The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 09, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 1

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-AeJ --
Daily Edition
Member of Associated Press,
No. 203
Committee Says That $100,000 Can
Be Raised With Little
Thought That by Tonight Remainder
of Required Sum Will
Be Raised.
For the building of an electric
line, to connect up the peninsula of
Coos Bay $G,000 was subscribed by
prominent citizens of Marshfield and
North Bend Wednesday. The com
mittee in charge of the work say
?100,000 is in sight. There seems
every assurance that Marshfield and
North Bend will be connected by an
electric line.
The men who worked to secure the
subscriptions were C. S. Wlnsor, H.
Sengstacken, W. R. Rust, F. S. DoW
and F. B. Waite. Mr. Waite, who
has been one of the prime movers in
the proposition, as well as the rest
of the committee, were greatly
pleased with the results of Wednes
day's work.
There was not a single instance of
any one refusing to contribute. On
the other hand the committee say
they were accorded the most hearty
Another opportunity today will be
given those who wish to co-operate
with the proposed Coos Bay electric
line. W. U. Douglas has been en
gaged as attorney and will get out
incorporation papers and file them
at once with the secretary of state
and the county clerK. Immediately
on the approval of them franchises
will be drawn up and presented to
the city councils of Marshfield and
North Bend.
That everybody eems to think the
time is here for a road was mani
fested by the large number of small
subscriptions which were secured.
With but $40,000 more to raise, and
that practically certain, there seems
to be no question regarding the ulti
mate success of the Coos Bay electric
The right of way as planned will
extend from the railroad passenger
station in Marshfield down Broadway
and Cedar to the Intersection of
Front street, when it will parallel
the water front to the Dimmick
property, thence on Tremont street
to Porter addition, where it will run
back of the Porter will and sash and
door factory and down to old North
The road will be a common user
and will carry both freight and pas
sengers. The plans are to leave the
granting of terminal rights to the
discretion of the city councils. Thus
any road that desired could, at a
nominal cost, if the council saw fit,
handle cars on the electric line. The
passenger rate between Marshfield
and North Bend will be ten cents.
It is estimated that between 300
and 400 people travel each day on
the boats between Marshfield and
North Bend.
It Is Believed They Intend to Do
Business at Once.
(Times Special Service)
Bandon, May 8. The promoters
of the Bandon Pulp Mill held a
meeting at which the officers and di
rectors were chosen. It seems that
these men mean to do business
at once, and that the mill will soon
be a reality instead of a project.
Some of the best business men in the
city are Interested in the new
corporation. "
Williams and Ross Match Promises
Good Attendance.
Jack Williams, of Dawson, and
Charles Ross are daily training to
get In shape for the fight which will
bo pulled off soon. Local Interest is
at its height and there promises to
he a large attendance.
Special, Bulletin, Son Fran
cisco, May 8. A pitched battle
between strike breakers and
strikers and sympathizers wns
fought yesterday afternoon at
Turk street. Eight were shot
several will die. The shooting
was done by strike breakers
from windows In response to the
showers of paving stones and
brick bats hurled at them by
the mob The police were called
out with clubs and drawn re-
Important Improvement Will Be
Carried Out Over Coal
Bank Slough
From J. W. Roessler, Commanding
the U. S. Engineering Corps
nt Portland.
The county road through Bunker
Hill plat will be graded in a short
time to Coal Bank slough, at which
place a bridge will be built in the
near future. Plans and specifica
tions are being prepared for the new
bridge now, and will be finished in
a short time.
This bridge Is being built for the
express purpose of furnishing means
for the C. A. Smith Lumber and Man
ufacturing company to run Its rail
road from the new mill to the local
retail yard, but will also be used by
the county as a means of connecting
the two sides with a public wagon
A permit will have to be secured
from the United States, through J.
W. Roessler, of Portland, command
ing the U. S. engineering corps of the
Pacific coast, for the construction of
the bridge across Coal Bank slough,
as It Is a navigable stream. Mr.
Roessler has already intimated that
there will be no delay in this matter,
providing the bridge meets the re
quirements. The Installing of a bridge at the
point mentioned will be a great boon
to those having business on the
other side of the slough, and will
have a heavy patronage.
Here For Few Days.
Carl Bergman, bookkeeper for W.
P. Reed at Gardiner, Is in the city
on business. He will probably re
main here for a few days.
The weather forecast for to-
day follows: Western Wash-
ington, showers and westerly
winds; western Oregon, cloudy
and threatening, showers in
north portion; eastern Wash-
ington, northern Idaho, show-
ers; eastern Oregon, southern
Idaho, fair.
The local weather for yester-
day, as reported by Dr. Mingus,
the Marshfield observer, fol-
Highest 03 degrees
Lowest 42 degrees
0 p. m 04 degrees
Wind, northwest. .Cloudy.
Unique Feature Will Characterize
Myrtle Point Graduating
Exercises on May 27.
State Superintendent of Public In
struction Wil Attend and
Deliver Address.
(Times Special Service)
Myrtle Point, May 8. The gradu
ating exercises of the eighth and
tenth grades will bo held at Benson
hall on the Evening of May 27. State
Superintendent Ackerman will de
liver the graduating address. Two
weeks will elapse between the close
of the school and the graduating ex
ercises. The postponement was
made in order that Mr. Ackerman
might be present.
The program will include a literary
contest for a gold medal. The Myrtle
Point school will be assisted in this
by local musical talent. A unique
feature will be a contest for a solid
gold medal, which will be awarded
by the judges to the person deliver
ing the best recitation, composition,
or oration. The program comprises
thirty-six numbers, the last of which
is the presentation of the medal. An
admission of 25 and 15 cents will be
San Francisco Concern Puts In Heavy
(Times Special Service)
The Bandon Woolen Mills now
have orders ahead that will keep
them occupied for the next two years
making nothing but carriage cloths
and flannels. One San Francisco
house alone has the woolen mills
company tied up with orders that
will keep them running for several
months. The plant is one of the
busiest places of Its size on the coast.
Pacific Coast League.
San Francisco, May 8. Port-.
land, 4; Oakland, 3.
Northwest League.
Seattle, May 8. Seattle, 5;
Vancouver, 3.
Tacoma, May 8. Tacoma, 1;
Butte. 2.
Aberdeen, May 8 Aberdeen,
6; Spokane, 5. '
Other Games.
New Haven, May 8. Yale,
2; Dartmouth, 1 (eleven In-
Pullman, May 8. W. S. C,
1; Whitman, C,
(Special Tlmoi Telegraph.)
Eureka, Calif., May 8. Between 2,000 and 3,000 workmen and saw.
mill workers in Humboldt county liavo been on a strike since Muy 1 seek'
iiic a betterment of the wage schedule and free board. A strike Is also
on with tho iron workers, and core
not work with non-union men on any
been "Stand Pat" tho mill men have
"open 6hop" and will treat with
Tho woodsmen and sawmill workers, have been strengthening their
position in every way possible and among other things have made ap
plication to tlie building trades for aflillation. Already the longshore
men have become affiliated with tiiat body. It is stated that tho state
federation of labor, lias promised to givo tho Humbolt strikers financial
assistance if an appeal is made for tho same. Many men havo been
shipped into the country from the cast, but few of them havo remained.
It is thought that between 000 mid 700 havo left for the south and
north since the labor troubles began. Union officials say sufficient men are
not left to operate woods and mills should a settlement be effected.
Posters linve been spread broadcast hero and In San Francisco announc
ing the strike situation in Humboldt and few outsiders arc coming in.
Aid Is not expected from Australia. This aid will become manifest when
ships loaded hero by non-union men arc not allowed to dlscliargo cargoes
in Australia and are lined for violation of union regulations.
J.H. Millner Takes Initiative In
Work of Improving City
of Marshfield
Assurance Given Mayor That His
Efforts Will Meet With
Hearty Co-operation.
J. H. Millner has the honor of be
ing the first citizen to co-operate with
Mayor Straw In his effort to give
Marshfield a thorough celaning up on
Friday, May 10. Mr. Millner was
busily engaged on Thursday with a
spade and the other accoutrements
dispatching all waste and dirt around
his property.
The mayor has secured the prom
ise of the required number of teams
and there will be ample facilities for
the handling of the dirt which is
to be piled up in the streets on Fri
Many people called up Mayor
Straw Thursday and assured him of
their intention to co-operato Friday.
It Is the belief that tho wholo city
will work as a unite on the "cleanup
W. S. Chandler Leaves Salem After
Appearing Before tho Oregon
Railroad Commission.
(Special Times Dispatch.)
Portland, Ore., May 8. W. S.
Chandler, president and general
manager of the Coos Bay, Roseburg
and Eastern Railroad and Navigation
company, passed through Portland
on his way back to Marshfield, after
his appearance before the Oregon
railroad commission at Salem In de
fense of the rates charged on the line
managed by him. The decision of
tho commission' was not made
known, as the case was taken under
The Information against the road
in question was filed by tho Davls
Schultz company" of North Bend.
They alleged that the rates from
North Bend to Coquille were in ex
cess of the Portland-Coos Bay rate.
l. Clears Streets.
Tack Flanagan has a large force of
men engaged In tho work of clearing
West Bunker" Hill addition, a now
addition to Bunker Hill. The streets
are being put In such shape that ve
hicles can be driven through, and
the plat In general is .being put In
good condition.
makers, the union longshoremen will
ship. On all sides tho slogan lias
issued statements declaring for tho
their employes on no other basis
Stringent Action Is Taken To Avoid
Trouble at San Fran
President Calhoun Asks Verdict
From People on Merits of
San Francisco, May 8. That tho
many bloody events of yesterday's
troubles may be repeated with even
more tragic results, was tho fear ex
pressed last night when it was made
known that tho United railroads pro
gram for Wednesday Includes an
other attempt to rcsumo tho opera
tions of its system. This attempt,
according to General Manager Mull
ally, will be made some time In the
Ho declined to state at what hour
or to discuss the company's plans in
this respect. Mullally said when tho
attorneys for tho United railroads
visited the central police station in
tho evening to request admittance 'to
bail of tho strlko breakers under
arrest for shooting tho strikers and
their sympathizers Chief Dlnau said:
"I shall arm tho police with rifles.
If any Btrlko breakers start any
snooting from cars they will be shot
In turn by tho police."
"I can hardly credit this state
ment," added Mullally. "But it
comes to mo direct and authen
tically." Thirteen strike breakers havo been
arrested. Three of them havo been
released on bail and the remainder
aro hold awaiting developments.
James Walsh, one of tho strike sym
pathizers, who was shot this after
noon from one of the attacked cars
died at the central emergency hospit
al. No hopo is held out for the re
covery of Tom Buchanan, one of tho
strikers. Ho is also at tho central
emergency hospital. Tho bullet pen
etrated his abdomen and punctured
his Intestines 23 times.
President Calhoun last night at
his homo stated ho has in view no
appeal to the governor for state
troops. "That," he said, "Is not a
task for mo to perform."
Calhoun issued a statement to tho
people of San Francisco passing up
to their verdict the merits of tho
controversy in its new and tragic
developments of today.
Will Take Cliargo of a New Vessel
Being Built.
Captain Jensen, formerly master
of tbo steamer Elizabeth, calling at
the Coquille river, is In tho city. Mr.
Jensen is to bo master of the steamer
Bandon, now being built at the Kruse
& Banks shipyard, and Is hero for
the purpose of looking after the con
struction of her. Captain Jensen
states that tho new vessel will havo
a capacity of 550,000 feet of lumber,
and that he will carry away tho out
put of both the Cody and Johnson
mills on tho Coqulllo river.
The steamer M. F. Plant has been
supplied with a now gang plank,
which is quite an Improvement over
the old one, being one of the latest
and best mado. ,
San Francisco, May 8. Tho
following persons left on the
Breakwater tills afternoon for
Coos Bay ports: II, Rlttcr, A.
AVelner, Mrs. A. E. Fisk, Mrs.
E. Flsk, E. Fisher, D. L. Fine-
man, O. A. Stevens, 8. C. Nel-
son, II. N, Hampton, W. S. Tur-
pin and wife, Captain A. Mat-
son, J, C. CIiAinbers, J. O,
Green, F. Beyerlo.
Committees Representing the Entire
City of San Francisco Hold
Secret Meeting
Two Cars Mako Six Milo Run
Through Residence Sec
tion of City.
San Francisco, May 8. Two cars
manned by a score of strikebreakers
made a six milo run through tho resi
dence section of "the city today, and
returned to tho barn within two
hours. Not a shot was fired, but tho
mobs at various points stoned tho
cars, Inflicting injuries in one or two
cases. Tho police were active in pro
tecting tho cars, and several heads
were broken. Many subterfuges
wore resorted to to block tho prog
ress of tho cars, but ono by one theso
were Burmounted and fair progress
was mado. Another attempt will bo
made to operate cars tomorrow.
Second Death.
The second death as a result of
yesterday's street car riots occurred
this afternoon. John Buchanan, a
car shop employe aged 21, is dying
as the result of a shot In tho abdo
men. Two others aro not expected
to live.
Strike of Operators.
The outlook for a settlement of tho
telephone strike appears more favor
able tonight. A committee repre
senting the operators' union met
Mayor Schmltz In his office. It is
stated President Scott has stated that
ho Is willing to meet a committee
from tho operators' union. Tho ser
vlco today was more crippled than
any day this week.
Conciliation Committee.
A joint conciliation committeo
composed of peace committees from
the San Francisco Labor Council, the
building Trades Council tho Civic
Leaguo, Improvement clubs and rep
resentatives from the various
churches and from the financial and
commercial interests met this even
ing in executive session In an en
deavor to bring about Industrial
peace In tho city. Newspaper repre
sentatives were excluded and a dis
cussion of ways and means took
piaco behind closed doors.
At tho close of tho mooting it was
announced that six sub-committees
were appointed to wait upon tho car-j
men, telephone girls, Iron workers,!
laundry workers, and upon Presldontl
Calhoun of tho United Railways,'
President Scott of the telephone com
pany, and the ofllcers of the Metal
Trades Association,. They will ob
tain from each an authoritative pro
posal for settlement with their re
spective employers and employes.
Tho committees will report tomor
row. Steven Steward Improving;
Stephen Steward, who was run
over by a narrow gauge railroad at
the Seeley & Thomas camp some
days ago, is improving as well as
can bo expected under the conditions,
Medical Society Meets'.
The medical society meeting,
which was to havo been held Tuesday
nlghi, will bo held noxt Tuesday
ovenlng in Dr. B. M. Richardson's
ofilco. Several Interesting papers
will be read at this meeting.
Garfield Building.
J. H, Buthnor, who has been pa
pering and painting the lntorior of
tho Garflold building has finished his
work leaving the building In bettor
shape than at any tlmo sinco It was
Those knowing thomsolves Indebt
ed to John Curren, former proprietor
of tho Sherman saloon, will please
call at onco and settle tho dobts at
that placo of business.