noi '" ; y ''yi""--y.) ,--m:MU"ii"vmmmmimmmmm . i in iiiimiSSl'ltmmmmmmmmmm (-aeao ,. K'',.V'"Wi' THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIEM), OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1007 Uaytjea-tt-i-gyff ini.iwMMw. ."-"-jqwronii iSMfe jf aBil x o 1 i m MARINE NEWS The following vessels arrived at and sailed from Coos Bay during the month of April: Schooners. Sailed. April 9 Sausallto April 17 North Bend April 19 Oakland April 20 Compeer April 23 Hugh Hogan April 23 Barkentlne Gleaner Arrived. April 1 Sausallto April 7 Barkentlne Gleaner April 9 Compeer April 10 J. M. Weatherwax April 11 Bertie Minor April 14 Oakland high and low tides at Empire for each day during the coming week: High Water. A. M. P. M. 22 7.1 Sat., 4 5:03 8.0 7 Sun., 5.... 6:47 7.6 8:27 7.4 Mon., 6.... 8:07 7.3 9:23 7.7 Tue., 7 9:22 7.4 10:09 8.1 Wed., 8 10:24 7.5 10:52 8.4 Thu., 9 11:17 7.7 11:30 8.6 Fri., 10.... 11:17 7.7 11:30 8.6 April 14 Hugh Hogan from SiuslawApril 24 Bertie Minor April 15 Wellesley (new) April 22 Guide April 26 Advent April 28 Esther Buhne April 29 Novelty April 29 Barkentlne Wrestler Umpqua, April 30, Arrived schooners Sadie and Lucy Steamers. April 25 Barkentlne Encore April 27 J. M. Weatherwax in tow of tug L. Rosco. Arrived. April 1 M. F. Plant April 3 Heather April 6 Breakwater April 7 Barge Chinook in tow of Wizard April 7 Alliance April 7 Thomas L. Wand April 8 F. A. Kllburn April. 9 Czarina April 12 Barge Shanok In tow of Columbia April 12 Renler April 12 Hunter April 13 M. F. Plant April 14 F. A. Kllburn April 16 Alliance April 19 Breakwater April 21 M. F. Plant April 22 Thomas L. Wand April 22 F. A. Kllburn April 24 Alliance April 25 Tug Valiant April 26 Breakwater April 26 Hunter April 26 L, Roscoe April 27 F. A. Kllburn April 29 M. F. Plant The following passengers left for Portland yesterday on the steamer Alliance: From Marshileld C. E. Gilbert, S. B. Klahn, C. Wanlers, A. A. Ander son, A. A. Levy, J. W. Levy, T. L. Carman and wife, A. E. Datin, H. Olsen, R. B. Hanlln, B. Bellnovn, S. Stiller, Sam Marsh, Captain R. Mar son, E. A. Relneck, J. W. Hoofer, J. W. Otto, W. F. Baxter and wife, Geo. P. Story, J. S. Lehman, Fred Horr, Leo W. Clark, John Tynain, A. C. Bloomer, J. C. Baker, J. W. Vogan, E. Lamping, O. M. Crewdson, W. S. Sailed. April 1 L. Roscoe April 8 M. F. Plant April 8 Breakwater April 9 F. A. Kllburn April 10 Czarina April 10 Alliance April 10 Heather April 11 R. D. Inman (new) in tow of Wizard April 12 Reniar April 12 Thomas L. Wand April 12 Barge Shanok in tow of tug Columbia April 13 Hunter April 15 F. A. Kllburn April 15 M. F. Plant April 16 L. Roscoe April 18 Alliance April 21 Breakwater April 22 F. A. Kllburn April 23 M. F. Plant April 23 Thomas L. Wand April 25 Alliance April 26 Tug Valiant April 27 Hunter April 27 Breakwater April 28 F. A. Kllburn April 28 L. Roscoe Burnlss, W. J. Butler and wife, S. J. Sellers, B. M. Cox, W. S. Chandler, Peter Nelson, Leon Lebard, L. Lar son, Mat Johnson. From North llend H. Henderlie, Mrs. Kidder, David Van Antwerp, C. M. Stearns, J. H. Snyder, N. H. Sny der, James .Keef, N. J. Gleason, W. J. Swlndelhurst, F. B. White, W. A. James, Mrs. L. A. Frey, M. Montgom ery, Captain A. M. Simpson, and Ave steerage passengers. Low Water. A. M. h. m. Feet P. h. m. May. Sat., 4 11:33 -0.3 Sun., 5 1:18 3.4 Mon., 6. . . . 2:28 3.0 Tue., 7 3:39 2.4 Wed., 8 4:32 1.5 Thu., 9. .. . 5:23 1.0 Fri., 10 6:07 0.3 To find the tide hours Coos Bay points, figure as follows i At the bar, -0.43; at North Bend, add 0.40; at Marshfleld, add 1.51; at Mllllngton. add 2.15. M. Feet 12:36 0.1 1:49 2:50 3:48 4:40 5:26 6:10 at 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.7 other WANT TO BE ON THE LINE Coquillo they are not In favor of the road. The majority of the people think that Marshfleld should do all in her power to have the road come through the .two cities, on the grounds that the country through which the road would pass to touch these cities, is the backbone of the agriculture dist rict of this county, while the other route Is not through such a good district. They say Marshfleld will be benefitted also by coming through Myrtle Point and Coqullle as there will not only be more travel, but the fact that the road follows the Co qullle river will add materially to the traffic In freight. HAD NO INFLUENCE Salt Lake, May 3. Federal Dist rict Attorney Ruick was here en route from Washington to Boise. He declined to discuss the recent Indictments returned by the grand jury. When asked if the Western Federation of Miners had any part in influencing the action of the grand jury, Ruick replied, "Not in the slightest, the report Is ridiculous." News From the New England States. If anyone has any doubt as to the virtue of Foley's Kidney cure, they need only to refer to Mr. Alvln H. Stlmpson, of Wlllmantic, Conn., who after almost losing hope of recovery, on account of the failure of bo many remedies, finally tried Foley's Kid ney Cure, which ho says Was "Just tho thing" for him, as four bottles cured him completely. He Is now entirely well and free from all the suffering incident to acute kidney trouble. Red Cross Pharmacy. Local News Notes Advertising among locals in locXl ..!,. t,-o in nnnlo no., tin- n- "UVW I """"""' -" -" '- - nrai inser. tlon, 8 cents for each subsequent In sertlon. MIcrosoSthes tho Uchlngcaln and creajkes a feeling of delight. ' boiu ill. mu nuu oiua, aiuranncld. tf L. W. Plnnz tho talloAwilf ip., (Purpose on thoViqxt Kllburn for til oi pin uisisniB iuiu iinu at ready made oiohlng which ho wftl handle in thfufVe. n-Vo7-6t A niceline of Postal JCards ind Boun NORTON HAN y w Books SEN Myrtle Point People Anxious That Electric Road Come Through That Place STAR BRAND. SHQES SAY IT WOULD HELP Not Only tho Coqullle Valley But Also Open a Fine Farming District. TIDE TABLE. Tho following table shows the (Times Special Service.) Myrtle Point, May 3. The people of this city have held a mass meet ing for the purpose of getting ex pressions from the many interested parties about an electric railroad be tween Roseburg and Marshfleld. The consensus of opinion is that if the road Is built along one of the routes recently mentioned, which will ex tend through both Myrtle Point and Coqullle, It will be a big thing and that they are willing to work tooth and toe nail for suchja road but On the other hand if the other route mentioned is considered, thereby cutting off both Myrtle Point and i -Zz ' Ik E? Ata li iRaJA " n,'u r r aivfpor x k if ..,....--- t a i 1 1 M ft En vi li 8 I I I . ill 3 ! II V UUI ILK LI KOI I. H ff 1 nut sundaes, afid 1 1 tut iu I mtikushake B I 1 I VL J l 1 f mei I I I I tethers, I Served everw Sun- 1 1 f f I day P I I I V T IN On k B V "4"" H II M I "fc I II V c STREET I I B v WWIIWttW I V limyWMyimm uimMmivPtmammwBm in. mi- wawr, nnq, MawBiMiM-Bni--nmMiihiMuMMM-jLij An ill-fiting pair of shoesare not only; troublesome but the will not Wear half as long as a (perfect-fitting shoe. Here we 'it your feet perfectly, give yoti shoes that i - i will please you as to style, and give you comfort in their perfect fit. A: full variety of the latest fit. A full variety on the latest models in 'both high and! low shoes for iand women and in f the styles and HE BAZAAR - T..tri fy-tTiin-r-y-if---avW nr--m---M----t--f--t:--W-a arrart-w.- fii.RanwBaKsfamiimjtw-jmBBaKBMSBmmvxitvmsmmmmmrKlaa I To those who have he& 1 I yWaiting for the famous I 1 I 0Sk I wWsay that II JSTP AS II?I 1 i XiSSffiBew COME v ,-' A V .?:-1 .:.' ,-': . J U J m m m$cii: Mi ' vAf ? I '. V''3 0 , Ht 1M1 If J B ... . i.- 1 ' ..tishJieB 'A m 5 i .f. .. rmM&sic&ntv ..,.,'a;.sy a s n ---H V- I wi'V Jn r iff v " y- 9 w ft..yiJ n so m :$ vv k.,mmss& I &j , immm i ANn m jBrf--.. s&'jMmm&& pro 1 TMm i Copyright 190- Hart SchafTner Gf Mat L I P EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS a; When vou buvHart Sthaffnpr nA My Clothes the dealer who sells them is authorized to make tHfe following guaranty in our name: kvery garment Made by Hart Schaffner and Marxi and WW nr M. is guailanteed to be made of All Woo! and Silk Fabrics, with no mfachir ? of Mercerized" or any other cotton: the seams sewed With fine &V t-W.,. Ap g . t w.WM.Vr XW garments tailored in clean, sanitary shops; the cloth thoroughly sponged and snrunK oerore cutting VES DEFECTIVE OR UMSATIS1 E RETURNED AND THE MONfYFAED Aay 1 MttT jrTr."F TaiTTMKW Hart Scruffier and Marx t MAY FOR IT sive Agents . S. Big line of Monarch amf61ue ,t Peabody shirts just, re- ceived. Also big assortment of Cbllege Shaped Hats J HT!jHkt---) T-T-t--i--'llCL2k' TPbL!--l----rB----------------------K--r ''!,nB'M wwMMWTCtaami . .--..-t... ;.--