(&m law Em?& i Daily Edition USE TIMES WANT ADS Member of Associated Press. vol. i THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MAKSHFIEIiD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1007. No. 203 BATTLE RAGES IN SAN FRANCISCO IO- c IO a Mayor Schmitz Orders Chief of Police to Swear In Any Amount of Officers Necessary San Francisco, Mny 7. The strike of 1,700 union niotormen and conductors of the United Railways developed this afternoon into a riot, in which more than a score of persons were severely, some fatally wound ed, nnd others were more or less injured. At 2:30 the company made Its first attempt to resume operations on its system by sending out seven passenger cars manned by between 30 and 40 strikebreakers wearing the uniforms of car inspectors, and each carrying a 38-caliber revolver strapped around his waist outside of his coat. The start was made from the company's barn nt Turk and Fillmore streets, where a crowd varlou sly estimate at from 3,000 to $5,000 men nnd boys had congregated. Twenty-seven policemen, five mounted officers and several ser geants under command of Captain Mooney were on patrol guard. The appearance of the cars in Fillmore street, from whlch they were switched into Turk street, was the signal for an immense outburst of Jeers and hoots. Before the cars had gone a block they were made the targets for showers of stones and bricks. In a few moments every pane of glass had been smashed and several of the armed operatives had been struck, cut and bruised. At Turk and Buchanan streets an es- i pecially fierce attack was made on j the foremost car. The guard on the , rear platform answered the flying stones with a pistol shot. The bullet struck one of the union sympathizers in the arm. This happening trans formed the crowds into a wild mob, and thence forward for twelve blocks a pitched battle was fought. The strikers and their friends, aided by hundreds of youthful hoodlums, kept up a running shower of missiles. The guards on board the cars responded with fusllade after fusllade of pistol shots. Eight men received bullet wounds, some of which will prove fatal, among those thus injured being a detective, sergalnt and a patrolman. Finally a dozen or more of the guards were taken under arrest by squads of reserves from the central station, and the crowd boarded a car and started it back to the barn. Arriving there the strikers charged and a re volver Are was opened on them from the barns. In this encounter several nfore men were shot. A non-union man threw a switch at the corner of Turk and Fillmore streets, and the derailed car shot into the sidewalk, maiming two men whose names were not learned. In the stampede that followed, scores of men, women and children on the outskirts of the mob on Fillmore street were hurled to the pavement and trampled upon. The appearance of relief squads to rein force Captain Mooney's men resulted about 4:30 o'clock In a partial dis persing of the crowds. Current ru mor has it that Superintendent Chap man, who spent the forenoon and early afternoon at the Fillmore street barns, was seen about 5 o'clock driv ing rapidly away on Golden Gate avenue in an automobile that was dashed in blood. There Is as yet no confirmation of the rumor that Chap man was wounded. At the Central emergency hospital at Golden Gate avenue and Gough street Is gathered a large crowd'Of union men and their friends waiting eagerly for messages that drift out every moment from the bedside of their wounded compan ions. Practically all the reserve forces at the various precinct sta tions have been called out and are npw patrolling the neighborhood of Fillmore and Turk streets, where there is the greatest congestion. Stringent Measures. In a statement to the Associated Pness tonight Mayor Schmitz said: "The deplorable occurences of this afternoon are not a general riot, and there is no necessity of calling out troops. The police are able to han de'the situation, and I shall see that they do It. I have ordered the chief of police to swear In many more offi cers If he finds It necessary. I have also ordered him to arrest anybody STRIKE rfWWWW carrying arms, concealed or other-. wise. Men who go out on the cars will not be permitted to carry wea pons. This is the best way to main tain peace." Mayor Schmitz tonight Issued a proclamation asking "On account of the Industrial disturbances that those who have no business on the streets are to remain at home, and those who have to be on the streets are di rected not to congregate. Those who are now out on strike are earnestly requested to maintain the dignity of labor by discountenancing any acta of violence on the part of their sym pathizers." HEARS ARGUMENTS ON SHEEP QUESTION Quarantine May He Declared Oregon Against Washing ton Sheep. by Salem, May 7. Governor Cham berlain today heard extended argu ments on the question of proclaiming quarantine against Washington sheep. Washington interests were represented by State Veterinarian S. W. Nelson, of Tacoma, and H. It. Brlslon, of Walla Walla. It Is ad mitted that in the five intrlor coun ties of Washington scab exists among sheep, but it is denied that a disease exists in southeastern Washington, and it was urged if the quarantine was ordered it would not operate against the flocks of the southeastern counties of Washington. The Oregon commissioners Insisted that the flocks of those counties were infected, but not to the extent of some of the other counties, and in order to make Oregon Inspection and dipping effective, Washington sheep must be subjected to quarantine reg ulations. The decision is expected at the end of the week. Improves Bnrber Shop. The Union meat market and the O. K. barber shop on front street are being Improved in outward appear ance by the addition of a fresh coat of paint. Complete Pile Work. William Noble & 8ons have JuBt completed the work of driving the piles for the foundation of tho new wharf being built at Mllllngton. Tho wharf Is 60x100 feet In size, and will be used as a public landing place for vessels wishing to unload at this point. WEATHER FORECAST. Tho weather forecast for to day follows: Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho, fair nnd warmer. LOOAIj WEATHER. Tho local weather for yester day, as reported by Dr. Mingus, the Marshfleld observer, fol lows: Highest 03 degrees Lowest ...... .45 degrees 0 p. m BO degrees Wind, northwest. Clear. OF STREET CAR MEN FIRST DAY FATALITIES. San Francisco, May 7. The dead : James Walsh died tonight. The injured : at the Central Emergency hospital ; Thomas White, lacerated scalp; Police officer Harry Sauer, shot through shoulder ; F. Joy, lacerated cheek ; J. Krohner, shot in shoulder ; William Slattery, contu sion of foot and head ; J. Arena, contusion of knee ; A. C. Jahn, shot throat ; N. Keish, shot chest ; N. Gran ville, lacerated face ; C. A. McNaughton, shot forehead ; Tom Buchanan, shot in abdomen will die ;r C W, Forrester, contusion face ; Detective sergeant Bell, shot in chest. IRE BAD LUCK FOR HOOK Hoisting Rigging Breaks and An $1,800 Winch Is Dropped On Rocks. IT WAS THE LAST ONE Xxro Others on the Vessel Had Been Previously Removed With out Accident. A $1,800 loss was the result cf a little slip In the hoisting rigging of the wrecking crew which has been engaged in taking away the machin ery from the wrecked barge Chinook. The accident occurred while the crew was hoisting a $1,800 friction wench to the bluff about 100 feet high alongside the vessel, the ma chine was dropped a distance of 75 feet, casting it on the rocks below, a total loss. The donkey engine which has been removed from the barge Is being moved by Its own power through the bruBh to the road leading to the Coos Bay light house, at which place It will be loaded onto a barke and saved. The wrecking crow has about fin ished its work of dismantling the barge, and they will probably leave In a short time. The wench wrecked was the last of the three on the barge, the others having been re moved some days ago. CITY GRADING IS PROGRESSING Good Results Are Being Obtained From tho New Steam Roller. The grading of Broadway between C street and the bridge has been about finished, and the new roller will be moved from there today to the work being started on C street, between 'Front and First streets. Yesterday the roller was being used following the sprinkle, and a good solid surface has been secured in this manner. No crushed rock will be used for surfacing this section of street at the present time, but later such may be done. Another Settler. ' E. J. Wilson, of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Is in the city' looking around with a possible view of locating. Mr. Wilson is a cabinet maker, and seems to think that the bay will be a gobd place to locate. He will probably leave In a few days, to return later. The steamer Czarina arrived yes terday to take on fuel coal for her trip to Puget sound after a cargo of railroad ties. The gasoline schooner Berwick Is due from Rogue river. WILL CLEAN UP 1 Mayor Straw Asks Co-Operation of Citizens on Friday for The City's Improvement. ACTION BADLY NEEDED ItIs Thought the Entire City Will Respond to tho Mayor's Notice. Marshfleld Is to have a clean-up day, and everybody from the school boy to the merchant Is expected to forget about everything but the Im perative necessity of cleaning up the odds and ends around the sidewalks and streets. Friday, May 10, has been chosen by Mayor Straw as the day on which Marshfleld will be met amorphosed into "Spotless Town." It Is believed that everybody realizes the crying need pf cleaning up the sidewalks and streets of the city. Last year when the mayor called a special clean-up day It is said that everybody turned out. Governor Chamberlain will visit the bay next week, and this renders It all the more necessary that action be taken at once. Mayor Straw has secured tho ser vices of enough teams and wagons to moro than take care of the rubbish which will be collected. All the citi zens will be asked to do 1b to put the rubbish they gather In the middle of the street. Tho wagons will come around and collect It. Below Is the special notice: Notice. For the general Improvement of the city, Friday, May 10th, has been designated as a day for street clean ing. All property owners are ur gently requested to clean tho side walks and one-half of the street In front of their property, and to de posit 'the sweepings and other rub bish In the center of the street. The expenses of handling and carting away such rubbish will be defrayed by the cily. E. E. STRAW, Mayor. HEAVY WIND AND RAIN. Storms in Texas Do a Great Amount of. Damage. Fort Worth, Tex., May 7. Tho storm of wind and rain which was general' throughout a considerable area in northern Texas, and which at some places assumed the propor tions of a tornado according to mea ger reports received here tonight, has resulted in the loss of at least three lives and great damage to property and crops. Several villages were wiped out, but because of tho pros tration of both telegraph and tele phone wires details are almost im possible to get. Hillsboro, Sulphur Springs and Antloch were either damaged or destroyed. BALL TEAM FUR MAOFIELD Meeting For Purpose of Organizing Held and Captain Is Appointed. NORTH BEND SUNDAY Future rinns Are to Organizo an Amateur League in Coos County. At the baseball meeting held last evening In tho Investment Securities company offlce steps were taken toward the organization of a local baseball team, composed entirely of local, unsalarlcs men. A. McKeown, better known as "Mickey," who was captain of the North Bend baseball team four years ago, was elected to All the position of captain and man ager. Tho first game to be played by the local team will be with North Bend Sunday afternoon at that city. The boys have already been out practic ing, and will continue to practice a few hours eachdny. The grounds will be fixed up at once, In order that games can be held in this city. In order to do this a petition asking for some substan tial assistance In a money way will be freely circulated among the busi ness men of the city today. All those who are enthusiastic about baseball will be asked to assist. Samples for suits have been or dered, and Just as soon as they are received tho boys will order a com plete outfit of suits and other base ball paraphernalia. There seoms to be a wealth of material among the local young men, and a good team Is expected to turn out. Arrangements will be made If pos sible to get teams organized In Ban don, Myrtle Point and Coqullle, that games may be played each Sunday In the little cities of Coos county. Tho game Sunday with tho "leans" of North Bend 1b expected to bring out a large attendance, as there Is a keen rivalry between tho two teams. ATTEST THEIR LOVE FOR DEAD FRIEND Indian Women Pay Touching Tributu at (lie Funeral of Mrs. II. I). Jones. The body of the late Mrs, B. D. Jones was buried yesterday after noon in the Empire cemetery, In the presence, of a great number of friends and relatives. Tho funeral services were conducted at the resldonco at 2 o'clock by Rev. Fathor Donnelly of St. Monica's Catholic church of this city. A touching tribute was paid the deceased when several of the Indian women living near Emplro manifest ed by their tears the deep sorrow for one who had done a great deal dur ing her life to make their life more cheerful. Tho floral offerings were abundant and very pretty. Soveral of those attending tho fu neral from Marshfleld drovo down, and In addition to these a great many took tho steamer Reta, which made a special trip to accommodate those wishing to attend. GOING TO SAN FRANCISCO. Jersey City, May' 7. A Lehigh valley train, consisting of five coaches and a combination car, left here at noon today, carrying 3S0 mechanics, whose destination was said to bo San Francisco. A sign, "San Francisco special'' web displayed at the end of the train. IS IMPRESSED WITH 0 W. L. Thorndyke, Veteran News pager Man, Predicts Great future for This Country. ROOM HERE E0R MANY Says the Thousands of Acres of Rich Soil Should Bo Devel oped. W. h. Thorndyke, a veteran news paper roan, who has been looking into the prospects around the Coos Bay country for Boveral days, is en thusiastic regarding the ultimate growth of the bay and its contiguous country. "I have been pleasantly surprised and much gratified during my week's trip," he said in reply to a query nts to how ho liked the Coos Bay; country. "It seems to mo that your peoplo here, as an entirety, have not yet grasped tho opportunities standing upon their thresholds. "Your people must bear In mind continually that your cities and towns cannot be built up within thomselves. In order to havo pros perous communities it' is absolutely necessary that not only shall the Im mediate vicinity be populated, but that every acre within tho county shall bo caused to produce Its quota. "It may be that I am cranky upon this subject; but when I note tho thousands of acres lying dormant al most at your outskirts, I would that I could call ten thousand families pushing, progressive people who would clear your lands, lncreaso your orchards, multiply your, dairies, and work as a unit to upbuild the entire county. "To build up your cities you must haVo more industries and many of the Industrious. These will come In time; they are bound to; yet every effort should be exhausted to hasten that time. I could easily talk a week upon this county, although I havo not seen It all; In fact, I probably shall-ad vertlso It a lot In a conser vative way. It 1b bound to bo a wonder." DELIVERS SPEECH ON ELECTRIC ROAD Major Kinney Addresses Citizens of Myrtle Point nnd Will Speak ut Coqullle. Major Kinney made a speech last evening in Myrtle , Point In behalf of, tho proposed electric line between this pluce and Roseburg. The major has been called upon by the Coqulllo and Myrtle Point business men to make these addresses, in the hope that a lot of Interest will be awak ened In those places. Tho local committee Is shaping Us plans bo that the people of Marsh fleld will bo fully aroused to the im portance of tho line to this locality beforo another meeting is announced. A meeting will be called in the near future. Tho plan now on foot Is to organizo a local company to bo known aB tho Coos Bay Terminal company, which company will not bo a part of the proposed electric com pany operating botween hero and Roseburg, but will lay tracks on tho bay and be In readiness to receive tho new company when It shall havo lta lines running to this city. Tho tug Hunter is due at this port from the Umpqua river. turtla jAmLA