The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 25, 1907, Daily Edition, Image 1

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Daily Edition
Member of Associated Press.
No. 251
Belle Stroup Kills Thadius Ross and
Then Shoots HerselfBoth
Members of Prominent
Eastern Families
5 Oil City, Ohio, April 21. Tlmdrus C. Ross of this city was shot
three times uml instantly killed today hy Miss Belle Stroup. Tiie woman
then shot herself through the heart. The tragedy occurred in the oilice
of Dr. George AA Magee, while the physician was at lunch. Roth of the
victims are members of prominent families. Ross was to have been
married tonight nt 0 o'clock to Miss Drufsella Snmpsell of this city.
There were no witnesses to the shooting. The murderess and suicide was
a former sweetheart of the dead man. Ross wns dining at home with
his family discussing the ceremony w hen the telephone rang. His father
answered the call, and a woman's voice inquired for "Thad." The joung
mini, after answering, informed the family that he was going to the
doctor's office and would return as soon as he could.
This was tiie last time his parents saw him nlhc. Miss Stroup ar
rived at noon from Bradford, Pa., where she had been employed in a hos
pital, and went directly to Mngce's ofllce. Finding no one there she
called Ross on the telephone and asked him to come mid sec her. When
Mngec returned from lunch he found the dead bodies there. In a chair
in the corner of the ofllce sat Ross, his head lying back on the chair
and the blood streaming from a bullet wound in his neck. Ills forehead
was burned with powder where the bullet had entered his brain. An
other ball had pierced his heart. Miss Stroup was lying a few feet away,
the blood flowing from a wound in her left side.
Progressive Club of Coquille Pre
pare to Give Him a Big
Entertainment to Be Given to Show
Appreciation of Work Done
nt Washington.
(Times Special Service.)
Coquille, Ore., April 24. Orvil
Dodge, when ho returns home soon
from Washington, will be given a
warm reception. He has been in
Washington as a representative of
the Coquille river Interests, and as
an appreciation of his work It was
decided by the Progressive club to
give Mr. Dodge a banquet. Tomor
row night the members of the club
will hold a meeting at the home of
William Candlin to discuss the ar
rangements. Next Saturday Mr. Elllngsen, pro
prietor of the Coquille furniture
store, will give ten per cent of his re
ceipts to the club. Several members
will be present at the store to assist
in making sales. The money will be
used In the club work of Improving
and beautifying the city.
Grading Being Done for Structure in
Plat B.
There is quite a large force of men
and teams busily engaged at Plat B
on the new hotel site. The active
work on the hotel will be started in
a few days.
The weather forecast for to-
day follows: Oregon, AA'asli-
ingtoii and Idaho, fair.
The local weather for yester-
day, as reported by Dr. Mingus,
the Marshlleld observer, fol-
Highest ......03 degrees
Low est 33 degrees
O j). m 67 degrees
AA'lnd in northwest. Clear.
Miss Way Will Take Discriptive Read
ing Matter Pertaining to
Successful Contestants Will Meet at
Portland to Board Special
Miss Lillle Way, of Myrtle Point,
winner In the Telegram Jamestown
exposition contest, and the only rep
resentative that Coos county will
have at the fair, expects to leave for
Portland In a few weeks to Join the
other successful contestants from
Washington, Oregon and California.
The special train is expected to leave
Portland May 20.
Miss Way will send letters to the
Times while en route, and also de
scriptions of the exposition. It is the
intention to take advertising matter
relative to Coos county, and this will
be distributed in prominent places
on the grounds.
San Salvador nnd Nicaragua Have
Come to Terms.
San Salvador, April 24. A treaty
of peace between San Salvador and
Nicaragua was signed last night by
ministers representing each country,
at Amalpa. The terms are honorable
to both countries.
Makes Senil-Aniuiul Visit to the Lo
cal National Bank.
Eugene T. AVllson, a national bank
examiner, was in the city yesterday
looking oyer the books of the local
Coos Bay National Bank. Mr. AVll
son makes an examination of the lo
cal bank twice a year.
House Nearly Finished.
J, G. Horn, who has the contract
for two eight-room houses In the
Porter addition for L. J. Simpson,
has the carpenter work nearly fin
ished, and they will be rushed
through to completion in a short
All members of Blanco Lodge are
requested to meet at the temple at
1 p. m. Friday to attend funeral of
Brother D. Holland. By order AV. M.
Pacific Coast League.
Oakland, April 24. Oak-
land, 5; San Francisco, 3.
Los Angeles, April 24. Los
Angeles, (I; Portland, 0.
Northwest League.
Spokane, Wnsh., April 24.
Spokane, 2; Tacoma, 1.
Seattle, April 24. Seattle,
1; Butte, 5.
Washington State League.
Vancomcr, B. C, April 24.
Vancouver, 4; Aberdeen, 8;
ten innings: m
College. '
West Point, April 24.
Army, 5; Yale, 4.
Old and Well Known
Marshfield Dies
Resident of
at his
Came to Coos County in 1850, and
Has Lived Here Ever
David Holland died at his home
on Front street yesterday afer a pro
longed Illness. Mr. Holland was a
well known man in this county, hav
ing lived here for a number of years,
during which time he was actively
engaged in business until the last
few years of his life., Mr. Holland's
body will be buried Friday afternoon
In the Odd Fellows' cemetery. The
funeral will take place from the Ma
sonic Temple at 2 o'clock. The Ma
sons will have charge of the burial
David Holland was born in Kll
mornac, Ayreshlre, Scotland, August
2, 1830. He married Miss Sarah
Skidmore September 25, 1850, and
came to this county nine years later,
where he has lived ever since until
his death. Mr. Holland was en
gaged In the hotel and saloon busi
ness since his arrival in Coos
county. He leaves five children.
They are: Mrs. AV. R. Simpson, Mrs.
AVIlllam Ross, Thomas Holland, Wil
liam AV. Holland and Parker B. Hol
Sends Representative to Gather Data
For Scries of Special
E. R. Carey, special representative
for the Sunset Magazine, has arrived
on Coos Bay for a several weeks'
stay. He will gather data for a ser
ies of articles, the first of which will
appear In the June number. The
magazine intends to push the devel
opment of the Coos Bay country, and
It is thought Mr. Carey will meet
with t,he most hearty co-operation.
Green Bay, AA'isconsln, A'lsltcd by n
Severe Storm.
Green Bay, AVis., April 24. Six
Inches of snow fell here today, and a
storm Is still In progress tonight.
Traffic is delayed. ,
Cold in Nebraska.
Omaha, Neb., April 24. Tho mer
cury fell here from 72 at 2 p. m. to
45 at 5 p. m., and 40 degrees at 9
o'clock, with the mercury falling
slowfy. A special from Norfolk,
Nebraska, says a blizzard struck tho
Itosebud reservation In South Da
kota. A snow storm is raging and
the temperature is 30 degrees at
Rapid City.
Expects to Leave for The Philippines
About The First of Sep
Ho Will Not Talk About on Grounds
That He Is Not In
formed. AVashlngton, April 24. Secretary
Taft has resumed his routine duties
at the AVhite House. It is doubtful
If In hio AVashlngton experience the
secretary has had to deal with more
newspaper men than he saw today.
They were mainly desirous to learn
just what the secretary Intended to
to do In answer to a challenge which
Foraker has Issued In regard to the
contest In Ohio.
Taft frankly told the newspaper
lAK? he had been- away for so long
a time that he had scanty news of
the political events during his ab
sence andjie did not think this a
proper time for him to make any
kind of a statement of his opinions
and plans. One point was developed
In the course of the tnlk with the
newspaper men that may be regarded
as significant. In view of the fact
that it has been reported that lie In
tended to cancel his proposed Philip
pine trip In order to go on the stump
in Ohio, replying to direct inquiry
Taft said he intended to sail for the
Philippines about September 1.
San Francisco, April 24. Captain
of Police Mooney, commanding the
Bush street station, was the princi
pal witness before the grand Jury
which is Investigating alleged graft
in the police department In connec
tion with disorderly resorts. An ad
journment was taken until Friday.
Ruef's trial also Adjourned until
Friday when the task of completing
the jury will be renewed.
Part of Dynamite Cargo Has Been
AA'nshed Overboard on ,
the Sands.
The barge Chinook Is daily ap
proaching completo destruction in
the little cove where It was driven
on tho night when it was wrecked.
Gaping holes have been pounded in
the vessel's bottom and much pf the
dynamite has been washed away and
at low tide Is on the sands. All of
the 'ship's rigging has been removed,
and also a largo part of the whiskey
Portlund Man Is Pleased AVith Local
John A. Peters, who has been in
this vicinity for several weoka rep
resenting John E. Davis, special
agent for the DIobold Safe and Lock
Company at Portland, will leave
overland in -a few days for Drain.
Among those who havo purchased
DIobold safes are T. Howard, the
Jeweler, and tho AA R. Haines music
house. Mr. Peters is well pleased
with Coos Bay and tho country in
general, and states that he will re
turn here in a short time.
Three Stories High and Provided With
Hotel Accomodations, Recreation
Halls and all Modern Conven
iences for Office Men and
The C. A. Smith Lumber and Man
ufacturing company is busy now with
the many improvements which are
being made, one of tho most import
ant of which is the fine three-btory
office building which will bo erected
on lots in the Bunker Hill addition
on the front near the new mill site.
The office will bo 80x44 feet In
size. The plans were drawn by Ar
chitect Hlmebaugh. The structure
will be erected on a concrete founda
tion, with a large basement, all cori
creted. In the basement will be
rooms for the storage of files and pa
pers belonging to the company. There
will also be a fine bowling alley for
the use of the office force during
hours of recreation. This will give
the men an opportunity for exercise
at meal hours and when they are at
All Accommodations.
In fact all the plans for the office
are designed with a view of tho pleas
ure and comfort of the men, as well
as for business. The building will
not only bo an office, but as well will
practically bo a hotel, restaurant,
place of entertainment for business
visitors and recreation hall for em
ployes. Tho place is on a broader
plan than anything ever before
known on Coos Bay. in fact there
are few large concerns anywhere
who have provided bo well for the
ofllce men.
On the first floor there Is to be one
main office and connecting with this
toom will bo five private offices for
the different officials. A large fire
proof vault will be In tho building.
It will be two stories high, one story
In the basement and the other on
the first floor. Tho vault will pro
vide a place for keeping In safety all
the books and valuable papers be
longing to the company.
AVill Servo Meals.
On the second floor will bo the of
fice of the draftsman, two parlors,
Will Be Introduced by a Dalry-
Wonian, Mrs. S. A.
Mrs. S. A. Yoakum has purchased
through the Pioneer Hardware store
of this city the first milking machine
to be used in this county. Mrs.
Yoakum has a ranch on which she
handles several cows and does quite
an extensive dairy business, and hav
ing heard a great deal about tho
milking machines but never having
seen one at work, she made a trip to
California, where the machines are
used extensively.
Mrs. Yoakum has decided that tho
machines are not only a success, but
are much cheaper to operate than
the old way of milking, where a
great many cows are to bo handled.
Mrs. Yoakum Is more enterprising
than a great many of her competitors
of tho stronger sex, and there is no
doubt she Is an up-to-date dairy
woman. The milking machine 13 ex
pected on tho noxt trip of tho Alli
ance. In connection with tho ma
chino a four-hoi-30-power Fairbanks
Morse englno was sold by tho Pioneer
Hardware company through A. J.
Several Persons Injured on the II, &
t O. Railroad.
Pittsburg, April 2 4.. Tho Chicago
express on tho Baltimore and Ohio
railroad, which left here at 10:45 to
night, was wrecked near Bennett
shortly after 11 p. m. by crashing
Into a Pennsylvania railroad freight
train. Several persons were injured,
two bed rooms and a kitchen and
dining room. A family will live In
the ofllce building nnd havtj charge
of the kitchen and dining room. Hero
lunches will be served for tho office
men at noon and at other times when
they do hot want to leave the placo
for meals. The fact that tho plant
and office Is some distance from the
city makes these provisions a great
For A'isltors.
The two bedrooms on the second
floor will bo nicely fitted, and will bo
used as a guest chamber when visit
ors come to the company's ofilco.
Out of town business men will bo
given nt tho office the same accom
modations as at a first class hotel.
The company made this arrangement
because of the lack of hotel accom
modations In Marshfield.
On the third floor of the building
will bo a billiard and smoking room,
a parlor nnd bed room for tho family
In charge of tho building, and a num
ber of bedrooms for tho use of the
office forco when It Is desired to re
main nt the ofllce all night. Some of
the office employes may llvo4 there all
tho tlmo. On both tho second and
third floors there will be fully
equipped bath rooms.
Complete- Arrangement.
AVork on the now office will be
gin In about a week, and tho work
will bo pushed with all rapidity. Tho
ofilco alone, whllo not a part of tho
big plant, will bo a structuro In It
self. Provide for Workmen.
Tho company is providing houses
for tho mill workmen. Tho contract
has been let for the construction of
two doublo houses, each with six
rooms. Tho company has also
started to build three of tho same
kind, nnd will soon build half a
dozen more. They will all be at Bay
City In tho neighborhood of tho old
Assaulted AA'atchman of Bargo Chi
nook .May Be Taken to
AVatchman McKenzle, who wns
assaulted last Saturday while guard
ing the dynamite barge Chinook, lies
, In a critical condition In a house on
, the bench near the wrecked vessel.
It Is probable that ho will bo re
moved to tho Mercy hospital If thero
Is no Improvement.
According to tho story which Mc
Kenzle is reported to havo told tho
skipper of tho Chlnqok, ho was as
saulted and robbed of $28, and also
relieved of his gun, which wns later
returned to him. Ho wns on tho
beach near tho vessel Saturday ovon
lng when ho was, It is claimed,
struck suddenly on tho hend. Tho
assailants then secured his money
nnd left.
(Times Special Service.)
San Fiunclscu, April -I The
iulloulug passengers left for
Coos Bay on tho Breakwater:
Dr. E. E. Straw and wife, Cnp
taln C. Curtis, .Mls. L. Curtis,
fup(ulii L. Snyder, Miss A.
Hiitchcsou, Mr. E. Lewdly,
.Airs. M. McBoy, Mrs. E. F.
Stutsman, II. P. I'.dln,l Hague,
.1. Sannou, Slg. Hanson, G. L.
Mickey, Muiguret Johnson, Mrs,
S. L. Gllroy, G. S. Small, J.
A'oung, E. A. Gundi'lflnger. R.
E. Lewis, Jennie Lewis, E, F.
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