EZZl 1 T."i- tiWriffA-"'""" " ' ITIA, t;:g!Mpyg'TJy?''' "' i uRVim9f4'' i' ""'"' ' ""'"' r t f THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. SIAKSIIFIELI), OKEGOX, SATUKDAY, 100 (Eons Utay cutmps AN ISDRrEXnE.VT ItEICIILtCAN XEWSPU'BR FUBLISHEtl EVERY DW BXCEtTUVO 3IOS Y AND LSO WEEKLY BY The Cooi Bay Times I'cblisiii.vo Go. FRED PASLEY, Editor. REX LARGE, Bi-sixek Manager. The pohcv of The Coos Bay Times irlll be Kepublican in politics, with the Independence of which President Itooge- velt ig the leading esiwnent. tlons, but it will be so slight that none can afford to do without it. The street commissioner will figure out just what it will cost to pay for the oil, with freight and cost of sprinkling added, and consumers will get the whole thing at actual cose. Let the good work go on, and it is hoped that many more care wnl be required to meet the demand. Entered t the poto(Bee at MrhBelI. Ore gon, for lrnmiioti through the inaflt second clas iuilnt: r. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Single copy, daily, - - 5 cents Per mouth, daily, - - 50 cents Three months, doily, - - $1 25 Six months, daily - - ?2 50 One year, daily, - - - $5 00 Weekly, per year - - - 1 00 Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES MarshlicJd. Oregon. AXOTHKK CLKAX-VI DAY. Some earnest efforts were made Friday to improve the appearance of the city. A stranger coming here, however, could not notice any enter that of War. We have not one such as these. "Some day as sure as Anglo-Saxon blood runs red, there is to be an aw ful war. There are two nations that can contest for the Pacific, and this war will be settled at an awful cost." WAXT Ql'AIIAXTIXE. Governor Chamberlain has been asked to declare a quarantine against the sheepmen In the states of Wash ington, Nevada and California. Those men have been bringing thousands of scabby sheep into the Oregon ranges, with the result that much of marked difference unless he were the stock In this state has become shown jut what streets were cleared. It would take about thirty minutes affected with the scab pest. The just contention of the Oregon sheep for each residenter to clean his or owners Is that all sheep coming to her premises and place the rubbish i the reserves be dipped. This method collected in the street, where the wagons could get them. It ought surely to be 'done today, while the In time eradicates the pest. This vl tal question will no doubt be so set tied as to protect the vast amount city has the use of the wagons and j which the Oregon sheepmen have at ELKCTIMC LINE. The Roseburg-Coos Bay electric road has apparently taken the people of 'the territory affected by storm. The press of the different towns is giving the proposition added impetus every day. When the time conies for the raising of the financial backing there will be no difficulty if the amount of money raised Is in pro portion to the enthusiasm. The fol lowing editorial from the Coquille Sentinel serves as a keynote to the bentiment there: "The proposed electric road be tween this county and Roseburg Is arousing enthusiasm wherever the project has been explained. The peo ple of both counties can see the ben efits that it would bring to the coun- j try, not only in the way of the services of the men. A great deal of time and expense has been gone to, and it will be rendered useless unless each citizen co-operates today. It might be suggested that the school children be asked to do their share. Today is Saturday, and they could spend a few minutes in cleaning up the ground around the house to ex cellent advantage, not only to them- , selves, but to the city. Possibly If ' the mayor or members of the city council were to call on you and make ; a stake. FREIGHT RATES. MAY 11. .. , . .. ,,.. TTEHWBPIM Tr-TTiimriTT-rTVWTigTCTTTrr" -' ' 'i --' "' """ "" """ " "" ' L.,n,.,Anic ' Sl MARSDEN'S COOS BAY BOl 1L,UN wwRno m.p. U-i. e-r-r. ' 3 ROVAI SNFrT'GAMRRN S Hi )1IW BCtK iW " rV . ! A J ' and lw iLi.1,u..i.-r.--n-.OT.-i.inmfrrTCi7TiniTlTrrmM ,,.,...,... j .. A V Le?v' 1 Rnf.t.lRd m A Q.Km . . m--f. 3:1a a Quarts, Pints and One riau Fini5. i . Phone Orders! promptly attended to. I Vhone oi. -.ini mTOmi..t.h.iw .. .u-.li. ..nawBtrrv in -J. i ii mi i-i'nnu'iu jrrTnrvm i ; I FOR S ALE V 7 1 1 B """- ' x h g . ... dj If SIC Acres GoorlPlattingrouna f j ft O X TniWlniH WITH GOAL ! ! hi A i M V T Baker City is having its troubles ' witb freight rates. The city has se cured a local attorney to represent it ' before the Oregon railroad commis sion. The principal complaint is that Baker City pays the same freight rates on the O. R. & N. to Hunting ton, 47 miles, as does Boise to Hunt- ' ington, 101 miles. Discrimination in personal request to take this action i frelShtates by railroads are not just $2000 Cph--BaIancsy Terms Just Soul and 1 wo joining. of C. A. Smith's fliles South of Ma' heTTownsite of Soutn JTH C fi Fori SNi h Saw Mill hfield, ad- arbor . 'EAIER. FLYER Pendcrgrass, Master tlME TAULK. ilarshfleld 7:3o, 9;on !30 a. m and 1:00. 2 in )0 p. m. bs North Benfi at 8:15 rid ll:ll n. m nnd i.r nd 5:00 p. m. iakei dally trip Except Sun. dass. Fare: Ono way, is ceiits; iqund trip, 2q cents. ' t -42Ll'GGS"," I can lfirni.sh the Alloying f l-irrmfr n hrnrl T!crfrc nf $2&0 Per Setthlg PJTirAle Island Rct arrVd Plvnioutu Jocks rhite Leghorns . eldil Ducks ' JOHN W FLANAGAN fiend in voir orfler! How Eigs Shipped aWjheic in the coil 11 ty. ' j K you would see the Importance of it. The Times columns are used as a me dium to express the desires of the gentlemen representing the city, be cause it Is obvious that they could not make a personal call on every residenter of Marshfield. appearing, as it does that the inter ests of the smaller cities are being made subservient to the larger ones. ull Particulars of this GENUINE P lntreaitv call upon or write to 1 a ' - PHPL HARRIS Office with C. W. Tower & Son, Marshfield, Oregon ry'w'vyyTJgigaATBglgTZrSKia t V bll Wet Vftur Whlstl JRJ HERRONAProp reet tt 1 Tront 51 RD .Then Blow fannflcM, Orcson transportation of freight and pas sengers, but also as a means of de veloping the resources of the country. An electric road would be cheaper to build and operate than a steam, for PREDICTS AVAR. , In a recent speech at the annual dinner of the Worcester Board of j Trade, Leslie II. Shaw, former sec-1 retary of the treasury, declared that .' mat!c and so11 conditions of the Coos war for the control of the Pacific ' Ba' country. Out of respect to the cheap I ocean wae inevitable (feelings of the contestants in the COUs STRAAVUERRIKS. A. B. Stewart, of Myrtle Point, has received first prize in a straw berry contest that was participated in by growers all over the United States. The awarding of so import ant a prize to products from Coos county speaks volumes for the cli- I I j ruvr.mumPwiVJ-xw'emvv2rnm,7iyttillmri'Ma " " "-- .r1 .-.-..-IIL irfaaiM 1 IF Y0U WANT CASH "I do not wish to pose as a prophet," he said, "but do you sup pose the Pacific will always be a peaceful ocean? God grant that it may. AVe have not a collier, a trans- strawberry contest It Is perhaps just j as well that the contest was limited to one product. . ,. j ' iuo icasuu luuia fcieum ruau 10 maKe , porti pov,.der or supplies to last for It paying must have long trains of 53 hours. Other nations have. There loaded cars ana over easy grades, while an electric, road can make I money on short trains over heavy grades, as high as ten per cent. The ' Roseburg people are as enthusiastic ', over tne road as are the people of ' this county in fact, every part of are many ships in the merchant ser vice of foreign countries which are under contract to leave th oath of commerce at a moment's notice to the two counties are willing to do their share toward uuildlng the road, either by the purchase of stock or by donating their labor. Several men have promised to donate their labor for one month, as they are not able to give money. Such sacrifices on the part of the people show that they are more than anxious to see the road go through "The ch!tf blessing it would confer upon this count ' would be the means of bringing merchandise into this country at a reasonable rate, and make it possible for the busines3 1 men and shippers of this county to get out from the control of the ! Southern Pacific's extortions. It ' would bring the towns of this county in closer relations with each other and they would become better ac quainted. The benefits it would con fer upon t?:-s country It would l" hard to enumerate, as they are to numerous." CO ik&iLS for children; co.fi AHD sura, jVo opiate IJLSIXKSS COLLEGE. j Professor Miller, of Portland, is here looking over the field for a , business college. The course will in- , elude commercial and English stud ies. .With the radius of territory for , which Coos Bay is the convergence, ' there would be no dearth of pupils. Professor Miller should establish the institution before the electric line Is built, and get In on the ground floor. . lanKing Amlconrteou treatment are the und of eV?v dep itor in this bank th numnr of them willing to testify to Can ydu not add vour name to our list? tion tlWrfnlly given by every officer ai of tlfe Ifcnk. First Nai ion a! Bank ofi JOHNS. COO:. Pn-I lnt O B. MrFARLAXD, Cashier yore iYputf t-i V- 1 ITnt 'U HI.VSDALH d right re any s? tacts. orma- director os Dav Vice-I'resident For your Real Estate or Business 1 j&n 3,i No Matter What Your Property is Worth,or in What Towh, City State orTerritory it is Located f If I did not have the abilitvand facilities to tell vour property, i certainly couldj not afford to pay for this advertisement. This "ad" (like all my other Vads") is practically fciire to place on 111V list a number of new properties, and 1 am just as sure to sell .these properties and make enough monev in commissions to pav for the coof these "ads.l' and , make a good profit besides. That is why I have so large a real estate business today; Whv not put vourWoperty among the number that will be sold A a result of these "ads?" I will not only be able to'sell it some time but will be able to ell t quickly. I am a specialist in quick s.lles. I have the most complete and up-to-datu equipment, il have branch oilices through&utrthe country and a field force of men to find biAers. I do not handle all lincslisually can ied by the ordinary real estate agentsi I MUSp' SELL real estate and lots of itj-or go out of bus'ines-. I can" assure you I am not goini; out of business. On the contrary, I espect to find, at the close of tho'year, that lhae t-tld twice as many properties as I did the p.it vear, but it will first be necessary fot me io "list" more properties I wanfto list YOURS and SELL it. It doent 'matter whf-ther 011 have a farm, a home wifhut any land, or a business; it doesn't matter whkt it in worth, or where it is located. If you will fill out the blank letter of inquiry below and mail it to me today, I will tell you hov and why I can nuicklv romprt the nroiiertv into Aslf. and will -" . t . " i 1 ! :neygu iuv cuinpicic pian t FREE OF CHARGE andn tdrasfo mehntl ui. The information I will give you will be of great v. even 11 you -iiouiu uecioe noi 10 sen. lou Had better write todav before vou 1 If you want to buy finy kind of a Farm, House or Luines, in any part of ieu me your requirements ( I will guarantee to fill them promptly and satisfajtoriW. you, he Veountrv David P. Taff, The Larfd Man, 4 1 5 Kan. Ave., foeka, Kas. Oregon Coast Steamship Company. i" a ' i wauiurnia ana uregon coast steamsnip CJL -L A if. . sma'mer inaxi If You Want to Sell Fill in, Cut Out and Mai! Today. Please send, without cost to me, a plan for finding a cash buyer for my property which consists of .Town County State . Following is a brief description Lowest cash Name.. price Address KELLY, Commanding. -SAILING FROM- If You Want to Buy Fill in,Cut Out and Mall Today tv Jo I desire to buy property dorresponding approxi mately w ith the following specifications : Town or County A citv . Price betw een $ 1'einarks. Name down and balanpe State $ I will pay Address it OILIXG TIIK STKKKTS. Much Interest has been manifested regarding the treating of the streets of the cities on the bay. Salem hag decided to give the oil process a test, and it might be advisable to follow the experience of that city. Salem j Journal: The oil Is here. Every-1 body sing. We shall soon have the , streets free from dust. The first car-i load of oil has arrived, and full prep-1 nratlons have been made for putting I it on the streets. At the meeting of , the city council last erening the mat ter was referred to the street com- j mltteo to direct the street commis sioner In the matter of applying it Mayor Rodgers ropqrts that the full arrangements liae been made to place it on the stieets in the most ap proved manner, and all who want the dust laid, either about their premises or places of business, should call up the street commissioner at onco. The cost will be from 10 to 20 cents per foot, according to the local condl- COOS BAM to Portland and Return GEO. 1). GKAY a CO., per.erUl agents, L. SHA'Vj -U'1 .Market bt.. ban rapcisco. Marsh:eld. Phone 441 EEZ2 WJIMTSMa.7raJlt-gW..-;MHLl.iWJItiUJU'AJt;ttlV -r.i.mT7rtFin?.'r'M.wi.' T KfW.m.KW!WKrasrm iEZQSXXS3EaiJ "r,jrvBxz arcs V J"""1" 1IHLIJ,'1T -it,,,., , ifuninimMy, nice line of Postal C s ana Bound dooks NORTON & HANSEN I i . Build Cheap Cottages to Rent A T STEjVIER GARLAND Lea ves MarshficIdcvcry Morninalat 5 a. mX run ning tin? Zoos RivcX to Daniel (Creek. w 1 1 I FREEFACTORYSITEsl I ON DEEP WATER I I Vy A. HARING DoalYf -n Pure Cream Milk and Mtuttermilk. Fri-e de liver) to all parts of die city. South Harbor is near C A. Smith's bfe saw mill want on Isthmus inlet. The coming manufacturing district of Coos Bayji The Souh Harbor Development Co. has special inducements to offer manufacturers desiring locations. I TOWER AND SON Lockhart Building : : : Marshfield, Oregon Hfill est Bunker The Sightly Residence Location Vymg Kight AT the The N cu;-u m:h . . im . a . vyiiitui i-auu. . i ne most. icji Plat Yet Found on Coos Bay John W. Flanagan General Agent, I ew I North Bend, Ocegon ) mmmiimmmpmmmi mm0kmmimim idstuuvjivfrni"-- - ii niiiniiiifcMtfrtiMHM