TT"y - 1 i w -1 mmJ mm i-r-JEE?x- -vV rr-3ri 31 The M 1 Of t ie if By VAUGHAN O Copyright, 1001, by ( Continued from Friday.) CHAPTER XVII. RYDER'S murder furnished AntI och with u sensation the like o' which It had not known h many c day. It was ouo long, breathless BluuMer, rumlflcd with con tingent horrors. Dippy Ellsworth remembered that f,wlicu ho drOvo up In his cart on tho night of tho tragedy to light tho street lamp which stood on the corner by tho Herald oflico ills horse had balked and refused to go near tho curb. It was ..'generally conceded that tho sagacious brute smolled blood. Dippy himself said ho would not sell that horse for $1,000. and It was admitted on all sides that such an animal possessed n value liard to reckon in mere dollars and conts. Three men recalled that they hud passed the Ilerald oflico and noticed n'that the door stood open. Within twen- f jy.four hours they were hearing groans I and within a week cries for help, but K they wero not encouraged. I p. Of course tho real hero was Cob Bcn- i I; nett, Ryder's assistant, who hud dis- povcred tho body when ho went back A to tho oflico at half past 8 to close tho forms, nis account of the finding of Kydor dead on tho floor was an ex it cbcdlngly grizzly narrative, delightful ly conducive of the shivers. He had been the quietest of youths, but two ipocks after the murder he left for Chi cago, lie said there might bo thoso jyho could stnnd Jt, but Antloch was Too slow for him. I 'Not less remarkable was Ityder's ffpostliumoua fame. Men who had nev pcr known him In life now spoko of lilru with Jrcmbllug voices and every jpotitwnrd evidence of the slhcerest sor Srbw. It was us If they had sustained pa' personal loss, for his championship "of tho strike had given hhn a great popularity, ' and his murder, growing dut of this championship, at all pro Sfrrod to believe, made his death scorn fa, species of martyrdom. -ilndjcd, ihp' mere fact that he had been ni..Jercd would have been sulll Iclcnt to i mke him popular nt niiy time. Silo hou tf .prilled Antloch with a glorl Iqus sensation. It wab something to talk over and discuss and shudder at, .. and tho town was grateful and happy ,yjth"tiio deup, calm joy of a perfect emotion. -It determined to give hhn a funeral ; vhlch should bo creditable alike to the 'Jcanso for which ho had died and to tho , manner of his death. " '.Meanwhile Dan had been arrested, fiexiiuilnod and sot at liberty again in fiHie faco of tho prevailing sentiment i fihat ho should bo held. No one doubt ; ed ho himself least of nil that Roger 'Oakley hud killed Ryder. Rob llenuott 1 recalled their meeting as ho left tho Lwiicu 10 go nomu lor supper on ino ,ulght of tho murder, nnd a red and ;1vellow bandanna handkerchief was Mound under tho table, which Dan '(identified ns having belonged to his father. V. Kenyon enmo to Antloch and nnido jls ro-olectlon almost curtain by the ' offer of a reward of $300 for the arrest ..and conviction of tho murderer. This stimulated a wonderful measure of nc- U tivlty. Parties of men nnd boys wero '""soon scouring tho woods and holds In - ,,i quest of the old convict. ' The day preceding that of the funcr- . nl a dusty countryman on a hard rid- ) den plow horse dashed Into town with the news that a man who answered perfectly to tho description of Rosier .""Oakley had boon seen tho nleht before f twenty-six miles north of Antloch, at a place called Harrow's Sawmills, where ho had stopped at a store and made a number of purchases. Then ho hud struck off through tho woods. It was also learned that he bad eaten his breakfast tho morning after the mur der at u farmhouse midway between Antloch and Barrow's Sawmills. Tho farmer's wife had at his request put up a lunch for hhn. Later In tho day a man nt work In a field had soon and f spoken with him. There was neither railroad, telegraph nor telephone at Barrow's Sawmills, , i'nd tho fugltlvo had ovldently cou- i phlered it sufo to venture Into tho i rfHlacp, trusting that ho was ahead of ( ftho news of his crime. It was on the , dgo of ll sparsely settled district, and i .Jo tho north of it wns tlio unbroken wilderness stretching away to tho I lakes and tho Wisconsin line. ' 'Tho morning of tho funeral an extra v edition of tho Herald was issued, which , contained a glowing account of Ryder's ,,IIfo and achievements. It was an open secret that it was from the gifted pen of Kenyou. This notable enterprise . jyas ono of tho wonders of tho day. Everybody wanted n Herald as a sou syonlr of the occasion, and nearly COO . copies wero sold. All that morning tho country people -, Iti unlumrd of numbers Hocked Into w town. As Clarence remarked to Snide, jjt was Just llko a circus day. Tho noon train from Buckhorn Junction arrived crowded to tho doors, ns did itho 1 o'clock train from Harrison. J&ntloch had never known anything 4pkii It. , The funeral wns at 2 o'clock from tho , little whlto frutno Methodist church. i)Ut lone before the appointed hour It i' i fcimahMMiaJMli i Ajjim ' ii iiiiimifciiiliiiiiiiiiirtriii i i i i iiiiiiiilM i ilimiiiwi i imiMnHmittlaiiHiiiiml THE DAJiji. .HTW)i anaei 5 irlL KESTER. Harper Brotticri crowuc i to tlio verge ot -i!ocn-niid tlio anxious, waltln throng owed uiin the yard i street tlt.i j v. ii never a Iio. of wodcr'-". 'ato the 1 1 ie ing. much less sccurl ' , -Jts. . delegation of tho " -"rs, the ; Men's Kenyon ch , of which a member, aim i represent i auvt body of citi'.eus oi i.-d the re j mains to the church. Th . were the people he had Jeered at, whose simple joys he had ridiculed and whoso griefs ho had made light of. but they would gladly have forgiven him his sarcasms oven had they known of them. Ho had become a hero and a martyr. Chris Berry nnd Cap Roberts were In charge of tho arrangements. On the night of the murder tho former had beaten his rival to the Herald otllco by exactly three minutes and had never left Ryder" until he lay in the most cost ly casket In his shop. It was ndmltted afterward by thoughtful mon who wero accustomed to weigh their opinions carefully that Mr. Williamson, the minister, had nev er delivered so moving an address or one that contained so obvious a moral. Tho drift of his remarks was that tho death of their brilliant nnd distinguish ed follow townsman should servo ns a warning to nil that there was no time llko the present In which to prepare for the life everlasting. Ho assured his audience that each hour of existence should be ttovoted to consecration and silent testimony; otherwise, what did it avail? It was not enough that Ryder had thrown tlio weight of his personal influence and exceptional talents on tho side of sound morality and civic usefulness. And ns ho soared on from point to point his hearers soared with him, and when ho rounded In on each well tried climax they rounded in with hhn. He never failed them once. They always know what ho was going to say beforo It was said and wero ready for the thrill when tho thrill was due. It might have seemed that Mr. William son was paid a snlary merely to make an uncertain hereafter yet more un comfortable and uncertain, but Antloch took Its icllglon hot, with a shiver and a threat of blue flame. When Mr. Williamson sat down Mr. Kenyon rose. As a layman he could bo entirely eulogistic. He was sure of1 the faith which through life had been tho striding star of tho departed. He hnd bvon it instanced by numerous acts of eminently Christian benevolence. nnd on those rare occasions when ho had spoken of his hopes and fears ho had, In spite of his shrinking modesty, shown that his standards of Christian duty wero both lofty and consistent. Hero the Hon. Job Barrows, who had been dozing peacefully, awoke with a start and gazed with wide, bulging eyes at the speaker. Ho followed Mr. Kenyon, and, though ho tried hard, he couldn't recall any expression of Ry der's, at the Red Star bur or elsewhere, which indicated that there wus any spiritual uplift to his nature which ho fed at secret altars; so ho pictured the friend and citizen, nnd the dead fared well at his bauds, perhaps better than he was conscious of, for ho said no more than he believed. Then came tho prayer nnd hymn, to be succeeded by u heavy, solemn pause, ' aud Mr. Williamson stepped to the front of tho platform. "All those who euro to view tho re mains mid I presume there are many here who will wish to look upon tho fnco of our dead friond before It is couvoyed to Its final resting place will please form In lino at tho rear of the edlllco and advance quietly up tho ' right aisle, passing across the church I ns quickly as posslblo and thenco down Iho loft nlslo and on out through tho door. This will prevent confusion nnd i make it much pleasanter for all." There was a rustle of M;Irts and the nwkwurd shullllug of many foot ns tho congregation tormed In lino; then It filed slowly up the aisle to where Chris Berry stood, weazened nnd dry, with a vulture look on his faco and a vul ture touch to his bunds that now nnd again picked at tho flowers which wero banked about the collln. 'iho Kinorys, partly out of regard for public sentiment, hud attended the fu-, for, as the doctor said, they wero u only real friends Griff hud In tho town. They hud known nnd liked him when the rest of Antloch wns .dubl- i ously critical of tho newcomer, whoso , ways wero not Its ways. When the congregation thronged up the aisle Constance, who had endured tho lung service, which to her was un speakably grotesque nnd horrible, hi ' shocked If silent rebellion slipped her mum into nor inotners.' "Tnko mo uway," sho whispered brokenly, "or I shall cry out! Take mo away!" Mrs. Emory hesitated. It seemed a desertion of a trust to go and leave- Griff to thoso strangers, who had been i brought there by morbid curiosity, Constance guessed what was passing In her mind, "Papa will remain If It Is necessary." Mrs. Emory touched tho doctor on the shoulder. "We're going home, i John; Constance doesn't foel well; but j you stay." When they reached tho street tho Inst vestige of Constance's self control vanished utterly. "Wnsu't It awful!" she sobbed. "And Ills life had only Just begun! And to bo snuffed out llko this, when there was overythlug to i nut i COOS I1A1 TJMUS, AlAR3iiJliJA, OREGON, SATtKDAl, MAY" li, nl? 'IT mt". Emory, 'ij ris-ei a' tlio m" u'-u show of feeling, looked into her daugh teris face. Constonco understood the look. "No, nol Ho was only a friond! He could never have been inoie than that. Poor, poor Griff!" "I am glad for your soke, dearie," said Mrs. Emory gently. "I wasn't very kind to hhn at the last, but I couldn't know I couldn't know," she moaned. She was not much given to these confidences oven with her mother. Usunlly she never questioned tho wis dom or righteousness of her own acts, and It was not her habit to put them to tho tost of a less generous judgment, but oho was remembering her last meeting with Ryder. It had been the day before his death. Ho had told her that ho loved her, and she had flared up. furious and resentful, with the dull, Jiccuslng ache of many days In hor heart and a cruel readiness to mnke him suffer. She had tried to convince herself afterward that It was only his vnulty thnt was hurt. Then she thought of Oakley. She had been thinking of him nil day, won dering whore ho was. If ho had left Antloch, and not daring to ask. Thev were going up tho path now toward the house, and she turned to her moth er again. "What do they say of Mr. Oakley I moan Mr. Dan Oakley? I don't know why, but I'm more sorry for him than I am for Griff. Ho has so much to bear!" "I heard your father say he was still bore. I suppose be has to remain. Ho can't choose." "What will bo done with his father if he is captured? Will they" She could not bring herself to finish the sentence. "Goodness knows! I wouldn't worry about him," said Mrs. Emory In a tone of considerable asperity. "Ho made nil the trouble, and I haven't a particle of patience with him!" CHAPTER XVIII. Y 3 o'clock the saloons and stores. which had closed at noon, open ed their doors, nnd Antloch emerged from tho shadow of Its funeral gloom. By 4 o'clock a long procession of car riages and wagons was rumbling out of town. Thoso who hnd come from n distance were going home, but many lingered In tho hope that tho excite ment wns not all past. An hour later a rumor reached Antl och that Roger Oakley had boon cap tured. It spread about the streets like wildfire nnd penetrated to tho stores and saloons. At first It was not be lieved. Just who was responsible for the ru mor no ouo know, nnd no ono cared, but soon tho additional facts wero be ing vouched for by a score of excited men that a search party from Bur row's Sawmills, which had been trail ing tho fugltlvo for two days, had ef fected his capture after a desperate fight In tho northern woods and wero bringing hhn to Antloch for Identifica tion. It was generally understood that If tho prisoner proved to' bo Roger Oak ley ho would be spared the uncertainty of a trial. The threat was niado openly that ho woultl bo strung up to the first convenient lamp post. As Mr. Britt re marked to a customer from Harrison for whom ho was mixing a cocktail: "It'd bo a pity to keep a man of his years waiting; and what's tho use of spending thousands of dollars for a conviction anyhow when everybody knows ho done it?" At this Juncture Jim Brown, tho sher iff, and Joo Weaver, the town marshal, wero seen to cross the square with an air of importance nnd preoccupation. It wns noted casually that the right bund coat pocket of each sagged sug gestively. They disappeared Into Mo- Elroy's "very stable. Fifty men and boys rushed precipitately In pursuit and were just In time to 'see tho two officers pass out at tho back of the sta ble and jump Into a light road cart that stood In tho ulley. A moment later and they were whirling off uptown. All previous doubt vanished instant ly. It was agreed on all sides that they wero probably acting on private infor mation and had gono to bring in tho prisoner. So strong was this conviction that a number of young men whoso teams wero hitched about the square promptly followed, aud soon uu uux lous cuvulcado emptied itself into tlio dusty country road. Just beyond tho corporation Hue tho North streot, ns it was called, forked. Mr. Brown and his companion hud tak en tho road which bore to the west aud led straight to Barrow's Sawmills. Those who were first to roach the forks could btlll seo tho road cart a bluck dot iu tho distance. Tho afternoon passed, nnd the dusk of evening came. Those of the towns people who were still hanging about the square went homo to supper. Un less u man could hire or borrow n horse there was uot much temptation to start off on a wild gooso chase, which, after all, might cud only at Barrow's Saw mills. Fortunately for hhu, Dan Oakley had gone to Chicago that morning, Intend ing to seo Holloway and resign. In view of what had happened It was Im possible for him to remain In Antloch. nor could General Cornish expect him to. Milton McCllutock was at supper with his family when Mrs. Stapleton, who uvea next uoor, broko In upon them without ceremony, crylug ex citedly. "They've got him, nnd they're golup to lynch him!" Then sho as suddenly disappeared. .McCllutock from where he sat, holding a piece of bread within an Inch of his lips nnd his mouth wldo open to re ceive It, could seo her through tho window, her gray hair dlsheeled and tosned about her face, rmimig from house to house, a gam r In flap- uliia calico skirls. -t tmmmliiJIuliliittltlia HJBWi ii nim,tilfcirliiinr-Ti lie spuing to jIs feet when ho saw her nulsu around tho corner of Lou Bentlck's house ncross tho way. "You keep the children In, Mnry." ho said sharply. "Don't let them luto tho street." Aud, snatching up his hat and coat, ho made for tho door, but his wife was there ahead of him and threw her arms about his neck. "For God's sake, Milt, stay with tho boys and mo!" she ejaculated. "You don't know whnt mny happen 1" Outside they heard the trampling of many feet coming nearer nnd nearer. They listened breathlessly. "You don't know what may happen!" sho repeated. "Yes, I do, and they mustn't do It!" unclasping her hands. "Jim will bo needing help." Tho sheriff was his wife's brother. "He's promised mo he'd hnng tho old man himself or no ono else should." There was silence now In tho street. Tho crowd had swept past tho house. "But tho town's full of strnugers. You can't do anything, nnd Jim can't!" "We can try. Look out for the chil dren!" And he was gone. Mrs. McCllutock turned to the boys, who wero still nt tho table. "Go up stairs to your room and stay there until I tell you to como down," sho com manded peremptorily. "There, don't bother mo with questions!" For Joe, tho youugost boy, was already whim pering. The other two, with whlto, scared faces, sat bolt upright in their chairs. Some danger threatened. They didn't know what this danger was, and their very Ignorance added to their terror. "Do what I say!" she cried. At this they left the table and marched toward tho stairs. Joe found courage to say: "Ain't you coming too? George's afraid." But his mother did not hear him. She was at the window closing the shutters. In the next yard she saw old Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Stapleton's mother, carrying her potted plants Into tlio houso and scolding In a shrill, querulous voice. McCllutock, pulling on his coat as lie ran, hurried up tho street past tho little whlto frame Methodist church. The crowd had the start of him, and the town seemed deserted except for the women and children who were ev erywhere, at open doors and windows, some pallid and pitying, sonio ugly witn tuo brutal excitement they had caught from brothers or husbands. As ho passed tho Emorys' ho heard his name called. Ho glanced around and saw the doctor standing on tho porch with Mrs. Emory and Constance. "Will you go with me, McCllutock?" the physician cried. At tho same mo ment tho boy drove his team to the door. McCHntock took the fence at a bound and ran up tho drive. "There's no time to lose," he panted. "But," with a sudden, sickening senso of helplessness, "I don't know that wo can stop them." "At least he will not be alone." ' It wns Constance who spoko. She was thinking of Oakloy as struggling single handed to save his father from the howling, cursing rabble which had lushed un tho street ten minutes lie- ! fore. "No, ho won't bo alone," said McCHn tock, not understanding whom It was sho meant. He climbed in beside tho doctor. "You haven't seen him?" the latter asked as he took tho reins from the boy. "Seen who?' "Dun Oakley." "He's on his way to Chicago. Went tills morning." "Thank God for that!" Aud he pull ed in his horses to call back to Con stance that Oakley hnd left Antloch. A look of Instant relief came into her faco. He turned ugaiu to McCllutock. "This Is a bad business." "Yes, we don't want no lynching, but It's lucky Oakley isn't here. I hadn't thought of what he'd do If ho was." "What a pity ho ever sent for his fa ther! But who could have foreseen this?" said the doctor sadly. McCllu tock shook his head. "I can't believe tho old man killed Ryder in cold blood. "Why, he's ns gen tle ns a lamb." As they left the town off to tho right In a field they saw a bareheaded wom an racing after her two runaway sons, nnd then tho distant shouts of men, mingled with the shrill cries of boys, reached their eurs. Tho doctor shook out his relus nud plied his whip. "What if we ore too late!" ho said. For answer McCllutock swore. He was fearing that himself. Two minutes later and they wero up with tho rear of the mob, where It 'btraggled along on foot, sweating nnd dusty nnd hoarsely articulate. A little farther on nnd it was lost to sight In a thlckoted dip of the road. Out of this black shadow buggy after buggy flash ed to show lu tho red dusk that lay on tho treeless hillside beyond. On the mob's either flunk, but keeping well out of the reach of their elders, slunk nnd skulked the village urchins. "Looks as If all Antloch was hero to night," commented McCllutock grimly. "So much the better for us. Surely they are not nil gono mad," answered the doctor. "I wouldn't give a button for his chances." ' The doctor drovo recklessly Into the crowd, which scattered to the right and loft. McCllutock, bending low, scanned the faces which wero raised toward them. 'Tho whole township's here. I don't know ouo in teu," ho said, straighten Itu: uu. (To be continued.) i Now Ready' VHQTEL OREG isuw nnu iuouuti Srunmo uooms in Cnnction NORTH BEND, ORE. l"?'m3'1''l".llnt';iU'"!"t' i""'!. ln The C. B., A & t R. R. and Navigation Co. TUAIivsCHKDULK VO. 2. In Cffcct January 1, 1I)0. All prelous schedules arc void. Suhjecl to change without notice. W. S. Chandler, manager; F. A. Lalse, freight agent; general offices, Marshflejd, Oregon. Net 1. Trains. D.llly Except Kunday, Stations. Leave 9100 a. in.Marshfleld. 9130 a. m.B. II. Junction. 9:hG a. m.CoquIllc. Arrive 10130 a.m.jMyrtlo Point. No Dally Exceut Leave 10V45 . c. IMyrtle Point. 10:3NQ r m.lCoquiilo. 12:00NA B. II. Junction. Arrive 12:30 pi.Marshflcld. Extra 'trains ill run on dally and from special orders. nlns to Beaver Hill dally. 1 RINK An n ouricements: Opeli iilteriji ternoo i and even- int,' 2 to p and 7 Xo w CK dnvoulv fences 2-1 (T jit for F-kijt?. lo cQiit.s for iir own ileuts ndi eniun c ittenttun anveu to burinners lA'cry 1 nftor- nponJ t Host of oidoi always! tniiictl. I JU i-ivery, Manag;er - k rZr.i-.-j 7-t i.rT-.".7Wm..'?H" NalsDi Iron Works I I'. U. NELSON, Prop , Wo reiyiit nil kfnda if Machinery, bicara nriil (Jim CiikIucs, (Inn and 111- :3!L'k'!. VCIL'S. f llcut of work our fcpfdiilty, V 1 We mu 1 1 n fiin I inimiincimc Ui meCiiittiJslii I ron nud Ilidnzo for Snw Mill 11 itiiil LouKflir: Camps. Wo miike thi SIll'HVl'S nud Ilbitd Spool), for Lngwrs, I 7 TELEPHONE? LEl'IIONEt! MARSHFIELD OREGON i t R H. BRIQiiAM AICHITECTND SUPERINTENDENT s and FnecificaYins for all mildinga. rth Bend, PHONE MASTERS & flLAIN MarslinVldiind NortlABenu CONTRACTORS FOR Wood and bfono block pavUnonts, macadam alul plank stieefe, row er and watfrlmains, coniuilt Hide walks nndfeujhs, plain innl rein forced concrete for buildiijt'. foun dations nad retaining wajlg. Fireproqtingfyul asphalt roofing viiiHui-u rui-KBium imiKung stone. lining luui excavating. Steam Dye I C Street. LadieslnndGents'garii-eifts clean- 1 eu or dyed, 1 Philip Becker, Proprikor. r -&&...-j.Li...- a V I Suiila" 'I ii I nsowof Kink thiSc Ubiiiit r-kniesi tin 10 pis'don to IJCIU1I -.! Snccijil i '"""(B" nnifinj nvi'i nam IUun made cliiFPeA of OiV 5HI ii WH,NWW I'ljwwwwrw Business Directory m Doctors. E. JS. STRAW, IM. D. PHYSICIAN UNI) SUWIKON Diseases 6f tne Eye, JSnr, Nose and Throat a Hnccialty. Olhce in Look hurt's Isuiliiiug. Marshfiold, Oregon DR. IIAYDOK Oniouopnoslto Union Fnrnfturu Store Jliuir 10 to l'unil 2 to r.3 Sjipolnl uttuntfoii ulifd to dlK'Hen of lliu fkln nrlimrv nail ill('i"jvc orgiilm U. S'. I'rntlou exiuifinei Mnrshlicld, Oregor l)K. ,1. V. INCJKAM, Physician and Surgeon Ofllce over Soqgstncken'B Drug Sto Phones Ofllce 1621; residence 78 IS. M. RICHARDSON, Physicti in and Surgeon. Diseases of c; a specialty. Oflico it o, ear, nose aud throat Eldorado Block. !-awycrs. (KIN. Attbriieynt-Lnw. City Attorned. Deputy DIst. Att'y. Lnckhart Building. Marshilold, Ore hone 44. J. M. UPTOI A t f orii cy-a t -Li, w. Marshfleld. Oregon. .. W. IIRNNISTT, Oflico over Flanagan & Benott Dank. f- nrshfield, 1 - - - Oregon c i Mcknight, Attoriiey-al-Luw Upstairs, Be nett & Walter block. Marshfleld, Oregon. W. SNOVKU Attorney-ut-Law Ofllce: Rogers building Murshfleld, Oregon COKK X COKi:, Attoi'iioy-at-Lniv. Mnruhfleld, Oregon IMXM-2Y MAVUHE, AttorncyfJ-at-Li Ofllce over Myers' Store. Phono 701 .. . North Bend. Ore. . North Late 'Acer Real Estate 'Acents. lZl) - 1)1 101 1 l) COMPANY .Nv. . Real Esbito North Bond Oregon McPlierson GinW Co. , V Wholesale liquor dealers r: V i i l igara ami saioon sup plies, urolccrs H i H ' I I California UYines a Specialty I g FrontSt., Marahfleid 1 i Cops Bay I Steam Laundry I I H MARWIELD nd NORTH BEND IV 'I - m Alswork now cb'pe at thflNorth Bend Riant I . 1 ogar Mauzey 1 Agent, Marstlfield I J I 1 North BndPhonrf 1031 Marshfield Phorul 1804 di