The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 10, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 6, Image 6

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    r WAjKTf
MiiyiWfcM WwayiB)i
JMi, liAfLi HA Wli
v C ue-, a. m
at a MARINE NEWS a a
Bessie K. Which Has Been Adrift
for Weeks Is Menace
To Vessels.
Wrecked Bout Left Here Some Weeks
Ago in Tow of Another
"Reports emanating from good au
thority in San Francisco are to the
effect that the derelict schooner Bes
sie K, which has been a menace to
coaBt steamship traffic for the past
three months, has again been cast
ndrlft by a vessel which left Coos Bay
some two weeks ago with her In tow,
and that a government revenue cut
tor is now at sea In an attempt to
locate her, that she may be dyna
mited. The Bessie K. has been floating
up and down the coast from Coos Bay
to tho mouth of the Coquillo river
for several weeks, when she was at
last taken in tow about two weeks
ago by a vessel bound for San Fran
cisco. The vessel was unable to tow
her into San Francisco harbor.
Local Merchants Receive Merchan
dise From San Francisco Within
Week After Ordering.
In view of the fact that shipments
of freight aro slow all over the
United States at the present time,
and especially along the coast, the
arrival of a largo shipment of dry
goods consigned to Merchant Bros,
from the L. Dlnkelspeil company of
San Francisco was quite a remarka
ble feat. E. Q. Ingle, representing
the L. Dlnkelspeil Wholesale Dry
Goods company of San Francisco sent
in an order for the goods, and the
firm received them in less than a
week from the sending of tho order.
Heavy Shipments Make Work on tho
Roat Strenuous.
Purser Short of the Alliance has a
now freight clerk assisting him since
ho was last here. On the last trip
made Mr. Short was without holp,
but he decided the work was a little
hard for one man to handle. Frank
Kane, lately In tho employ of the Pa
cific Coast Steamship company, has
accepted the position as freight clerk.
Arrives Sunday.
Notwithstanding tho report pub
lished In one of tho Portland papers
that the steamer F. A. Kllburn would
probably not sail from Portland this
weok, tho local agent, M. D. Poyntz,
reports that tho vessel will arrive
hero Sunday, on her way south.
Schooner Will Leave.
Tho schooner Esther Buhno Is
loaded at tho railroad wharf ready to
go to sea, and will probably leave
down tho bay tnls morning. Captain
Olsen will bo accompanied on this
trip by his entire family.
Will Take Out Heavy Shipment of
Tho steamer Thomas L. Wand ar
rived In this port yesterday after a
thrco days' trip from San Francisco.
Sho carried no freight except a few
drums of dlstlllato for C. F. McCul
lom. Tho Waud will bo loaded with
320,000 feet of lumber from the
Johnson mill at Coquillo, and prob
ably six or seven hundred piles will
ho taken on at North Bond. Tho
cargo is billed for San Pedro. The
vessel will probably sail from hero
Monday. A pleasant trip up tho
coast is roportcd.
Tho Wand loft hero on her last
trip on tho day that tho barge Chi
nook was lost, and a vory heavy sea
was experienced on that trip.
Plant Loads Lumber.
The stcamor M, F. Plant is loading
a cargo of lumber at tho C. A. Smith
mill. She will probably sail Satur
day for San Francisco.
Marseilles, May 0. Accord
ing to dispatches from the
Agents company, the French
steamer I'oltou, was wrecked on
the const of Uruguay. All pas
sengers and crew arc safe. No
credence is given tho report of
a hundred drowned. The crew
remained on hoard until nil
hopes of saving the vessel were
Roat Conies In With Full List of Pas
sengers, Also Lathe and ,
The steamer Alliance arrived from
Portland yesterday with a full cargo
of general freight and carried a full
list of passongers. The vessel will'
sail from this city this afternoon at
1 o'clock.
Among the special shipments car
ried down this trip was a large boiler
for the mill at Pony Inlet and a big
lathe for the C. A. Smith machine
shops. First Officer McDuggan re
ports that there are four large boilers
still on the dock at Portland that are
billed for this port, two of which will
probably be brought down the next
The following persons arrived on
the Alliance from Portland yester
day: Mrs. S. Jones, W. A. Reed, J. A.
Donelson, J. S. Lord, H. O. Faw
sett and family, Mrs. Baker, Mrs.
Thorns and family, F. Busey, W. L.
Greenleaf, Mr. M. Borgard, G. Stew
ert, O. Posing, E. A. Talbot, B. Fran
cis, S. Perkins, G. O. Perkins, C.
Perkins J. S. Hays, A. Arms, M,
Cordin, H. Huxall, H. Koethe, H.
Ran, E. A. Alqulst, Miss H. Larsen,
Miss Hanna Larsen, W. W. Mather,
J. Sedore, J. S. Scrogen and wife,
U. B. Wooley, Miss Wooley, A. A.
Hale, J. M. Robertson, W. C. Irion,
Mrs. Early, Miss Donelly, H. S. Gur
nea, H. P. Gurnea, Mrs. Gurnea and
daughter, Mrs. Watt, F. J. Fox, W.
C. Pettljohn, Misses Krosterman, R.
Pettljohn, J. H. Cullam, Mrs. Tab
bot, W. S. Chandler, A. B. Daly, S.
S. Kennedy, Martha Kennedy, R. B.
Miller, Ely Mrs. Traver, C. S.
Trobrldge, Miss Traver, C. A. Parker,
W. Norlck, G. C. Clayton, A. Goren
son, F. A. Farrell, H. Haskell, W. N.
Watson and family, O. A. Oak, W. C
Dougherty, J. Angus, J. T. Smith, E
Anderson, C. Ellis, A. Sheppard.
Circuit Couif, Closes.
Tho present session of the circuit
court will probably close today after
one of the longest terms held In
years. Probate court will meet to
day and will remain in session for
two or three days.
Kllburn Takes Coal.
The steamer F. A. Kllburn will
have sixty tons of sacked coal taken
as a part of her next cargo from here
to San Francisco.
Tho following tablo shows tho
high and low tides at Empire for
eaoh day during tho coming weok:
High Water.
A. M. P. M.
Fri., 10 11:17 7.7 11:30 8.6
Sat., 11 0:0G 8.8 12:47 7.5
Sun., 12.... 0:37 8.9 1:27 7.3
Mon., 13... 1:08 8.8 2:0C 7.1
Tuo., 14.... 1:38 8.7 2:43 6.8
Wed., 15... 2:08 8.5 3:31 6.5
Thu 16. . . 2:40 8.3 4:03 6.4
Low Water.
A. M. P. M.
May. h. m. Feet h. m. Feet
Frl., 10.... 6:07 0.3 6:10 1.7
Sat., 11.... 6:48 0.1 6:48 2.1
Sun., 12.... 7:27 -0.1 7:21 2.5
Mon., 13... 8:02 -0.1 7:52 2.9
Tuo., 14.... 8:33 -0.1 8:23 3.2
Wed., 15... 9:05 0.1 8:52 3.5
Thli., 16... 9:38 0.3 9:28 3.8
To find tho tido houri at othor
Coos Bay points, flguro as follows:
At tho bar, -0.43; at North Bend, add
0.40; at Marshileld, add 1.51; at
Mllllngton, add 2.15.
New York, May 9. Wm. O. Doug
lass, assistant loan clerk for the
Trust company of America, was In
dicted today on threo counts of lar
ceny. Ho was charged with stealing
bonds to tho sum of $86,150.
Ask To Contribute From One To
five Cents For North Pole
Children Over Entire United States
Will Unite For Success of
Explorer's Venture.
The school children of Oregon aro
going to help Commander R. E.
Peary, the noted Arctic explorer, And
the north pole. They are P9t going
to Invade tho barren and bleak
Northland, but they are going to drop
their mites Into a fund which is need
ed to finance the expedition, that the
intrepid explorer hopes to undertake
this summer.
Commander Peai-y himself has ap
proved the plan ot letting the chil
dren of Oregon start the ball rolling.
Governor Chamberlain gives the plan
his hearty endorsement, and State
Superintendent J. H. Ackcrman, of
the department of Public Instruction,
the executive head of the whole
school system of Oregon, is enthusi
astic about It. Through the governor
and Superintendent Ackerman, the
whole machinery of the state board
of education will be set to work to
conduct the great campaign.
As a part of the plan Wednesday,
May 22, will be designated as "Peary
day" In the schools of the state, and
on that day the children are to be
asked to contribute their pennies and
nickels to the "Peary North Pole
fund." In a letter which is being
prepared in the office of Superin
tendent Ackerman, at Salem, the de
tails of the plan will be fully out
lined. Copies of the letter, with In
structions, will be sent to the school
superintendents of all the counties in
the state, and by them will be dis
tributed to every one of the 2,000
teachers. The teachers will explain
the scheme to the pupils, and those
who are interested in the matter have
not the slightest doubt that Oregon
will make a splendid showing as a
After the campaign has been in
augurated In this state, the board of
education will appeal to the boards
of education or superintendents in
other states to take up the "Peary
day" plan and assist In raising the
About a week ago there was pub
lished In the papers all over the
land, an interview with Commander
Peary, In which he voiced his fears
that his plan to search for the North
Pole would fall, for lack of $60,000
for the general expenses of the expe
dition. Tho plan of allowing the
school children of America to take
part In the movement had been sug
gested to him, he said, and he ap
proved of the suggestion, but was In
doubt as to how such a program
could be carried out. He was rather
discouraged, for the appeal to the
public made by the Peary Arctic club
had not borne fruit.
The matter was taken up with
Governor Chamberlain, who thought
it would be a very patriotic thing for
tho school children of this state to
help the good cause along. The gov
ernor's suggestion was that the mat
ter better be Initiated through tho
school authorities of the state. So
State Ackerman was
appealed to, and he fell in with the
plan immediately, adding that the
state board of education would do
everything In Its power to assist In
the campaign.
Mr. Ackerman felt sure that tho
county superintendents and the
teachers of the schools ot Oregon
would put their shoulders to the
wheel and help arouse interest among
tho school children, and that every
child In tho state and there are
more than 100,000 of them enrolled
In the public schools, would be eager
to add his or her mlto to the fund.
In the letter which will be sent out
to every corner of the state by tho
board of education, tho children will
be invited to give anywhere from a
penny to a nickel, five cents being
decided upon as a maximum for each
child to give, because It would not
bo a hardship upon tho pooror chil
dren, nor would tho well-to-do chil
dren bo allowed to give a greater
sum W tho reason that It might hu
miliate tho child that could not af
ford to give more.
In addition to this, the children are
to be allowed to show their enter
prise and hustling Instincts by not
only giving, but gathering, so that
as fine a showing may bo mado for
Oregon, the first state to undertake
the campaign, as possible. By allow
ing tho boys and girls to solicit pen
nies and nickels fom their friends,
It will bo just as much of a school
children's campaign as if tho con
tributions were limited to the pupils
actually attending echool. Fathers,
mothers, uncles and aunts, brothers,
sisters and cousins, many of whom
would no doubt be glad to help the
school children make a big showing.
It was thought best that they be al
lowed to show their spirit of patriot
Ism and pride In Oregon by helping
to swell the fund. Portland, Telegram.
Weather Report For Week Ended
Shows' Fine Climatical Condi
tions Over Entire Oregon.
Nights Are Cooler and 32 Degrees
Not Uncommon in Higher
Following is the cllmatologlcal re
port for this section for the week just
The nights were cooler than usual,
and during the fore part of the week
temperatures of 32 degrees and low
er were not uncommon In the high
valleys In the eastern and southern
portions of the state. Light frosts
occured frequently In these districts.
but they did no harm of consequence.
During the day time there was an
abundance of sunshine and the after
noons everywhere averaged warmer
than usual; this excess in tempera
ture during the afternoons was most
pronounced in the western counties,
where the temperature averaged
about eight degrees above normal In
the north and about five degrees
above normal in the south.
The week was practically rainless,
as the only rain that fell occured for
a few hours on Friday and it was
confined to the Willamette valley
and southern Oregon. It was barely
sufficient to lay the dust, and rain Is
needed In all parts of the state.
Bay City, Tillamook county, Cap
tain J. J. Dawson. The nights were
generally cool and damp, but the
afternoons were unlformely warm
and clear. Northwest winds pre
Marshfield, Coos county, Dr. E.
Mlngus. Clear skies, with northwest
winds, prevailed Until Friday, when
a moderate rain fell.
Port Orford, Curry county, E. W.
Jonsen. Clear skies prevailed dur
ing the fore part of the week, with
high northwest winds on Tuesday; on
Thursday cloudy weather set in, with
fog during tho morning.
Portland, Multnomah county, Loc
al Ofllce, Weather Bureau. Except
ing on Friday morning, when a mod
erate rain fell, the weather during
tho week was clear, with light north
west winds blowing; the nights were
cool, but the afternoon temperatures
were decidedly above the normal. No
frosts occurred.
McMInnvllIe, Yamhill county,
Claude S. TIngley. The week was
generally clear and calm, but com
posed with a partly cloudy sky and
southwest winds. The temperatures
during the afternoons were quite
Corvallls, Benton county, E. P.
Erwln. Clear weather prevailed
during the week. Light frosts
formed during tho fore part of the
week, and a high wind blew on
Salem, Marlon county, M. P. Bald
win. The weather was clear and
dry. The nights were cool.
Glendale, Douglas county, Mrs.
Fannie R. Miller. The weather was
clear until Thursday night. Light
showers fell on Friday, with a cold
northwest wind blowing. Saturday
was warmer, with clear skies. Frost
occurred every night until Friday.
Northwest winds prevailed.
Kerby, Josephine county, E. F.
Melssner. Tho fore part of the week
was bright and clear, with frost
every morning.. On Thursday night
tho weather moderated, with indica
tions of rain.
Mountain Park, Wasco county,
Raymond Markloy. Clear and warm
weather prevailed, with frosty nights
the fore part of tho week.
Cherries and Apricots, tho Latter
From Arlzonn, Arc Due on
Next Roat.
The first ripe cherries of the season
will arrive here on the next trip of
the M. F. Plant. They are being
shipped to F. S. Dow from California.
The first now apricots will also bo
received on this trip of the boat. The
latter come from Arizona. Tho price
of this new fruit will be rather high
for some time, on account of the fact
that this early In tho season It is Im
possible to get enough to supply the
Entire Car of Minnesota Potatoes
Received on Plant Sold in
One Day.
The gasoline launch North Star did
quite a business In tho potato carry
ing business yesterday afternoon,
when It brought 85 sacks of Coos Bay
potatoes to the Dow warehouso to be
shipped out of this port to San Fran
cisco, and received a cargo of 25
sacks of Minnesota potatoes to be
taken back up the river.
The entire car of Minnesota pota
toes received on the Plant was sold
out yesterday. The next trip of the
boat there will be a shipment of
three cars of the same kind of spuds.
Two cars will bo the ordinary stock
and the third car will be fancy seed
potatoes, for which there was quite
a demand yesterday. Several farm
ers who are getting ready to plant
were In ordering seed potatoes from
the east.
Quotations are as follows:
Flour Per sack, $1.10 to $1.50.
Potatoes Per lb.. 2 to 2c.
Cabbage Per lb., 5 to 6c.
Cauliflower Per head, 10 and 15c
Honey Per box, 20; 3 for 50c.
Onions Per lb., 4c to 5c.
Butter Creamery, 40c; dairy, 35c
Boiled cider, per quart, 30c.
Carrots Per lb., 2c.
Turnips Per bunch, 5e.
Beets Per lb., 2c.
Asparagus llbs for 26c.
Rhubarb 3 lbs. for 25c.
Crabs $1 per dozen.
Steelhead salmon Per lb, 8, 9 and
Flounders, Per lb., 5c.
Herring; Per 2-gallon bucket, 50c
Cleaned clams Per quart, 20c
Empire Clams Per bucket, 50c.
The Dalles, Wasco county, S. L.
Brooks. The weather was clear and
vailed, except on Friday, when a high
wind blew from the northwest. On
Tuesday morning a severe frost oc
curred that caused considerable dam
age; Ice one-eighth of an Inch in
thickness formed on pools.
Heppner, Morrow county, Geo.
Whltels. Clear skies prevailed.
Light frosts were frequent during
the fore part of the week.
Umatilla, Umltllla county, Helen
T. Duncan. The weather during the
foro part of tho week was clear and
cool, with light frosts at night.
Warmer weather prevailed during
the remainder of the week.
Pendleton, Umatilla county, H. F.
ohnson. Clear, dry weather prevail
ed, with warm days and cool nights.
The morning of May 1 was frosty.
Weston, Umatilla county, Maud
M. Baker. Pleasant weather pre
vailed during tho greater portion of
the week, growing quite warm In tho
early afternoons. Thursday, the 2nd.,
the thermometer read 71 degrees,
the highest of the week. On the
28th a heavy frost fell, the reading
for the night being 29 degrees.
Warmsprlug, Crook county, C. C.
Covey. The nights continued cold,
with temperatures falling consider
ably below the freezing point.
Helsler, Crook county, Rachel
Brown. Clear weather prevailed,
with northwest winds.
Mitchell, Wheeler county, C. G.
Morey. Clear weather prevailed
with warm days and cool nights.
Van, Harney county, Geo. Howe.
Clear skies prevailed. The tem
peratures during the first few days
were somewhat high, but were lower
during the latter part of tho week.
Baker City, Baker county, Local
Office, Weather Bureou. Light
frosts occurred on Saturday morning.
Fresh Mcnts.
Sirloin steak Per lb., 12 to 16B
Boiling Per lb., 5c to 8c.
Veal Stow, per lb., 8c; cutlets
lOo to 12 c '
Porterhouso steak'
to lGc.
-Per lb., I2ft0
Round stoak Per lb., 16c.
Chnck stoak Por lb., 10c.
Prlmo rib roast Por lb., 12c.
Mutton Roasts, por lb., 12 c to
15o; chops. 18 e to 16a; stow, lOc,
Pork Per pound, 12 to 15c.
Lard 6-lbB., 75o; 10 lbB $1,5
Pickled pig's toot Per lb., 10c.
Bacon Per lb., 16 to 2 Be.
Hamburger steak Par lb., lOc.
Sansago Per lb 10c.
Bologna Per lb., 10c; S for 25c.
Walnutu Por lb., 26o.
Almonds Per lb., 20c to 30c.
Lomons Por dozon, 20o to 30c.
BananaB Per dozen, 35c.
Oranges Pordozen, 30 to 60c, ac
cording to size.
Salmon (salt) Per lb 6c.
Fruits nnd Nuts.
Apples Per lb., 10c.
Cocoanuts Each, 10c.
Brains Per lb., 15c; 2 for 25c.
Pickled pork Per lb., 12 c.
Corned beef Por lb., 7c.
Wienerwurst Por lb., 12 c.
Lamb's tongues 6 for 2 Be.
Butter Per 24 ounce square, 55c.
Country eggs Per dozen, 25c.
Hens Dressed, 2Bc lb.
Chickens Frya, drosaed, 25c lb
Dried Fruits.
Raisins London layers, per lb.,
20c to 30c; soeded, por 12-oa. pkg.,
12 c; 16-oz. pkgs, 16o.
Currants Clean, per 12-oz,
M-; 16-oz. pkg., lBo.
Citron Per lb., 3.6c.
Orange peel per lb., 25c
Lemon peol Per lb., 2-Bc
Following la a list of wholesale
prices as seen on tho local market:
Oat and wheat hay $15 to $25
Chickens, spring u...l2e
Ducks SOo to 75c
ueese $1.00
Hens lOn
Sheop $8.00 to $5.00
Veal calves $2.75
Beef, steers $2.50
Beef, cows . . . , $2.00
Liverpool, May 9. May wheat, 6s
New York, May 9. Lead, $6
$6.05; copper, $24.75 $25.50; sil
ver, 64 c.
Chicago, May 9. May wheat
opened 82 c, colsed 83 c; July
wheat opened 85 c, closed 86c;
barley, 7577c; flax, $1.18;
Northwestern, $1.25.
San Francisco, May 9. Wheat,
strong, $1.32.
Portland, May 9. Wheat Club,
78c; blue stem, 80c; red, 76c; val
ley, 77c.
Tacoma, May 9. Wheat Blue
stem, 81c; club, 79c; red, 76c
Generally pleasant weather was the
rule, with cool nights.
Section Director, Portland, Ore.
111 in Portland, but Hopes to
Start for Coquillo in a
Few Days.
Orvlllo Dodge, editor of the Co
quille Valley Sestlnel, who, in com
pany with Peter Loggle, of North
Bend, spent three months In Wash
ington, D. C, last winter, working
for an appropriation for Coos Bay,
which they were successful In get
ting, through the co-operation ot
Senators Fulton and Gearln, is now
in Portland on his way to his home
In Coquillo. Since reaching Portland
last Friday Mr. Dodge has been 111,
and Is cosflned to his room at the Im
perial hotel. He hopes, however, to
be able to start for his homo In a few
New York, May 9. Ten thousand
longshoremen are still out. There
was a fierce riot last night and 35
are In the hospital and twelve In Jail.
Tho strikers attacked 600 Italians
when the latter attempted to leave
the ships and go home.
The person who dlsturbtdthe con-
gregaticWast Sunday by continually
coughlndfls requested to U a bottle
of FoleV Honey and Ta Red CroBS