VKZs'lrF''1 XIIE DAILY COOS FLOOD PITWh" nAY TIMES, MAltSHPIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAT IB, 1007. Chicago Board Of Trade Thrown In to Confusion By Heavy Wheat Demand. MASSES DOLLAR (V1ARK 'predictions Arc Made That Commod ity Will Soar to a Dollar and a Half. served the members delicious refesh ments. The annual picnic closing the cmb season is to be held a week from Tuesday. The following committee I nf tlirnn Tlnn n tnl..n3 ..-. 1 afternoon to select a desirable place and to look after the details of the affair: Mcsdames E. G. Flanagan, D. W. Small and I. Lando. Tuesday afternoon the club will meet with Mrs. J. S. Greene at Mlll Ington, leaving this city on the launch Central at 1 o'clock. This meeting will be reciprocity day and the last club meeting of the season. Will Entertain Club. Mrs. Prentiss will entertain the members of the Ladles' Art club next Friday afternoon at her home. The last meeting, held at the home of Mrs. S. Lando, was a most enjoyable affair. Refreshments were served during the afternoon. Chicago, May 14. In tho most sensational opening in history of the ; Chicago board of trade wheat yester- day shot past the dollar mark. Heavy realizing sales pushed prices backward somewhat, but at the close of the market It was strong and ac cording to some of the speculators on the board, the demand upon which the late advance has been made is still unsatisfied. The net advance for the day was four cents for July options and Sept ember options, and four and one eighth cents for December option. It was certainly a strong bull place in the wheat market at the opening. Country markets had poured in seemingly in an endless stream and In obedience to it brokers stood by ready to buy millions of bushels of it at the market. Shorts wore In a highly nervous condition and were eagar to cover. The result was a3 soon as the gong sounded there was a terrlfflc roar of voices, all anxious to buy and nobody offering to sell. Trade was too big and too broad to bo followed with any certanity and brokers filled orders frequently sev eral cents away from the point at which they hoped to buy. Tho con fusion was so groat that for a few minutes but little actual business was transacted, the brokers fighting and struggling to get hold of wheat at any price. A rush of buying orders seemed to come from almost every city in the country which is situated on the telegraph wire. Professional operat ors were of the opinion that tho rush was a little too vigorous and took a chance to seize profits. This caused a temporary check, but buying orders still poured in and the market soared again. Again long wheat came out and brought about a reaction and again, the country orders forced it up. There are no claims that the market is being manipulated, tho general opinion being that the ad vance was based on natural causes. Among smaller traders, predictions are freely made that wheat will go to $1.25 to $1.50 berore the present advance in July Is stopped. OIIGAX FUXD UEXEFIT. PROGRESS CLUB HAS ANNUAL ELECTION Members Are Entertained Commit tee Appointed For Annual Picnic Last Club Meeting Tuesday. The annual election of officers of the Progress club was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. W. Bennett and the following officers wero elected to Berve during the en suing year: President, Mrs. H. Seng stackon; vice president, Mrs. J. W. Bennett; secretary, Mrs. J. S. Greene; treasurer, Mrs. W. S. Chand ler. This is Mrs. Sengstacken's fourth term In the president's chair, which Is undoubtedly a high compli ment to her ability. She had Intended not to accept tho office for another term, but was urged to shoulder the duties for one more year. Following the election of officers Mrs. Bennett EGGS I can furnish the following Thoroughbred Eggs at $2.00 Per Setting Rhode Island Beds Barred Plymouth Rocks White Leghorns . Pekin Ducks JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in your orders Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in the county. Sank onmt (Saultal stark fully walfjitp 50,000. UnutMrta a urnl Banking SttBUtfM. Norltf ifettf). rerjatt Programs To He Given Friday and Saturday. Tho programs to be given Friday and Saturday at tho Masonic opera house by the Methodist church for the benefit of the organ fund have been announced. They are as fol lows: Friday .May 17, 11)07. 1 Duet F. A. SacchI and Miss Mary Brown 2 Recitation Miss Anna CllnUenbeard 3 Solo .. ..Mrs. Dr. C. W. Tower 4 Banjo Solo . . . .Mr. Vincent Pratt .INTERMISSION 1 Piano Duet . . .Miss Susie Elck- worth, Mrs. John Merchant 2 Solo Mrs. Dr. J. W. Ingram 3 Recitation ...Mrs. D. W. Savage 4 Music Instrumental Trio Saturday Night Program SOPRANO Mrs. Chas. Stauff Mary O. Brown Agnes Gulveson Miss Crawford ALTO Miss Iva Langworthy MIllIo Johnson Miss Campbell TENOR Mr. Chas. Stauff H. A. Pratt BASS Mr. A. Landles A. M. Prentiss Titos. Best 1 Old Folks at Homo 2 My Old Kentucky Home, Good Night. Male Quartet Messers. Pratt, Staug, Best and Landles- 3 Annie Laurie A. Landles Chorus 5 Broom Drill Willing Workers INTERMISSION 1 Coming Thro' the Rye Mrs. Chas Stauff 2 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer . . Mrs. C. Stauff and Miss Iva Lang worthy, Messrs. C. Stauff and A. Landles. 3 Tenting on the Old Camp Ground Miss Mary Brown and Chorus. 4 Home Sweet Homo Chorus WANT ADS WANTED. Good family horse; bay mare preferred. F. A. Golden. FOR RENT Six room house on Pine street. Inquire Palace, restaurant. WANTED Young lady for clerk. Apply local telephone-office. L. R. Robertson. WANTED Two girls for operators at the Marshfleld telephone office. Pacific Telephone Co. FOR SALE OR RENT. A four-room house and furniture for sale. See Dr. Love of North Bend, Ore. WANTED Men to work In sawmill, wages $2 a day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. 8-24-tf. FOR SALE Four acres of land In South Marshfleld for tho next sixty days. Address B. A. 11. 4-30-2m WANTED. To rent two or more rooms for housekeeping, furnished for man and wife. P. O. Box 388. NOTICE Bids will bo received for papering and painting my bouse. Mrs. Agnes Huthlnson, Marsh field. 3-21tf NOTICE. Those having baggage stored at the Central hotel will please call for same by June 1 or it will be sold. ' 5-7-2 2t FOR RENT. Rooms in the Rogers building; suites or singly. Apply S. C. Rogers, steamer Coos River, or E. O. Hall, A street. MUSIC Secure the Irish Orchestra for high grade music on any occa sion. McDerby, conductor and violin instructor, Marshfleld, Ore 1-2 9 -tf FOR RENT. A five-room house; good furniture for sale; to bo va cated by 1st of July. Phone 1194. Mr. G. T. Holtzclaw, South Marsh-field. FOR SALE 40 acres commanding quarter mllo of water front on ship channel on Coos Bay at a bar gain. 8ee, Title Guarantee & Ab stract Co. 2-B-tf FOR RENT. Two furnished house keeping rooms suitable for man and wife in Windsor, block. Apply to Fred Johnson, Baglo saloon, North Bend. 4-28-tf Flanagan &. Bennett Bank MAKSHFinU), 0KKG0.V. Capital Subscribed fW.iyoo Capital Paid Up J40.000 Undivided Profits $35 000 Docs a general banking business and draw ou tho Bank of California, San Fianclsco Calif., First National Hank Portland Or., Firsl National Bank, Roscburg, Or., Hanover Na tional Bank, New York, N. M. Uotlichlld & fion, London, England. Also sell change on nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to chock, Mfe depoit lock boxes for rent at 5 cents a mouth or ?S. a jcar. INTEREST PAID ON TIME. DEPOSITS j Dr. Bancroft EYE, NERVE AND CHRONIC TROUBLES 0UU SPECIALTY WILL BE AT EMPIRE CITY Monday and Tuesday May 12 and 13 And at Marshfield Office, r-j ni.i fi iw... ie itoagcrs mag. aiiur may io n iv?7&zxrKnK.'xxinMCi;z.iiiitxr Banking; Favors And courteous treatment arc the undisputed right of every depositor in this bank there are any number of them willing to testify to thess facts. Can you not add your name to our list? Informa tion cheerfully given by every officer and director of the bank. First National Bank of Coos Bay JOHN S. COKE, President 0. 11. HINSDALE, Vice-President V. S. McFARLAND, Cashier STEAMER GARLAND Leaves Marshfield every Morning at 5 a. m. run ning up Coos River to Daniel Creek. W. A. HARING Dealer in Pure Cream Milk nnd Buttermilk. Freo ile livery to nil parts of the city. North Bend, Ocejjon Now Ready (HOTEL OREGON New and Modern Sample Rooms in Connection NORTH BEND, ORE. List Your Property With Us List your property with us. We are in position to sell REAL ESTATE. Following are a few of the REAL SNAPS: 40 acres 4 miles from city on county road. Per acre, only - - $25 4 lots on Sheridan ... $2100 4 lots on Baine street, cleared, - $1700 2 lots on 4th. st. near old hospital site $1300 1 lot 50x100, 3 blocks from postoffice, $5000 The St earner RE A K WATER Sails for San Francisco direct Saturday, May 1 8th, at 3 p. rn. For freight and passage apply to C. F. Mc- COLLUM. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company. mr Alliance KELLY, Commanding. SAILING FROM COOS BAY to Portland and Return GEO. D. GRAY A CO., General'agenta, 421 Market St.. San Francisco. r.. W. SHAW, Agent, Marshfield. Phone 44) A nice line of Postal Cards and Bound Books NORTON & HANSEN a Acres Good Platting Ground Underlaid WITH COAL ! ! 75 $2000 Cash-Balance Easy Terms Just South of C. A. Smith's New Saw Mill and Two Miles South of Marshfield, ad joining the Townsite of South Harbor . For Full Particulars of this GENUINE SNAP In realty call upon or write to PHIL HAR.RIS Office with C W. Tower & Son, Marshfield, Oregon o n LF Call and tee ui, and be convinced BARGAINS in the county. that we have the bett M. Rummell Jr.,& Company NASBURG, BUILDING Front treei SEE US FOR Front Street Business Property We Have Something That Will Interest You Title Guarantee & Abstract Co., Henry Sengstacken, Manager EEnKMWtsiWiirWiiimilMM FOR SALE Vi . i t,r f 'i FOR SALE Twelve acres of land on Coos river. One acre hill land and rest bottom land; unimproved. For further particulars address Z 67, Times office FOR SALE. 62 acres for farming land, 25 acres already burnt and 2 acres good bottom land, $25 per acre. Jackob Mattson, North Inlet. Half cash and remainder on time. FREE FACTORY SITES ON DEEP WATER South Harbor is near C. A. Smith's big saw mill plant on Isthmus inlet. The coming manufacturing district of Coos Bay. The South Harbor Development Co. has special inducements to offer manufacturers desiring locations. TOWER AND SON Lockhart Building : : : Marshfield, Oregon HMHMMHHI Campbell's Woodjand Coal Yard; Four of the finest water front lots in Marshfield Paying business Good reason for selling , 11 4 D. D. Campbell -'-II- - - -i in i triuiHTfiiiffiiftii 1 1 ' i -air'---'-"-"f"- kflAi -Jfc i.iiXl af..l . -