"BFS- t-3T5"r f T "fX " "J'l ' ' wwwiwwpyy' 'W'waqtFf'saBTOig TUB DAILT COOS BAY TIMES, MAHSI1FIELD, OKHGON, FRIDAY MAY 2-1, 1007. '"' -" r --u""!.tjaHi-w f-,""!'....... J "d9HHHBIHuaH ! 1 rWMrTli1lMMMj' "ww 71'"ir' " ""J f '-w-'Wr- OBHMMM ttH fl.WI gM lgT ng m J ft! ''if- IK i I I SNAPS ROGUE RIVER t MYSTERIOUS "JAP" WITH CAMERA VISITS BANDON He Takes Pictures of Tapography Around Entrance To Coquille River and Bar. Suspicions Entertained That Orient al is in Service of Little Brcmn Government. (Times Special Service.) Bandon, Ore., May 23. Armed with a panoramic view camera mystr lous well dressed Japanese, has been haunting the vlclnityot Bandon for the past week and has taken sev eral pictures of the Bandon bar, the surroundings, both sides of the Co quille river and its mouth. Previous to his visit to Bandon the same man was at Gold Beach at the entrance to the Rogue river as to Bandon, were made with the camera. It is thought the Oriental is coming up the coast from the south and will next visit Coos Bay. His operations around Bandon havo excited deep Interest and there Is much comment ns to the purport of his mission. There seems no doubt but that the man 1 connected with the Japanese Government. His pres ent where-abonts are unknown. MARSHflELD TEACHERS ARE APPOINTED LEAVES FOn SEATTLE Rev. D. W. Thurston has left for Seattle where he will spend a few days visiting with his mother after which he will attend the meeting of the Umpqa Baptist Association. The association meets In Salem on June 30, being in session three days. Rev. Thurson will return home immedi ately after the association meeting. AVILL BUILD HOUSES. H. Black is excavating six lots on Bain street, getting in readiness to build four houses, one for a resldenco and the other three for to rent. NEW OFFICE. The new office for the retail bus iness of the C. A. Smith Lumber and Manufacturing company Is completed ready for occupancy In the near future. At a meeting of the Marshfield School Board held in Judge Hall's office the teachers to be employed the earning term In ttie local school were appointed. The Misses Walker, Easterday, Bradley and Camp have resigned and in addition to filling the vacancies the same teachers em ployed last year were reappointed. Following is the list of teachers and the grades they will teach; F. A. Golden, principal; Miss Elizabeth Kaufman assistant In the high school Nina Lyon, eight grade; Agnus Gul ovsen, seventh grade; Kathleen Ben nett, sixth grade; Ella M. Rood, fifth grade; Hilda Stenholm, fourth grade Ada Chapman, third grade; Alice B. McCormac, second grade; and Bessie Sebolt, primary; Mrs Wilbur lecelvlng primary. Misses Ada Chap man and Hilda Stenholm are attend ing the state Normal at Mommoth where they have been for the past two years. Both young ladles are graduates of the Marshfield High School which place they left two years ago. WANT ADS WANTED. Good family horse; bay mare preferred. F. A. Golden. FOR RENT Six room house on Pine street. Inquire Palace restaurant. FOR SALE Four acres of land in South Marshfield for tho next sixty days. Address B. A. 11. 4-30-2m BiMHiHHMiBBBBHnBBaaBBaaaBIHHaBni WANTED. To rent two or more rooms for housekeeping, furnished for man and wife. P. O. Box 388. WANTED Young lady for clerk. Apply local telephone office. L. R. Robertson. WANTED. An apprentice to learn the trade. North Bend Cigar Man ufacturing Co. WANTED Two girls for operators at the Marshfield telophono office. Pacific Telephone Co. TO IlERAIL ENGINE. The engine which went in the ditch a few day ago between Marshfield and Kruse's Hill will be rerailed Sun day If the present plans of the com pany do not miscarry. The locomotive is bottom up in the slough at the side of the track and will be hard to replace, but with the appliances at the service of the wrecking crew and the help of engine no. 4 it is thought the engine, can be pnt on tho rails and taken to the shops with little trouble. It will probably be several months before the engine can be used again. TO SUBSCRIBERS. The Times will not be up to the usual standard for a few days owing to lack ofi men in tho mechanical department. FOR SALE Household goods for sale and house for rent. Address Mrs. J. F. Bowman, Marshfield. 5-1 G WANTED A no. 1 good farm and dairy hand with family to take charge of dairy. Good wages. Will also pay $40 per month and board for an assistant, married or single and furnish a good house for man with family. E. L. Bessey, Coos River. Phoney Coos 208. 5-16 FOR SALE OR RENT. A four-room house and furniture for sale. See Dr. Love of North Bend, Ore. WANTED. Man and wife on farm, or a lady cook; good wages; Ad dress B. C. D care Times office. WANTED Men to work in sawmill, wages $2 a day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. 8-24-tf. NOTICE. Those having baggage stored at tho Central hotel will pleas 'all for same by June 1 or it will bo sold. 5-7-22t FOR RENT. Rooms In the Rogers building; suites or singly. Apply S. C. Rogers, steamer Coos River, or E. O. Hall, A street MUSIC! Secure the Irish Orchestra for high grade music on any occa sion. McDerby, conductor and violin Instructor, Marshfield, Ore 1-2 9 -tf FOR RENT. A five-room houso; good furniture for sale; to bo va cated by 1st of July. Phone 1194. Mr. G. T. Holtzclaw, South Marshfield. FOR SALE 40 acres commanding quarter mile of water front on ship channel on Coos Bay at a bar gain. See, Title Guarantee & Ab stract Co. 2-5-tf FOR RENT. Two furnished house keeping rooms suitable for man and wife In Windsor block. Apply to Fred Johnson, Eagle saloon, North Bend. 4-28-tf FOR SALE Twelve acres of land on Coos river. One acre hill land and rest bottom land; unimproved. For further particulars address Z 67, Times office. FOR SALE. 62 acres for farming land, 25 acre3 already burnt and 2 acres good bottom land, ?25 per acre. Jackob Mattson, North Inlet. Half cash and remainder on tlmo. r WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders DINIG ROOM FURNITURE We1 now have in stock a most beaut iful display of dining room furniture. Sideboards, tables, china cabinets, in fact, everything to furnish your dining room complete with the most artistic, beautiful and durable turmture to be found. C. A. JOHNSON Front Street El ' IB nil III I1 I V Office fixtures a specialty. Store Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See us he fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street THE CITY OF COOS BAY ON THE MAINLAND In Full View of Marshfield Plat B And North Bend Where Rail aid Sail Will Meet It will pay you to inspect this New Townsite It Has: One and one half miles water front. J 50 acres tideland sites for mills and factories. On deep water-east channel of Coos River. 3000 platted lots size 25x120. Streets J 00 feet and 66 feet wide alleys 20 feet. LOTS 35.00 TO $350.00 Take our launch. Coos Bay Townsite Co. N. F. THRONE, Sec, Marshfield, Ore. OfficeOpposite Central Hotel - Marshfield, Oregon i???T?s,i?!ejliu,;jwt''u,j "7? fyjr.f t vy11 ,m tf.rjjf3ff fry a i . 11,1111111,1 "w BMBgMnnBMHHaiwMMMgMMwffimwMrnraaaB Jpjf mKltm,amaa!a' ,, , ualLUlvam sian. iik l 1 'J ,tt "I! m THE Coos Pay Country is a field laden with innumerable opportunities, Every man who has eyes to see may see them if ho will. Yet, as always, men are blind blind Avhon tho very atmosphero is breathing oppor tunity into their ears. Energy, enthusiasm, pluck, determination these are tho requirements today! Young mon, if ever in your"lifotime, rouse yourself here and now. Think end think, and then DO, This is no timo, no place for tho laggard. Coos Bay wants mon, mon who will say, "I will," and WILL, strong mon, mon Avith courage, mon who will ; every timo they aro tripped light on their foot again. Horo wo havo an empire spread beforo us. Beautiful and fertile val- i leys, a majestic bay and charming lakes, glori ous mountains and river scenery, wonderful forests, vast coal fields, mines of gold, silver, copper, nickel, iron, clays, stone and Avhat not. Rivers, lakes and bays teeming with delicious fish, including, on their banks, every grain, grass, fruit and vegetable known, also sunshine and rain, just enough of each not to disturb tho equitable condition of affairs. Yes, wo have it; we aro in possession of it an empire pregnant with hidden resources and possibilities that almost stagger the imagination. Horo opportunity lies equally within tho reach of all. Tho power to see it is tho differ ence in mon. It is our business to lessen this difference by presonting real estate bargains to tho investor. Time is the chief worker in piling up Coos Bay Real Estate. An investor hero does not need extraordinary business sagacity. A com paratively small amount of cash mixed with common sense and patience is sufficient. We have for sale choice business and resi dence lots in North Bend, Marshfield and Empire. We Buy and sell oU in every 'platted ad dition on Coos Bay. We have good bargains in coal, timber, tide and agriculture lands. '" Also pleasant summer resort locations. Write what you want. We always make good. DIERS AND COMPANY .In n f ' : .yv- j- Prof k 11 :i H m