rf'TWMMM"f """ n-nrrTTH imiiiiiimirTTiTnTin-inwnrawrinffrriiiiiiiiM iiimri n i i iiMiTi-nr J1 iMfagJ-'i a&Hmm:.t h ' ' '" ri "T" L.TnLlini'mlF " -1 ' i '.I , I Jl ' T"L " " BTTT '"''- - " iwwiJiuuiiu.,.. I l!, !U.Ja- i .tWWJWMUIWIP IBMWHMSiaiWMI "5WVry l P ?' - v ' jf 'S "f -1 ietjw -- " " f - -- v 14 "TtW OBfT" THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OHEGOX, THURSDAY MAV 23, 1007. EwfUl' "' ' ' viwywppwppilw. umi MiwWHuyHffiipwww11 'wpjppwMww',wiwt"lpwti1 --- .iMiiigMMnBHWDI MMiMwmMin i m" m. m i "iiii Mmim- P a u i (Ernia Sajj Sftntrai AN INDKI'KNDKXT nEn,-rtw,w w"VS.APEIl rCULISllK!) 1IVERV DAY EXCEPTING MON DAY AND ALSO weekly DY Thk Coos Hay Times 1'oiu.isiuxa Co. FRED PARLEY, Editor. REX LARGE, Busikkss Manager. WILLIAMS TRAINING fOR SUNDAY'S FIGHT NOTIC Tho policy of The Coos Bay Times vill bo Republican in politics, with tho independence of which President Roose velt is the leading exponent. Entered nt the pototllce at Miuslificld. Ore gon, for trRiifcinlsMon through the malls a second clft's mall'inattcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Single copy, daily, 5 cents Per month, daily, - - 60 cents Three months, daily, - - $1 25 Bir months, daily - - $2 50 One year, daily, - - - $5 00 Weekly, per year - - 1 00 Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marshfield, Oregon. BRIDGE PLANS When asked regarding the bridge which is to be built across Coal Bank Slough for the use of the C A Smith Lumber and Manufacturing company James H Flanagan who has the overseeing of the work in. hand, stated that the matter was In the hands of Oakley and Arnold, cIyII engineers of North Bend and that in a short time thler plans would be ready to submit to Colonel States Engineer Corps at Portland. A draw bridge is to be Installed. Active work will commence about the middle of June. The city council has taken action for the Improvement of the streets leading to the bridge, and the work will be completed ready for the lay ing of the narrow gauge track as soonas the bridge Is In. LA. LILEJQUIST GETS FEDERAL POSITION Honorable Charles E. Wolverton, judge of tho United States district court for Oregon has appointed L. A. Lilejequist United States Com missioner at Marshfield. As an of ficer of the court Mr. Lilejequist Is permitted to take filings and proofs and to hear contests in United States land matters. He has a limit ed jurlsdlstion In all matters rela tive to tho violation of the federal statues. He also has power to take depositions and report testimony up on order of tho United States court In any pending there-In including bankruptcy matters. Makes Kldnovs and Bladder1 Right Flanagan ,& Bern fc i MAniirinun ori: ittl Bank I nintnl Milrecriufcl W I'nitidil l'.iid 111' flOW UiMtWdcd I'rollls rU Poet. Het'ril liniiktiiKlmsliipd and ilrawt ou tho 1k ot CallforjIlaASftfil I'rancUio Calif,, l'.iM National llaik l'oVtUill Or., Klrsl National ftuik, Konsbtirfc, Or lllnovcr Na llonal Malik, New Yort, N Xf llithchlld A hon, LonoiL England AUo tll cftn n go on rlarly iiu ihcl principal cities J Kiinuic, AccofintskeYtsiibJeft to ehrek, Safe, deposit lock linxes fun rent Sit 5 I'lfnU atnnmth or 15. a jcar l INTEREST PAID ON TlME DEPOSITS Jack Williams has secured a good sparring partner In tho person of Paddy Coyne of Eureka. Coyne start ed to work today and "the two men had a good workout. Williams la very close to weight, and declares he can make It eaisly in two days. He says he will be In the best condition in for years on next Sunday after noon. Ross Isreported to be training hard and It is romered there is a lot of Ross money in sight. Ross says he will have no excuse for lack of condition. TO OUIt CUSTOMERS I Wo are Vleased to annotnee that Foley's HonW and Tar forycoughs, colds and luW troubles Is nit affect- tional Pure Jpod and it contains io opiates ul drugs, adwe rec- safe remedy for dults. JReA Cross i ed by the Drug law a ' or other liar. commend I children a i Pharmacy J m hU Itasa ,i,i ( I ciln furnish Uie follottinf; ThoroughbytkEfgs it $21. GO t drcc nxg RltoQo IslarM R d Jiajfred Plynrouttf Rocks Viyfite LegUornsI Mkln Ducks Vl JOHN W. FLArivGAN Snd in yourbrderaNow Eggs Shirhjcd Anj'wherain the county. r, , 'SA Mi frimt Coital tarkllaA6iitp 5a,am 7 A Orattottra a antrrfl SaithUtj f ' I & Df Bkhcroft 1 I eyenerveand chronic I 1 TROUBLES OUR SPEfilXLtV I I K MARSHFIELD I I I Sunday, Mayf lit 1907 I TT lakley & Anrold i y J ff k EERS 1 l H na. "cire. CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGH 1 ifTi ortn oei I Phone 1021 I Office in MeyerMlldg. A Record of ,2 YeasHMW6rk on thert Pari of theMYorand Council M 1 Ml SUTH 1 I ARSHFIBLD n ' ' Choice flay f TV ; ? r-7-7 i i ' FromN, JPHBaIe Seew I The Steamer 1 Ml R PLANT I Sails forSan Francisco Saturday, May II 1 I IF. S DOW Aenx I MARSHFIELD, : ' : OREGON I HWawwwBWT? ahum, i ! immmwmiirr3LmmjuiMMM'iJaamimiii.k.kM ' " """"" ' MARSDEN'S COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS , ROYAL SELEOTGAMBRINUS B0JJ;LED BEER A Bot.t.,edin Quarts, Pints and One Hsuf Pints. "Phone Orders promptly attended to. ' Phone 48 1. t .,-....- ... N Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda Crashed Fruit Nut Sundaes Coos Bay Specials At the ft BHb lfll fli Ii ftjfi .Jm H H rn vkz-W -from n TL A I - ' l w i Bradley (8b Traver Distributors, Marshfield fMrt0MrtMFttftftltflfcl mmvfm.0H mMw ijfrMw 1 Are you a man who ap preciates good clothing at within-reason prices? If ou are, you can come hero expecting to see many suits to interest you in our tremondous and varied stock of spic-and-span now clothing for Spring and Summer, 'which in style, quality and assortment is on a par with that shown by the leading clothing establishments of New York City. If you haven't been in this Spring to see the splendid values we offer in MICH. 3rou shouldn't delay coming an ,ther day. You can't find the equal of this celebrate 1 clothing anywhere in town under a third more than we ask. Of strictly high-grade, dependable materials, fault less in cut and tailoring and up-to-the-minute in advanced fashion, you can make a selection of any suit at $12 to $30 with every assurance of perma nent satisfaction and that you got the best value obtainable at the price you paid. Your inspection is especially requested of our Spring Sack Suits at $15 We ask 3 ou to judge these suits by the $18 and $20 standards of other stores as far as tho quality is concerned, and for stylo, workmanship and finish, with .to-measure-made suits costing $30 or more. Do this and you will surely purchase one of these suits at $15 in newest patterned worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres in tho fashionable gray, blue and brownish tones. Smart Spring Suits for Boys, $2:50 to $12 Clothes made of tested fabrics in handsome patterns, strongly tailored to resist wear and hold their shapeliness permanently values that sell elsewhere at $3.50 t6 $15, hero in a great assortment of attractive models at $2.50 to $12. ttmiutm tw MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING MICH AILS, STsnrt A CO. L A Ju ITU North Bend Hft ! W'W STh HraTWflff7WW Cures Backache s, tiiia&iaar rea jr ,a jryii, rv ji. jfisf a i a n m n J iU any case of Kidney Bladder Disease not I beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Do not risk having Bright'a Disease or Diabetes r-tftf -f ' vW