rpir.- - , v P'llfPlHBni Firfiflwrmrrrn rr . 1 irwratrs '-- rn .n--. , -,.Tj HfT5"S5f "'-TI " THE DAHiT COOS BAY TIMKS, MAR8UFIEIJ), OREGON, SUNDAY, 1007. MAY 5, 4 m BUILDING Pleasing Indeed to both the new comer and the older residents of Marshfield Is the sound of the many hammers and saws that plan an un interrupted song from morning till night throughout the entire city. Many are the dwellings that are un der course of construction. If there Is any one thing that Marshfield or the bay In general needs above another Jt Is places for newcomers to live. Hundreds and hundreds of people have come to this city In the past six months with their mlnda fully made up that they would settle here, but have gone away, not because they were not fully pleased with tho resources of Coos Day, nor were dis pleased with the people they met here, but Just from the mere, yes, all Important fact, that they were absolutely unable to find a place to live. Not only have these new peo ple been unable to find a house In which to reside but many and many of them that came here with plenty of money to build a home, were un able to do bo because It was not even possible to find a place to board un til a residence could be erected. One would get the impression now, if he were to take a drive or walk around the city, that the people had finally been awakened to tho fact that houses had to be built and at once. They are In course of con struction in every corner of the city, out in the very edge, among the vir gin timber, which Is only being re moved enough to allow the buildings to go up, and again in the heart of the city where there is only room between the residences already built to place a dwelling. In addition to the many residences that are in course of construction and many more that will be started In the near future, there are several business houses being erected and some that will be commenced In the Immediate future. Several that have already been planned, such as the two story brick bank building at the corner of First and Broadway, the new brick bank and office building to be erected at the cprner of Front and A street by Messers Flanagan and Bennett, and the two Btory brick building to be erected at the corner of First and A street by Anson Rog ers.have not been started yet, solely on account of the fact that the new brick plants that are under course of construction are not yet ready to produce tho material with which to build. Not only will the buildings men tioned be erected just as soon as the brick plants are In operation, but there will be many more that will be commenced in the near future when brick making becomes a reality on Coos Bay Instead of a far away Cures Coughs, Colds, and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow packaob Addition to Marshfield Will jhidIic t Jfohn BUILDINGS TO BE ERECTED Bank building at corner of First and Broadway. Flanagan and Bennett bank at Front onrt A. Anson Roger's building at First and A. Grimes block, opposite Times building. UNDER CONSTRUCTION Going Furniture store on Front street. O'Connel building nt Second and A street. Gow Why building on First street. JUST FINISHED F. A. Sacchi building. Johnson building. Stewart and Mitchell busl- ness house. RESIDENCES Eighteen residences nre now under construction in Marsh- field. dream as it has been In the past. Big Building. Mr. Grimes, a capitalist of Guthrie, Oklahoma, who is heavily interested on the bay and who will be In the city in a short while, will probably erect a. fine brick business house on First street directly opposite the Times building. He is one of many that will do this during the coming summer. Some Others. Among the many buildings that are under course of construction at present and will bo completed soon the following may be mentioned: E. C. Going building on Front street, which has been mentioned In these columns several times, is fast nearlng completion and will, when finished, be one of the finest build ings for Its purpose in the city. Mr. Going will have It stocked with the best and most complete line of fur niture to be found on the bay in the very near future. Eugene O'Connell has recently let the contract for the erection of a fine, large two story business block to be erected at the corner of A and Second streets.on which active work will begin at once. This building represents an outlay of several thous and dollars and will undoubtedly be a great credit not only to this city at the present time but for years to come, as Mr. O'Connell is known to be a man who never does things by Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, West Bilnkeii be p rented to. aboqb May W. Flariagan General Agent halves, but does them In the best possible manner at all times. The business house being built by Gow Why on First street will bo ready for occupancy In the near future and will be in use just as soon as it Is possible to get it sufficiently completed to allow a business firm to move in. The second floor of this building will be used for living pur poses. The firm of Stewart and Mitchell has but recently finished the erection of a fine business house, the lower floor of which is being used by the firm In which to carry on their rapid ly increasing business, which made it necessary for the construction of the building, while the second floor Is being used as a dwolllng. F. A. Sacchl's new store building Is all complete now and is occupied with the exception of one of the store rooms on the first floor which will soon be housing one of the tailor firms of the city. The second floor of this building is occupied by fami lies. The Johnson building recently erected Is occupied, the second floor by families and the first floor by two business firms. In addition to the business houses above mentioned there are a great many dwellings in course of construc tion among which the following have been noticed. Building Three. Wilson and Thomas have the con tract for the erection of three cot tages at the corner of Washington and Sheridan, for D. L. Rood. One is partly built now. Work has been suspended on account of a lack of lumber. Mr. Rood is furnishing the lumber which he Is having shipped In from the Coqullle valley. The cottages are one and a half stories high containing about five to six rooms and will be modern. The contract calls for their completion not later than the first of June. They are to be rented when finished. One Is Ready. James Baines has one of the four residences he is having built on Sher idan, about finished. Wilson and Thomas are contractors for these dwellings. The one now in course of construction is a Btory and a half, seven room modern dwelling, with a basement under the entire build ing. It will cost about $1,250 and will be for rent when finished. Had It not been for the trouble In getting lumber, Mr. Wilson states, the resi dence would be almost completed at this time. - The rest of the lot of houses will be built just as soon as the contract ors can get at It. Lets Contract. F. C. Birch hab let the contract for a nice dwelling, to cost in the neighborhood of $6,000. It will be erected at once. The building will be a five room cottage, modern In every particular, and will be put up In the best possible manner. The floors and walls will be double, and Instead of the ordinary Interior fin ish, it will be plastered. This is sel dom done in the building of houses on the bay, but Mr. Birch is of the (Continued on page i.) CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRUGS Throat The Genuine is in the Hill the M0th GET 1WBEST MffiMMsaa KJlflKK&Wj Slecoitly Enlarged WITH 25,000 New Words Now Gasettoor of tho "World with more than 13,000 titles, lwsod on t!io latest census ret Now BIorahlcal Dictionary containing the nntic of orcr 10,000 noted persons, Uto of bat b. death, etc Edited by TT. T.liuiItlS.rh.T)., LL.D.. UaltcdStatcsComiSlisIonorotlMucattoa. 2300 Quarto Pago a Kr FUtM. MOO Ulut&tloal. Hick ELnJbt. Needed in Every Homo Also Webtter' ColUUte Dictionary DaLu-eEi:t;onB!iltU.T$U. I-rhUJtma fIU.,Dlctloau7'VTrkUu."Ii:uaitua;liUta. G. 6 C. MERRIAKfCO., Publishers, Sjlrlnaflold, Mas. EQGS can furnum the following Thoroughurea Eggs at $2.00 iter Setting Rhode Island Reds Barred Mymouth Rocks White Leghorns Pekin Duiks JOHN W. FLANAGAN Send in youVbrdcre Now Eggs Shipped anywhere in the county. Flanagan & Bennett Bank MARSHFIELD. OREGON. Capital Subscribed WO.000 Capital raitfyt'p (40,000 Undivided TibOU (35,000 Bo a general banking buslneci and draws ou the DanlToI Caluarqla, San Francisco Call!., First National Bank Portland Or., Finl National Bank, Rebefurg, Or, Hanover Na tional Bank, New Ybrk, N. II. Itotbonlld A Son, London, Ehglan Also sell chango on nearly all the principal cities of Europe, iv Accounts kept BUbJtecrjp check, sale deposit lockboxes (or rent Tit A, cents a month ot $5. a year. KA INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS STEAM) FLYER M. P. Penoer.grass, Muter TIME TABLE. Leaves Maflshfleld 7:30, &:00, and 10:30 a.Vn., and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 p. Leaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a. m and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00. m. Makes dally trips except Sun days. Fare:"tVpne way, 15 cents; round trip, 25 cents. W. A. J1ARINQ Dealer in Puto Cream Milk and Buttermi. Free de livery to all parts of the city. North Bend, - Oregon Now Ready .HOTEL OREGON New and '. lodern Sample Rooms i a Connection NORTH gKD, ORE Try the Marshfield Hotel Home Cooking, Good Beds Rates Board and Lodging $5 per week; per day, $1; Meala 25c. Pull BELL CORD Wet Your Whlslle Then Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop. Front Street, J ' t jiWshlleld, Oregon Sank at mjntt Capital Btnrl fulltj pattup sn.nnn. ffranaarta a nrrral Sankutn. liUBUUM. V Nnrtlj Ifrno. (Drrnnn hhoC R R. &KR.R. l v. ., ... rr: and Navigation lo. TRAIN SCHSWULE NO. 2. g In Ertecttfaniuiry li 1007. All previous chedules are Void. Subject to change without notice. V. S. Chamllor, manager; F. A. Lalse, freightagont: general offices, Marshfield, Oregon. No. 1. Trains. Daily Except Sunday. Stations. Leave 9:00. m.(Marshfleld. 9:30. m.B. H. Junction. 9:45 ;.. m.jcoqullle. Arrive 10:3ota.m.Myrtle Folnt. No. 2. 1 Dally I Except Sundajr. Leave 10:45 a. m.Myrt!e Point. 10:30 a. miCoqunie. 12:00 m. B. H. Junction. Arrive 12:S0p.m.MpBnneta. .! i i -.111 oiin nn riailv special orders. Trains lof and from Beaver Hill dally. SKATING RINK Announcements: Open afternoon and even ings, 2 to 5 apd 7 to 10, week days only. Prices: 25 cents for use of Rink alratpa 15 cents for those using their own s cates. 10 cents admission to 1 Gentlemon pvenings. Special attention given to beginners evujry after noon. Best of order always main tained. Nslson Ir.on Works F. E. NELSON. Prop. .. V We repair alf kinds ol Machinery, Steam and Gas Engines, Guns and Bi cycles. Best of yrk our Specialty. : : We manufacture Gaetlngs In Iron and Bronze for SairiMllls and Logging Camps. Wcmakehe best Sheaes and Road Spools for Loggers. : : : TELEPHONE MARSHFIELD, OREGON F. H. BRJGHAM ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT Plans and specifications made for a 11 classes of buildings. North Bend, Oregon PHONEV5.U MASTERS SMcLAIN Marshfield andl North Henil CONTRACTORS FOR Wood and stone Block pavements, macadam and plnk streets, pow er and water mains, cement aide walks and eurba.mlain ami rein forced concretftforbuihlnn;. foun dations ami retaining walls. Fire proofing and a-phalt roofing Crushed roeksand building stone. Grading and excavating. Steam Dtyc Works C Street Ladies'andGenfi'gttri entHiliMtn ed ornlyed. Philip Becker, Proprietoi. noon. tained. i I D L: Av;ery, I I Manager I ite a g amMiiwiuLiLaBBamaB I Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. mivamr an a vn RT!tHyWu I)iscaHC8 of the Eye, Eir, Nose and Xhroat a speoinlty. &' Mil.. ! T L lt.ti.ll II Uince in i-iocii-iiurii a fltwiuing. Marshfield, jf Oregon DR. HAYDON OOm oppotlt PnJon For are Store, TTnar, lo Jo xi ana iw 8pwiU attention paid to uhhifT 1 ttlgestlv or 0. K-Fenrton examiner o the rtta Oregon Marshfield, DR. 3. W. INGRAM, PfajrsidaHjknd Snrgcon. OfflM over Sengptackea'a Dm store. Phones OfflooW621; roefdence 7a. B. M. RICHARDSON, riiysloujn and Burgeon. Diseases ol fyo, ear, noeo and threat a specialty.! OiBcejin Eldorado Block. Lawyers. B. L. C.JfARRIN. "Attorncyat-Law. City Attorney. Deputy Dlst. Att'jr. Lockhari Building. Marshfleld, Ore. Phone 44. J. M. WTON, Attoraey-at-Lnw. Marshfield. - Oregon. J. W. JENNKTT. Offlci oyer Flanagan & Benett Bank. Marshfttld, I Oregon. c. p. Mcknight, Attorney-A t-Iw. Upstalnl, Bennett & Walter block MarahQeid, - Oregon. J. W. 8NOVER Attorncy-nt-Law Offlpe: Rogers building Marshfield: Oregon COKE & COKE, Atorney-at-Law. Marshfleld. Oregon. PIXLEY & MAYBEE, Attorncys-at-lrfiw. Office ove,r Myers' Store. 1 Phone 701 North Bend, Ore. Real Estfete Acents. DIER IiAND COMPANY Real Estate .Brokers North Bend, ... Oregon. Ready to showSpring Millinery CLARKE Broadwaand "0" Streets Correct Millinery Smart shapesrand tasteful trimming combine to makl every hat in the a" sortment a Perfect Style . All the latest Magazines at the North Bend New$N Co. northbend Mi iH BfS-jJhMHM 'www IWM MfrH'.UtHMWrWMgTqgy-