The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 14, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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Bay Park lies on the western slopes of the rolling hills to the south of Marshfield and joins the propy
on which is now being erected the largest mill on the Pacific Coast. It starts at deep water on the Isthmus
Inlet almost opposite the Dean Mills and reaches westward along the hills to within a short distance of the
Marshfield City lipits. The center of Bay Park is an ideal place on which to build one's permanent homo
on this great seaport to be. Prom this pleasing table land the land drops off lightly and in descending
brows facing theyCity of Marshfield and the Bay to the west and the great mills and industries on Isthmus
iniet on ine Jast.
.Looking northernly from tins table land and these slopes when once the growth of Aider and Jlir is
thinned a magnificent view of that picturesque body of water, Coos Bay can be had. What better location
could be selected in which to raise up yonr boys and girls than here. Near them and ever in their sight
are, (and will be in greater numbers) those great mills and industries bunded by men of brains and brawn
eyor an incentive to our youth to strive, ever an example before them of industry.
Bay Park lies aB a central point equally distant from the Courtney Mills, Millington, Flagstaff, Port
iiarnum, Alder Park, and the business district of Marshfield and East Marshfield. It is on Isthmus lnlt
the most protected body of deep water on Coos Bay and lies in the center of a district throughout whicr
will be heard tne continous hum of great industries, yet on the tablo land the seeoker after quiet and
elusion will be find an ideal spot.
Six thousand dollars has been raised bv the neonlo of Marshfield and vicicitv to nav cost of constructing
la bridge across Coal Bank Slough and the City Council of Marshfield has granted a franchise for a railway
'to be operated from a point on Sheridan street to the C. A. omitli mills, also the people of Marshfield have
within the last few days raised One Hundred Thousand Dollars for the building of an electric road, that is
to be the Coos Bay end of an electric road from Coos Bay through Coquille and Myrtle Point to Roseburg,
tails' road according to plans when constructed will pass through Bay Park so that a pleasant and quick
transportation facility will be one more of the attractions of Bay Park. There is also a County Road sur
vived through Bay Park, the road to be the main highway between Coos Bay and the Coquile River
Bay Park should bo the home of our strong creative men; the abodes of the -comprehensive banker, the
railroad man, the shipbuilder the homes of the constructors in every line, should all be erected on the
slopes of Bay Park. The vigorous air blowing in from the Pacific Ocean; tho magnificent outlook which
delights the eye, starts the heart and impells the brain to greater power; These are the features which make
Bay Park the ideal spot for permanent homes for men who do things.
The climate of Bay Park is mild and pleasant, the Boil is rich, the finest of gardens can bo raised and
flowers of all kinds will grow and bloom in wildest profusion. Today it may look wild and rough to you
but it is always suclMhat make most beautiful homes of our Great Cities.
A great population will settle on Coos Bay. Tho older men and women do not readily see tho evidences
of the cbming number. It seems to them that there is a real estate boom in the air and that, very shortly
the stream of incoming settlers will cease arid matters will go on as in the past-plodding, plodding.
The yoimger later people know that an epoch is in tho making, thatithe rustle of the people here already
is but theiadvance of an over whelming army that will peacefully but surely over-run and over whelm i
this grand Harbor.
A rrvnat hit.v is in ho mult, nil thonn honiitifnl Hlnnps nf linns Hn v (rvnntflr will it. tin than nlir . mnnPArfl'
dreamed ob dared hope for.
' The strong hearted, the clear headed, tho firm footed of our youth will rear edifices and establish monu
ments on tills western bay that all the world will pause to view.
Then why! should any hesitate when the opportunity is present and tho way Is open. Buy for. your per
manent home now. The time for reflection is past, tho timo is ripe.
But practically now letusreason: Here for a few dollars, now, one can buy a site'for a lodge in wilder
ness reclaimed. A home can bo reared in which a generation may be born and live and dwell in peace
and comfort.
-..!--. . ... .. ... . . .....
In the citiesiand older rural communities, one must invest thousands to nrocure a nlace to establish a
modest home, here a few hundreds will suffice to purchase that which in a few years will be worth thou
sands. V
Your opportunity is now. Are you looking for an investment, then investigate-Bay Park. Are you
looking for a home, then go with a Bay Park Representive and select your location, pay him Ten Dollars
on each lot you select and set aside fifteen cents a day to pay the balance.
Call on the following Representatives of Bay Park for further information and allow them the opportun
ity' of taking you over the property so that you will bo better able not only to select a Iocation.for yourself
but you can aid your friends or neighbors
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