The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 24, 1907, Daily Edition, Page 5, Image 5

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rDavis-SchuItz Company Piles Petition
Regarding Freight Rates on Coos
Bay, Roseburg and Eastern
Complaint against tho Coos Bay
Roseburg anl Eastern Railroad and
Navigation company, the road run
ning from this place to Myrtle Point,
has been lodged with the Oregon
state rallraod commission. The
complaint in regarding the freight
) charges and is made by thoDavls
Schlutz company that the matter
will be investigated and if necessary
set for a hearing in which event the
parties interested will be given ten
days notice.
The Complaint.
The details of the complaint are
"best told in the letter written to the
governor, which was referrod to the
commission, and which was the first
presentation of the case to tho state
The letter follows:
April 9th. 1907.
His Excellency,
George E. Chamberlain,
Salem, Oregon.
Wo submit herowlth for your care
ful consideration the following cor
respondence between the vice presi
dent and general manager's office of
tho Coos Bay, Roseburg and East
ern Railroad and Navigation com
pany and ourselves, regarding rates
on merchandise between points
Having established a wholesale
grocery business at this point, we
desired to make shipments of mer
chandise to points on the Coos Bay,
Roseburg and Eastern Railroad and
Navigation company's lino, and for
the purpose of ascertaining officially
their freight charges, we wrote as
North Bend, Ore., March 30th. 1907
Mr. W. S. Chandler, ,
Marshfield, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
At your earliest convenience,
please give 113 rates from Portland,
Oregon, to all points on Coos Bay,
Rosfburg and Eastern R. R. and
also from North Bend, Oregon, to
all points on Coos Bay, Roseburg
and Eastern R. R., and oblige,
Yours truly,
By Frank G. Davis,
Not receiving a prompt reply, we
"wrote again as follows:
North Bend, Oro., April 6,1907.
Mr. W. S. Chandler,
Marshfield, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
On March 30th we wrote you as
At your earliest convenience,
please give us :ates from Portland,
Oregon, to all points on Coos Bay,
Roseburg and Eastern R. R. and
also from North Bend, Oregon, to
all points on Coos Bay, Roseburg
and Eastern R. R. and oblige,
ToUrs truly,
By Frank G. Davis,
On April 7 we received their re
ply, dated Marshfield, April G 1907,
signed by F. A. Lalse, Agent, which
we attach hereto.
In this connection, please note the
inequalities of rates for respective
distances covered, as shown by quo
tations of freight rates In attached
letter, which is our object in ad
dressing this letter to you.
They quote on general merchan
dise from
' Portland to Coquille, $4 per ton
measurement, for a distance approx
imately of 315 miles, of which about
300 miles is by water and IB miles
by rail.
From Portland to Myrtle Point,
$4.50 per ton measurement, for a
distance approximately of 330 miles,
of which about 300 miles is by water
and 30 miles is by rail.
From Marshfield to Coquille, 25
cents per cwt. (or ?5 per ton weight)
for a distance approximately of 15
miles all rail.
From Marshfield to Myrtle Point,
30 cents per cwt. (or $6 per ton
weight) for a distance approximately
30 miles all rail.
From tho foregoing you will note
that It costs the shipper $1 per ton
moro 10 transport merchandise a
distance of 15 miles in the one case
than for a dlstanco of 315 miles iir
the other instance, and ?1.50 per
ton more for a dlstanco of 30 miles
as against a distance of 330 miles
In the second Instance.
The above is glaring enough, but
when It is further stated that of the
long distance rate of $4 per ton from
Portland to Coquille, the steamer
receives 2 per ton and the Coos
Bay, Roseburg & Eastern R. R. and
Navigation company receives $2 per
ton; and from Portland to Myrtle
Point, the steamer receives $2.25
per ton and the railroad company
$2.25 per ton.
Thus, when tho steamer Alliance
from Portland delivers the Coos Bay,
Roseburg and Eastern R. R. at
Marshfield a ton of merchandise
billed Portland to Coquille, the rail
road company hauls that ton of mer
chandise 15 miles for $2, whereas
when Davis-Schlutz co. delivers them
a ton of merchandise at Marshfield
from North Bend, they charge a rate
of $5 per ton, and to Myrtle Point,
their charge is $2.25 and $6 per ton
respectively, for a haul of 30 miles.
From such unfair and discrimi
nating traffic conditions we appeal,
and respectfully ask your considera
tion and good offices for such rem
edial aactlon and determination as in
your good judgment would seem
proper and effective.
Will you kindly advise, what in
your opinion, may be done In tho
premises to bring speedy and effect
ive results, toward adjusting these
rates to confirm to lawful and equit
able regulations.
Thanking you for such informa
tion and advice as you may furnish
us, we remain,
Very respectfully,
BY Manager.
There Is attached the letter from
Agent F. A. Lalse, of the railroad,
which was sent in answer to the in
quires of the grocery company. It
gives the rates as follows:
"Replying to your favor of March
30th. regarding rates, we wish to
state that the rate from Portland on
general merchandise via. steamer
"Alliance" to Coquille Is $4 a ton
measurement; to Myrtle Point, $4.50
per ton measurement. The rate on
similar shipments from Marshfield
to Coquille is 25 cents per cwt., to
Myrtle Point, 30 cents per cwt."
All of this correspondence was
turned over to the commission with
the result that the commission has
promised to investigate. The final
results of the complaint now rests
with the commission.
FOR RENT. Office rooms. Apply to
I. S. Kaufman. 3-20-tf
FOR SALE. A cottage on, good lot
J. D. Johnson & Co. 4-24-3t
WANTED. A dishwasher and two
waiters for Hotel Oregon. 4-11-tf
WANTED -At North Bend hotol im
mediately, a dining room girl.
FOR SALE. Acreage
front near MIlHngton.
son & Co.
and .water
J. D. John-
WANTED Men to work in sawmill,
wages $2 a day and upward.
Simpson Lumber Co. 8-24-tf.
St cam Hcliooncr Newport Will Make
Coos Bay Soon.
The fact comes from good author
ity that thp steam schooner New
port, one of C. P. Doe's vessels, will
start coming here in the near future.
Mr. S. L. Bowen, of Wayne, W.
Va., writes: "I was a sufferer from
kidney disease, so that at times I
could not get out of bed, and when I
did I could not stand straight. I
took Foley's Kidney Cure. One dol
lar bottle and part of the second
cured me entirely." Foley's Kidney
cure works wonders where others
are total failures. Red Cross Phar
macy. " !
gagwiTBrUTWTi f imm'.nmmm.jjaijmiijujuaml
Contractors and Builders
Office fixtures n specialty. Store Fronts, Counters,
Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See us le
foie building.
Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North Front Street
NOTICE Bids will be received for
papering and painting my houso.
Mrs. Agnes Huthinson, Marsh
field. 3-21tf
FOR SALE. Good paying restaur
ant, good location, two year lease,
easy terms. Apply North Bond
News Co. 4-9-lt
WANTED TO BUY. A second hand
roller top desk. Anyone having a
desk to soil address L. W., care
Times office. 3-9-tf
FOR SALE. Open launch without
engine; is 18 feet long, has 4-foot
beam and is in perfect condition.
Price $150. Address Box 32.
STOLEN. A book from steamer
Alert; fellow who took It return to
steamer and save trouble. Captain
Edwards can recognize the man.
MUSIC Secure the Irish Orchestra
for high grade music on any occa
sion. McDerby, conductor and
violin Instructor, Marshfield, Ore
1-2 9- tf
seven rooms and bathroom for
rent. Apply between 10 and 12 a.
m. George Molr, South Marshfield.
Dr. Bancroft
Eye and nerve specialist will bo
in his Marshfield Office, room E
Rogers' Building, on and after
April 28, 1907.
April 10, 20 and 21 at Coquille.
April 22, 23 and 24 at Bandon.
April 20, 27 and 28 at Myrtle
Mnt m
iyUM ',IIVIJ:-1AJ.J'AX KT09LRV vr,:",,:-i.wnjc;!a
Why should j'ou ho bothered with the
old fashioned pen when you can buy
one of the Dr. Faber self filling pons
hero? We have the largest stock of
fountain pons ever seen on the Bay.
WANTED. Clerical position by
young man who has had four
years' experience in timekeeping
- -and office work. Address C. Ht L.,
Bax 140. 4-23-4t
I-OR SALE 40 acres commanding
quarter mile of water front on
ship channel on Coos Bay at a bar
gain. See, Title Guarantee & Ab
stract Co. 2-B-tf
FOR RENT. One large front room
with stove, well furnished, $10 per
month; two smaller rooms up
stairs, $7 per month; electric
lights. Mrs. C. A. Metlln, I St.,
South Marshfield. 4-13-tf
Empire School Will Celebrate tho
Closing of Term.
The pupils of the Empire school,
under the direction of the teacher,
Miss Thomas, are arranging for an
entertainment, the date of which will
be announced soon. The school will
be closed'Tor the summer vacation
early in June.
aw Your Money '
And Btsy m The Right Place
an Estate
will offer to the public about
May 1st that choice piece of
land lying between Bunker
Hill Addition to Marshfield
and Coal Bank Inlet
This is without doubt the very bestfpiece of un
platted land left on Coos Bay It will be platted
and put on sale on or about the above date at
prices that are right and easy terms
Front Street
Front. Street Business Property
We Have Something: That Will
Interest You
Title Guarantee & Abstract Co.,
Henry Sengstacken, Manager
Commencing May 1st the subscription
price of
The Coos Bay Monthly
will be advancee to
$1.50 A YEAR
15c. A COPY
This is made necessary bj' the increas
ing cost of nearly everything used in
the production of tho magazine : : : :
Subscriptions received before tho end of
this month will be accepted at tho old
rate of $1.00 a year, but none will bo
taken at that rate after April 3 : : : :
Coos Bay Publishing Co.
Front Streot Marshfield
1 .
Campbell's Wood and Coal
Four of the finest water
front lots in Marshfield.
I Paying business.
Good reason for selling.
D. D. Campbell
I ftfOSUtt