Y. , ; we JJj.,fittftip Trr A'flll1' JiJ---! "tp -ntp;jwj 'c l 'U'l'lPlWHl i dip mi iiwiiiiwui iii i in I nil wiMin iiMum nwiinnnii -r...,., . " "-i in, p-; ... , . - .. ,..i- jjp. i' " "feAj-'-y - - - -OT. . ,M,ainn BjBWiyWipgTyWfJ "f" J i jw!(PF "' wM!sntj" v IF TOE DAILY COOS BAT TIMES, soatwftswhggp SATtTWAV, MAY 25, 100 CAPITAL WILL MEET LABOR San Francisco's Big Employers Meet and Dedda to Make ' Peace Overtures i todar by the United Railroads ac-j cording to the officials of the com-j pany. This Is the scale which Pres- Ident Calhoun proposes to pay non-; union employes 'with which he de- i clares he will here after operate his cars. The old scale was 31 to 33 cenU per hour. WANT ADS tor sal: South Ma days. A . r . . i niiiii-" fna in , iodine ntjvi siaij g jr- YL. si. Ajo-2m if THE -t I B Four acres hfleld B CITY Ol SOME WOULD HGHT Declare Kxhorbilant Union Demands Kill Profits United Railroads Xew AVagt Schedule. R0SEBUR6 IN ARRIVE ON BAY Attend Meeting Marhfield Chamber Of Commerce And Annoucc That $107,000 Is Raised , WANTED. CrUd family iVrse; bay mare preirrva. r. .. yuiaen. WANTED. To rent two or more i rooms for hou&keping. furnished for man and wife. P. O. Box 3SS. CQOS FOR RENT-JSlx room hoyse on Pine street. Induire Inkfce re restaurant. WANTED Young lady for clerk. Apply local telephdnoffice. L. R. Robertson. " San Francisco, May 23 The pre-; cipitation a fearful Industrial strug gle In this city In throwing down the gauntlet to the trades unions by declaring a gigantic lock out of thousands of building craftsmen en gaged in the work of rehabiliting San Francisco for a long time hung in the balance yesterday at a meeting of the principal builders and contract ors and representatives of the man ufacturers. Several speakers declared the only solution of the continual? industrial strife in San Francisco was "Open Shop" and urged imraed-j ate war upon the unions and a ftsht to a finish without quarterly ees it ion of all building operations until employes would be glad to retun to work at wages which builders and contractors could pay without loss to themselves. Agitor and the exorbitant demands of the unions it was asserted was the cause for the present conditions In San Francisco and the only way to secure industrial peace was to break the backbone of the unionism. Other speakers wHa equal vigor op posed such radical action and more; HOLD JOINT MEETING Will Sleet To Consider Plans For Rai-ing Money. The Roseburg electric road com mute arrived in Marshfield yester day afternoon. Some of the mem bers came via Portland and the others came overland by stage. The electric road committees form North Bend, Marshfield, Coqullle Myrtl Point and Roseburg will meet this evening for the purpose of ar ranging plans raise the money neces sary to build a portion of the road between the bay sad Roseburg. The Roseburg committee was present last evening at the Chamber of Commerce meeting and announced that the sum of $17,0 had been raised in that city in a short time. WANTED. An apprentice to learn the trade. Northfalid Cigar Man ufacturing Co. WANTED Two gfrls for operators ill IUC jituauiEiuciciiuuuc uiui Pacific TelephrfSe Go. FOR SALI sale and Mrs. J. -Household louse for sow man. f NOTICE. V-Those having stored Ait theCentr pleas- VH fof sinwf by j It wilf bi sold. fii aggage tel will une l or 5-7-221 ON THE MAI FOR RENX Rooms In. the Rogers building; suitAs oisingly. Apply . C. Jtogers. bcamer Coos River, r eo. HallA street. S. or MUSIC Secure the Irish Orchestra ffr high grade mdslc on any occa sion. McDeJ; conductor and 1-29-tf of labor organisations and notated the situation. They lead for the rights j Tower's conciliatory tactics ia dealing with I attend nv out the possible results of such a tremendous struggle between capital and labor. The conservatives fiai nally won and sueceded in having! a resolution adopted calling for an t appointment of a coasmittee of five TO SUBSCRIBERS. ', EXTIOX. Oid ex-ty b. and Confederate vet eraas are requested to vaXxf. ia Ut. ice Sunday at IO 30 rial services in he Pres byterian .fchnrch. W.XE. Thorpe. Oommander WANTED A no. 1 dairy hand with fanVl; charge of dairy. Good1 also pay 140 per mon for an assistant, martfa and furnlsAXa good ho with famnyA E. U River. hor i V roods for i rerv. Aoaress j MaAhfiaid. IFOR .' v . . good arni and j rf to lakef images. WU1 , tAAmd board. I fl or sincie I T V use tor man BesJey, Coos. uoos0 o-ib j . ! i FOR RENT. A firroom house; good furnltureor sale; to be va cated by 1st IA July. Phone 1194. Sir. G. T. Holtzclaw, South Marsh- field. SALE 10 acres commanding ouarter mile ofwater front on ship channiln Coos Bay at a bar gain. Seep'Title Guarantee &. Ab stract Co. 2-5-tf D Ir Full? View of Morshfiekl Plat R And Notb Uentt Where Rainmd Sm Wfll Meet it -nrJlI nav vnft to insbectthis New Town:f. XV TT" KJ -. 1 . J - - .V It Has:- 0 nA ruie half rrrfles 'water front. J 50 acres tideland'sites tor mfUsand tactortes. On deep" water-ast channel dfoos River. 3000 platted lots size 25x10. Streets J 00 fee and 66 feet wide aDevs 20 feet, LOTS 35.00 TO $350.00 Take our launch. Coos Bay Townsite Co. N. F. THRONE, Sec., Marshfield, Ore. OfficeOpposlte Central Hotel - Marshfield, Oregon FOR RENT. Two keeping roo nd wife in W to. Fred Johason, Bend. furnUcSd nis snXSble npfsor house- tor man block. Apply Eagle saloon, 4-2S-tf V " i ii fj FOR SALE OR RENT. A four-room ' pnR SADE Twelve acres af land on house and f cfpffore for sale. See Coo3 riv-. One accill land and Dr. Love of Jorfh Bend. Ore. wst bottoio laidXanimproved. For L WANTEDr or a lad dress : rM : oook B-A WANTED wages te Simpson! and wife ;; good wa; . J).f care Tim Vnfarm, gYs. Ad- ed-ice. further parti Times office. JGIars address Z 67 3Ien to work a day an Lumber Co. in sa X f f wmill. upward. S-24-tf. FOR SALE. 62 acres fi land. J acres already 2 acres Yxod bottom land , acre. JrAtob Mattson, N , Half caihXand remaind i dc firming 111 auu 1525 per rh Inlet- cb time. "'l,'"- "JU WILSON & THOMAS ontractori Builders j' representing the builders and con tractors to confer with the unions with a view of securing peace for at least one year. A wage scale of 25 to 33 cents an hour according to the length of service is a new scale put into effect The Times will not be up to the usual standard for a few days owing to lack of men ia the mechanical department. V Office fixtures a stveciayy. Lii"Orf !,-- Finnts P-ruintprc .. - . . , , t It SnUving. Let us wor: oa roar plan;, see ps'k forejbuikiing. j j j ; ; Shop opposite Bear's Lh-ery StaWe,N'orth froni Street U-U,i " SrtK-'-.Y-TYT'-JHwIIX1 ifc: X DINIG ROOM FURNITURE We now have in stock a most beaut iful display of dining room furniture. Sideboards, tables, china cabinets, in fact, everything to furnish your dining room complete with the most artistic, beautiful and durable furniture to be found. JOHNSON 3 2 6 s Front Street. ? I ? o7n wt'tfft mttif WkmMt tf 5aWUOifeaBjtSi egzgggsMagaM i ; iff ?? -ras ' I W3i ItlFilF S pl 7 CT9 9 a b trr ww mi i V Vf . h & tS And Look as Well as Your Friend Mas Just Paid the Tailor X N Then Call At MERCHANT One of Thdse Hart chaffnerand Marx's Fine Who i $3Bto $40. BRSe9 and Purchase UltSo Every suit is guaranteed inivorkmanship x fit and materialAny suit not coming up to ourguarantee can be returned and purchase price freely refunded. Big assortment, of Monarch and Cluett shirts. College brand hats. Gautner and Matterns also Coopers fine underwear for men. Necbvear. Banister, Nettleton CrGssett shoesxfoi men. Copyright 190- by Hut Sckt$er ir Mirt THE FAMOUS PACIFIC LOGGERS ) rl' tflfliMtfiftiittlt Minnmiun xzxJX