" flPYT' ' r-VrWUHf,! TVW "iwr" wyy TT- ' bm,p(wjj 1 1 w 'Tir) i,.mjf MH""W,f t"iu " jwww' (Earn lag tms Daily Edition USE TIMES WANT ADS Member of Associated Press. VOL. I THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, AVEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1007 No. 250 " p-r-5fWW?C v-. PRESIDENT EXPLAIN Does Not Take Back Anything lie Said About Moyer-Haywood Affair-' Uses Strong Terms. Washington, April 23. In a lottoi" addressed to Ilonorc Jackson of Chicago, chairman of the Cook county Moycr-Hnywood conference, made public today, President Roosevelt replies to the criticisms of his recent letter, in which lie referred to Moycr mid Haywood, officials of the Western Federation of Miners, chargee with implication in the Stiiencii burg murder, as "undesirable citizens." The president says that ho re grets that any body of men should so far forget their duty to their coun try as to, by the formation of societies or in any other way, endeavor to influence Justice nnd coerce court or jury; that they, not he, are trying to Influence justice, and lie condemns what he calls their flagrant impro priety in the matter. He says he indicated no opinion as to the guilt of the arrested per sons, but it was simple absurdity to assume that because a man is on trial lie is free from criticism as to Ills manner of life. He says lie might as well be accused of trying to influence suits against Harriinau, some of whose friends had also criticised him. He said Moyer and Haywood stand as representatives of those men who have done as much to dis credit labor movements as the worst speculation of most unscrupulous employers of labor nnd debauchcrs of legislatures have done to dis credit capitalists and fair dealing business men. The president said further that Moyer and Haywood stand ns rep resentatives of those who habitually appear as guilty of incitement to, or apology, for bloodshed and violence. He added that! he was pro foundly indifcrcnt to the condemnations of himself for his criticisms of tlio undesirable types of citizens, regardless of the power of either labor or capital. AAVVVVWAAAAAVVVSVVtfVWJVVVVVVVVNAAVWVSAAAAVSSAVSftfttfVW MATE FALLS August Jchnson Was She Man Drowned in the Coquille at Riverton. HAD BEEN DRINKING Ho "Was Mate of the Lumber Schooner Albion of San Francisco. (Times Special Service.) Riverton, Ore., April 23. The body of the sailor who was drowned in the Coquille river here was burled today. His name was August John son, and he was mate on the lumber schooner Albion of San Francisco. He had been drinking and while in toxicated fell backward off the boat and was drowned before he could be rescued. STOCKMEN ARRESTED Alleged That They Stole Several Hundred Sheep. Butte, April 23. A special to the Miner from Billings states that John Tilden and Chester Martin, two of the most prominent stockmen in eastern Montana, have been arrested on a charge of wholesale stock thefts, it being alleged that the men stole 425 wethers. WEATHER FORECAST. Western Oregon and western Washington, showers In north portion, fair in south portion! eastern Oregon, eastern Wash ington and Idaho, showers. LOCAL WEATHER. The local weather for yester day, as reported by Dr. Mingus, the Mnrshllcld observer, fol lows: Highest 50 degrees Lowest 48 degrees 0 p. m 40 degrees Wind in northwest. Clear. Bk TION OLD fEUD CAUSES , . FATAL SHOOTING Man in Utah Is Killed in Cold Blood Because of Former Trouble. Salt Lake, Utah, April 23. A fatal shooting, the result, It is said, of a long standing fued, occurred today at Moab, near the Colorado line. Ac cording to reports William Young and his son, Charles, met Charles Wilkinson in the road and after mak ing him throw up his hands shot him dead. Several years ago Wilkinson shot the elder Young in the arm, crippling him. BIG FIRE AT TOULON. Toulon, April 23. For the sixth time within a few months this port has been stricken by disaster from fire, and this time the resultant dam age is principally material. Shortly after midnight a sentry at the arsenal noticed the glare of flames in the storehouse used for rope yarns. He at once gave the alarm and soldiers, members of the crews of the warships and employes of the arsenal were turned out to fight the flames, which spread with incredible rapidity. The buildings in the vicinity of the store house contained 200,000 pounds of material to clean the machinery, 60, 000 pounds of oakum, 5,000 sponges, an enormous quantity of ballast, baskets, hampers, sailcloth, turpen mables. Every available man was engaged in efforts to control the conflagration. It was late this afternoon before it was under control. It is reported more than thirty sustained injuries from falling walls, and some are not expected to live. The finding of two pieces of fuse of a kind not used in the French navy has aroused suspicions that the fire was not altogether accidental. A rigorous Inquiry Is being conducted. TAFT AND PARTY HOME Washington, April 23. Secretary of War Taft and party arrived at tho Washington navy yard on the yacht Mayflower from Cuba, Panama and Porto Wco. Secretary Taft in a statement says he found conditions in Cuba, "In what under the circum stances, must bo considered a very satisfactory condition. " Taft said that in Panama the engineers report ed to him that the foundations for locks were very satisfactory. YOUNG MAN BADLY HURT Steve Stuart Has Arm Frightfully Crushed at Thomas' Lumber Camp. FALLS UNDER A TRUCK Thought That He Will Recover, but His Injury Is n Seri ous One. ' (Times Special Service.) Coquille, Ore., April 23. Steve Stuart, of Riverton, was frightfully Injured today at the Seeley Thomas lumber camp, six miles south of Co quille. He fell under a lumber truck and his arm was crushed so badly that the bone was pulled out at the elbow. A doctor was called from Coquille. It is thought that Stuart will re cover, and it may be possible to savo his arm. He Is 23 years old and well known. . REFUSES TO OPEN FOR KING Amusing Incident Attends Visit of English Royalty at an Italian Church. Naples, April 23. The king and queen of England arrived here and spent the day In sightseeing. An amusing incident occured in front of the church of Santa Chiara. Their majesties approached, intending to visit the edifice, but found it closed and the monks eating dinner. A member of the party knocked, and a 'mtfnk came to tlfiPdoor and Ing they were beggars, without tak ing trouble to open the door called out, "Begone in peace; there is noth ing for you here." This amused King Edward immensly and he laughed heartily. The visitors knocked again and explained they wanted to visit the church, but the sacristan now Irritated at the per sistence shouted,"Don't bother me; this Is no time for sightseeing. The brothers are at lunch." General Salsa, who was passing, recognized the visitors and ordered the monk to open the door. His embarrass ment knew no bonds when he found out who had been knocking. ONE DEADLOCK .BROKEN Samuel P. Colt Chosen U. S. Senator From Rhode Island. Providence, R. I. April 23. After 13 weeks of deadlock which time 56 ballots have been-cast for candi dates for United States senator, the the executive committee of the state committee declared Jn favor of Sam uel P. Colt. The committee urged all republican members of the gen eral assembly to cast, their votes for Col. Colt, who throughout the con test has been supported by the ma jority of the republican members. HONORS ARE DIVIDED One Americnn Wins and Another Loses in Contest. London, April 23. A largo crowd attended the two International flstlc contests here. Owen Moran of Brimlngham defeated Albert Del mont, the American, In the twenty round bout for the bantam cham pionship of the world and a purse of 2,000. Sam Langford, Ameri can, defeated "Tiger" Smith, the Welch fighter, in four rounds for the middleweight championship of the world and a purse of $2,000, VEGETABLES SCARCE. Little Green Stuif Is in the Local Market Now. The local market is about bare of vegetables again, in spite of tho ship ment on the Breakwater the last of the week. AH classes of garden pro ducts still remain high, and stand n good chance of Increasing. Sugar took another Jump yesterday. Thl3 time all grades are affected to tho pamphlet form, together with print extent of 25 cents a bag, and tho ed copies of such arguments for and irospects are that it will contlnuo to against tho passage of, such measures go up. as may be advanced by the chief in- PUSHING RAIL ROAD WORK Men Are at Work Along The Line from Gardiner to Drain. TOWN IS CROWDED With the Men AVlio Are Employed on Southern Pacific Con struction Work. (Times Special Service.) Gardiner, Ore., April 23. The Southern Pacific is making every thing look lively here. Forces of men are strung out all along the line between here and Drain, and the work Is being pushed. A big warehouse lOOxSO feet has been completed at this place for the road, and every room and available sleeping quarters in the town is oc cupied by the men working on the railroad. BASEBALL SCORES. Pacific Coast League. Oakland, April 23. San Francisco, 6; Oakland, 3. Los Angeles, April 23. Los Angeles, 3; Portland, 2, ten in- nlngs. Northwest League. Seattle, April 23. Seattle, 4; Butte, 1. CASE YET UNSETTLED. Husband of Woman Has Collapse When Told the Truth. think-J&The Roseburg,RelewhaSjihe.Iol lowing to say regarding the baby case at that place: Investigation Into tho newly born babe which was deposited from the lavatory of a Pullman car onto the Southern Pacific railroad track was continued at Myrtle Creek before five of the jurors of the Inquest held on Saturday, the sixth juror being ab sent In Portland on business. The In vestigation was directed by District Attprney Brown, and the result was a divided Jury. Three of the jurors favored a verdict of culpable negli gence on the part of both the mother and her husband, while the other two took the stand that only the mother was negligent. This disagreement put District Attorney Brown In a di lemma, and Tuesday he held a con ference with Judge J. W. Hamilton as to how to proceed. On the result of the conference rests the disposal of the case. A pitiful phase of the uffnlr is the mental condition of the husband, who appears to have been grossly deceived by his wife, whom he loved devotedly and trusted Implicitly. Married only six months ago, ho completely col lapsed when he was told at Myrtle Creek that the child was of full nine months' maturity and healthy and alive when born. Broken-hearted, he sobbed like a child and at times talked irration ally. Being of a rather effeminate disposition, it will probably be a long time before ho fully recovers him self. He remained in his apartments. REFERENDUM CLAUSE. The' following appeared In a num ber of the Oregon papers: When tho people of Oregon come to realize that it Is going to cost be tween $20,000 and $25,000 for the satisfaction of exercising their right of stiff erage upon just one question of legislation, it Is very doubtful If they will display such haste In peti tioning for this privilege, under the Initiative and referendum clause constitution. , There are many changes In tho process of submitting questions of legislation to the peoplo under the new law over the old, principle among which, from a financial stand point, Is that which requires the secretary of state to mall to each legal voter of the state a copy of tho measure upon which tho Initiative and referendum has been invoked, in HARRIMAN ON WITNESS STAND Testifies Regarding the Letters Which Were Made Public and Drew Forth Roosevelt's Statement New York, April 23. E. H. Hnr rlman was the principal witness to day In the final hearing of the case of Frank W. Hill, Harriman's former secretary, who is charged with hav ing sold for publication tho now fa mous letter written by Harrlman to Sidney Webster, tho publication of which drew forth a spirited declara tion from Roosevelt that tho state ments made by Harrlman were un true. Magistrate Wahle announced after the hearing that he would give his decision May 1. Harrlman denied to day he ever gave permission to nny newspaper to publish the letter. On this additional requirement for mail ing such information to over 100,000 legal voters, will amount to over but a small Item when compared with printing and addressing en velopes, writing and printing tho cir cular letters and distributing them, which are figured at not less than $3000; cost of paper, printing and binding of proposed laws in pam phlet form, $7000; publication of proclamation $5000. These estimates do not Include tho cost of printing and binding the nrgumonts, pro and con, concerning tho measure or mea sures that are to be submitted, which Is to be paid by tho Individual or association advancing the Bame, but' to be sent out by the secretary of' state, which will not be less than ' $5000 more. I CAPITOL TO BE BETTER PROTECTED Better Fire Fighting Arrangements Will Be Installed at tho Statu House. Salem, Ore., April 23. Chief Dave Campbell of tho Portland firo department, who at the request of the state board of building commis sioners made an investigation of the state house regarding Its equipment with a better system of lire protec tion, has filed his report. Among some of the suggestions he makes are that the attic should be equipped with brick firo walls wherever possi ble and that tho old books and pa pers in that section of the capltol should be placed some where else so as to minimize tho firo risk; the floor of the attic should bo so laid that it could be readily removed In case firo was running under It; to secure better protection the attic ought to be accessible from the out side and tho chief recommends that the building bo provided with fire escapes on tho north nnd south ends, also with balconies, at tho lino of windows of tho second and third floors, and that a window be cut In the gables on tho north and south ends of tho main building. Tho attic Is the most dangerous spot of tho entire building In case of fire and its present condition makes It well nigh inacesslblo to tho Are department, nnd It Is imperative that that section of tho building bo throughly overhauled. The electric wiring Bhould In many places bo put In anew. Tho bad condition of tho building for adequato Are protection was called to tho attontlon of tho legis lature by Chief Mark Savugo of tho local fire department nnd tho legis lature appropriated some $3,500 for prqvldlng a more ofllclont system. It Is planned to Install a station ary chemical cnglno and hose sta tions aro to bo located so that every part bo reached by the chemical stream and the chemical Is to bo so situated as to require tho least num ber of feet of piping possible for sending of a chemical stream for 20 minutes with a 5000-gallon engine. the other hand, ho said, when ho learned that the letter was In tho possession of the New York World he tried without success to prevent its publication. "When I learned It was in print 1 called up the American and told tho man at tho oth,er end of tho tele phono line that it was only fair to let him know that tho letter was to be published," said Harrlman. "Did you then give him permission to print the letter?" ho was asked. "I.dld not," ho replied. Alexander Miller, Harriman's pri vate secretary, testified that all the' original copies of tho letter are In his possession. VIOLATION EXPENSIVE Cost John Barldow Big Fine For Breaking the Whiskey Laws. SEVERAL TRIALS Are Taken Up in tho Circuit Court at Coquille at Tuesday's Session. (Times Special Service.) Coquille, Ore., April 23. Viola tions of liquor regulations were found to bo expensive for John Bnrk- low, who pleaded guilty In tho cir cuit court today to two counts. Tho first was a charge of selling a bottlo of whiskey In Myrtle precinct con trary t6 tho local option law, and on this ho was fined $100 and costs. Tho second count was selling to a minor, and the flue was $150 and costs. v Other Criminal Cases. Ballard, tho young fellow who broke out of tho Marshfleld city prison, and who afterward, in com pany with another prisoner, broke out of tho county jail, and stole a re volver from tho sheriff's office, will bo sentenced, on tho larceny charge Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. McCausby, tho man who passed a forged check on tho Bank of Oregon at North Bend, pleaded guilty. Tho case of Larson & Co. against tho Bandon Manufacturing company, an action at law to recover about 300 logs, was finished. The jury was out all day and no agreement was reached, so tho jurors were tils charged. Much of tho day was taken up with tho trial of tho caso of Elmer Quick ngainst John Swing, an action at law to recover $600, alleged to bo duo for labor performed on tho defend ant's gasoline boat, tho "Fish." At torneys Farrln & Farrln and J. M. Upton apiVarcd for the plaintiff, and J. W. Bennett defended tho caso. Tho jury returned a verdict giving? the plaintiff $475 damages. Tho case of tho Coos Bay Improve ment company against tho Coos Bay Manufacturing company will bo taken up for trial today. Not True IJill. In tho case of tho State of Oregon vs. Barnes, charged with assault with a deadly weapon on If. C. Behnko of North Bend, tho grand jury returned not a truo bill, and the defqudant and ball was dlseharged. MRS. MAY DEAD. Mrs. Marshall My, one of tho pioneers of 'Coos county, died Mon day night after a prolonged Illness of several months at her home In Ferndalo. , jSiil4l4rt'lfe- . m , jgit,HiMji