JHIE DAILY COOS BAY TIMKS, MARSlfFlELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1007. ELECTRIC LINE FOR EUGENE Oppose Southern Pacific To Operate in Counties of Crook, Lane and Benton ARTICLES ARE PILED Company Is Capitalized at ."S.1 ,000,000 AVI11 Connect I'rinevilie With Willamette Valley. Eugene special: To build an elec tric lino from Eugene to Springfield, and thence along the McKenzIe river to Prlnevllle; also branches from Springfield to Wedling and from Eugene to Corvallls, Is the outllner of an enterprise made public yester day through the filing of articled In corporating the Eugene, & EadU.-rri railroad company with a capitaliza tion of $1,000,000. The Incorporators are A. Welch and E. W. Hall, of the Willamette Valley company; F. W. Waters, for mer mayor of Salem, and right-of-way agent for the Willamette Vallry Electric company, and James It. Thompson and Charles A. Hardy of Eugene. Mr. AVelch Is absent from the city, and Mr. Hall refused to give defall3 cf the plan, other than that the cor poration is fully filnanced and the persons interested include those concerned in the Willamette Valley company and other eastern capital ists. The Willamette Valley compnnv recently formed a merger of electric properties throughout the northwesi the plants at Eugene and Albany be ing Included with those at Bsiker City, Pondleton, Walla Walla, Spo kano and other points. ' Outlet for Prlncville. The company is building a local line in Eugene, and construction is about to start on the project to Springfield, while surveyors have been along the McKenzie river for some time. The plan to connect TrlnevIIle, in the heart of Crook county, with the Willamette valley, will prove another boom to isolated central Oregon. The lino will cross the Cascades In the vicinity of the Three Sisters, and from streams en route electric energy, for operation is to be generated, .. The line to Wendllng from Spring field will bo in opposition to the Southern Pacific, which already Is operating over that route, while con necting with Corvallls will give the southern portion of the Willamette valley transportation facilities that will ultimately be joined wlth the Oregon Electric at Albany, to which point the Salem-Portland system Is to bo extended. When the Salem-Portland under talcing was first announced It was proposed to construct from Eugene and possibly from Roseburg, but with the transfer of the Oregon Elec tric from the Willamette Valley to the present stockholders, no Intention was expressed of building south of Albany. Mr. Welch entered the Eu gene field, and the creation of the Eugene & Eastern railway company is the result. At a meeting of the stockholders, held in this city, the following of- 3re elected: A. Welch, presl- kank "W. Waters, vice presi- W. Hall, secretary-treasur- IB. Thompson, constructing A, Hardy, legal power of her own streams. That's something, isn't it, to use the power now going to waste In our beautiful McKenzIe, .Willamette and Sluslaw rivers to saw down our trees by elec trodes, haul the logs to the mill by electric cars, cut tjiem up into lumber by saws run by electric power nnd the haul of the lumber to market over electric railroads. It is no vlslonarv. Utopian dream. It U a veritable fact and there are plenty of men now living, who will live long enough to see these things In nctual operation. In fact there is one branch of the work the largest and most import ant one in Its embryotic state now and it will only be a short time until It Is In actual operation. On last Thursday at Portland, ar ticles of Incorporation were entered Into which Eugene will shortly be put In touch with the eastern Oregon country, will have a direct line to Corvallls and possibly connection with the Portland-Salem electric line to the first mentioned place, giving us competition with the Southern Pacific and also abranch line from Springfield up the Mohawk to Wend llng. They have abundant capital be hind them to go right ahead with the work. In fact, that Is the least of their bother just now. They want to- go right ahead with the building of It and the fact that the rails and other supplies cannot bo secured at once on account of the rolling mills and steel works having so many or ders ahead and there being so few cars to carry their rails they are wor ried only over delay. They are anxious that business men and farm ers give the matter their moral sup port and aid all they can In secur ing the right of way. Surveying par ties are already In the field and more will be put In at once. JAPS BRING TROUBLE Vancouver, B. C, May 15 A spec ial from Altln snys, angered by the Introduction of Japanese Into the Altln district the miners are deter mined to force the orientals out of camp, and if they cannot be induced to depart peaceably It Is feared riot ing will follow. Dr. Bancroft WANT ADS XOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS We are pleased to announco that Fpley's Honey nnd Tar for Coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affect ed 'by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and wo rec commend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. Red Cross Pharmacy. Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAUSHFJELD, OHEGON. Capital Subscribed oU,000 Capitnl raid Up 40,000 Undivided Profits $35,000 Does a general banking business and drawt ou the Bank of California, San Francisco Calif., First National Dank Portland Or., Flrsl National ,J)ank, Roseburg, Or., Hanover Na tional Dank, New York, N. M. Kutbchild A Son, London, England. Also sell cliange on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes for rent at 5 cents n month ot J5. a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS EYE, NERVE AND CHRONIC TROUBLES OUR SPECIALTY WILL BE AT MARSHFIELD Room E, Rodjerj Building until Sunday, May 19, 1907 Hrrttiir 1 !' '-' IJTMiSrgMa' STEAMER GARLAND Leaves Marshfield every Morning at 5 a. m. run ning up Coos River to Daniel Gcek. W. A. HARING Dealer in Pure Cream Milk nnd Buttermilk. Free do livery to all parts of the city. North Bend, Oregon Banking- Favors And courteous treatment are the undisputed right of every depositor in this bank there are any number of them willing to testify to thess facts. Can you not add your name to our list? Informa tion cheerfully given by ever' officer and director of the bank. First National Bank of Coos Bay IL JOHN S. COKE, President V. S. MeFAItLAND, Cashier 0. 11. HINSDALE, Vice-1'resldont Now Ready IHOTEL OREGON New and Modern Sample Rooms in Connection NORTH BEND, ORE. The Steamer WANTED. Good family horse; bay mare preferred. F. A. Golden. FOR RENT Six room house on Pine street. Inquire Palace restaurant. WANTED Young lady for clerk. Apply local telephone office. L. R. Robertson. BREAKWATER Sails for San Francisco direct Saturday, May 1 8th, at 3 p. rn. For freight and passage apply to C. F. Mc- COLLUM. List Your Property With Us Lilt your properly with ui. We are in potition to sell REAL ESTATE. Following are a few of the REAL SnAPS: 40 acres 4 miles from city on county road. Per acre, only - - $25 4 lots on Sheridan ... $2100 4 lots on Baine street, cleared, - $1700 2 lots on 4th. st. near old hospital site $1300 1 lot 50x100, 3 blocks from postoffice, $5000 Call and see us, and be convinced that we bare tbe best BARGAINS in the county. F. M. Rummell Jr.,& Company NASBURG BUILDING HnMiMmgM Front Street flcer dent? dent; er; Jar. onglneei , TJharles counsel. If all the projects for the railroad building materialize, It will not be long until Lane county Js a network of steel bands over which the big forests of fir, reduced to commercial lumber will be whirled along with electrical energy developed from the EGGS I can furnish the following Thoroughbred EggB at ' $2.00 Per Setting Rhode Island Reds Barred Plymouth Rocks White Leghorns t Pekin Ducks JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in the county. WANTED. An apprentice to learn the trade. North Bend Cigar Man ufacturing Co. WANTED Two girls for operators at the Marshfield telephone office. Pacific Telephone Co. FOR SALE OR RENT. A four-room house and furniture for sale. See Dr. Love of North Bend, Ore. WANTED. Man and wife on farm,' or a lady cook; good wages. Ad dress B. C. D., care Times office. WANTED Men to work in sawmill, wages S2 a day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. 8-24-tf. FOR SALE Four acres of land in South Marshfield for the next sixty days. Address B. A. 11. 4-30-2m WANTED. To rent two or more rooms for housekeeping, furnished for man and wife. P. Or Box 388. NOTICE. Those having baggage stored at the Central hotel will please call for same by Juno 1 or It will be sold. 5-7-22t FOR RENT. Rooms in the Rogers building; suites or singly. Apply S. C. Rogers, steamer Coos' River, or E. O. Hall, A street. MUSIC Secure the Irish Orchestra for high grade music on any occa sion. McDerby, conductor and violin Instructor, Marshfield, Ore 1-9-tt FOR RENT. A five-room house; good furniture for salo; to be va cated by 1st of July. Phone 1194, Mr. G. T. Holtzclaw, South Marshfield. FOR SALE 40 acres commanding quarter mile of water front on ship channel on Coos Bay at a bar gain. See, Title Guarantee & Ab stract Co. 2-B-tf FOR RENT. Two furnished house keeping rooms suitable for man and wife in Windsor block. Apply to Fred Johnson, Eaglo saloon, North Bend. 4-28-tt lank of rgnn Capital stork fully jialiiuj 50,000. ffraaaarlB a nrttrral Banking BuBtHMM. . Nurilj jiinh, fenon FOR SALE Twelve acres of land on Coos river. One acre hill land and rest bottom land; unimproved, For, further particulars address Z C7, Times office. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance KELLY, Commanding. SAILING FROM COOS BAY to Portland and Return GEO. D. GRAY a CO., General agents, '421 Market St.. San Francisco. ,. W. SHAW, Agent, Marshfield. Phone 441 A nice line of Postal Cards and Bound Books NORTON & HANSEN FOR SALE a 75 Acres Good Platting Ground Underlaid WITH COAL ! ! $2000 Cash-Balance Easy Terms Just South of C. A. Smith's New Saw Mill and Two Miles South of Marshfield, ad joining the Tow'nsite of South Harbor , For Full Particulars of this GENUINE SNAP In realty call upon or write to PHIL HARRIS Office with C W. Tower & Son, Marshfield, Oregon FOR SALE. 62 acres for farming land, 25 acres already burnt and.. 2 acres good, bottom , land, $25 per, aero. " Jackob MattBon, North Inlet. Half cash and remainder on time. FREE FACTORY SITES ON DEEP WATER South Harbor is near C A. Smith's big saw mill plant on Isthmus inlet. The coming manufacturing district of Coos Bay. The South Harbor Development Co, has special inducements to offer manufacturers desiring locations. TOWER AND SON Leckkart Bailding Marshfield, Oregon IE US FOR Front Street Business Property We Have Something .That Will Interest You " Title Guarantee & Abstract Co., Henry Sengstacken, Manager FOR SALE ,; jh ' u 'I J ;. !,, v. ' ' , . t VJ" :i jfT iwMM "& ' ' l l'! , MtVr-" i .,! '1 - 1. i. ' i . " I'll' ' ' i f v '., . 'I Campbell's Woodjand Goal Yard. Four of the finest water front lots in Marshfield !''" Paying business. Good reasrm for selling , . ; ., .,;.. t. .I . . . Uf f- &!' 0!7 D. D. Campbell - It w 4' J l n r