ft my i1 "i ' Y "' tl irfffiTKMMWBUUwiX5BWIBMBMWMWWM3WPjOMBMaiMaBBMffMaMlWMM i' i"fn.-FrwK-r "Jn-yn TmTS?- ' 'v.-"-'Tl-VnywJJ, ySCB -""! " dkdlUJJJUI-JL-IL- BtikXvii-X'iimi! i-nae awe JfJUT - p. "I'r3(waWlllllPi TJIE OAIIjY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY MAY SI, 1007 i mm : v m m (Eiins Bag tmw AN INtlRl'KNDKNT RErl"""" ""8?.A1,1IR published Kvnnv day excepting mox DAY AND AI.60 WEEKLY BY Toe Coos Hay Times Publishing Co, FRED PASLEY, Editor. HEX LA11GE, Business Manager. Tho policy of Tlio Coos Bay Times will be Itepublican in politics, with the independence) of which President Roose velt is tlio lending exponent. Entered at the postofTice at Mnrshflcld, Ore gon, for transmission through the mails as second class niall'mattcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Single copy, daily, - - Scents Per month, daily, - - 50 cents Three months, daily, - - $1 25 Six months, daily - - f 2 50 One year, daily, - - $5 00 Weekly, per year - - f 1. 00 Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marshfield. Oregon. THE EJjKUTRIO LINE. The Idea of a canal to connect Coos Bay with the Coquille river la ono deserving ofleep thought. In the article submitted by Mr. Williams is cited the cost of such a project and the financial benefits which would not only accrue to the bay but tho entire Coquille Valley. It is shown that the cost of handling logs would be even less than the cost of loading them on cars. The canal would not only give to Coos Bay added indust rial and commercial assets but the number of vessels entering tho port would be materially increased. The proposition to have Myrtle Point for a terminus of the Electric line from Roseburg in order not to parallel the Harrjm'an Jroad from Myrtle Point to Coos Bay has a great many aspects. If the Times Is correct the fundamental cause for the pro posed Roseburg line was to give Coos Bay connection with the Umpqua val ley and the intervening country which is at present crossed by no railroad lines. There are a great many reasons why C003 Bay slioulu bo the terminus of any electric line that is constructed from Roseburg. It would bring to south-western Ore gon's outlet the products of the richest and most fertile country In tho state. It would transport them hero at ono freight charge. What we want hero Is railroad competition and not monopoly. Assume that the ter minus of the Roseburg electric line Is at Alyrtle Point and that the Harrl- man line has completed the coast line from Drain to San Francisco. The farmer on tho electric line ships his. produce to Myrtle Point. How will ho Ipaco It In Coos Bay. He may transfer It to tho Harrlman road at that but will tho cost of the freight from Myrtle Point to Coos Bay over tho steam road allow of the farmer living on tlio electric lino to com pete with the farmer Hiving on the steam road, even though the latter bo forty miles further away form tho bay than tho former. In tho past railroad rates have been made on sort of sliding basis to meet conditions. Experience has been that tho conditions havo not always been favorablo to the shipper, ItliaiMWMUMMIWOMIMMM BJ'ufcl ' IflrtM Flanagan &. Bennett Bank MARSHFICLD, OREGON. Uiipitnl NulKcrilnMt JVJ.ooo CBiiltnl I'nUl Up JlO.OOu Undivided Profits ,000 Docs n Kenoral bnnkliiK business and draw ou tho itnnk ot California. Han Krancln'o Calif., First National Hank Portland Or., Firsl National Bank, Roseburg, Or., Hanover Na tloual Hank, New York, N. M. Itutbchlld A Sou, London, England, Also tell change on nearly all the prlnelpal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for rent at 5 cents a mouth or 5. a) ear. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Choice Hay From California This of course is no indication that the Southern Pacific will not be ab solutely Just in its future freight rates regarding the Coos Bay county. There is however no better safebuard against freight rate discriminations than railroad competition, especially when the competitor Is an electric line. Coos Bay has too great a fut ure in store than to shut the door when a neighbor asks admission. It is the railroads that will develop the state of Oregon and side by side with her expansion will come the growth of the greater Coos Bay. Harrlman will build his road into Coos Bay. Railroad generals build roads as an investment. No great keencss of foresight is required to see the wonderful returns which a road leading through the Coos Bay Country will reap. "Ve want the Southern Pacific railroad. Jt will mean a new era for Coos Bay. But we also want the electric road and every other oad we can get; for every road that terminates at Coos Bay means added strength and stabllty to our present advantageous position. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS imjlii AlMLMM-ltMMmtmiffltTr'lTV' I """"' " " """' '""" in n milium n , mj1. I t Dr. Bancroft EYE, NERVE AND CHRONIC TROUBLES OUR SPECIALTY WILL BE AT MARSHFIELD Room E, Rodgers Building until Sunday, May 19, 1907 NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS We nre pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar Tor Coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not affect ed by tho National Pure Pood and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and wo rec commend It as a safe remedy for children and adults. Red Cross Pharmacy. EGGS- " can furnish the following Thoroughbred Eggs at $2. CO Ter Settb.3 Rhode Island Ilede Barred Plymouth loeks White Leghorns Pekin Ducks JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in tho county. Oakley & Arnold CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Worth Bend, Ore. Phone 1021 Office in Meyers Bldg. Sank of rgmt Capital Btork fully palfctqi an.unn. Srannartfl a nrttrral Banting Saalnrau. Nnrilj iBwuX (Oregon A Record of 2 Years Hard Work on the Part of the Mayor and Council : : : : THE SOUTH MARSHFIELD I The Steamer F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco Saturday, May 11 F.S' DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, OREGON MARSDEN'S COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS ROYAL SELECT GAMBRINUS BOTTLED BEER Bottled in Quarts, Pints and One Half Pints. Phone Orders promptJy attended to. Phone 481. hl hi Per Bale Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda Crushed Fruit Nut Sundaes Coos Bay Specials At the irena ! I nji gars omfort Bradley Traver Distributors, Marshfield P A I M m$t0mmMmwmiwm . -i - '... ----1 ii Are you a man who ap preciates good clothing j - at within-reason prices? that shown by the leading clothing establishments of New York City. If you haven't been in this Spring to see the splendid values we offer in MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING you shouldn't delaj' coming another clay. You can't find tho equal of this celebrate 1 clothing anywhere in town under a third more than we ask. If ou are, you can come here expecting to seo many suits to intorost j'ou in our tremendous and varied stock of spic-and-spnn new clothing for Spring and Summer, which in stylo, quality and assortment is on a par with vj" pS" .ils &"KMTaa.i'..f IS SfafjixEEi ti IjJrii He wk Of strictly high-grade, dependable materials, fault less in cut and tailoring and up-to-the-minute in advanced fashion, you can make a sel.ction of any suit at 12 to 30 with every assurance of perma nent satisfaction and that you got tho best value obtainable at the price rou paid. Your inspection is especially requested of our Spring Sack Suits at $15 Wo ask ou to judge these suits by tho $18 and $20 standards of other stores as far as tho quality is concerned, and for stylo, workmanship and finish, with to-measure-made suits costing $30 or more. Do this and you will surely purchase ono of these suits at $15 in newest patterned worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres in tho fashionable gray, blue and brownish tones. Smart Spring Suits for Boys, $2.50 to $12 Olothos made of tested fabrics in handsome patterns, strongly tailored to resist wear and hold their shapeliness permanently values that soil elsewhoro at $3.50 to $15, hero in a great assortment of attractive models at $2.50 to $12. aniwfiHT ? tt ' MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING MICHtf l. ! CO. L A. FREY North Bend M Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities ;fr1r A " & jJ RMJ Do not risk having win cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Bright' s Disease beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. or Diabetes i7 . I 1 c i ! vV- " '