"Tpw"""r'w a"1 in TUB JJAILV COOS DAY T131ES. MARSIIFIELD, OKEGOX, TUESDAY MAY 21, 1007. B M y MMMnT 1- - : " - " " ? (Haas Ifotj suites AStXDFPEXDEXT HEP- ' - T,,ArcB PCBU3IIBD EVEBr OAT EXCEPTING MOX DAT AVD A"10 TTEEKLT BV The Coos Br Timim Pcblishiko Co. FRED PASLEY, Editor. REX LARGE, Bi-si.vess Manager. The policy of The Coos Bay Times rill be Republican in politics, with the independence of which President Rooae relt is the lending exponent. Entered st the jxHtoffiee at Manhfieid. Ore gon, or trantmiMion through the malls as econil claw mailmattcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATK: 8ingle copy, daily, 5 centa Per month, daily, 50 centa Three months, daily, - -' $1 25 Bix months, daily - .- 2 50 One year, daily, - - - f 5 00 Weekly, per year - - Jl 00 A'J'dress all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Minefield. Oregon. iincirnociTY day. The Reciprocity day of the Prog ress club of Marshfleld will be held on Tuesday of the coming wek at the home of Mr. J. S. Green at Mlll Ington. This meeting closes the sea son for that club's calendar. On Tues day of the subsequent week a launch ride and picnic will be given. RETURNED II03IE. Mrs. Robert McCann and Miss Lil lie McCann of East Marshfleld hare .returned home after spending a pleasant week on south Coos river as the guests of Mr3. E. R. Hodson. MISS PAINTER'S DEBUT. Mis3 Maud Painter made her debut Into Marshfield's musical society Fri day night when she rendered a vocal solo at the Organ Festival. Miss Paint er displays wonderful vocal powers. Her voice has a marvelous range and expression that mark her at once a a singer of exceptional ability. IRRIGATION. How the railroad is following up government reclamation of the arid lands of the West is well shown in the line just constructed from Hazen, Nevada, to Fallon, 'making a straight line from northwest to southwest across "the Truckee irrigation pro ject. The new road is a branch of the California and Nevada line of the Southern Pacific System. At pre sent, with the exception of two miles near Fallon, the road passes through absolutely and wholly desert land, but the government irrigators will soon turn this territory into a rich agricultural section. The Truckee project was the first undertaking by the government un der the law of 1902. When com pleted it will provide an ample sup ncres of rich land In Western Nev ada. It includes the Carson sink country, which the government ex perts say. will make exceptionally fertile farming land as soon as water is available, and runs far enough west to take in the country around the state capital. The main featuures of the work Is a canal 30 miles long to divert water from Truckee River to the channel of Carson River where a storage reservoir Is to be built. This canal with several hundred miles of lat eral ditches Is completed and water is ready for delivery to about 50, 000 acres, 30,000 of which are pub lic lands open to homestead settle When the settlers come they will find the Hazen-Fallon Railroad ready to tllstibute their products to the surrounding mining distilcts, which will form the settler's market. The railroad Is of course of great assist ance to the reclamation service In transporting its supplies and materials. Dr. Bancroft ETE. NERVE AND CHRONIC TROUBLES OUR SPECIALTT WILL BE AT MARSHFIELD Roots E, Roofers Bulling xatH Sunday, May 19, 1907 NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS We are pleased to announce that Tnlv'a Tfnnov anrf Tq. r rmmti. colds and lnnir trmililpc Is not affwF. ! ed by the National Pure Food and ' Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we rec- commend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. Red Cross I Pharmacr. I EGGS I can furnish the following Thoroughbred Eggs at $2.CD Per Settles Rhode Island Reds Barred Plymouth Rocks White Leghorns Pekin Ducks JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in the county. Oakley & Arnold CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS North Bend, Ore. Phone 1021 Office in Meyers BMg. Sank at regmt Capital stark fuliu paliup 50,000. Irvuarti a grarrai Jtmktag SiocUi Iteno. muitt A Record of 2 Years HardjWork on the Part of the Mayor and Council : : : : THE SOUTH MARSHFIELD The Steamer IMOORAI'HV CIA'H. The members of the Biography club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. J. Mlngus for the first time In several weeks. The meet ing was called for the purpose of sel ecting the club program for the en suing year which will open the 12th .of September. The club will have year books printed in a short time. Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAItSIiniXI), OKEGO.V. Lnpital biii.'-crilH'.l JW.000 Capital I'rtlJ Up J 10,000 UiulU ideil rroflU J35.U00 Does b Keneral ImnklriK tuulnen ainl Uaw nu itio liAnlt it ('Hltfornln Sxu KmnclMo Culjr.,' lit .SHllenal Hank Portland Or , HrsI Katlonnl llanlt, UowliiirK, Or , Hanoer Na tloiinl Hank, Now York, N M Itutlichtld A fon, Lomfuii, hiigland Alo sell (linngeon nearl) all the principal cities of Europe. Account kept aiibject to check, mfe deposit lock ljoe for runt ut 5 cones a jnontli or ft a) car INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS j M. F. p.i PLANT Sails for San Francisco Saturday, May II F. S DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : : .OREGON iwtwj'jii. ioirT.wfMnw'jrs7rap MAR.SE EN'S COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS ROYAL SELECT GAMBRJNUS BOTTLED BEER tK..l '. ,1 AfiHl BottIed in Quarts, Pints and One Half Pints. Phone Orders promptly attended to. Phone 481. WTC-J1 III Jlt.-Jllf 11ll.-W.-JT i' BTUTin'"JM-Miail I I ttsiy, Choice Hay ! From California' ' i See Bow ' I L Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda CrosSied Fruit Nut Sundaes Coos Bay Specials At the WLMktmi aligars LSolid Ujomfort . ,..i Bradley Traver Distributors, Marshfield wmwim Are you a man who ap preciates good clothing at reason prices Jf you are, you can come here expecting to see many suits to interest 3ou in our tremendous and varied stock of spic-and-span new clothing for Spring and Summer, which in style, quality and assortment is on a par with -i i." ; ij.i'r.;i-.; a GtXxtl "rN.TrjC- ?X3Tl c.rs.irts r? that shown b' the leading clothing establishments of New York City. If you haven't been in this Spring to see the splendid values we offer in MICHAELS-STERN FINE CL0THIMG you shouldn't delay coming an ther day. You can't find the equal of this celebrate 1 clothin" anywhere in town under a third more than we ask. Of strictly high-grade, dependable materials, fault less in cut and tailoring and up-to-the-minute in advanced fashion, you can make a sel.ction of any suit at 12 to 30 with every assurance of perma nent satisfaction and that you got the best value obtainable at the price you paid. Your inspection is especially requested of our Spring Sack Suits at $15 We ask ou to judge these suits by the 18 and 20 standards of other stores as far as"the quality is concerned, and for style, workmanship and finish, with to-measure-made suits costing $30 or more. Do thisand you will surely purchase one of these suits at !&lo in newest patterned worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres in the fashionable gray, blue and brownish tones. Smart Spring Suits for Boys, $2.50 to $12 Clothes made of tested fabrics in handsome patterns, strongly tailored to TS '-7!ir ??- U' Shal)eliness Permnnontly-values that soil elsewhere at o.o0 to lo, here in a great assortment of attractive models at $2.50 to $12. mmmM m fefl cmaio-ft IK7 T.I ul" e' MICKAELS-GTEHM FINE CLOTHING MICHXU. ETCIIN A CO Rl-Mri N.T, Lj North Bend ,1. . n-3!?JTHrI 'llJS-T.U-.ii-.! Tll-- ?Ty Will cure any case of Kidney or Kiadder Dif beyond the reach of medicine, k meufclne can t more! Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes y , M ftmmlnm m n.