The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 23, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 1

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    'tW i JWMwmiygg'.
Member of Associated Press.
No. 271.
Daily Edition
(Times Special Service)
Salem, Ore., May 22. Although,
as he claims, advise was received
from the "best lawyer in Coos
connty, whom we", are going lo
elect district attorney of that dis
trict at the next election," J.
Quick, a Coos county citizen, had
to drive all the way from Coquillo
to Salem to receive information
that the initiative and referendum
act of last year contained an
emergency clause and that it is in
full force and effect. Incidentally
ho learned that his big roll of peti
tions for a referendum of the acts
increasing the salaries of the
treasurer, school superintendent,
and clerk of Coos county which
had been prepared under the old
act and been repealed were not
worth the paper upon which the
signatures were subscribed and
that all his work and 'rouble in
connection with it had been for
naught. When Quick, who had
been attending a baptiat confer
ence at some point in the valley,
arrived this morning and present
ed the petitions to the secretary of
Btate for filing, a look of exultation
shown on his face which was plain
ly evident. It quickly gave place
to a lock of pain and disappoint
ment when ho learned the peti
tions were invalid and that, in
stead of having secured the signa
tures 5 percent of the voting popu
lation of the state petttions only
bore 200 names, or the same pro
portion of the voters of Coos coun
ty and instead of being verified by
the circulators of the petitions, as
the new law rcqtrres, the signa
tures were attested only by the
county clork. Mr. Quick is 71
years old and a socialist political
ly, and very much chagrined over
the failure of his effort to refer the
measures which he contended the
tax-paying public were opposed to
and stated that the expense get
ting up the petitions, exclusive the
cost of the journey to Salem
amounted to $50. After a long
consultation with the utlorriey
general Crawford, during which he
was set right regarding the opera
tions of the new law and after
taking notes upon the details of
how the initiative can be invoked
upon the acts of tho legislature,
he departed from the state house
a sadder but wiser man. He
would not say whether or not the
intention of invoking the initia
tive upon tho acts. Ho did not
disclose the name of the "learned"
attorney from whom he secured
advice upon petitions.
The members of the G. A. R. will
attend the services of the Methodist
church Sunday morning In a body. It
Is the cuustom for the veterans of
the Grand Arm or the Republic to
attend services tnui body on the Sun
day prolor to Memorial Day.
Free Room Directory
Tho Times desires to stato
that anyone wishing to ob
tain rooms call at its office
any day during tho week.
Quite a number of desir
able rooms have beon listed
and wo will be very glad to
direct all inquriers. Those
having rooms .to rent will
please list them at tho
Times Office
Substantial Impairs Will Be Mede
To Expedite Handling of
Life Savers Will Soon llnvc Service
Across The Day to
Captain Nelson of tho United
States Life Saving station located
on the lower bay will soon havo a
large forco of men engaged In mak
ing extensive Improvements at tbe
station. The boat house Is to be re
moved from Its present location to
a point about 50 yards nearer the
;ater, where It will be placed on a
goad tihj foundation several feet
above high tide water. This change
Is made necessary on account of the
fact that and blows over the" present
track leading from the boat house
to tho water, making It exceedlndly
hard to launch it. In addition to the
change mentioned the dwelling occur-
pled by the captlan and his crew,
is to be raised on a new foundation
and pnt in good order. This work
would have commenced some time
ago but for tho fact -that the gov
ernment has not yet sent its repre
sentative here to oversee it.
The station Is soon to be connect
ed with the outside world by a tel
ephone line, tho supplies for which
have been on the ground for sev
eral weeks with the exception of
the poles. It will require about 150
poles to run the line from the sta
tion to Empire and to renew all tho
poles for the line now In use be
tween the bar lockout and tho stat
ion. These poles have been con
tracted for some time but there has
beon some difficulty about filling
the order. Captain Nelson Is auxloun
that the workbe completed in a
short time and is doing all in his
power to get poles by reletting tho
contract, dividing it among soveral
parties in hopes that at least a part
of It will be filled.
The telephone line will run along
the beach north of the station to
a point directly opposite Empire City
from which place a large cable carry
ing the wires will be laid accross
the bay. This line Is to be connected
with Captain Mageo's residence of
Empire but for the present time will
not be connected with tho Pacific
States telephone company line.
The government In Installing a tel
ephone line for theuse of Its life
saving crews will stand the expense
of a line from tho station to the
captain of the tug, but will not In
cur tho additional expense of out
side connections. This makes It nec
essary for the telephone company to
stand tho expense of connctlng tho
line with theirs. This may be accom
plished shortly after the lino Is put
across the bay. Nothing definite In
regard to this known by Captain
Nelson. Following all the changes
and reparilng to bo done at tho
station every thing will be painted
in first class shape making the now
well kept buildings and equipment
ihow up in first class style.
SIg Hanson has been appointed
agent for the steamer F. A. Kilburn
to take the place of M. D. Poyntz
of tho Masrbfleld Commission Com
pany, who has held the agency for
tho past soveral months. Mr. Poyntz
will have charge of tho ship while
she Is in here on her next trip,
after which time the vessel will dock
at the Dow Warehouse, where Mr.
Hanson will havo his offCo. Mr.
Poyntz will devote nl3 entlro time
to the feed busiuejs iu the future.
Have 25 Suites of Rooms And
Many Other Modern Con
tldcM Summer Resort Will Be Mnde
Out of Present Hohtulcry
And Surroundings.
(Times Special Service)
Tho Simpson Lumber Company
has received the plans and specifi
cations for a new Hotel to bo built
at Lako Tenmlle. Construction work
will commenco at onec. A large force
of machanics will rush tho work to
completion In order to have the build
ing inrcadlness for summer tourists
and others seeking the pleasures for
a limited vacation trom business act
ivity. There will be 25 handsomely
furnished suites of rooms. Several
launches and rowboats will be at
the disposal of those desiring a social
cruise upon the Lakes or to go fishing-
or hunting.
The need of such a modern up
to date hotel has long been felt.
Heretofore many coming from largo
cities seeking pleasure and relax
ation from business left dlsapolnted
because there Is no satisfactory ac
comodations. Tho nights are cool and
not every one can rough It by sleep
ing under the shelter of a hut In tho
The" Lakes aro sheltered by the
surrounding hills which aro cover-
d by a dense forest of pine filling
the air with a balmy odor. Wild
berries of every variety are plentiful.
The Invigorating ozone that , comes
from the Pacific which is only 3
miles distant Is healthful and stim
ulating. Tho electric and magnetic
,'currents havo strong penetration.
Sandusky May 21 Sharp Issues
with tho recent utterances of Chalr
commltteo were taken today by I. F.
Mack, tho well known publisher of
this city. Mack while disclaiming
authority to speak for any one except
himself said be was confident that
the senator from Ohio would bo re
turned to his seat without difficulty
when the time arrived for choosing
his successor. Ho asserted also that
much of the criticism recently direct
ed against Senator Foraker in cer
tain parts of the state la unjust aud
Mack speaks of Foraker as ono of
tho best if not the abelest In tho
senate today. Mack says Taft, while
while having delightful personality
hsa never done anything for the of
fice and that he has never been even
a political factor as he understands
It. Taft has never claimed or tried
to be a political person. As tho party
leader, Mack thinks ho Is not to be
compared with Foraker.
Following is a list of sub
scribers to tho Mnrshfield Pub
licity Fund. The amounts op
posite tho names aro tho
monthly installments for tho
period of ono year.
J. E. Orcn, $50
Dr. J. T. MoCormae, 50
I. S. Kaufman. 10
F. 3. Dow, 10
Robert Marsdon, 10
Edgar Wheeler, 15
Herbert Lockhart, 10
Merchant Estate, 10
C. W. Tower, 10
P. A. Devers, 10
Jim Banes, ' 10
W. U. Douglas, b
J. S. Greene, 10
I. S. Smith, 10
Anson Rogers, 15
S. Rogers, 15
Title Guarantee and
Abstract Co. 15
W. P. Murphy, 10
J. H. Milncr, 10
Dr. E. E. Straw, 10
D. W. Small, 10
J. M. Norton, 5
Pioneer Hardware Co., 30
Magnes and Matson, 10
John Preuss, 10
J. M. Blake, 10
Flannigan & Bennet
Bank 30
F. S. Mcmberton 6
Mrs Emma Nasburg 10
Claude Nasburg 5
C. A. Johnson 5
Bradley & Traver 3
0. A. Moffett 2.50
C. A. Nicholson 2
P. Metzerlow 2.50
John Bear 2.50
Going & Harry 10
J. L. Brown 2.50
F. E. Allen 2
J. W. Tibbets 2
J. G. Thirst 2
Merchant Brothers 10
E. Mingus 5
Hall & Hall 2.50
W. A. Toyo 2.50
Dr. Leslie 1
Helming & Company 1
Saturday's SunSCRIUGItS
M. A. Sweotman 2.50
B. M. Richardson 2.50
J. W. Ingram 2.50
McNeil & Ferguson 5
II. S. Tower 2.50
Monday's SuitscuinKus
Father Donelly 5
E. L. C. Farrin 5
Frank Sacchi 2.50
First National Bank 30
Henry Hohen 250.
Seymour Bell flat 50
A Con dron flat 20
Both Are Popular In And Around
Myrtle Point Many Friends
Other News Features. Orvillc Dodge
Visits In Coquillo River
(Times Special Service)
At tho Christian church In Myrtle
Point May 22 at nine p. in. Mr. Frel
Everett Taylor and Miss Mablo Emily
Endlcott wore united in marriage by
the Rev. H. L. Ford. This is tho
first church wedding of the season
and together with tho popularity and
wide acquantance of both bride and
groom the occasion was of more than
usual importance. The church was
handsomely decorated with flowers
and evergreens. The bridal company
standing under a largo arch from
which was suspended a floral bell.
Promptly at 9 o'llock to the strains
of tho wedding march, played by Miss
Cecllo Miller, tho wedding party ent
ered and took their positions.
The brido wore a dress of silk
Lcrepo, Dechlno en, train long veil.
and carried a bouquet. She was at
tended by Miss Bertha Prey as brlde3
maid, and tho Misses Nova and Fran
ces Braden flower girls. Tho groom
was attired In tho conventlnl black
suit, and was attended by Dr. S. C.
Endlcott aB groomsman.
Tho young couple aro deservedly
popular. Mr. Taylor Is a grnduato of
Washington State College of Illus
trating and designing and has quite
a reputation as a cartoonlst.He has
a finely equipped studio In Myrtle
Point. Miss Endlcott has been a
teacher In the 8th grade department
of tho Myrtlo Point School for the
past four years and has made n
host of friends.
After tho ceremony a wedding sup
per was served at tho residence of tho
brides father Mr R. P. Endlcott to
the wedding party and Immediate
family. The young couple were tho
recipients of many handsome pres
ents, and they havo the best wishes
of future happiness and prosperity.
Those invited were too numerous
to name but Included the relatives
and friends of the contracting part
ies and last but not least the Cen
tennial Band, of which organization
Mr. Taylor Is a member.
Editor Orvllle Dodge of tho Co
qnlllo Sentinel Is In town shaking
hands with his many friends. This
is Mr. Dodge's first visit to Myrtlo
Point since his return from Washing
ton. Mr.t)odge had with him as his
guest Mr. W. S. Cooser, of New
Hampshire. For tho past 22 years
Mr. Coosner has been an attacheo
of the U. S. Senate. Wo are Informed
that soveral other men prominent In
public life aro expected to visit tho
country In a few weeks.
In Myrtle Point at tho residence
of Chas. Adams occurred the death
of Mrs. Maria Thomas. Mrs. Thomas
was tho mother of Mrs. Charles
Adams and an old resident of this
county. Tho funeral was conducted
from the Christian church May 20.
Rev." H. L. Ford preaching tho funor
al discourse.
Mrs Mecum, of Dlllard, a daugh
ter of tho deceased, was summoned
and arrived In time to nttend tho
funeral. Mrs. Thomas left two sons.
Joseph and Charles.
Tho annua meeting oil tio mem
hers of thcl Jtlumnl will hihold Fri
day evening at the home olPresldont
I. R. TowoWat 7 p. m. shajrp. Special
business ami all membeiv aro re
quested La by present.
SAM MARSDEN, Seirelary.
A Seriouit Accident Is Narrowly
Averted Crews Jump When
Collision Seems Imminent.
Stays By Engine Uutil'Lasl Then Takes
Icy Plunge Crew Hide Run
away (tare.
What bordored on a serious wreck
occurred on tho Coos Bay, Roseburg
and Eastern Railroad Wednesday
morning when a train of logging cars
broke In two at the summit of Kruso
hill and tho rear portion careened
down tho hill with a part of tho
crew aboard and crashed Into tho
engine pulling passenger train No,
The engine plunged from tho rails
and turned turtle Into tho slough at
the foot of tho embankment. Tho
flat cars were smashed up badly and
piled up In tho slough. Nobody was
Injured bu'; both crews had narrow
escapes aud saved themselves by
Passenger train no 1 Is duo out
of Marshflcld at 9 o'clock a. m. It
pulled out Tuesday morning with a
number of pasengers nboar . .
The train was passing 1 , js ,111
when the logging train pulili. , u -or
the summit of Kruscs hill parted. I ho
passenger train was going at a slow
rate of speed and was about a lnlle
In tho rear of tho logging train. En
gineer Lawhorn and Fireman Noblo
wero on tho pasenger englno and
shortly after tho run-away cars wero
sighted the fireman jumped. Tho
englneor stayed wltn tho cngluo un
til tho crash came when ho jumped
Into the waters of tho slough aud
swam out unharmed. Tho men who
wero on the run-away cars made
overy effort to bring them to a stop
but as there wero no hand brakes
their efforts wero futile. Some of
tho passengers saw tho Impending
collision but nono Jumped and thero
was no panic. The collision was not
seriously felt In the coaches tho only
Indication being a Jar. Many of tho
passengers did not know of tho ac
cident until it was over.
Tho damage to tho equipment will
run up soveral hundred dollars and
It will require -a great deal of work
to replace tho derailed engine and
cars on tho track.
Los Angles, May 22 Private de
tectives employed by tho Southern
Pacific and deputies from tho sheriffs
offlco In this city, Joined In tho
search for the men who nro believed
to have caused tho disastrous wreck
this morning on tho coast lino when
flvo cars of tho Coast Lino Limited
plunged over tho edgo of a trestlo
near west Glendalo, ton miles north
of hero. Tho list of dead Is bolleved
to bo complete with rinding of tho
body of James Victor of whoso whero
abouts nothing Is known and T, J.
McMhnon electrician. Twenty aro In
jured and physlcans aro In charge
of a dozen or more.
Later reports show moro aro ser
iously Injured tonight nnd It Is re
ported that all of tho Injured will
eventually recover. A reward of
$10,000 Is offered by tho Southern
Pacific for tho conviction of itfio
porsons responsible for tho wreck,
Tho Times will not bo up to
tho usual standard for a few
days owing to lack of men In
tho mechanical departmout.
$10,000 FOB