The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 25, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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Jamestown Exposition
Norfork, Va., April 22. A des
cription of the Jamestown exposition,
Its progress, Its character and Us
features, set forth In a brief para
graph would read as follows:
Tho object of the exposition Is to
celebrate the foundation of tho flr3t
permanent English speaking settle
ment In America, which was laid at
Jamestown, Virginia, May 13, 1607.
It will bo opened by the president of
tho Unltod States at tho noon hour
of April 26, 1D07, tho three hun
dredth anniversary of tho day that
tho adventurers, who wero to found
Jamestown, landed at Cape Honry;
the gates will closo at midnight No
vember 30, 1907.
Tho exposition will bo held on tho
waters and shores of Hampton
Itoads, tho largest and best land
locked harbor on the Atlantic sea
board five miles distant from the
city of Norfork, ana In equal prox
imity to Newport News, Portsmouth,
Hampton and Old Point Comfort,
Virginia. The exposition headquar
ters are at Norfork, Virginia.
Tbo exposition site contains ap
proximately four hundred acre3 of
land Bpaco a forty-acro enclosed
water basin and the ono hundred
anl sixty square miles of water sur
face of Hampton Roads. Tho expo
sition may bo reached by water from
nil tho seaboard cities and by rail,
without change except for ferryage,
from all parts of tho country. Seven
trunk lines terminate at Norfork and
sixteen lines of steamships leave tho
harbor,' SA11 the circumjacent cities
have ferries and launches running
to tho exposition, and Norfork is
further connected with tho site by
four trolley lines and one steam rail
way. I
The, exposition site has a front
age of'.two miles on Hampton Roads,
and one-half mile on ,Boush creek.
The other sides of tho exposition
giounds are enclosed by a docoratlvo
pine and wire fenro. covered with
honeysuckle, crimson rambler roso
and trumpet vines. The exposition
J a great white and red city Cor
inthian colums flanking walls. Shade
trees aro In abundanco; groves of
fruit troes on tho grounds aro In
numerable beds of native flowers and
decorative plants.
In tho exhibit buildings of tho
exposition there will bo gathered tho
choicest selection of Industrial arts,
of transportation devices, of histori
cal displays and a complete section
will bo devoted to seventeenth cen
tury handicraft.
Twenty foreign nations will par
ticipate In the exposition by sending
representative fleets from their na
vies and crack regiments from their
armies. Thirty states of tho union
will take prominent parts and most
of them will havo buildings on the
In connection with the naval and
military displays the government will
maintain a war museum.
In the Government building will
be an exhibit of the state depart
ment, showing facsimiles in some
cases, and in others originals, of all
the famous documents which have
become part of our nation's history.
The treasury department will
maintain a bureau of engraving and
printing, which will Illustrate tho
plate work used In the bureau of
notes and bonds. It will also ex
hibit its splendid collection of por
traits in which appear all the presi
dents of the United States and all
tho secretaries of the treasury.
The life saving service will operate
a station, completely equipped, and
they will make rescues from time to
tlmo from boats In the harbor. A
complete station will he maintained,
being an exact duplicate of that
which is regularly operated on tho
In tho war museum models of
fortifications and harbor defences
and types of batteries on embank
ments will be shown.
Tho exhibit of the ordnance ' de
nartnient, of this section, will be a
complete exhibition of firearms and
nowder. The largest cannon and
the smallest side arm will be shown.
Various styles of machine guns will
be exhibited cartridge making ma
chines will bo operated. Every va
ilcty of automatic death-dealing de
vice will be exhibited, and each in
vention for defense will be shown.
Tho signal service corps will Il
lustrate tho scientific evolutions of
Its branch. The development of
signals or transmitting messages
from long distances is as. old as his
tory, but it is a far cry from the old
flro on the hilltop to the teloder
graph and heliograph of tho present
day. Tho most of the intervening
methods will bo shown so tho dev
elopment of this science may be ac
curately shown.
A model postofllce will be oper
ated and a collection of dead letter
relics shown.
The patent office, tho pension of
fice, the land office and the Indian
office will each make a comprehen
sive exhibit.
The geologic survey will make a
series of experiments with selected
minerals, which will be as valuable
as a post graduate course to the
student of mineralogy.
Tho Smithsonian Institute will Il
lustrate, comprehensively, all of Its
great divisions ethnological, geo
logical and biological.
Alaska, the Philippines, Hawaii
and Porto Rico will have special
The department of agriculture
will make an invaluable exhibit,
which will be intensely interesting
to every farmer.
The department of commerce and
labor will maintain the best aquarl
nm ever shown at a exhibition.
The library of congress will be
represented by a model of the new
building. Old and rare maps of the
world and maps close up to date will
form part of this exhibit, which will
also contain autograph letters of the
great American statesmen and manu
scripts of political and personal In
terest. The division of music contains
carefully prepared histories of music,
the works of ancient and modern
composers, essays and musical nota
tions and a complete collection of the
war songs and patriotic airs of all
The copyright office, the division
of prints and the catalogue division
of the national library will present
jointly an exhibit of intense facina
tlon to the student of biblography.
The industrial division of the ex
position will occupy several of the
largest buildings on tho grounds, and
will contain not only finished exhibits
of machinery and products, but
models of Innumerable inventions,
designed to Improve machinery now
In use, perfect products now manu
factured, or alter modes In making
goods. Mammoth exhibit palaces
will be devoted to manufactures,
liberal arts, horticulture, mines and
mining, pure food, transportation
An arts and craft village, con
sisting of seven old colonial build
ings, will house hand workers in
textiles, Iron, copper, wood, silver,
rushes and felt. Tho artisans, or
really artists, who will work In these
buildings will produce seventeenth
century household goods and wear
ing materials just as they were mado
by the earliest colonists.
Tho "War Path," or concession
quarters of the exposition, will con
tain tho latest novelties and best
collection of amusements ever
gathered at an exposition.
Innumerable free attractions, or
public amusements, will be provided
for tho visitors. No other exposition
has ever had the assurance of such
splendid musical entertainment, for
every warship that visits tho port
will have a band, and few regiments
are without musical corps.
The exposition has provided most
excellently for Its visitors by shad
ed walks, numerous drinking fount
ains, enclosures with benches and
tables where visitors may partake
of lunches brought by them to the
grounds; a free bathing section
are' among the many attractions.
In addition to the splendid hotel
and boarding house facilities of the
district, a mammoth Inside inn, lux
uriously appointed, will bo on the
ground. This hotel will offer reason
able rates and first class services
to all.
Makes Kldnoys and Bladder flight
California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company.
Steamer Alliance
KELLY, Commanding.
COOS BAY to Portland and Return
GEO. D. GRAY a CO., General agents
421 Market St.. Sah Francisco.
r.. W. SHAW, Agent,
Marshfield. Phone 44)
The Steamer
Sails for San Francisco Monday, April 15
RS DOW Agent
The Steamer
Sails for San Francisco direct Saturday, April
27th, at 10 a. m.
For freight and passage apply to C. F. Mc-
In Full View of Marshfield
Plat B And North Bend
Where Rail and Sail Will Meet,
It will, pay you to inspect this New Townsitc
It Has:-
One and one half miles water front.
150 acres tideland sites for mills and factories.
On deep water-east channel of Coos River.
3000 platted lots size 25x120.
Streets 100 feet and 66 feet wide alleys 20 feet.
LOTS 35.00 TO $350100
Take our launch. '
Coos Bay Townsite Co.
N. F. THRONE, Sec, Marshfield, Ore. k
OfficcOpposite Central Hotel - Marshfield, Oregon
W. U. DOUGLAS, Pres.
W. J. RUST, Sec.
And all Real Estate Dealers.
arshfield Land Co.