Tap, - .' , ,S" 1,1 wii'."yii,itivn,lww V'- "" I1 J . " m. tl mn Jiumf ' & iwmrnjnm " fMmiyw - - jyi 'Ua)TOS?"!ML:i-"t '.m"'" HllllllilllfcMWMll I I THE DAILY COOS DAY TIMES. MARSIIFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1007. REDMEN TO ENTERTAIN IN MOST ROYAL FASHION Governor Chamberlain Will Have Welcome He Will Remember, ALL BOATS TO EMPIRE Lower Buy Will Hold Fleet Launches Leave Marshfleld nt 7:30 O'clock. of Today will mark an epoch In the history of Coos Bay, when Governor George E. Chamberlain, Tom Rich ardson, secretary of the Oregon De velopment League; and State Treas urer Steel, will spend a day and night on Coos Bay as our guests. Every .effort has been put forth by the Itedmen's lodge to make the occa sion one that the governor will re member In after years with the deep est pleasure. Proclaims Holiday. Mayor E. E. Straw has proclaimed a half holiday, and practically every business house In Marshfleld has sig nified its Intention of closing at 12:30 o'clock, out of respect to the distinguished guests. To give proper emphasis to the reception at Emplr when the governor will step aboard the Flyer from the Alliance, the full Acme band will render music. It Is thought that full 700 people will be In the lower bay. To provide for all that might wish to go, the Redmen had a committee out all day Wednes day, and every owner of a launch was seen. With hardly an exception all were enthusiastically in favor of joining the Coos Bay fleet which will wend Its way to Empire today. Iionts Lenvo at 7:30. The start from Marshfleld will be made by the boats at 7:30 o'clock. This will give all citizens wishing to go an opportunity to get a boat. Al though the Alliance is due to cross the bar at 5 o'clock this morning, a special arrangement has been made with Captain Olsen, and he will lay at Empire until the special reception boat, the Flyer, comes, which will bo about 7 o'clock, as It will leave Marshfleld early. That North Bend people may have an opportunity to witness the arrival of the governor, the boats leaving Marshfleld and arriving there about 8 o'clock will stop for passengers, provided the accommodations are not already filled. Many Marshfleld and North Bend people have chartered boats, and there will bo many pri vate parties at the arrival. Last night many of the boats were being decorated, and it was expected that many more would bo fitted up appro priately before the start was made this morning. Stays nt Hlanco. Apartments havo been secured at the Blanco hotel for the governor's party, and hither they will be es corted aftor tho landing Is made at Marshflold. As tho party Is expected to be fatigued after tho boat trip, it Program of reception tendered Governor George E. Chamberlain by Koos Tribe No. 33 Improved Order of Redmen nt tho Mntmnln A nnarn lintion Hfn.liflnj St-.. . -,.... ..uuv, .i.uiouiii-iu, uiutjuu, oh me loin uay oi May lsuv, v (TOAST MASTER HUGH M'LAIN) Address of Welcome Mayor E. Straw. Response Governor Geo. E.Chamberlain Tho Development of Oregon Tim Richardson Oregon, Its Place in History Hon. Geo. E. Stooio. Coos Bay, Oregon's Greatest Harbor Hon. L. J. Simpson Tho Electric Road Major L. D. Kinney. Coqulllo jU(Jg0 Ai s Hammond. . Forty Feot on the Bar j. w. Bennett. .Redmanship Geo. N. Farrin. Bandon by the Sea Col. R. H. Rosa. " When tho Railroad Comes E. L. C. Farrin . Our Governor a Goc-d Indian c. F. McKnlght. Myrtle Point G0. H QuerIni 4 Coos County a Health Resort ..... Dr. E. Mingus Our Resources j. H Flanagan. The Need of Better Transportation Between Coos Bay and Portland. ' f J. M. Unton f Now City Greater Coon Bay '- " is the intention to let them rest dur ing the afternoon, In order to be in readiness for the evening program. As Governor Chamberlain has a host of personal friends on Coos Bay, It is thought his time will be well taken up during the afternoon with a sort of Informal reception. Prominent Men. The program at the Masonic opera house In the evening has been ar ranged to the most minute detail, and those attending will be given a rare treat that will be remembered for years to come. The most promi nent men of the Coos Bay country are on the program which will be given at the governor's reception. Mayor E. E. Straw will give tho ad dress of welcome, and the response will of course be made by the chief executive. Tom Richardson will speak, as only ho can, on "The De velopment of Oregon." George E. Steele will speak on "Oregon; Its Place In History." Mayor L. J. Simpson will dwell on the subject nearer to the hearts of Coos Bay people Mian anything else, "Coos Bay, Oregon's Greatest Har bor." Major L. D. Kinney will talk on "The Electric Itoad," and Judge A. S. Hammond of Coqullle will speak on the resources and advan tages of Coos' county seat. Attorney J. W. Bennett will speak on "Forty Feet on the Bar." "Redmanship" will be explained by George N. Farrin and Colonel R. H. Rosa of Bandon will toast "Bandon by the Sea." "When the Railroad comes" will be the subject of E. L. C. Farrln's toast, followed by C. F. McKnlght, who will speak on "Our Governor a Good Indian." Myrtle Point will be rep resented by George H. Guerln, and Dr. E. MIngus will talk on "Coos County, a Health Resort." J. H. Flanagan's subject will be "Our Re sources." J. M. Upton will speak on one of the most vital matters af fecting Coos Bay, "The Need of Bet ter Transportation Between Coos Bay and Portland." Last on the pro gram and no doubt for the reason that Governor Chamberlain will have more cause to remember the occa sion, Judge Guerry will toast to the "New City, Greater Coos Bay." Fully 500 people are expected to come up on the specially chartered train which will bring the Redmen from Myrtle Point, Coqullle and Ban don to Marshfleld. The Redmen will have bands and the march to the Ma sonic opera house wlll.be impressive. The full regalia of tho I. O. R. M. will be worn, and this win add much to the occasion. After tho governor has been taken in as a member of ICoos Tribe No. 33 and the cere monies completed, tho public recep tion will come off. This will start at 9 o'clock and will last until 10. Adoption Degree. The special train from Myrtle Point, Bandon and Coqullle with the degree tenm of Coqullle Tribe No. 46 and invited guests from those cities aboard, will arrive at C o'clock. Promptly at 7 o'clock the Co qullle degree, team, n full costume, will bo rendy to confer tho adoption .1.- . (... . -.. . Judge J. H. Gerry f WARM WFIIfflMFI: :i: : RFTHR1 VISIT MM H H H MM W M 10 Coos Bay People Feel Indebted To Secretary Of Oregon Devel- opement League. WILL TOUR COUNTRY Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce Will Kndeavor to Show Him Around the City. Tom Richardson, who has achieved national fame as an exponent of the limitless resources and advantages of Oregon, will be the recipient of many honors while on Coos Bay. The feel ing prevails that too much cannot be done to show the secretary of the Oregon Development League that the people of Coos Bay and surrounding country deeply appreciate the earnest efforts which he is exerting to for ward the 'Interests or the state. His toast at the banquet to be given after the public reception at the Masonic temple opera house will be listened to with more than usual Interest, for all realize the exhaustive research which he has made into the developing of Oregon. It is the de sire of the Marshfleld Chamber of RICHARDSON GOVERNOR'S RECEPTION CO.MMITTEE. Redmen's Committee Hugh McLain, A. J. Matson, Mayor E. Straw, A. J. Savage, A. B. Campbell, Dr. B. M. Richardson, A. Swectman, George N, Farrin, J. E. Oren, C. F. McKnlght. E. M. Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce Committee Claude Nas burg, J. M. Blake, James H. Flanagan, I. S. Kaufman, I. S. Smith. Commerce to take Mr. Richardson on a trip through the Coos Bay country, and he will be approached regarding the matter on his arrival. It is realized that Tom Richardson has a warm feeling for the Coos Bay country, and believes Implicitly in the future It is destined to achieve. He has co-operated in many different ways with the different Chamber of Commerce bodies onjthe bay, and for this and many other reasons a deep feeling of personal friendship is felt for him. The Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce will ask Mr. Richardson's assistance In establishing that body on a solid footing, as it is felt he will be glad to assist. degree on the governor. The work will take place In tho Masonic lodge room. Following the conferring of this degree the warriors and chiefs' degrees will be conferred by Koos Tribe No. 33. The committee of the local Red men wish to state regarding the In vited guests that It will be practic ally impossible for them to see all of the ones whose names appear In the list of the Invited. It is their earnest wish that anyono whom they are un able to see will understand clearly that their company Is desired just tbe same. It Is hoped that everybody on Coos Bay will attend tho reception and shako hands with tho execntlve. The function will take place at the Ma sonic opera house", and there will be ample room and accommodations for all wishing to shake hands with Governor Chamberlain. During the recoptlon the Irish orchestra will render tho following selections under tho directorship of Professor Mc Derby: March, Gridiron Pryor Reverie, Apple Blossoms Kate Roberts Concert Waltz, Lo Flor Me Ita"a Stefano March Constellation Clark Select, A Garden Matinee Friml Wnlt. 1 0-...41 . . . I .,., . ouuiucru uream,, Lincoln Governor George E. Chamberlain, accompanied by a number of distinguished friends, is due to arrive on the steamer Alliance. That proper respect may be shown to tho state's chief execu tive, and the citizens may have an opportunity to meet him, I hereby declare a public holiday for the afternoon of Thursday, May 16, 1907. E. E. STRAW, Mayor, Marshflold, Ore. CITY PREPARED Mayor Straw Mas, Business Section Thoroghly Cleaned Residence Portion In Fine Condition. WILL DECORATE BOATS Indications Are That Everyone Will Turn Out to Receive Dis tinguished Guests. In anticipation of the visit of Gov ernor Chamberlain and party today, Mayor Straw last night had the prin cipal streets of the city thoroughly cleaned. The work which the resi dents of Marshfleld have been doing toward the improvement of the city will also be appreciated today. Last night many people and busl- ness firms purchased flags and bunt ing, and this morning a good many of -the houses along the principal part of the city will display marks of respect for the governor of Oregon. The steamship warehouse along tho North Bend water front was decor ated with American flags yesterday afternoon. The C. A. Smith Lumber and Man ufacturing company will show its patriotism by sending the Mabel H the company's boat, to the lower bay to greet the Alliance on its arrival. The boat has been decorated with red, white and blue, and presents a striking appearance. Wednesday evening all the par ties operating boats between Marsh fleld and North Bend, and those hav ing one or more, declared their In tention to partlclpato in the water reception to be held at Empire this morning. Invited Guests. List of Invited guests to attend the banquet to be tendered Governor Chamberlain tonight: F. P. Norton, W. U. Douglas, Ivy Condron, H. Lockhart, Dr. E. Min gus, J. M. Blako, I. S. Kaufman, W. S. McFarland, J. S. Coke, J.M. Upton, AV. S,. Chandler, J. W. Bennett, J. H. Flanagan, j. 'i. McCormac, Father Donnelly, F. B. Walte.'L. D. Kinney, E, G, Flanagan, A. E. Guyton, I. S Smith, Edgar Wheeler, F. S. Dow, H. Sengstacken, L. R. Robertson, C. W. Tower, Dr. J. W. Ingram, P. A. Dev ers, W. Ford, A. P. Owen, I. Lando, Anson Rogers, P. A. Sandberg, A. B, Prentiss, A. Williams, Carl Albrecht, Father Curley, F, Boutin, A. E. Morton, Libby; Alex. Campbell, J. E. Oren, J. F. Polley, John Morgan, Em plro; Major Tower, Empire; James Magee, Dr. Horsfall, E. K. Jones, Claude Nasburg, W. B. Curtis, E. A. Anderson, Chas. Stauff, R. Walter; F. A. Golden, Dr. W, A. Toye, John Merchant. T. M. Dimmicv. t a t.,i . .. ' - rat Hennesy, W. F. Squires. G. A FOR RECEPTION LASTVIS1TWAS Tl Governor Chamberlain Was Then Taken To a Clam bake on the Beach. ENJOYS VISIT HERE Appreciates Efforts of Coos Bay People Urief Sketch of the State Executive. Governor Chamberlain's last visit to Coos Bay was two years ago, at which time he was the guest of tho Democratic club. He was also en tertained on the beach at a clam bake. It Is said the governor always looks forward with keen anticipation to his visits here, as the people spare no pains to make his stay one of en joyment. That Governor Chamberlain is uni versally popular over tho entire state was fully attested last June, when he was re-elected to serve his second term as chief executive of Oregon. Up to a few years ago George E. Chamberlain was practically un known. He was engaged In practic ing law in Albany, and also served as district attorney. He left that city to go to Portland, and two years prior to his first election to tho gov ernor's chair he was elected district attorney for Multnomah county. His rise into popularity since that time Is too well known to need recording. Few men run the gamut of public life and succeed In keeping as popu lar with the people as has Chamber lain. Ed. RIggs, C. E. Drews, A. B. Daley, J. H. Mllner, D. W. Small, R. Mars den, Sr., E. O'Connell, Mitchell, F. Painter, H. W. Painter, C. Masters, R. E. Shine, Col. Brlgham, F. H. Clarke, H. J. Kreltzer, Jno. Snyder, .las, Ferry, Sr., W. J. Butler, Jno. Preuss, J. T. Hall, Geo. Bolt, L. H. Llljeqvlst, H. Tower, Jas. Flanagan, C. J. Brushke, C. E. Going, T. S. Mlnot, Jas Balnes, Geo. Baines, W. J. Rust, C. A. Schelbrede, Cal. Wright, N. Rasmussen, E. D. McArthur, L. D. Smith, S. Rogers, Anson Rogers, Sr., L. W. SJiaw, Thomas Nichols, W. R. F. Browne, Robert Mc Cann, A. A. Courtney, Jr., D. A. QYEARSAGO GOVERNOR'S BANQUET MENU. Medallion au Cavalr Coos Bay Clam Chowder 1,ves Salted Almonds Fillet of Chinook Salmon Tartare Latlce Potatoes uucumber Pickles Radishes COLD BOILED Chicken Ham Mushroom Patties COLD Deef Pork HOT ROAST TURKEY ? 1 ' ' Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoes June Peas Coos River Cauliflower au Baaurro Old Private Stock SALADS, ETC. Empire Crab Salad Toasted Crackers' au Parmesan National Beer . c Marshfleld Strawberry Ice Cream Angel Cake Fruits in Season . Mixed Nuts' and Raisins ' Roquefort Edam Camembert Cheese Bent's Water Cafe Noir TO NORTH BEND Itinerary Will Not Permit Of Gov- ernor Chamberlain Being In Both Cities. WILL LEAVE SATURDAY Will Spend Several Days on Rogue River Visiting With R. D. Hume. Though North Bend will not havo a formal program on this occasion, the citizens will have ample oppor tunity to show their kindly feeling for him in the near future. Gover nor Chamberlain, In company with George Steele, state treasurer, and the state fish warden, who is accom panying him, will probably leave for the Rogue river on Saturday morn ing. R. D. Hume will entertain tbe governor for several days, and show him the workings of the fisheries.. R. D. Hume wired that he would make arrangements for taking care of the governor, and the party Is expected to leave here early Satur day morning. The round trip to Gold Beach will consume about six or seven days, and the party will probably make a ihree days' visit. This will place the date of the gov ernor's return to Coos Bay about May 28. On that occasion he will be the guest of the city of North Bend. Mayor Simpson stated Wednesday night that a half holiday would be declared In North Bend on tho day of the chief executive's reception. Plans will be formulated Immediate ly, and everything will be In readi ness for the event. It Is now thought that among the features of the day's program will be a reception at the commercial club. Nothing definite has been decided upon. Utter, C. A. Johnson, D. Stafford, P. M. Wilbur, J. M. Snover, E. 0. S. Gllroy, F. M. Rummel, Sr., F. M. Rummel, Jr., O. C. Rice, J. S. Greene, W. R. Haines, L. H. Hazard, A. J. Sherwood, Geo. Peoples, J. J. Stan ley, 'J. M. Nye, Ed. Sperry, Alfred Johnson, Sr., W. Culln, W. Sinclair, W. C. Chase, L. A. Roberts, K. A Leep, Geo. A. Gerrin, F. M. McClean, R. E. Berdillon, A. Dyer, Ed. Galller, O. A. Trowbridge, C. R. Wade, Col. Couch, Mr. Cody, Geo. Topping, R. H. Ross, D. A. Hilling, L. J. Simpson, Judge J. H. Guerry, Fred McCulIom, C. H. Maybee, J. W. Plxley, F. H. Derbyshire, C. S, Wlnsor, C. M. Byler, T. W. Rennie, J. R. Robertson, James Lyons, John Curren, W. H. Wlstnat, H. C. Dlers, George Tem ple, Thomas Vlgars, B. J. How land, Col. Brlgham, Ralph Williams, Geo. Winchester H. E. HImbaugh, F. D. Pasley, O. L. Hopson, Bennett Swanton, Arthur McKeown. Naw Vnrlr f!mints Young Onions Tongue Sauterne ROAST Oregon Mutton Veal Crackers Humboldt Cigars 'i"i a TrU0B0,d,er Lacano,BenneU'W'C'BradlyW.Traver,l444444444444 'levK-