The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 04, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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Gfrms lay intra
The Coos Bay Times Publishing Co.
A. E. GUYTON, Enrron and Manager.
Tlio policy of Tho Coos Buy Times
will bo Republican in politics, with the
Independence of which President Roose
velt is the leading exponent.
Entered nt the poitofllee nt Mnrsliflclil, Ore
gon, or tranxmlfslon through the malls in
second class mniKmattrr.
Binglo copy, daily, - 5 cents
Per month, daily, - - 50 cents
Three months, daily, - - $1 25
8ix months, daily - - $2 50
One year, daily, - - - $5 00
Weekly, per year - - $1 00
Address all communications to
Marshficld, Oregon.
The trial of Pettlbone, Moyer and ,
Haywood, soon to start at Boise,
Idaho, promises to be one of the I
most celebrated murder cases In the
hlstory of the country. Tho men are '
charged with the killing of the form-!
or governor of that state. The con-,
ditlons there are strained and many
chose to look at the caso as a con
test between capital and labor, rath-
er than the trial of men on a charge
of murder. But It Is not .starting J
off right. According to tho press
telegrams, tho governor of tho state
Is receiving threatening letters and
some even go so far as to say that
if one witness testifies he will be
assaslnated before ho leaves the wit
ness chair. It Is also said that it "Coos Bay has attained almost
may be impossible to secure a fair i national publicity," remarked a man
and impartial jury, because men will the other day, "and it is self-evident
be afraid to sit in judgement in such ' that any more money expended for
a case, i advertising would bo a useless ex-
Now in a free country like travagance. The tide of immigra
America things have come to a tion is turned this way. This is at
pretty pass if men cannot bo tried ! tested by the loads tho boat and
on a charge of murder talrly because stage lines are dally depositing on
In danger of their lives, and when ' the shore of the peninsula,
witnesses may be killed because they "The great trouble now is the
attempt to tell tho truth. If the I lack of accomodation of any kind
accused aro found to be Innocent by i which confronts prospective settlers.
tho jury they will be turned loose
and if they aro guilty of the coward
ly crlmo charged against them they
ought to get the full limit of punish
mont. Idaho Is not Russia, and If it re-
quirea a whole army of soldiers to
make it possible, tho threo men
should bo given a fair trial just like
anyone elso similarly charged. That
such should be prevented or mado
imposslblo by threats or by intimi
dation if .any individuals or body of
men Is un-American and against
all tho fundamental principles upon
which this country stands and feels
her strongth. If tho performance of ,
tho duties of our higher tribunals mostly reposing beneath some mar
of justice must be blocked by threats bio marker.
of assassination wo are taking a step "If 5100 is spent on an advertise
backward and losing our stronghold "lent which results In fifty people
of freedom and Justice. ' coming to tho bay and thirty-five of
! those people leave dissatisfied it
I'HItllAl'S TIIKY NEKO IT means that you have paid out the
Mexico and Guatemala, It seems, ! am" of $100 to knock your towns.
aro laboring now under strnined re
lations and tho fact that Mexico has
ten thousand men on tho frontier
gives tho situation a somewhat war
like appearance. Guatemala, Hko
tho rest of tho Httlo Central Ameri
can countries, Is always having tho
chip knocked off her shoulder but
In this caso she Is bucking President
131117. with a strong country bohlnd
him. Of course if thoro should bo
any battling Diaz W11 simply eat up
Porlmps It would bo a good thing
Call up
1 1
uw kjorm
to give the hot headed Httlo country
a good thrashing. A good switch
ing for the boys In school, properly
administered, has lasting benefits
and this may be the same kind of
a case.
The people of Myrtle Point are
agitating the plan of Installing a
sewer system in that city and they
are acting wisely. The place has
now grown to a point where sewers
are needed and the people are quick
to realize the necessity. The proper
kind of sanitation means everything
to the health and success of a place.
The sooner Myrtle Point carries out
the plan suggested the better for the
people and tho place and the agita
tion now started Is along tho right
line. Tho same thing applies to
Marshficld. The sewer system here
Is Inadequate and should be enlarged
and perfected, planned in a way that
will admit of extentlon as the city
H. B. Stewart of Myrtle Point won
I first prize with the pictures of the
strawberries he raised. This was In
I a contest in which entries were made
fl-om a11 over the Un,ted stat and
' the lead- Mr. Stewart Is certainly
to be congratulated for his success
""" "" """ ' b"
Coos county-
Whether it be with
strawberries or something else we
always want to bo on top. The fact
that the 'berries from this locality
won first prize Is an excellent adver
tisement of the fruit growing pos-
"""""-- "' ""a '"" wt ""- -""
olhtlltinn sF 1il nntif nf 1, n nn.ntr
The Philosopher
That this is a serious detriment to
the cities on the bay is evidenced
by the fact that the boats are taking
out fully as many people as they are
bringing In. You cau't expect "new
comers to ride over very many ob-
staples. They are coming in and the
hotels tell them I tho rooms are all
taken and If they try to rent a house
their efforts go unrewarded. You
may well say that we only want
'btlckers' people who will brave
anything to stake their future with
tho Coos Bay country. That theory
Is an excellent one, but those heroes,
who to secure a liorac, aro willing
to undergo any hardship, are now
It Is a well known and accepted
theory that one dissatisfied person
will influence at least twenty-five
people arbitrarily. This reasoning
may appear far fotched and you may
think It Is not applicable to Coos
Bay. yet overy day, I will wager
odds, that there Is a growing feeling
against tho place. There Is no
ground for such a feeling but tho I
great majority of people now days
aro not noted for their porspicaeltv J
in masoning things out, especially
ll'KtulllllK " lllilUU IUUJ JUIYU 11UVUI I '
xn-xixwtzrxxaaaiaaBumttsaBgBEwaia '
r grocery
seen, which has been held up in an
unfavorable light.
"There Is no question but that
something should be done and prob
ably everyone is well aware of the
fact. But it appears that everyone
of those who could remedy this
crying evil are waiting for someone
elso to take the initiative. In the
meantime the people keep coming, in
and going out again."
W. S. Chandler left yesterday for
Portland and Salem to attend busi
ness matters.
Vcn, Yea, Yea
at 10 o'clock
Gth. Event
church at 7
hers are ex
vices. VI
ally Invltel
: : j -' . Attsi'L- 1 -.
. AttcntlAn EnIos. Ti Z TTl ( V I I II 54Tltt '. ft H AttAr M At 17 fir
1 1 jT AS IA UL I H h M M A M. Jl M. M. &ULJft Q Hf I llf 111 IIUUU.V
feervce at Eables hall V I f U T
Wshfirp on SunYla May A KELLY, Ccftnmnnding. V g? AeCIltA MarSltf ICId
r service atUsaptist SAILINI5 FROM I' V I
ided to attendftoth sr. Liiii hAY To Hortmnfl anil KeLum I l" lu "' '7'
a totte"d 7ar 5.ordl" GE0-D- GRAt A co-General aeents- Nv -rw- SIIVv: Agcnt 1 marsn,,e,u r,,u,,BMOU I
421 Mftrkpt. Rr'.. Ban Krnnniqfn. V I Marshficld. PllOIlO 44 1 1
I ' ' 1 1 MclNierson Ginsec Co. i
I Wlts nliniCr Hill 3S lesalliquor dalers 1
V Jinf&QH? 4Ljyi& & &&&& cars aful saloo tup-
I W5 i i i 1 h f ,J
i V i I ft MH?amMraWHte8i II IHT
I Will fee prented to the ..
BpMic afeois) May lpth ili DrBanUft
I r " 1 K 1 1 EYE, NERVEAND CHRONffi S
Jobn WFJanaean I "iv?"t1 !
1 S $ 6 I H NOTE: We io noHuie any drigs inlour I
GeIieral Ase I I ALL Ul LUJ
tirely remodeled room and
on Coos Bay. We will s
and have a
Bankifij Pkvots if (W B&y
And courteusfeatmcntare the iLidisnted right CfoinY I df llirlri
of every dciVitor in tMis bank VlieuC arc any I JlCOHl .LdUIIUI.y
number of jfloni willinj to testifyltor thess facts. ,1 I
Can you nortdd your nlme to our ljt? Inforniti- 1 J.of... 1
tion chceralll given by ivery oflictA and director if' "" If
First National "bWiCoos Bav I "T '"' "T BEND
JOHNS. COKE, President S O. II. HIJftDALK, Vice-President I f j
1 W.8.MeFABLAND.cUr I ll WoV C nowdefeat
""" ihe Nor h Benfl Plant
California and .tfreo-on Coas Steamship Company. W . f l
a aw .! ,
morning we wi
le first
ve all
place where yi
u can
Makes nofdiffevence how bit your
. ' . l . anni
tain is sujreuo quencn it. ll Here
you as quickly as a glass of ure, sparkling, delicious, ice crec
line of candies is mbre
how varied your taste for
- I I
f C Street, Between Broadway anacond ' I
pen our doors to the public with an en-
and only up-to-date soda fountain
kinds of cool and refreshing drinks
stop and rest for a few minutes.
thirst is, a soda drawn fromlour f
i lift....
is nothing on earth that
complete than ever and
dainty confections maybe W(
VVill cool
' llll'"'"'W'-"'l.'IHWWi.LUlllllUIWH. .--.