The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 04, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 1

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Daily Edition
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Enthusiastic Mass Meeting Is Held In
Marshfield -Line Will Extend
Through Coquille and Myrtle
Point-Outside Capital
Not Needed
Active steps were taken at a mass
meeting last night toward the or
ganization of a company for the
building of an electric line from
Roseburg to Coos Bay by way of
Myrtle Point and Coquille. The
meeting was held In the Redmen
hall. There was a large attendance
and much enthusiasm, and there
seems to be every promise that the
road will be built.
I. S. Smith was chosen chairman
of the meeting. The first speaker
was Attorney Barzee. He told that
he had been sent here by the Doug
las county people to learn the sen
timent of the Coos county citizens.
He has held meetings at North Bend,
Myrtle Point, Bandon and Coquille.
In the valley towns the people favor
ed the project of the road coming by
way of Coquille and Myrtle Point,
taking the stand that the valley
country Is the backbone of the agri
cultural resources of Coos county.
Mr. Barzee said that Douglas
county needed Coos Bay as an out
let. They have products there that
they must get to tidewater and they
felt that Coos Bay wanted the tide
water connection with Roseburg. He
said that ho thought the money
could easily be raised to form a
company without going outside of
Douglas and Coos counties. Co
quille and Myrtle Point each sent a
delegation to voice their sentiments,
which were similar to those ex
pressed by Mr. Barzee. W. G. Kerr
and William Nye represented Co
quille, and Thomas Guerin and J. H.
Roberts were here to represent Myr
tle Point. They all spoke along the
line that Coquille and Myrtle Point
favored the road and will give it
Among others who spoke and en
thuslasticaly endorsed the road were
P. B. Walte, L. D. Kinney, I. S.
Smith, Dr. Tower, P. S. Dow and
several others. On motion George
Farrin, Dr. C. W. Tower and P. S.
Dow were appointed to draw up the
following resolutions, which were
Longshoremen in New York Are
Causing Blocking of The Ship
ping Interests.
5,000 0N A STRIKE
Fears That a Bis Tie-up Will Be the
Result of the Present
New York, May 3. The strike of
the longshoremen assumed serious
proportions today. There are 5,000
men on strike. Work Is practically
suspended on a score or more of largo
tramp steamers. Thus far but two
trans-Atlantic passenger lines, the
American and Red Star, have been
seriously affected. There are fears
that a big tie-up In shipping may re
John Merchant Receives a Handsome
John Merchant has received a
handsome now stanhope, which will
he seen on the streets In a short time.
Several people have been admiring
lit In the Alliance warehouse.
"Whereas, the commercial bodies
of Douglas county have delegated
Mr. Louis Barzee to visit the cities
and towns of Coos county and secure
an expression from the commercial
bodies In said county as to whether
or not they are favorable to the con
struction of an electric road connect
ing Roseburg with Coos Bay; and
"Whereas, We are not asked at
this time for any contribution of
funds with which to construct and
equip said road, but simply to lend
our moral support to the project,
"Now, therefore, be it resolved,
That the Marshfield Chamber of
Commerce in regular session assem
bled does hereby heartily endorse
said project, and we as a commercial
body representing the citizens of
Marshfield and vicinity, pledge our
support and promise to do every
thing in our power to encourage the
construction of said road via Myrtle
F. S. DOW.
More speeches were made by Mr.
Barzee, L. D. Kinney and F. B.
Waite, and they all favored forming
an organization at once. George
Farrin moved to elect a committee of
five representative citizens to meet
with a like committee from North
Bend, Bandon, Myrtle Point, Coquille
and Roseburg and take active steps
toward forming the company. This
carried and the following were
elected: W. S. McFarland, Frank B.
Walte, Henry Sengstacken and F. S.
Major Kinney thought that one
contractor should start at North
Bend and another at Roseburg and
build together. This idea was ap
proved by the others present.
Mr. Barzee complimented the ac
tivity of the Coos county people, and
said that the Roseburg people would
be pleased. He said he hoped soon
to announce a date for the meeting
of thd different committees.
Dayton, Ohio, May 3. Miko
Schreclc won from Tony Ross
near this city tonight by a
knockout in the thirteenth.
Baltimore, May 3. Kid Stilli-
van tonight knocked out Young
Corbett in the eleventh round.
Installing Crusher.
Masters and McLain have their
rock crusher Installed, also the en
gine and boiler and will have It In
operation about the middle of the
coming week. The work on a large
warehouse to be built by this firm
will be in progress in a short time.
Aid Society Meets.
The members of the ladies aid
society of the Methodist church
met yesterday with Mrs. Bear. The
next meeting will be at the parson
age. Moves His Office.
W. J. Rust has moved his office
from the Douglas building to the
room on Front street recently occu
pied by the RIebe and Leslie grocery
Miss Harriet Holcomb has accept
ed a position with the Palm. Miss
Holcomb came to this city from Port
land a short time back.
Member of
Protest to the Mayor Against the
Proposed Licence Ordinance
to Be Presented
And Expressing Himself as Hoping
That Council Will Pass the
It is jokingly said that the Im
pression is out that the real estate
men of Marshfield are seriously con
sidering moving from this city In a
body, all on account of an ordinance
that Is being drawn up by the city
attorney. The fact was mentioned
yesterday that there would be pro
ccnted at the next council meeting
an ordinance providing that all real
estate men pay a license of $250 a
Mayor Straw yesterday was visited
by a large delegation of real estate
men who protested vigorously against
paying a license. They held that
they ought not to be made pay any
such fee to the city. Mayor Straw
was firm In his opinion that the or
dinance would be a good thing and
expressed himself as hoping that it
would be passed.
if Pacific Coast League.
San Francisco, May 3. San.4
Francisco, 0; Portland, 3.
Los Angeles, May 3. Los
Angeles, 1; Oakland, 0.
Northwest League.
Seattle, May 3. Seattle, 3;
Spokane, 1.
Large Number of Friends Attend the
Burial of Late Mrs. Gulov
sen. The funeral of the late Mrs. M. P.
Gulovsen was held at 2 o'clock yes
terday afternoon from the family
residence and was largely attended
by friends. The services were con
ducted by Rev. D. W. Thurston, pas
tor of the Baptist church and the
music was by the Baptist choir.
The floral offerings were especially
handsome and numerous. The burial
was at the Odd Fellows cemetery.
Mr. Gulovsen, the husband, who
has been seriously ill of appendicitis,
is at the Mercy hospital at North
Bend. He was somo better yesterday
and It is thought that ho may not
have to submit to a surgical opera
tion as was at first feared.
Business at Sun Francisco Hampered
Because of the Action of
San Francisco, May 3. The strike
of the telephone operators has caused
great inconvenience, and has Inter
fered greatly with business. The
company Impressed clerks and every
one else possible Into service, but
maintained a badly crippled servlco
throughout the day and night.
Capt. A. M. Simpson, who has been
visiting with his son, L, J. Simpson,
at North Bend for a few days return
ed yesterday to his home in San
Francisco, leaving on the steamor
Associated Press.
Members Transacted Large Volumn
of Business During Short Ses
sion This Term
Were Investigated and Seventeen
True Bills Were Returned to
The Court.
The grand jury of Coos county re
cently adjourned performed a feat
rarely ever accomplished by such a
body in any locality. Out of 21 per
sons arranged on criminal charges,
all pleaded guilty leaving no case to
be tried by jury in court by States
Attorney Brown. Mr. Brown return
ed home this evening after the grand
Jury had finished its work, without
having to appear in the court room
at all. ,
The grand jury examined 25
charges referred to that body, in 17
of which were returned a true bill.
Not a true bill was returned In three
cases and five were cases where in
formation had been filed by the
district attorney at the December
term. Of the above counts four pers
ons against whom there were charges
have not yet been arrested.
, Followlng'is a list of the cases be
forethe grand jury and the disposi
tion made of each by that body:
State vs Barnes, assault with dan
gerous weapon, not a true bill.
State vs L. D. Kinney, larceny, not
a true bill.
State vs James W. Dye, attempt to
commit rape, not a true bill.
State vs Homar Ballard, larceny,
true bill, plead guilty, sentenced to
two years In the penitentary.
State vs Charles McCaulsey, true
bill, plead guilty, sentenced to two
years In the penitentary.
State vs Dan Barklow, two counts,
soiling liquor in violation of the local
option law, true bill, plead guilty
fined $100 on first count and $150
on the second.
State vs J. ,C. Wilcox, John'Volz,
Fred Johnson, John Curran- and
Charles Ross, permitting gambling,
true bill,- plead guilty, the first four
mentioned paying a fine of $150 each,
and the last a fine of $100.
State vs Dan Greene, two counts,
selling liquor contrary to the local
option law, true bills, plead guilty,
and fined $100 on each count.
State vs Charles Bordon, selling
liquor in violation of the local option
law, true bill, plead guilty and fined
State vs John Blllou, selling liquor
in violation of local option law, true
bill, plead guilty and fined $100.
Information filed at the December
term against the following parties
for permitting gambling, true bill,
all plead guilty and were fined $100
each; J. C. Wilcox, Fred Johnson,
John Volz, Joe Shine, John Curran,
Frank Weatherly, Al Hemschpel and
John Nasburg.
The total amount of money col
lected in fines Is $1,550, $0 00 of
which is for gambling and $050 for
Tho weather forecast for to
day follows: Western Oregon,
fair and warmer In south por
tion; Washington, Idaho ami
eastern Oregon, fair.
The local wpather for yester
day, as reported by Dr. Mlngus,
tho Marshfield observer, fol
lows: Highest 58 degrees
Lou est -1U degrees
O p. in. . ft!! degrees
Precipitation .. .1'! Inches
Wind In northwest. Cloudy.
Men Connected With the Eastern
Heavy Sentence
Portland, Ore., May 3. Former State Senator Franklin P. Mays and
W. X. Jones were today sentenced by Federal Judge W. II. Hunt In con
nection with the land fraud cases of eastern Oregon. May's punishment
is $10,000 fine and four months imprisonment In the Miiltnoniad county
jail, and that of Jones is $2,000 and eight months' imprisonment In the
county jail. Mays' sentence was stayed until November I In order to give
him time to appeal. Tbe sentences of Hamilton II. Hendricks and Coo
1). Barnard, implicated in the same case, went over until September be
cause of objections by the government to the ninnuer in which the de
fendant's bill of eceptlons was prepared. The defendants in this enso
were convicted of attempting to del rami the government of an immenso
area of public land by illegally fencing it.
Wires That He Will Leave For Coos
Bay About the Fourteenth
of May
Head Executive of State Will
Royally Entertained ' While
i Here.
Governor Chamberlain is to visit
Coos Bay about the middle of the
month. His intentions are given in
the following telegram which was
received yesterday:
George N. Farrin,
Marshfield, Ore.
Expect to leave for Coos county
about May fourteenth.
Now that the date of the gover
nor's visit is definite, arrangements
locally will bo made at once for his
entertainment. Plnns will bo made
to show tho. governor Coos Bay
right and every moment of his time,
here will bo occupied.
Court Decides That Albert Abel Has
Not Hullicient Kvidenco Against
the Railroad.
(Times Special Service.)
Coquille, Ore., May 3. Tho dam
ago case of Albert Abol against W. S.
Chandler, receiver for tho Coos Bay,
Roseburg and Eastern Railroad, was
concluded in tho circuit court today.
Tho court declared a non-suit on tho
grounds that there was not sufficient
evidence so tho caso never went to
the jury. Tho plantlff wanted dama
ges for injuries received while at
work for tho road but tho count hold
that ho was negligent in occupying
tho position that he did. Tho caso
will bo appealed by the plantlff.
State Senate Favors Him as (lie Dem
ocratic Nominee for
Tallahasae, Fla., May 3. Tho sen
nto today passed a resolution endors
ing Bryan for tho democratic nom
ination for tho presidency.
The Davenport and Levene
creamery at Coquille is burn
ing. Loss will total $10,000.
No. 250
Oregon Land Frauds Are Given
by Judge Hunt.
North Bend Chamber of Commerce
Takes Steps To Secure a
Room. '
To Ascertain the Cost of Establishing
.' Place for the Use of tho
North Bend's Chamber of Com
merce held one of tho most enthusi
astic meetings in Months Friday
night. Resolutions wero drawn up
stipulating that a committee, con
sisting of F. H. Brigham, A. G. Raab,
and Frank Davis, should ascertain
the cost of securing a room to bo
used for tho purpose of a public li
brary. A paper was also read from
Otto Hlllcsath, in which he proposed
that the chamber stand a part of his
expenses for a lecture tour of Swe
den, Norway and Scandlnnvla for tho
purposo of turning tho tide of Immi
gration toward Coos Bay. Tho prop
osition was submitted to the advertis
ing committee.
Fred Pasley resigned his position
as secretary of tho Chamber of Com
merce and A. Whisnant, who has re
cently taken charge of tho Coos Bay
Harbor, was appointed to the posi
tion. Miss Gertrudo Sharpo was re
tained as stenographer. Sho will at
tend to the correspondence, and will
also receive outside stenographic
work. There is a great amount of
this to be dono in North Bend, and
Miss Sharpe is expected to get a good
sharo of it.
A financial statemont of the Cham
ber was read beforo tho meeting and
submitted to tho auditing committee.
With the subscriptions coming In on
tho advertising fund, tho Chamber
will havo a generous surplus in tho
Frank Davis was takon In as a
membor of tho Chamber. Mr. Davis
is identified with tho Davis-Schultz
wholcsalo grocery firm of North
, RInaldo M. Hall, who Is on tho bay
for a few weeks gathering data for
a series of magazlno articles, gavo a
brlof and instructive talk on judi
cious advertising that was deeply ap
Liverpool, May 3. May wheat,
0b 7d,
Now York, May 3. Lead, $C5
$G,10; copper, $24.25 0$2D. 25; sll-
ver, G5c.
Chicago, May 3. May wheat
opened 81181c, closed 81c;
July wheat oponed 8484c,
closed S-H 6c; barley, 71 74c; flax.
$1.14; Northwestorn, $1.23.
San Francisco, May 3 -Wheat,
$1 32(i$l 37V&. '
Portland, May 3 Wheat Club,
78c; blue stem, 80c; red, 7Cc; val-
loy, 75c.