'3MiMeKULiatji &. -aT5 ' a'-fcjjrti- u-4Jl-?''Iirfl'ii nw u i iS8 --, - r " Wif"tpGFv1 WJHWWWHSWIIWW" THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MAKSIIFIEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MAY SI, 1007. LEAGUE TO OPEN MARINE NEWS w Myrtle Point, Coquille, North Bend and Marshfield Will Compose Coos League. KILBUKN AIUUVES. The steamer P. A. Kllburn arrived yesterday from San Francisco with a good sized cargo and full passenger list. Owing to the heavy amount of outgoing freight the vessel suffered a day's delay at Coos Bay. SUNDAY'S GAME Kortli Bend Players Win From Marsh field In Closely Played Contest. The baseball game played Sunday afternoon between Marshfield and North Bend was won by the team from the latter city by a score of 5 to 3. The game was closely contest ed from start to finish and a great deal of enthusiasm was displayed by the large number of people present. The next game will be played Sun day afternoon between (the same toams on the local grounds, which are being put In excellent condition. They will be In shape by Wednesday to permit of practice. The grounds which will commence every after noon the weather J.ati about 3:30 The team continues to gain In form and Captain McKeown is confident that he will soon have a strong ag greagatlon. The league consisting of teams from Myrtle Point, Coquille, North Bend and this city will begin playing on a regular schedule a week from Sunday. The local team will be ont in Its new uniforms at the opening of the league season. Noah Folk of Loon Lake was in the city yesterday attending to bus iness. John It. East of Humbolt county, California, arrived on the Kilburn yesterday. Mr. East is Interested in racing stock and will enter several horses in the race meet at Marsh field tho coming fall. It. L. Edmonston, et al, to T. Edwin Lewis, et al, lots 15, 10, 17 and 18, block 7, Edmonston's First addition to Marshfield; $200. Bennett Trust Co., to Edgar L. "Wheeler, lot 11, block 10, Bennett's Bandon Beach; $10. PLANT LEAVES. The Plant left yesterday morning at 4 o'clock for San Francisco with a large cargo and several passengers. ALLIANCE COMING. The steamer Alliance will leave Portland Wednesday night bound for Coos Bay and is billed to sail from here Saturday. WANT ADS WANTED. Good family horse; bay mare preferred. F. A. Golden. FOR RENT Six room house on Pino street. Inquire Palace restaurant. WANTED Young lady for clerk. Apply local telephone office. L. R. Robertson. BERWICK COMES IN. The gasoline schooner Berwick from Rogue River arrived In the bay yesterday after freight, yesterday after freight. Mrs.R. D. Hume will return to the Rogue River on the Berwick. LOADS LUMBER. The Gleaner dOiKed yesterday at Porter where she will be loaded with a cargo of lumber from the Simp son mill. Personal Mention Ray Kaufman, son of Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, who has been employed in the Exchange Bank of Spokane for some time past has arrived in this city to accept a position as assistant cashier of the First National Bank. Mr. Kaufman has had a wide exper ience in banking. He was on Coos Bay about two years and prefers It to any of the country he has been In since leaving. Wilson Kaufman and his wife who have been away on a business trip for the past several weeks wlllarrlve from Portland on next Alliance. Mr. Kaufman is accompained by several parties from Spokane, Washington. J. H. Price of Allegany was a Marshfield visitor yesterday. J. E. Fitzgerald of North Coos River spent yesterday attendlngfiflfl River spent yesterday in this city on business. Judge E. D. Sperry accompanied by his wife and daughter passed through Marshfield, Sunday enroute for Empire where the party will spend a few weeks by the sea. WANTED. An apprentice to learn the trade. North Bend Cigar Man ufacturing Co. FOR SALE Four acres of land In South Marshfield for the next sixty days. Address B. A. 11. 4-30-2m WANTED. To rent two or more rooms for housekeeping, furnished for man and wife. P. O. Box 388. Ill NOTICE. Thoso having baggage storedat the Central hotel will please call for same by June 1 or It will be sold. 5-7-22t FOR RENT. Rooms in the Rogers building; suites or singly. Apply S. C. Rogers, steamer Coos River, or E. O. Hall, A street. WANTED Two girls for operators at tho Marshfield telephone office. Pacific Telephone Co. FOR SALE Household goods for sale and house for rent. Address Mrs. J. F. Bowman, Marshfield. 6-16 WANTED A no. 1 good farm and dairy hand with family to take charge of dairy. Good wages. Will also pay $40 per month and board for an assistant, married or single and furnish a good house for man with family. E. L. Bessey, Coos River. Phone, Coos 208. 5-1C FOR SALE OR RENT. A four-room house and furniture for sale. See Dr. Love of North Bend, Ore. WANTED. Man and wife on farm, or a lady cook; good wages. Ad dress B. C. D., care Times office. WANTED Men to work in sawmill, wages $2 a day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. 8-24-tf. MUSIC Secure the Irish Orchestra for high grade music on any occa sion. McDerby, conductor and violin Instructor, Marshfield, Ore 1-29-tf FOR RENT. A five-room house; good furniture for sale; to bo va cated by 1st of July. Phone 1194. Mr. G. T. Holtzclaw, South Marsh FOR SALE 40 acres commanding quarter mile of water front on ship channel on Coos Bay at a bar gain. See, Title Guarantee & Ab stract Co. 2-B-tf DINING ROOM FURNITURE We now have in stock a most beaut iful display of dining room furniture. Sideboards, tables, china cabinets, in fact, everything to furnish your dining room complete with the most artistic, beautiful and durable furniture to be found. C. A. JOHNSON Front Street 1 1 THE" CITY OF COOS BAY ii FOR RENT. Two furnished house keeping rooms suitable for man and wife In Windsor block. Apply to Fred Johnson, Eagle saloon, North Bend. 4-28-tf FOR SALE Twelve acres of land on Coos river. One acre hill land and rest bottom land; unimproved. For further particulars address Z 07, Times office. FOR SALE. 62 acres for farming land, 25 acres already burnt and 2 acres good bottom land, $25 per acre. Jackob Mattson, North Inlet. Half cash and remainder on time. f i I I WILSON & THOMAS f H El I Contractors and Builders B B U Office fixtures a specialty. Store Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See us be fore building. Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street ON THE MAINLAND In Full View of Marshfield Plat B And North Bend Where Rail and Sail Will Meet, It will pay you to inspect this New Townsite It Has:- One and one half miles water front. 150 acres tideland sites for mills and factories. On deep water east channel of Coos River. 3000 platted lots size 25x120. Streets 100 feet and 66 feet wide alleys 20 feet. LOTS 35.00 TO $350.00 Take our launch. Coos Bay Townsite Co. N. F. THRONEj Sec, Marshfield, Ore. OfficeOpposite Central Hotel - Marshfield, Oregon ii.T.flrTflwuwwaf xssr. Cf jrTzr- : . " T " THE Coos Bay Country is a Held laden with innumerable opportunities, Every man who has eTes to see may see thorn if ho will. Yet, as always, mon ai-o blind blind when tho very atmosphere is breathing oppor tunity into their ears. Energy, enthusiasm, pluck, determination those are tho requirements today! Young men, if ever in your lifetime, rouso yourself hero and now. Think end think, and then DO, This is no timo, no place for tho laggard. Coos Bay wants men, mon who will say, "I will," and "WILL, strong men, men with courage, men who will ; every timo they are tripped light on their feet again. Hero wo have an empire spread before us. Beautiful and fertile val leys, a majestic bay and charming lakes, glori ous mountains and river scenery, wonderful forests, vast coal fields, mines of gold, silver, copper, nickel, iron, clays, stone and what not. Rivers, lakes and bays teeming with delicious fish, including, on their banks, every grain, grass, fruit and vegetable known, also sunshine and rain, just enough of each not to disturb tho equitable condition of affairs. Yes, wo have it; wo are in possession of it an empire pregnant with hidden resources and possibilities that almost stagger the imagination. Here opportunity lies equally within tho reach of all. Tho power to see it is tho differ ence in men. It is our business to lessen this difference by presenting real estate bargains to tho investor. Time is the chief worker in piling up Coos Bay Real Estate. An investor here does not need extraordinary business sagacity. A com paratively small amount of cash mixed with common sense and patience is sufficient. We have for sale choice business and resi dence lots in North Bend, Marshfield- and Empire. We Buy and sell lot i in every platted ad dition on Coos Bay. We have good bargains in coal, timber, tide and agriculture lands. Also pleasant, summer resort. locations. Write what, you want. We always moke good. i D1ERS LAND COMPANY .lUWJU rtxrx-x 1 5 l u,rfm mr, -y f- fc"Mt j v wwr jmeaiwwiMjmrtnfij "HS" i Arfuft., r -s w MiiHI