' !$-& (Eons mmw Sunday Edition USE TIMES WANT ADS Member of Associated Press. VOL. I THE DAILY COOS BAX TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1007. No. 00 3 mm DISASTROUS WRECK OF SPECIAL TRAIN Entire Equipment Leaves Track While Going at Speed of Fifty Miles an Hour. MANY BURNED ALIVE Two Carloads of Dead nnd "Wounded Recovered From the Mass of Wreckage. Santa Barbara, Cal., May 11. At least twenty-five persons are believed to have perished In the disastrous wreck on the coast line of the South ern Pacific this afternoon when a spe cial train carrying three delegations of eastern Shrlners, who were re turning from a merrymaking at Los Angeles, left the track at Honda, a station 59 miles north of here and plied up on the sandy beach. Tha engine, tender, baggage car and diner with three coaches were heaped In hopltss confusion, and ter-or vns added by the wreckage taking fi-e. Although the flames were quickly ex tinguished by the surviving pahon gers and trainmen many were scalded and burned while buried be neath the shattered cars. From the north and south aid was rushed at once by special train. Doc tors and nurses from Santa Barbara and San Luis Obisbo raced to the scene of the wreck. Two carloads of dead and wounded were hurried Into San Luis Obispo shortly before 9 o'clock and while the bodies of the dead were turned over to a volunteer corps of Masons who had learned of the disaster of their brethren, the in jured were hurried to hospitals and It private houses where cots and beds Trero awaiting their coming and where doctors and nurses were Imme diately in attendance. The wrecked train, which consti tuted a portion of No. 1, the north bound "coaster," left Santa Barbara at 12:30. While traveling on the schedule of the regular train, it was actually a second No. 1, Issmalia spe cial, and carrying, among others, Representatives of Rajah temple of Reading, Pa.; Ismalia temple of Buf falo, N. Y., and Al Koran temple of Cleveland, Ohio. While It is pcrbable that delegates from other portions of New York were aboard the train it Is known that there are no residents of Now York city, and the list of dead shows that the majority of victims were from Reading. Two irreconcilable statements have been made as to the cause of the wreck. In one It Is said that drifting sand along the track formed an ob struction with which the engine of the Esmalla special collided. Another report, received Just before midnight, from Lompoc, ascribes the disaster to a switch rail being broken. Accord ing to the Lompoc correspondent, who viewed the wreck and obtained the statements of the survivors, the engine was traveling at the rate of 50 miles an hour -when It struck the pro- ; jecting points of the switch rail and ran along the rail about 40 feet, and then bumped over the ties for a dozen yards, finally plunging into the ditch. The tender was flung over the engine by the cars beyond. The bag gage car and diner, which was evi dently the second car, plunged under and over the engine, and following these were two heavy Pullman sleep ers. The greatest loss of life oc curred in the diner, which seems to have been filled with passengers. Not a person In this car escaped death. Doomed passengers were carried into close contact with the engine and burled under the cars that came be hind, and for the most part scalded to death. The bodies were taken to San Luis Obispo and all are, without exception, hodrlbly mutilated and nearly al unrecognizable. Sugar 8' III Up. Sugar la still on the up grade, the prlco having gone up another 23 ceuta a bag In the past few days. Thh Is the third roiso in sugar In the past few weks. Dead From S. I. Wreck. The following nrc the dead, so far ns known: S. A. Wnsson, nuffnlo; Mrs. Fisher, Cleveland; Miss Young, Cleveland; Charles Lowing, Buffalo; R. Austin, tourist ngeut, in charge Buffalo Shrill- ers; J. D. Hippie, Rending, po- tcntnte of Rajah temple; V. Stoffc, Reading; Hurry Hendlc, Reading; George Hngerman, Reading; Harry Slotz, Reading; Hnrry Miller, Reading; A. L. Roth (or Bother), Reading; T. Henry, Lebanon, Ohio; J. AV. Cutler nnd wife, Birmingham, Ala.; Oliver Kaufman, Reading; Miss Long, Cleveland; .Harry Cutler, Lebanon; .J. Dougless Hippie, who is mentioned as one of killed, was conspicuous nt the Los Angeles conclave. FIVE HUNDRED Deposited With Times as Forfeit Money for Coming Fight at North Bend. BE GLOVE CONTEST Fight AVill Come Off May 20 in the Nortli Bend Pavilion. Five hundred dollars have been de posited with the Coos Bay Times as a stake binding a match for $250 a side bet. Jack Williams of Dawson and Charley Ross of North Bend will fight a twenty-round glove contest to take place May 2G, 1907, at North Bend at 3 p. in, The gate receipts are to.be divided, 75 per cent to the winner and 25 per cent to the loser. Both men have put up their own side bet. The contest Is to be held at the North Bend pavilion. Williams will train at Marshfield and Koss at North Bend. This promises to be the best contest over held on the Bay. HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE IS DECLARED A TIE Mesdames Kaufman and Sengstacken Acted as Judges and Occasion Was Interesting One. Pupils of the eighth grade of the Marshfield high school held a debate Saturday. The subject was, "Re solved, That the American system of tariff protects tho trusts." Miss Helen Bradley was leader for the af firmative and Chauncey Glarke was leader for tho negative. Mrs. Seng stacken and Mrs. I. S. Kaufman acted as judges and declared the de bate a tie. AVEATHER FORECAST. Oregon, AVaslilngton, Idaho, occasional rain. LOCAL AVEATIIER. The local weather for yester- day, as reported by Dr. Mlngus, the Marshfield observer, fol- lows: Highest 8S degrees Lowest ,,.,,..40 degrit'H 0 jt, in. ....... BO degree VNiWSSii(VVSrfNSSWrfNASSS FILE SUIT FOR SUM OF $2,500 Diers Brothers of North Bend Ask Heavy Recompense From Sain and Keith. COUNTER BILL FILED Case AVill Come Up For Hearing In Sextcmber Term of Circuit Court. Diers Brothers, real estate firm of North Bend, has filed suit against Sain & Keith, former proprietors of the Coos Bay Harbor, for the sum of $2,500. Maybee & Keith, North Bend attorneys, will represent Diers Broth ers in the pending suit. The plain tiffs ask for recompense for the use of the plan of the Coos Bay Harbor t and also personal services. Messrs. Sain & Keith have filed a counter bill for the sum of $5,000. The case will come up In the Sep tember term of the circuit court. SLUETHS ARE IN FORGE AT BOISE As Result of Moyer-"'aywood Trial City Is Overcrowded With Watchful Eyes. PINKERT0NS ARE THERE Also an Army of Newspaper Men Representing Papers In the Northwest. Boise, Idaho, May 11. There has never before In American been a small city so infested with detectives as Boise, Idaho, today. This is a result of the pending trial of Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone, who are ac cused of being Instrumental in the assassination of the late ex-Governor Steunenberg. "Boise's population is one of the strangest I have ever seen any where," said a detective. "The town is overrun with watchful oyes. As the trial Is so important and involves such interests, everyl possible precau tion is being taken to prevent trouble. "There are many secret service agents on the ground. Some of them have been there for months. Tho se cret service department has been call ing in agents from nil sections of the country and sending them to Boise. Some of these agents are so well known that their business Is known. Others aro not even known to one another. These latter aro doing the real secret service work. They are scattered among the tough element, and some of them are hob-nobbing with the agitators, where they will be in a position to secure Inside Informa tion If anything is to be pulled off. Plnkertons are well represented. They aro as numerous as tho secret service boys, but the Pinketrons nre all under cover, with one or two ex ceptions. They, too, are mouchlng around wher the storm center Is sup posed to be. "Besides these agents and opera tives there are a dozen more private detectives who aro there on their own hook, getting wise to tho situation and looking for a chance to get on a payroll. On the other hand, tho labor organization Is not without Its own detectives, who aro carefully watch ing the moves of the opposition," o POLICEMEN Street Cars In San Francisco Re sume Operations Under heavy Detail of Officers. GOVERNOR ARRIVES Has Conference AVith Mayor Schmitz Regarding Advisability of Call- ing Out State Militia. San , Francisco, May 11. For tho first time since the commencement of tho street car strike a week ago the United- railroads today operated cars withjfpassenger traffic. During the late hours of the 'forenoon and until 5 o'clock In the evening about 1,000 men and women were carried. Only two of twenty line composing the system were operated the Sutter and Eddy street lines. Fifteen cars were run on the former and ten on the latter. One hundred and twenty five non-union motormen and conduc tors manned these cars. About 500 policemen, a few of them mounted, guarded the streets over which the cars were operated. Acts of violence occurred at various points during the day and hoots and jeers were mingled with cheers and shouts of approval, but there were no serious outbreaks further. This was the first actual attempt to resume op eration of the cars. Nevertheless, the officials of the company express no elation at the day's results. They say if it required 500 policemen to make possible the carrying of passengers in twenty-five cars over two miles of track they have no great hope that the 700 officers comprising the entire force will be able to safeguard 450 carSjOver 150 miles of lines. Que" of the most important happen ings of the day was the arrival of Governor Gillett, who came from Los Angeles to personally investigate the strike situation and determine whether the calling out of the militia Is required. The governor soon after his arrival had a conference In the Ferries building with Mayor Schmitz, General Louck and General Wankew skl and a number of other prominent citizens. Signed statements were received by the governor from President Cal houn of the company and President Cornelius of the union, setting forth their respective sides of the contro versy. Calhoun had a private confer ence which lasted over an hour. Gil lett himself witnessed one of tho day's acts of violence In which the union workmen in a building at Kearney andSutter streets bombarded a car loaded with passengers with stones and brick. WOULD TAKE PIERCE AUSTIN TO TEXAS Director In Big Oil Company Wanted In That State On Perjury Charge. St. Louis, Mo., May 11. After hearing arguments today in the United States circuit court concern ing a habeas corpus writ applied fo; by counsel representing II. Clay Pierce, chairman of the board of di rectors of the AVaters-Plerco OH com pany, to prevent him from being taken to Texas to answer an indict ment charging Pierce with having committed perjury In making an affi davit at Austin, Texas, in May, 1900, Federal Judge Adams late today took tho case under advisement until May 15. Sheriff Mathews of Austin sat in the courtroom today, ready to take Pierce Into custody and start to Texas with him tonight In case Judgo Adams denied the writ. Banco Draws Crowd. A large crowd attended the social dance given last evening In Sumner. This will probably be one of the last dances of tho season. First Time Here. AV. M. Law of Spokane, AVash., is the guest for a few days of M. D. Poyntz. This Is Mr. Law's first trip into this country. He is here for a pleasure trip. WILD EXCITEMENT ON BOARD OF TRADE NEAV MEXICO DISASTER. El Paso, Texas, May 11. AVord has been received that the west bound passenger train on the Southern Pacific which left here this afternoon has been wrecked near Lordsburg, N. M. Ten people aro said to be killed and about 40 injured.. The par- ticulnrs have not yet been re- eclved. The wrecking train, with several surgeons, left here at U:.'i5 for the wreck. IS Wins Over Harvard By Three Fourths of Length In Spectacular Boat Race. OTHER COLLEGE MEETS Ynlc AVins Over Princeton nt Track Meet by Score of 51 to 50. Boston, May 11. Harvard was outgeneraled today and out-rowed by the 'varsity eight from the Columbia university of Now York on the Charles river, whtn tho crow from Cambridge was defeated by three- fourths of a length over -the. course- of one and seven-eighths miles. Har vard started in too Into for any hope of victory. Her spurt was made at the end of the course. Columbia's timo was 9 minutes and 1G seconds. Harvard's was two seconds slower. The race was spectacular, Harvard's magnificent try for vlstory on tho home stretch drawing much enthu siasm. Ynlo AA'ins.' The contest was a tie at 48 points, when Dray of Yale cleared the bar In the pole valut at 11 feet and 3 Inches, beating Vinson and winning tho meet. Yale won the track meet with Princeton by a score of 54 to 50. SETTLES ON COOS RAY. Charles Erickson of North Dakota Buys Ranch. Charles O. Erickson of North Da kota has purchased a farm on Catch ing Slough, and will make his home on Coos Bay. The sale was made through the agency of the A street real estate man, Harlan Stacy. Comes From Tulsa. L. P. Clifton, an architect who has been living at Tulsa, I. T., Is coming to Coos Bay to open up an office. There are now several former TuUa people on the Bay. 1 T WHITEKOUSE POSSIBILITY SAYS HE IS NOT A CANDIDATE FOR HIGHER PUBLIC OFFICE New York, May 11. rGovernor Hughes Is not, according to a state ment made by hm tonight, a candi date for political honors higher than ho now has. In an address bofoio tho Brooklyn Young Republican clul Governor Hughes declared ho asked nothing so far as ho was personally concerned, as he kiow enough about the cares bt public life not to cherish any Illusions on the subject. He said he wished, howover, to see tho repub .lean party redeem Its pledges and llvo up to Its opportunities. Unusual Interest was attached to Frantic Efforts are Made By Bears to Get From Under The Advance. EEAR CROP SHORTAGE Said That Cold AVenthcr Has Acted as Serious Detriment to tho Planting. Chicago, May 11. AVlId exMte ment such as has not been seen on tho board of trade since I he "black rust" scare of 1904 existed today when wheat, which has ben steudil.v advancing for several days, took an other jump of more than tinea cents. Frantic cffoits wero made by tho bears to get from under tho advance but they wero met by a demand which came from all parts of tho country and swept everything befcie It. Tho high mark for Juiy option was 91 c, for September 93 nnl for December 95V&C. All options closed very close to tho high murk and with the bullish feeling still un abated. The cause of tho up turn which has taken place in tho last few days is widespread and it is the be lief that this year's crop of whits' wheat will show a big decrease ts coinrared with that of 109C. Tic cold weather in the west and north west, tho freezing temperatures In the Canadian northwest and the dam ago said to have been done in tho southwest by the green bug, aidod tho rush upward. It was reported here today from AVlnnlpeg that not more than one fifteenth of tho estimated acroago had thus far been seeded In tho provlnco of Manltobn. The local trrfacrir'wenr of 'the opinion " that wheat had been advancing too rap Idly during tho last few days and that a ruction was dut So many orders pr.i red in from all ore tho r'.imlry, howcer, that it was certain the ex pected setback would not come until later in tho day. Ouro trading was In full swing orders from over tho country omno so fast and in such numbers that tho local crowd was carried boforo it. Despite this elfoits were made from time to time by the sl'cts to stem (o advance and once they forced -ho price of uly option down cents. This was oiI tem porary. A flood uf buying oden" con tinued and wlm tho market clos d prices wero close to the high mr''k of the day and the movemi.r seemed to have lost no force. BASEBAL SCORES. Puclflc Coast League. Los Angeles, May 11. Lo Angeles it, San Francisco !. San Francisco, May 11. Oakland 4, Portland . Northwest League. Seattle, May 11. Seattle ., Vancouver 0. Governor Hughes' utterances tonight in view of a motion by ox-Govorno? Odoll at the republican fltnto commit tee meeting today endorsing Hughed for president. Tho motion was promptly tabled, but It was thought proper that Hughes . liould refer to tho Incident In his address. His dis claimer of porsonal ambltlos, how ever, was tho only romark that could l.osslbly bo applied to tho subja;l. Hughes spoke in favor of the publl'i rervlco bill sow before the logbla turo. Tho people demunded the bill, he said, and It was tho republlcau party's duty to pass It, 4 il