The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 05, 1907, Sunday Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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(Eons Hfog QJtmeja
Tije Coos Bay Times Publishing Co,
A. E. GUYTON, Editor and Manager.
The policy of The Coos Hay Times
will be Republican in politics, with the
independence of which President Roose
velt is the leading exponent.
Entered at the postofflce at Marshfield, Ore
gon, lor transmission through the mails as
second clasi malllmattcr.
Single copy, daily,
Per month, daily,
Three months, daily,
8ix months, daily
One year, daily,
Weekly, per year
5 cents
50 cents
$1 25
2 50
$5 00
11 00
Address all communications to
Marshfield. Oregon.
The proposition to build an elec
tric line from Roseburg to Coos Day
with Dougles and Coos county capi
tal seems to meet with the general
approval of the people of this lo
cality. There Is every assurance that
the scheme will he carried through.
The Roseburg people are ready to do
their part, and the movement has
been taken up here with the proper
spirit, and the right kind of men
have hold of It and will push It
The Myrtle Point and Coqullle peo
ple want the road to come through
their cities, and the Coos Bay people
feel the same way about It. The Co
qullle valley Is a rich agricultural
district, and that is the best route
for the road.
This electric line will mean much
for Coos Day, and Roseburg as well.
It will give the Interior a good outlet
to a harbor and will bring business
to Coos Day. This is the natural
outlet for the whole southern part
of the state, and the electric lino
from Roseburg Is the first step
toward making the connecting links
which are needed for the betterment
of the coast country and the Interior.
Mnrshfield is having a great build
ing boom now. One can hear In any
part of the city the ring of the ham
mer, and look In any direction and
see new houses and buildings going
up. There are now In Marshfield at
least twenty new houses in the course
of construction, besides many others
which will be started soon. There
aro quite a number of big business
blocks to be erected, in addition to
thoso which havo been finished and
which aro now being built.
The city was a llttlo slow about
getting stnrted In building, but when
the start was once made the building
has rapidly increased. It seemed to
break out all over the city at the
samo time. This, howover, Is only
the beginning, and if tho material
can ho procured there promises to bo
a constant increase In the building
of ninny houses and business blocks.
It Is not a mero boom, but simply
tho meeting of tho demands of tho
constantly Increasing population.
Tho statistics of the state board
of health, mention of which Is made
in another column, show flnttoring
conditions In Coos county. This Is
certainly uu actual evidence of the
fact that tho Coos Hay country Is a
healthy place. There aro not many
counties in any part of tho country
that can make such a showing.
The Philosopher
All ArtlllWnl.
In the every day places vheie tho
average man would least suspnet
anything but tho ordinary routine
of business to rovolvo daily In hun
drum fashion aro really found the
fundamental philosophies of life. We
chanced In a tailor shop tho other
day and walked back to tho table
whore tho man with tho noodle set
in Hindoo fashion busily plying the
Instrument backwards and forwards
sldowlsu and lengthwlso, gradually
bringing into sliapo and form, with
tho Infinite ease borno of long pract
ice, an elegant finished garment from
out of n few yards of cloth.
A tailor Is a sort of human-geologist,
if such freedom may be pormttted
In tho uso of tho word. Some soy Is
Is because ho makes a business of
studying the humps and bumps of
the human frame, and, knowing the
oxterlor, comes to have a sort of
preternatural luaitcht into the interi
or. Some give other reasons but all
tend to the one opinion thai the tail
or is in a distinctive class as a plill
OKuphi v
On the ilftv mentioned the p.irile
ular tailor in quction was In an un
usually philosophical mood and the
conversation soon turned to the
foibles and weakness of mankind in
"There 'alnt very many people In
the world of the real stripe any
more," said the tailor lighting a
match to the tobacco in his short,
stubby pipe and hardly suspending
for a moment the sewing of a seam
In the sleeve of the future coat dur
ing the operation. "For that matter
there never rias been. The whole
game's a farce artificial. Men have
a variety of different masks for every
occasion and it Is rare indeed when
a view behind the mask is obtained.
When a man goes down to his office
In the morning he dons the business
mask; when he goes to the club he
dons the good fellowship mask; and
at the reception or ball he masque
rades under the social domino. It
all comes down to the fact that life
Is a burlesque.
"Your wife dies. Your friends
greet you with just the proper mix
ture of sympathy and quiet reserve.
Not too much or too little of either
there Is the same science there
that the chef uses In the mixing of
the Ingredients of the dinner cake.
"The minister steps In the pulpit
for the Sunday sermon. Note the
air of welghtiness tempered to the
proper state with carefully prepared
words and phrases.
"Play evesdropper at tho ladles'
pink tea or sewing circle and you
will steal away under the spell that
everything In this big beautiful world
Is 'charming.' You might steal
back after the meeting has dispersed
and find what a horrible gown Mrs.
Jones wore or what poor taste Mrs.
Smith displays In the selection of her
bonnets. But It Is time to close up."
(Continued from page 2.)
opinion that it will make a much
more desirable residence than If fin
ished In the usual way. The exterior
will also be first class. The contract
calls for the completion of the build
ing not later than July first. It Is
being erected as an investment and
will be rented.
Modern House.
S. L. Gllroy has several lots at the
corner of Brunett and California
avenues graded for the purpose of
building at least one six room two
story residence, and pos3lbly three.
The residence to be built at once will
bo located on the corner. The lum
ber is now on the ground. This resi
dence will be for rent an soon as
finished. Mr. Gllroy will build two
others soon after finishing this one,
providing he does not clo3e n deal for
the rest of his property here.
Tho residence will be modern
throughout, having bath, hot and
cold water and electric lights, and
will be finished in first class shape.
The location is desirable for a nice
('veiling and Mr H'lroy Is In hopQa
yf gelling part f t1 sltf
On Krttly y u per.
Charles Noble has an eight room,
two-story residence In the course of
construction on Eddy street which he
hopes to havo finished in about three
weeks. Tho place has already been
rented to Fred Gettlngs who will
move in just ns soon as it is finished.
Electric lights, hath and hot and
cold water mako this dwelling mod
ern in overy respect. It is being
erected at a cost of about $2,000 and
will present a neat exterior as well
as interior appearance.
Mr. Noble states he would havo
had tho building completed had it
not been for tho delay In getting
Nearly Finished.
R. A. Copplo has a nice residence
almost completed at the comer of
Brunett and Ohio. He Intends to
rent or sell it just as soon as it is
finished. The house contains five
rooms, besides a bath and vestibule.
It will he ready for occupancy In
about two weeks. The site of this
dwelling is most charming as it is a
quiet place surrounded with plenty
of trees and will make an Ideal
home. The residence will cost Mr,
Copple about $1,100 when complet
ed. It is probable he will build an
other dwelling in the near future
next to the one now being con
Eight Itoom House.
Ross and A. J. Hansen havo built
two eight room, two-story houses on
adjoining lots on Ohio avenue. They
are modern throughout and represent
a cost of $2,000 each. The residen
ces are being occupied at present by
the owners. Ross Hansen has sold
his home and will start Immediately
on tho construction of another one,a.
few yards from his present location,
which he will occupy as soon as
finished. Charles Sneddon purchas
ed the present home of Mr. Ross for
a dwelling for himself. Both of the
Hansen houses were built by R. Han
sen himself and show creditable
Two Cottages.
E. A. Elckwortn nas the construc
tion of two six room residences on
Sixth street about completed. They
are either for sale or rent. These
buildings are story and half affairs
and are located on adjoining lots,
both being built on the same plan.
They are modern throughout and will
make very desirable homes as they
are well situated.
Mr. Elckworth has had several
chances to rent the buildings,
but as yet has not let a lease for
them, in hopes he may sell them, in
Which case he will erect a couple
more near by.
Four Room Cottage.
Mrs. John Preuss is having erect
ed a four rcom cottage on Ohio ave
nue which will be completed in about
three week&. The cost of this build
ing will be In the neighborhood of
$800. M. Ammerman will occupy
the building as soon as finished.
More Building There now than Ever
Before in History of the
Are lleing Erected by Quite n Num
ber of Residents of That
(Times Special Service.)
Myrtlo Point, Ore., May 4. The
people of Myrtle Point aro doing
a great deal of building at tho pres
ent time, probably more than was
ever done at that place before. There
are In course of construction several
thousand dollars worth of Improve
ments among which are tho follow
ing residences and business houses.
The building boom that seems to
have struck this little city is a great
advertisement for Its business In
crease which Is said to have been
large in the past six months. Myrtlo
Point is looked upon as one of the
best llttlo cities In tho Coqullle val-
Will Reside Here.,
E. E. Harris, of Wenatcheo, WaBh.,
has 'arrived on the bay. His family
Is with him, and they intend to make
this place their future home. Mr.
Harris states that a great many peo
ple are contemplating coming to the
bay from eastern Washington and
southern Idrfho.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our thanks to
neighbors and friends for kindness
shown us during the Illness and at
the death of Mrs. Qulovsen, and es
pecially to the young people of the
seventh and eighth grades of tho
school for their attention.
M. P. Gulovsen and Family.
Chicken Dinner.
Fine cltlckn dinner thls evening
at the Palye restaurant, aw lunch
counter anAln dining roomVierved
from 5:30? td 8 p. m.
ley, although she has two rivals
that desire a great deal of credit.
Coqullle and Bandon are now doing
a much more extensive business than
ever before in their history.
Mr. Benson, the hanker, has just
finished a fine fifteen room residence
which Is a rival to many of the fine
houses in large cities. The interior
is finished in highly polished myrtle
and all windows are of plate glass,
everything about the structure is on
an elaborate plan.
B. C. Lehmanosky has a pictur
esque little cottage about completed
which he will use as his future resi
dence. A. Graham has a nice cottage just j
finished. He will occupy It as a i
residence. j
J. Machado is erecting a large I
warehouse In which to carry on his j
business in handling flour and feed. '
W. E. Lewellen has the material I
on the ground for a fine new home '
which will be started immediately
.and rushed to completion as fast as
Leaves Marshfield every
Morning at 5 a. m. run
ning up Coo4 River to
Daniel Creek.
Of all desc
House paii
per hangii
Z, grain
& paint-
ins?, carrh
ing etc.
Strictly pi
re stock
sold on all
Opposite Bear'sM-ivery
EKCBUMHUa33Eg!3ail 11111111 II I III I Mill ll
BoLLlelj in
Quarts, Pintssjnd One Half Pints.
Phone Orders promptly attended to. Phone 401.
Calltip the
Old Corner Grocery
Cheese For Everybody
Below is a List md Prices
of Cheese toSuit e very
Eve r y bodJy'sTaste.
Come into phe Store and
get what you want.
Two Year Old Chfese
Fresh Chesee
Adam Cheese
Adam (cheese m Isms
Breakfast Cheese
Swiss Cheese
Limbureer Cheese
Mac Laren's Imperial
Mac Laren's Roqulfort Cheese
Creme de Brie Cheese
Fromage de Cammejibert
rromage rort an Diable
t 'f
ONE 1891
J 8c. lb.
18c. lb.
$1.00 apiece
50c. apiece
.05 apiece
45c. apiece
45c. apiece
20c. apiece
20c, apiece
40c. apiece
40c. apiece
40c. apiece
ijiiiwiwhhi.-hi.w jM;wn-wj.inMrV'i
FFrT' ""IT11! T rj-'ly'TTrn