TUB DAIL1 COOS BAT TOfMS, MARSHFIKLD, ORBGON, SUNDAY, APJUIi 28, 1007. he Manager Of the B. A. E By VAUGHAN Coprrlfht, UOl. br Continued from Friday.) Ks not going to be unfair to any tfl can help It Dut If the road's don't meet Uie operating ex- ; the general will soil It 'to tho M. Do you understand what that It will knock Antlocb higher kite, for the nhops will b I guess when all bands set Sgh their beada thoy will take L'n JUfit tho point I mode.' Who to enllshten them If It 'Isn't don't suppdye,7oii will care1 to ad telling everybody what a Mow you are and-how thankful lould be that you have stopped t'wnges. We can work double, I want Hoadley kept because imlscd me bis Influence for Ken- 'I'd exert myself In bis behalf. !f Importance' up at the June- WOf course we know he's a drunk- tat, but that's got nothing to do !" Sam sorry, but .he's got to go. Oakley doggedly. "A one horse ad can't carry dead Umber." pfcry well." And Ilyder pulled la & ' .1 M.. Mm M Jt MAMA lMl1tt ?MAV tblll fcl A f A i?jvgB uuu ruev aiuwi iruiu uib vuuu. au can't and won't see It as I do your lookout" aider touched shortly. ' guess I'll bo able to meet the slt- Mr. Ityder." te scouted the Idea that Ryder with I 'little country newspaper could el- ruelp or harm him.. H - . CHAPTER VII. R. EMOIIY and Dan were standing ou tho street corner before the hotel. Oakley had Just come uptown from the He was full of nwkward ex- i and apologies, but Dr. Emory cut i short. suppose I've alright to bo angry ' way you ve avoided us. but I m b," On the contrary, I'm going to t.Dan bad consulted his preferences fme matter, he would have begged fedt he felt ho couldn't without glv- reffense, so be allowed the doctor to Ml4iim away, but he didn't appear ns or as grateful as he should I been at this temporary release the low diet of the American E. jis Emory was waiting for her fa lcon the porch. An errand of bers tnlrAn him flnu'iitnwii. ,, - seemea surprised io see uaKiey, fcwas graciously disposed toward him. He be fell short of her standards, pas decidedly superior to the local ith with whom she hud at first been Kned to class him. Truth to tell, tho youth fought rather shy of the tor's beautiful daughter. Mr. Burt kith, the gentlemanly druggist and acknowledged social leader, who wan nch sought after by the most exclu- re' circles In such centers of "fashion u"! Y) a11 am mm S TTm m! W A 1 txAVth X)Ui:ikljuiu uuu iiuiimuu, uuu uuuu cniiiea oy ner mnnner wncn, mect- tg her an the street, be bad nttempted itevlve an acquaintance which dated to their childhood that he was a ital wreck tor days afterward and 'hardly dared trust himself to OU the simplest prescription. )r. Emory excused himself and went i, the house. Dan made himself corn- table on the steps at Miss Emory's In the very nearness there was aethlng luxurious and satisfying. IM -was silent, because bo feared tho agonlsm of speech. Ill was with friends of yours this nftternoon. Mr. Oakley," she said by rway of starting the conversation. K'Frlends of mine here?" i'Yes; the Joyces." l!'I must go around am see them. ITfeey have been very kind to my fa rther," said Dan, with hearty good will. L"How lone Is your father to remain SAntIoch, Mr. Oakley?" Inquired Con- ince. ll'As long as I remain, I suppose ere aro only the two of us. you aw." IKWbat does he And to do here?" "Oh," laughed Dan, "he finds plenty do. His energy Is something dread- Then, too, he's employed nt the MpB. That keeps him pretty busy. i see." lut Miss Emory hadn't known this tore. She eleyated her eyeprows In lid surprise. She was not sure she lerstood. E'l didn't know that he was one ol i officers of the road," with deceptive ifference. i'He's not. He's a cabinetmaker," plained the literal Oakley, to whom cabinetmaker was quite as respect- trie as any ono else. There was a ief pause, while Constance turned Ms over In her mind. It struck her as singular that Oakley's father auld be one of the hands. Perhaps credited him with a sensitiveness ' which he was entirely Innocent (She rested her chin In her bands and red out Into the dusty street P"Isn't It Infinitely pnthetlc to think of hat poor little man and his work?" olnjr back to Joyce. "Do you know, 1 ould have cried? And his wife's faith, Is sublime, even If It Is mistaken." .She laughed In a dreary fashion. FWhat Is to be done for people like oat whose lives are quite uncompen- ated?" KESTER IIarpr b Brother They were joined by the doctor, who had eausht a part of what Constancy aid and divined the rest 'Ton see only the pathos. Joyce la Just as well off hero as he would be anywhere ele, and perhaps a little better. He makes a decent living with his pictures." As he spoke he crossed the porch and stood at her sldp. with bis band resting affectionately on her boulder. "I guess there's a 'larger Jnttlc In the world than we' conceive," said Oakjtry. , "Out not to know, to go on-blindly doing something that Is really, vary dreadful and never to know!" She turned to Oakley, "I am afraid I rather agree with your father. He seems bappy enough, and be Is doing work for which there Is a demand." "Would you be content to live hero with no greater opportunity than bo has?" Oakley laughed and shook his head. "No, but that's not the same. I'll pull the Huckleberry up and make It pay and then go In for something bigger." "And If you can't make It pay?" "I won't bother with It then." "But if you had to remain?" Oakley gave ber an incredulous smile. "That couldn't be possible. I have done all sorts of things but stick In what I found to be undesirable, berths, but of course business 4s not at all the same.' v w- - "But isn't it? Look nt Mr. Byder. Ho says that he Is buried hero In the pine woods, with no hopo of ever get ting back Into the world, and I am sure he Is able, and Journalism Is certainly a business, like anything else." Oakley made no response to this. He didn't propose to criticise nyder; but all the same, be doubted bis ability. "Griff's frightfully lazy," remarked the doctor. "He prefers to settle down to an effortlesB sort of an existence rather than make a struggle." "Don't you think Mr. Byder extreme ly clever. Mr. Oakley rM "I know him so slightly, Miss-Emory, but no doubt be Is." Mrs. -Emory appeared In the door way, placid and smiling. "Constance, you and Mr. Oakley come on In; dinner's ready." When Dan went home that night he told himself savagely that he would never go to the Emorys'. again. The experience had been most unsatisfac tory. In spite of Constance's evident disposition toward tolerance twhere he was concerned, she exasperated bim. Her unconscious condescension was a bitter memory of which he could not rid himself. Certainly women must be petty, small souled creatures If she was at all representative of her sex. Yet in spite of his determination to avoid Constance, even at the risk of seeming rudq, be found It required greater strength of will than he pos sessed to keep away from the Emorys. He realised In the course of the next fewweeks that aifcew stage In bis de velopment had been reached. Inspired by what be felt was a false but beau tiful confidence in himself he called of ten, and as time wore on the frequency of these calls steadily Increased. All this while he thought about Miss Em ory a great deal and was sorry for ber or admired her, according to-bls mood. In Constance's attitude toward blm there was a certain flbkleness that be resented. Sometimes she was friendly and companionable, and then again she seemed to revive all her lingering prejudices and was utterly indifferent to blm, and her Indifference was the most complete thing of Its kind be had ever encountered. Naturally Dan and Byder met very frequently, and when they met they clashed. It was not especially pleas ant, of course, but Ryder was persist ent and Oakley was dogged. Once he started in pursuit of an object be never gave up or owned that he was beaten. In some form he bad accomplished ev erything be set out to do, and If the re sults bad not always been Just what be bad anticipated be bad at least bad the satisfaction of bringing circumstances under bis control. He endured the edltor'n sarcasms and occasionally re taliated with a -.vengeance so heavy as to leave Griff quivering with the smart of It. Miss Emory found it difficult to maintain the peace between them, but she admired Dan's mode of warfare; It was so conclusive, and be showed such grim strength In bis ability to look out for himself. But Dan felt that be must suffer by any comparison with the editor. He had no genius for trifles, but rather a ponderous capacity, no had worked bard, with the single determination to win success. He had the practical man's contempt, born of bis satisfied Ignorance, for all useless things, and to his mind the useless things were those whose value It was Impossible to reck on in dollars and cents. (To be continued.) FOLEYSHONETTM for children aafa$ sur. No opiaiet WANT ADS WANTED.. chambcrma Hotol 0. WANTED At Srth Bondlhcftel 1m mediately, a fining roomWirl. ie-u WANTE Waitresses and cook nt Castle eetaurant, North uend. 4, FOR RENTA-Large front ro nished; )C;lectri6 light M Wade, AVoadway. WANTED. 'strong worn to care foi flderly lady, Mrs. H. 2ngstaCken. 11. -i WAT1BI fci-oa to wrtc ta SwrwHt, wages W ft' 6ay asd npvsrtL Btpoon Ltuaber Oo, 9-6tt. FOR SALE CHEAPy'RacycIo" bl cycle; used only ymontha. Inquire P. O. Box Ul.lHarahfleld. 4-27-2t NOTXC&-W win be rocetv papertac fafl palatine my Mrs. AefM Huthlason. floNJ. FOR SAJU3.- Good paying fotftaur- ant, gMd location, two yewfleAse. easy tferme. Apply NortfllBead Nova -9-lt WANTED TO BCY, A rotter fof dock. Anyone desk td. sell address L Tttn RTOI.'RV .V ook from -Alert; fllU who took It re' steamer anc savo trouble. EdwardLcat recognizo tho MUSIC ABeebre the Irish Ofebostra fer Mfjarrttde music oaay occa-sic-a. McDcrby, ceaduKor and violin nhtruetos, MereffiWd, Ore M9-U FOR SALBJ to acres quarter nine of wat ship ebftnaal on Cooa gate, foel Title stractC FOR REnT."5-Two furnished iiouse keeplngV rooms suitable for man and wlfkVra Windsor blockA Apply to FrevAJohnson, EagliE saloon, North Behd. -4-28-tt POSITION WANTED.A-By an ex- perlencad'clothing and shoe man, card wsfter and window trimmer in cltyoh or near Qooai Bay. Al recommends. 4-27-2t FOR RENT, ne large f room with stave,, ell furnlshe 10 per month; o smaller ms up Hairs, 8 per month electric lights. . C. A, M lfn, I St., V 4-18-tf South Marshfleld. FOR SALE. A new unclaimed up; right Vrand piano. Thfi under signed will receive 'bids fip to and lncludinV Thursday, Mk 2. The right lareserved to rejejtt any and all bids Warshfield Dock & Ware house Co., F. S. Dow, Mgi. 4-26-6t Tlie New Pure Food and Drug Law We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we rec commend it as a Bate remedy for children and adults. Red Cross Phar macy. Mr! Jotin Pcderson OF EMPIRE t i wifl open up tho J 'Arago no(el T in Empire on' May 1st. T WILL BE CONDUCTED IN M UP-TO-DATE FASHION -VOne r'eHon. G-6t A int i;ie , tiiaa Mi, fur- m March- seodhi hand havi a Tkl. eare a-- I t l ktoamor irijji. turn to ,?' Qhptaln inan. 42 4Mt i ' i , W . .1..., , cbirfmandtng anftrottt on Bar at a bar- Quango & Ab- w UWI n I t IT Alfll. 'iu i at U U1C A11C5L Ami ' t i T-X I t feflil f: 4-lfl-U 11 UV(1.!IIII'. f t " i . i r z i i ar rn A Wm. f I V 427-tf I ? -f A ' i I Ap)r girl ; ft AP- Nbrthl Bend News do. " wnnVu DWRTTV , .rT todfor ftoa- MsaaaBHsaBBBHaaassHSBaHCMaasHaaaHBiB i. i .... .mlL. --EGCS-- Ir can furnish ha following Thcrougil)red EgWat I2.(J0 Per SetUng l t c (Rhoae Island Mails barred Plymouth Rocks rVhlte Lenhor lokin Ducks W: FliANAGAN Send ia vour.orderh Now Eggs Snipped anywher&in tho eounty. ' Flanagan & Bennett Bank UXnSHPtU). OHEOON. spftaj frabtc l5l ifina t)(Ua Pro Bottt' Veac( binldng nd draw ou tbe Stak o CalUflfinl, CkliL. FiHt Nktttfssl BUih P. FrancUco Or., flrtl JtlonJ Jlank, iceeburg, Or, UftnalJJfX. SeV Tort, N. anover Ha- Jtotbcbild A AUofMiU e&uiit pn neMtyal! prlnolpal eiliblEutop. Acodoats kepi subject to chtok, tai depoMl look bbxej for (ftt at i ctfnts a mpnth or . a rr, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS STEAMER. FLYER . P. Pcndcrgraw, Master ovriirv? mini LeaVis Marshfleld 7(80, 9t00, nnrt JtnAflfl a. fn . nnrl linn oy 30 -w-r-- , " and 4 1 Q0 p. in. , LoavoB North Bend at Q:i5 and 11:15 a. m.,1an 3:16 and 6:00 o. m. Makes daily trips except days.. Faro ..vOne why, cents; tound trip, 25 cents. A. HARINQ Dealer in Pure Cream Milk arfd,Buttdrmilk. Free do- iverjr to au pari oytne city. North Bend, Opegon Now RVV" xmKj 1 riL. UnUUlN fe and Ml arn Sample Rooms in Connection iNure 1 n DCiNU, VJtC Try thi Ma hfield Hodie'Cookini?, Ratesf-Board and week ; per day, f PmU the ,L L CO WetVour Whistle TherWow , 'HERRON, Prbp. i i StreA, i t Froi Mwihllejd, Orespn (Cafaial BtprkfuuVpainup 50.800 A JTroanirta a grttrrai Sankutg uutVa, NiJiifj Sntb, rf gott 88ffl (TtAtoi.ooo bonneai i rOnb mSi r h XHotel (uooM Beds Codging 5per 1 ; Meals 25c. u The C. B., R. & L R. R. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. 2. la Effect Jaaaary 1, 1007. All previous achedules are void. Subject to change without notice. W. 8. Chandler, manager; F. A. Lalsc, freight agent; general ofuces, Marshfleld, Oregon. No. 1. Trains. I Except Sunday. Stations. Leave 0(00 a. m.lMarsbOetd. 9 iBO a. m.JB. H. Jnnotlon. 9 lis a. m.jcoqnlllo. Arrive 10130 a.m.Myrtle Feint No. I. i U1 Except tJuaday. I Leave 10:4B a. m. Myrtle Point. IOiOO a. m.Coqnlllo. 12:00 m. IB, n. Junction. Arrive 12:80 jp.m.JMorshfleld. Extra trains will run on daily special orders. Trains to and from Beaver Hill dally. SKATING RINK Annound ncericii cnts: X Ocen 'afternoon and even ings, f$vt o ad W to 10, week days only. Prices: 25 (Sontsl for use bf Rink SKatcsit 16? centsvfor thOBe tasinc their own skatls. cents admission V to fieri tinmen evftnincRA special attention givenuo Jeginners every ' .aftqr- loon. Jest of order ihvays main tained. D. L. Avery, Manager n IronXWorks . C. NELSON, Prop ,i W rpilrall kfndi o( uacbluerr, BWftin snv Oil Euglnei, Gunri and Bl- orclet. JlMtqf vrorkourSpeoialtr. t We d&nuUoture Cattlnc Bronrt fyt 8(i, Mill add t Camni e make tho bed Sheave RoadHpodla for Lbggun . 1 TBLEPH0N83W1 IELD. - ORECON F. H. BRIOHAM v , J ARCHITECT AND SIPMINTENDENT J . V . Plans and speciHcatione A ' made for all olasses of buildings. North Bend, Oregon PHONE 541 T ma'ster: & IcLAN Marshflelu and Nort fRACTORS Wood ntiA stone block macudnriiVind pUink stre er andwater mains, ceit walkvand ourba, plain I forced concrate forbuildl dationsand rtrtuininir nails. Fire prqoflnuVnd asphalt roofing UruHhed rocKBanu umiuing stone. Grading and excavating. SlWm. Dye Woks iC Street V andilenta' gani-ont&f lean- Lad ldiients' (,'arn.on Wf lei ed or dyed. hllip Becker, Propetor. so V In Iron and lABgtug a and LX fa Ueful it avAnontB, feti, sew- lenftskle- 'andyein' nc. foun- Business Directory Doctor E. E. STRAW, I. D. PIIYBICIAK AKD BOEOEOIf Diseases oi' tho Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat a speciality. Office in LockhartB Bntldlng. Mnrshfiold, Oregon DR. HATDON OfflMprmMe Vrian Turattan BtoMt Boum BpKUt anmfttcmyaid to tioewta ol tbe ak&t V. BC-Perafcm crttnloer Mnrohfield, Oregon 1R. J. W. INGRAM, PhysicUa and florseos. Office brer BengstaclteBVi Drag gtre. Phones Office 1021 rctd4eca- TO. n. m. ni6nART80Nf Physician and Sfutfeoa. Diseases of eye, oar, nose and throat a specialty. Office m Eldorado Block. Lawyers K. L. O. FARRIN. Attorney at-Lw. City Attorney. Deputy Diet. Mty. Lockhatt Building. MarsaSeld, Phono 44. Ore. A. J. M PTOK, Attomey-nt-Law. Marsh filitVii.. Oreesa. J. W. BENNETT, Offlco over Flanagan & Benett Bank. Marshfleld, Oracoa. c. p. Mcknight. Attorn cy-at-Law. Upatalri, Bennett & Walter bleofc. Marahfleld, ... Oregon. .1. W. SNOVEU Attorncy-at-Law OOlce: Rogers building Marshflold, Oregon COKE COKE, Attorney-at-Law. Marshfleld, ... Oregon, PIXIiEY A MAYBEK, Attorneys-ot-Latv. Ofiice over Myora Store. Phone 701 . . . North Bond, Ore Real Estate Agents. DIER LAND COMPANY Real Estate Brokers North Bend, ... Oregon. OAKLEY & ARNOLD, Oiril and Mechanical Engineer. All kinds of land surveying, drafting and map making. North Bend OregOH V H If I, ,' HTTTf Keadyw show Spring Millinery CLARKEX BroadVay and 0" StVeats mP t A. J&JtW ' orreci 'iviuiinei Smart shapes and tasteful mmmlnga combine to' mako every hat in ho aa- Hurunent perfect Style Uniform DampenLug ! the ecrc ol oar raooeatn ttre Wm Ing o( ihlrti, collars and eM. Llnco dampened In poU, Irona np vrfth a rongh dry flnlth, haa a Ilmpy fctUng, and ia gunsratly nndelrabo. Wa dampen all our work by hand. It take longer, but It meam better work, and that U our vonataot aim. Goos Bay Steam Laundry f Mclflierson Wuolesale HqucV dealers GiiciVra and eamon sup- !ies i i - California Wises Front St.. Jl, Ginger Co. - " a specialty arshfield A ! J 'I .il4mvrMttu aMMfeAw.ilMil.H -i- -. i " "Tf' " II "" I Wmw&JM MtimitH:. 1 1 mir ijniwjiifc