painter s reception was an . ovation to her beauty and xalent She is considered one of tbe most "bean-total girls in the great South west and on ber recital night she was aitfired in simple white" Her balr -5TTDEXT RECITAL. Miss Snsle E4ctworih gave a student recital Friday evening at her borne. The program mas highly ap preciated by the few invited gnests present and consisted of both "vocal and Instrumental numbers. street. In quire Palace restaurant. "WANTED Toung lady far cJerfc. Apply local telephone office. L. B. Rebertson. TiVAXTED. An apprentice to learn the trade. Nerth Bend Qgar Man ufactBriag Oe. "SVANTED Two girls for operators at the MarshSeH telephone office. Pacific TeSepbene Ce. FOR SALT: Housebrtd goods f sale and bouse far rent. Address Mrs. J. F. Bewman, Marsbfieid. 5-1 S "VTANTErj A 3a. 1 good farm and dairy band with laraHy to take charge -of dairy. Good wages. "SVH1 BAXCE IS SrOCESS. Tbe dance given by the members e the Acme band in 3arshfie3d Sat Tjrday might was well attended. The different musical numbers rendered by the band were thorough ly enjoyed, catling forth nauch ap plause. A substantial sum was re-attaed,. CLOSES SEASON. Tuesday aftemoBn the members of Progress Ctab wJH close their dub season with a grand beat ride and picnic. The ladies nave decided to xate a trip -up Isthmus Inlet to the where tbe afternoon will be spent. The place is Tery pretty and the lad ies win certainly have an enjoyable tame. NOTICE. Those baviag baggage stored at the Central hotel will pte&s -all tor saae by Jae 1 or it will be sold. 7-2It FOR RENT. Rooms ia the Rogers btiMiag: sites or sfaglr. Apply 3. a Rogers, stesster Coos River, or E. O. Hall. A street. MtJSIC Secure the Irish Orchestra for high grade mastc oa aay occa sion. McDeroy, coad actor and riolia lastructor. Marshfield, Ore l-2S-tf FOR RENT. A five-room hon&e; good fernltsre for sale: to be va cated by 1st of July. Phoae 1184. Mr. G. T. Holtsclaw, South Marsh-Sefci. FOR SALE! 19 acres coaimaadlag aarter mile of -water froat on ship chaaael oa Coos Bay at a bar gain. See. Title Guarantee & Ab stract Co. 2-S-tf COOS BAY ON THE MAINLAND In Full View of Marshfield Plat B And North Bend Where Rail and Sail Will Meet It will pay you to inspect this New Townshe It Has:- One and one half miles water front 150 acres tideland sites for mills and factories. On deep water-cast channel of Coos River. 3000 platted lots size 25x120. Streets 100 feet and 66 feet wide alleys 20 ft LOTS 35.00 TO $350.00 Take our launch. Coos Bay Townsite Co. N. F. THRONE. Sec, Marshfield, Ore. OfficeOpposite Central Hotel - Marshfield, Oregon IIMIIIi IIMlH also pay 56 per month and board t pQ-, EExT ro fHrBished house- f or an assistant, married or single and furnish a good house for man with family. E. L. Bessey, Coos River. Pboae, Ooos 2P5. 5-1 C FOR SALE OR RENT. A four-room bouse and f nmltuTe for sale. See Dr. Love of North Bend, Ore. "WANTED. -Man and wife on farm, or a lady coot; good wages. Ad dress B. C B., care Times office. "WANTED Men to wort la sawmill . wages $2 a day and npward, Simpson Lumber Co. S-24-tf teeping rooms suitable for man aad wife la Wiadsor block. Apply to Fred Joissoa, Eagle salooa. North Bead. 4-5S-if U FOR T." Twelve acres of land oa Ooos river. One acre hi!! land and rest bottom land; vnim proved. Tor further partieelars address Z 67. Times office. DINIG R00 URNITU M FOB SALE. C! acres for farming land. 25 acres already burnt and 2 acres good bottom land, $25 per acre - Jactoh Mattsoa, North lalet Half cash and remainder oa time WILSON & THOMAS Contractors 2nd Builders ARRITES FROM COLLEGE. ! Tom Bennett arrived boms yes-1 terday form Leland Stanford Tniver- I siry to spend his summer xacatin. i Mr Bennett is tating a course an the -was ar-anged simply and the decol- law school at Stanford. J "W. Ben 3ote eosrume bepomingly enhanced next, Ton Bennett Eugene O'Connel the beav of 1p fo'l throat, from and Anlur MtKeown wi jeave Mon wbjth b"-f pp ed tones the ugh- & T a wet s fasting tr r tt Ten Ingaif n..Eht rarr W06 "TSgl OfBce Hxtnre? $. spedaltj. S;we Floats, Coanierf, .She3Tic Let cs work out your plans. See us be fore bnildinc. Shop opposite Bear's livery Stable, North Front Street "- .vnn SZCES irmnrmwrrm r 5 5 1m r u 3 t Besmear -.w.''fi 6a aaE We now have in stock a most beaut iful display of dining room furniture. Sideboards, tables, cnina cabinets, in fact, everything to furnish your dining room complete with the most artistic, beautiful and durable furniture to be found. C. A. JOHNSON Front Stree . u. ugjtfW im0&0m 3E55a&S5353g5!SS5S fl K . S W, VKie- n. n Tcrtst w!T -iffi J r W B Ills YH fl 4 I F V m i?s ? mms iPkii w & f rL ssy ah S ra iit And Look as Well as Your Friend Who Has Just Paid the Tailor $35 to $40. Then Call At MERCHANT BROS., and Purchase One of Those Hart schaffner and Marx's Fine Suits. EveryJ suit is guaranteed in workmanship fit and material Any suit not coming up to our guarantee can be returned and purchase price freely refunded. Big assortment of Monarch and Cluett shirts. College brand hats. Gautnerand Matterns also Coopers fine underwear for men. Neckwear. Banister, Nettleton Crossett shoes for men. Copvrch" i yr- i Hart Schariier tsf Marx THE FAMOUS PACIFIC LOGGERS til 11 fcMMNfcMPl"" mmtmmtwmi rftftiiittujt. -t-4,4t.K i, -Jlwjf Mfr'W1 - r