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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
W "Tf-wp w THE DA1JJY COOS WAV TIMES. MARSnFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1007. TYPHOID . AT ELKTON The Little Town on The Drain Stage Line Has a Serious Epidemic. STATE BOARD THERE An Investigation of the Trouble Made and Rlnmc Is Itc- liig Placed. Elkton, the little town In Douglas county, Is having an epidemic bf ty phoid. It Is the first stopping place out of Drain on the stage line, and usually the passengers on the stages eat dinner there. The Portland Journal contained the following regarding the epi demic: "An epidemic of typhoid fever is raging in the little town of Elkton, Oregon, in Dougles county. A recent Investigation made hy Health Officer A. C. Seeley of Roseburg reveals con ditions much more serious than did the first accounts. The trip had to lie made by Dr. Seeley on horseback through the mountains 50 miles from Roseburg to Elkton. When he ar rived he found one person dead and (our down with the fever, while three had already had it and had re covered. Samples of water taken from the wells In Elkton were found to be con taminated. The sanitary conditions of the town were found to bo very bad, and there was no sewerage at all. At very little expense the health officer said the sewerage could be made efficient. Dr. Stamm, who had been sent to the vicinity by the construction com pany that is building the Coos Bay railroad, Is blamed by the state board of health for the conditions in Elkton, and Is liable to prosecution for failing to report the cases to the. stfite board at once. It is the opinion of the state board that the local physicians wero very careless, and an investigation will be made. "Dr. Seeley thinks that the epi demic came with the railroad camps. , However, he holds the Gardiner stage stables at Elkton most responsible. The stage stables owned by Gardiner Mills are a disgrace to its owners and a menace to the community,' are the words regarding this feature that Dr. Seeley uses. Dr. Seeley requested immediate Improvement. "Dr. R. C. Yenney, secretaary of the state board of health,' says that the state board will also take up the matter with the Gardiner mills and the physicians at Elkton." IN CHICKEN INCUBATOR. No Hotter Facilities Offered for a Little Ilnby. Elma, Wash., April 2G There was born to the wife of Milton Spurgeon recently a child which weighed at birth but two pounds. So light and frail was the tiny piece of humanity that Dr. Blair of Elma, the attending physician, in the absence of better fa- UmiavearaatxjvnmahVXaiLsmrssxr P- aim nervo syxit .Mirshfield Sst will bo in 111 iic& loom b K r Rogers If Building April , 1907. i ouVynil after Apifl If), 20 aiil 2 fat vonuille. AinSl 22. 2.T atil 2 at tiandon. ApiB 20, 27 aid at Mvrtlo Point j&pzaagcFtntgtcflcnsm aiwaagaaraaiaiflj i i J I MAHSHFIELDrand NORTH BEND V V AH work" now Jone at trijNorth Bencft Plant r t edgar Mauiey Agent. Marsh fief North Bend Phonfc 1031 Maj-shfield PhoneM804 xr 4 iJb v. $& roi t i r-i't wiuiuiwtk i tf f Icos Bay 1 Steam Laundry 1 I n I I f Of-.., t M r m cllltles, ordered a chicken insubator Immediately provided and that the child be placed In it at once, and the temperature be kept at blood heat. With careful watching and attention the child has continued to live; it Is kept wrapped In the finest and softest of batting. Although the child was premature ly born, four months before its time, It now gives every promise of living. It Is not longer than a foot rule, and Is just ablo. to make a noise when It cries. Its little hands clinched are not larger than ordinary marbles. Its breathing is perceptible and regular. The high temperature that Is maintained causes the little thing to perspire freely. The father and mother of the child are living on a farm about three miles from Elma. The babe is their first born and is a girl. RAILROAD WORK Reports Come From Drain That the Southern l'nciflc Is Get ting Busy. The Drain Nonpariel says: "Richard Gideon Prosole, superin tendent of construction for the Southern Pacific company at Drain, informs us that by next Sunday he will have the new bridge over Elk creek, on the line of the Drain-Coos Bay road, rebuilt and ready for the than Phone, "?rrva:wH.wBS'gsgmiiffiiiija;i iBjujax' MftiatiMqirfrwjjajuiiiitaazCTznfljjjiJwujimggzffisagsrrTC W1IS0N & Contractors L Ofiieelfixtiirps a pneciaTtv. Shelving. Let us work out fnrn lfiillMintT t fore lujlBing, f . 5 r i Shop opposite Bear's Ljvery txcz reTres DO AWAY WITH should you be Vishjbned peri (the Dr. Iaber self filling pons we Jiiivq uio itain pens ever ill public John pgTWEHB 1 ' MORTON .&' HANSEN ' j 'Wcist Bunker V Addition to M u W Iron horse to cross over to South Drain once more. The recent high water greatly delayed the work of rebuilding this bridge, which was washed away by tho unprecedented high water in January. "It is expected that the work will be resumed on this new road within a few days, just as soon as Chief En gineer A. J. Barklay returns from San Francisco, where he has gone to make arrangements for the early resumption of work on this road. "Mr. Prosole Informs us that there are 34 carloads of bridge material en route to Drain from the American Bridge company's factories at Toledo, Ohio, for use on the new road." IS DOING WELL. Willlnm Merchant Goes Through nil Operation Successfully. Word has been received here that William Merchant has( been seccess fully operated on in San Francisco. Mr. Merchant will soon be able to be out again, provided no unforseen complications arise. FATHER CURLEY HOME. Comes Hack From n Sick Call to Cape Blanco. Rev. Father Curley has returned home from a sick call. He went to see Mrs. Hughes, mother of Rev, J. C. Hughes, of St. Lawrence church of Portland. He came back by way of Bandon, and officiated at a funeral at Marshfield. He will go to Gardi ner Sunday and leave for Sulphur Springs Thursday. SaSSSISSESZSEZBR BAY, J sJJJ I mw A M I M 1 r& M JJ4 tlill iLri.IL YT We suarantee better nt lower pi ires, , Do not order can be had ebe '.VfcUlfc monumental woik in have SEE1 Stewart Corner 3d & D Sis - - -V- - Main 1731 353" TSi and Builders Store Front. Counters. your plans.l oae us lie- i Stable, North front Street - regra - . - jTwr nKvraY,:Htta&?nr DSRTY FINGERS bothered wiidi th6 when you. canbuy largest siocj seen on the be presented to about May lllJJOU &c! MAS . i L vpr H- I W. Flanagan General Agents WUVXi WANT AD sr WANTED.-Y-Ond Chambermil at Hotel Oftgofl. f-27-tf WANTED orth Bend mediately? dining room WANTED. aftresses and Wok at Castle Re urant, North Bvnd 42ft-6t FOR RENTA-Z-arge front roc-W fur nished; ellfctrlc light. MrsftWm. Wade, BrAidway. 4l27-tf A 1 WANTED. A.strofig womarA oipgirl to Care for (SdCrly lady. Ayply to Mrs". H. Senrstacken. iV-27-tf WANTED Metf" to work In sawmill, wdgos $2 a day and upward. Simpson Lumber Co. 8-24-tf, FOR SALE CHEAP. "Racclo" bi cycle; used only 8 mpnUfs. Inquire P? O. Box 411, Marlffleld. 4-27-2t NOTICE BItW will bo red fed for paperlngyfnd painting house. Mrs. Asmes Huthinsor Marsh- field. -21tf FOR SALEA-Gfiod navlnk restaur aht, good rbitlon, two Mpar lease, easy terms! Apply Njbkth Bond News Co. 4-9-lt WANTEDVTO UY. A secdfadyfcand roller top jrcsk. Anyone hWing a desk to Vbll address L. wV care Times te. -9-tt STdLEN. A book fromi stamer Alert; fe w who took it tofurn to steamer r d save trouble. IfCaptaln Edward cn recognize the yuan. 4-i4-4t MUSIC re the Irlsht Orchestra fo? hlghVerado music ottaiv y'occa- ,A -.-,,-Y. sion. violin Derby, conductor and ructor, Marshflold, Ore f -29-tt FOR fcAL 40 acres comhanding quarter Ho 'bf. water Wront on shlpicha el on Coos BaJat a bar- gam? we stract Qo. Title Guarafite & Ab- 5-tf POSITION WNTED. Bjl perlenced Vothlng and s card Writi and window In cltyVoi ir near (Joos recommeBd: FOR RBJ -One large ront room with st well furnlshAdf S10 per month;' two smaller looms up 57 per montlA electric stairs, lights. Its. C. A. Metim, i St., South siiueia. FOR SALE. X now unclil right graViy piano. Th signed willreceive bids l including ffhursday, Ma; right is rsSrved to rejet all bids. MArshuMd Dofk house CoS F r rl1 m i ... i .in r ti tj f rnnfnniff'TrT.iiT' In New Ollices. W. J. Rust will occupy the room recently vacated by tho Reibo & Les lie grocery store, jus,t as soon as tho place can bo overhauled and put In first class shape. This will give Mr. Rust a desirable ground floor ofllce, which ho intends to occupy himself. ta v th IQt - TWli? .Vond i rtafol tm dfrl. -U6-tf Wo ritn fz 4 raft A, Ay nOBi Ayfily hy p-5-tf I nn ex- JB JL1 1'OnD DM hdfj man, B Av A1 fjj , .... -- S. Dow, Mgr. -2C-Gt W J I Hill 1 1 froirflots In MarshfielS T " w fr q ra irk i t i i .rcffltig&Hitfi wi raving ipusmess i Lig.fti(Ls suf as ixb ii m i I. I s kirn i i I V i R P4 nU A.-m. X. .Ti!. S y mm vjuup reapun lur stimig i s V lll il I In h KM I I I A -II M ft II I ' I r is h I I S W jI il I is M rv ut i n front i SEE US If St Front Street Busine a 45 WeH ave Something I Interest Y Title Guarantee Commending May price j Henry Sengstacken, Manaj The Cobs Bay Monthly ill be'advancee to kl0 A i fee. A This as madp necessary bjr the ij ing Jobt of 'nearly the production of Subscription fleaeivod before tl;j .thisf'month will bo .accepted' atj i ' rate of SI. 00 a -noar, but noiiOvWill b rate of SI. 00 a vxmr, but non .. i . - i i tak 3ii at that rate V M .- - Coosl Bay Publishing Co. eex - - - - - i ffl t H 4-i3-tf g 1 aL ff aJi$M- BLi I m -N h n n h& ra m m i ih red up- H ; ' 1 1 W under- u t C H rt) to and H I I m b. Tho U t f" I Inv and H I I I a Ware- I 1 V I H jxtr.mmi H. 1 v l ER 1 , '- 1 '. if I n ' I ' I I I w f 1 niiji 8 CampMfs Wood ana:Coal l Yard. J II Knitr lew i the. finest fw2&.e.r- x. 11 I 1 IB tV Bl I fi v 9 B n 1 il fl j D. D. Garnpbell I $trejet Ri Property hat Will & Abstract Co., 1st the subscription o' YEAR COPY everything i the magazine! after April . - - -- Marshfield